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PROBLEM 3.1 A.13.2-N force P is applied to the lever which controls the auger of a snowblower. Determine the moment of P about 4 when ais equal to 30°, aa x SOLUTION First note P, = Psina’ = (13.2 N)sin30° = 6.60 N Peosa = (13.2 N)cos30® = 11.4315 N Noting that the direction of the moment of is counterclockwise, ich force component about A M4 = XwaPy + YauaP, = (0,086 m) (11.4315 N) + (0.122 m)(6.60.N) = 1.78831 N-m or My = 1.788N-m") PROBLEM 3.2 oo ‘The force P is applied to the lever which controls the auger of a snowblower. Determine the magnitude and the direction of the smallest force P which has a 2.20-N-m counterclockwise moment about 4. For P to be a minimum, it must be perpendicular to the line joining points Aand B. 149.265 mm a=0 Penn = sas (36mm) __2.20N-m_ (1000 mm) Teassmm( Tm = 14.7389 N Pin = 14.74 N A 54.88 OF Ppp = M74 N37 35.294 PROBLEM 3.3 A 13,1-N force P is applied to the lever which controls the auger of @ snowblower, Determine the value of a knowing that the moment of P about A is counterclockwise and has a magnitude of 1.95 N-m. Ti \ eS SOLUTION By definition M, = rugPsind gemm— where 0= $+ (90°-a) a Pern | Shad and $= tar (Zam) = sesioe 8 Also rng = (86 mm) 149.265 mm ‘Then 1.95 Nem = (0,149265 m)(13.1 N)sin(54,819° + 90° — or sin(144,819° ~ a) = 0.99725 or 144 819° ~ a = 85.752 and 144.819 - a = 94.248" a = 506°, 59.194 PROBLEM 3.4 ‘A foot valve for a pneumatic system is hinged at B, Knowing that @ = 28°, determine the moment of the 4-Ib force about point B by resolving the force into horizontal and vertical components. SOLUTION Note that =~ 20° = 28° 20° = 8° and 4 Ib) cos8* = 3.9611 Ib = (4 Ib)sin8? = 0.55669 1b Also x= (65 in)oos20° = 6.1080 in y = (65 in)sin20° = 2.2231 in ‘Noting that the direction of the moment of each force component about B is counterclockwise, My = sP, + Fy = (6.1080 in.) (0.55669 1b) + (2.2231 in)(3.9611 Ib) = 12.2062 Ib-in or My = 1221 1b-in.) PROBLEM 3.5 A foot valve for a pneumatic system is hinged at B Knowing that a = 28°, determine the moment of the 4-Ib force about point B by resolving the force into components along ABC and in a direction perpendicular to ABC SOLUTION First resolve the 4-Ib force into components P and Q, where Q = (4.0 1b) sin28° = 1.87787 Ib ‘Then Mp = "49 = (6.5 in)(1.87787 Ib) = 12.2063 Ib-in or My = 12.21 b-in.) 4 PROBLEM 3.6 Itis known that a vertical force of 800 N is required to remove the nail at C from the board, As the nail first starts moving, determine (a) the moment about B of the force exerted on the nail, (b) the magnitude of the force P which creates the same moment about B if a = 10°, (¢) the smallest force P which creates the same moment about B. SOLUTION (@) Have n= Fesal = (0.1m)(800N) " = 80.0 N-m or My = 80.0N-m.)-€ SL) By definition rupPsin® where 0 = 90° - (90° - 70°) = 90° ~ 20° -10° = 60° 80,0 N-m = (0.45 m)Psin60° P= 20528N or P=205N 4 (©) For P to be minimum, it must be perpendicular to the line joining points 4 and B. Thus, P must be directed as shown, \ Thus Mp = Prin = Tan ron ioe or 80.0. Nem = (0.45 m) Pag Pog = VTDTIBN or Pain = 1T78N 20° 4 PROBLEM 3,7 A sign is suspended from two chains AF and BF. Knowing that the tension in BF is 45 Ib, determine (a) the moment about A of the force exert by the chain at B, (6) the smallest force applied at C which creates the same moment about 4 ‘SOLUTION fi _ , (@ Have ye X Tp 5 = 5 lo al Noting thatthe direction of the moment of each force component th about A is counterclockwise, west My ~3Tu5y + Tans 650 = (6.5 8t)(45 Ib)sin 60° + (4.4 ft 3.1 8)(4S Ib) e0s60" = 282.56 lb-ft or M, = 283 bf”) 4 (®) Have My = toa (Fe) For Fy to be minimum, it must be perpendicular to the Tine joining points 4 and C, My = (Foun pte) where d= roy = Y(6S RY + (44.8) = T8428 282.56 Ib-ft = (78492 A)(Fo) ay, (Fey = 35.999 Ib o= wav $4) = 34,095° ssn] @ = 90° — § = 90° ~ 34.095° = 55.905" oF (Ke) = 36.0 Ib 55.94 PROBLEM 3.8 ‘A sign is suspended from two chains A and BF, Knowing that the tension in BF is 45 Ib, determine (a) the moment about A of the force exerted by the chain at B, (8) the magnitude and sense of the vertical force applied at C which creates the same moment about 4, (c) the smallest force applied at B which creates the same moment about A, (a) Have Mg = tag * Tae Noting that the direction of the moment of each force component about 4 is counterclockwise, My = Tory + Tare = (6.5 ft)(45 Tb)sin60° + (4.4 A — 3.1 A)(45 Ib)eos60" = 282.56 1b-R or My = 2831b-t)-€ (6) Have My = Foie X Ke or M, = 38. fe = Ma = 256M _ 43 41 x 65k or Re = 43.5 1b} 4 (0) Have My = Fae * (Fs oun For Fy to be minimum, it must be perpendicular to the line joining, points A and B. = dF ay where d= (658) + (44 1a) = 66287 (rg Me 225509 aang st) a 0 = a( 658) « moe oF (Fo)jun ~ 42.61b 2 78.79 4 PROBLEM 3.9 206m, ‘The tailgate of a car is supported by the hydraulic lift BC. Ifthe lift exerts 1 125-N force directed along its center line on the ball and socket at B, determine the moment of the fore about A, SOLUTION 306 mm— > First note deg = {(240 mam)? + (46.6 mam | = 244.48 mm 240 mm 242mm Then cos = 240 mm i 244.48 mm. 46.6 mm, Heemn sing = 06mm 244.48 mm k and Reg = Keg 00801 ~ Fey sinOj 125N © 24448 mm { (240 mm)i — (46.6 mm) i] Now My = te * Fes where yy = (306 mm)i ~ (240 mm + 46.6 mm) j = (306 mm)i - (286.6 mm)j 12 Then M [ (606 mm)i ~ (286.6 mm) ] x 22% (240i - 46.63) 244.48 = (27878 N-mm)k = (27.878 N-m)k or M,=279N.m)-4 PROBLEM 3.10 sio0m, —-The tailgate of a car is supported by the hydraulic lift BC. If the lift exerts S76mm a 125-N force directed along its center line on the ball and socket at B, determine the moment of the force about 4. SOLUTION [#-— Hom First note (152.4 mm)? = 376.25 mm —=—— Tt 376.25 mm fe | seen || and Fog = (Fon 6080)i - (Fey sin®)j j | e344 mm —t PSN _F(344 mm)i + (152-4 mm)j]} 376.25 mim OA mm) + (1524 mm) Now My = Fas * Few where yg = (410 mm)i ~ (87.6 mm) j 125 Then — My = [(410 mm)i - (876 mm)j]« oN (344i 152.49) 3762: = (30770 N-mm)k = (30.770 N-m)k PROBLEM 3.11 <1, A wineh puller AB is used to straighten a fence post. Knowing that the tension in cable BC is 260 Ib, length a is 8 in,, length B is 35 in, and . ; length d is 76 in., determine the moment about D of the force exerted by é the cable at C by resolving that force into horizontal and vertical ‘components applied (a) at point C, (6) at point £. Slope of line EC = > = 5 Tein +8in 12 Tus. = BCs) = 2 (2601) = 2408 and yy, = (26018) = 10016 Then Mp = Tyae(35 in.) ~ Typ, (8 in.) = (240 1b)(35 in.) (100 1b)(8 in.) = 7600 Ib-in or My = 7600 Ib-in.”) Mp = Tyae(¥) + Taay (x) = (240 tb)(0) + (100 16)(76 in.) = 7600 Ib-in or My = 7600 Ib-in.”) PROBLEM 3.12 Sy lis known that a force with a moment of 7840 Ib-in, about D is required - to straighten the fence post CD. If a=8 in, b= 35 in, and d = 112 a in,, determine the tension that must be developed in the cable of winch _| puller 4B to create the required moment about point D. SOLUTION Slope of tine BC = —35i0_ = 7 Tain+8m 24 Then Tape = ET yy 25 and Pay = At » 25 Have My = Trac(¥) + Tasy (2) 24 1 7840 sin = 2479 (0) + Zr (112m Ft (0)+ ZTu(12;0) Typ = 250 1b or Tyg = 250 1b PROBLEM 3.13 22, Itis known that a force with a moment of 1152 N-m about D is required to straighten the fence post CD. If the capacity of the winch puller AB is Ld | 2880 N, determine the minimum value of distance d to create the % “ specified moment about point D knowing that a=024 m and ne b= 105 m dl SOLUTION Tremont ¢ -¢6 tT, be os 1 Claboacly AB nox fe eg lt liar The minimum value of d canbe found based on the equation relating the moment ofthe force Ty, about D Mp = (Tanmax), (4) where My =1152N-m (Tess), = Tessa Sind = (2880 N)sind Sow sng = 105m l(a +024) + (1.057 m Los (ad + 0.24)" + (1.05)° or (d+ 0.24) + (10s) = 2.6254 or (a +024) + (1.05)° = 6.89064” 1152 N-m = 2880 N Ka) or 5,8906d? - 0.48d - 1.1601 = 0 Using the quadratic equation, the minimum values of d are 0.48639 m and 0.40490 m, Since only the positive value applies here, d = 0.48639 m or d= 486mm 4 PROBLEM 3.14 Hitmen A mechanic uses a piece of pipe AB as a lever when tightening an alternator belt. When he pushes down at 4, a force of $80 N is exerted on the alternator B, Determine the moment of that force about bolt C if its 2 line of action passes through O. 05 mn SOLUTION te mm Have Me = tc x Fy Noting the direction of the moment of each force component about C is clockwise, Me = xF yy + 9F ng where x= 144 mm — 78 mm = 66 mm y = 86mm + 108 mm = 194 mm and fac = 7 (580 n) = 389.65 N Tamm las) + (86) ‘yy ~— (580 n) - 429.62. (78)" + (86)" fc = (66 mm) (429.62 N) + (194 mm)(389.65 N) = 103947 N-mm = 103.947 N-m or Me =1039.N-m 4 PROBLEM 3.15 Form the vector products Bx C and B'x C,where B = B',and use the results obtained to prove the identity sinar cos = 4sin (a + B) + 4sin (a - A) SOLUTION First note B = B(cos fi + sini) B = B(c0s fi - sini) C= C(cosai + sina) | By definition [Bx C]= BCsin(a - 2) a [Bx C= BCsin(a + 8) Q) Now Bx C = B(cos fi + sin Bj) x C(cosai + sinaj) = BC(cos Bsina — sin Beosa)k B) BxC = B(c0s fi — sin 83) x C(cosai + sina) = BC(cos Psinat + sin Bcosa)k @) Equating magnitudes of B x C from Equations (1) and (3), 6) sin(a~ f) = cos sine ~ sin feos Similarly, equating magnitudes of B' x C from Equations (2) and (4), sin(a + f) = cos Psina + sin Poosar © ‘Adding Equations (5) and (6) sin(a— f)) +sin(a + 8) = 200s Bsina sinacosf = $sin(a + Aye i PROBLEM 3.16 A line passes through the points (420 mm, -150 mm) and (140 mm, 180 mm), Determine the perpendicular distance d from the line to the origin 0 of the system of coordinates, SOLUTION Have a where dag = ES and tqjq = (-140- mm ~ 420 mm)i + [180 mm - (-150 mm) }j 560 mm) (330 mm) j [rua] = (-S60)? + (330) mm = 650 mm 60 mm)i + (330mm) j ~ 650 mm S6i 333) foun ~ (0 = x4)i + (0 y4) i ~ ~( + (150 mm)j 84.0 mm, qd [Ei ~ 33) [420 mm + (150 mm) j d= 340mm4 PROBLEM 3.17 A plane contains the vectors A and B, Determine the unit vector normal to the plane when A and B are equal to, respectively, (a) 4i ~ 2j + 3k and 21 ‘Sk, (b) Ti+ j- 4k and -6i- 3k + 2k. SOLUTION AxB a) Have AxB « TAx8l where A= 41-2)+3k B= 21+ 6)-5k ii then AxB-=| 4 2 10k) le 6 and or k= (ti + 7)+10k) 4 (b) Have where Then = (2—12)i + (24-14) j + (-21 + 6) = 5(-21+ 2 - 3k) and [Ax B] = sy(-2)' + (2)? + (-3)° = svI7 5(-2i + 2) - 3k) 1 ae = (21+ 2)- 3k) 4 Wit or RS Ti 25k) PROBLEM 3.18 The vectors P and Q are two adjacent sides of a parallelogram. Determine the area of the parallelogram when (a) P = (8 in ji + (2 in.}j- (1 in )k and Q= (3 ini + (4 in.jj + (2 in.)k, (6) P= -G in i+ (6 in.yj + (4 ink and Q=@ in}i+ (5 in.jj-G ink. SOLUTION @ 0) Have where ‘Then Have where ‘Then A=|PxQ| P= (8in)i+(2in)j—(Iin)k 4 in) +(2in)ke 40,951 in? or A= 410 in? =|PxQ| ini + (6 in) j + (4 ink Q = (2in)i+ (Sin)j-(3in)k = [(-18 - 20)i + (8-9) j+ (15 - 12)k Jin? 7) in? = 46,626 in? or A= 466 in? PROBLEM 3.19 Determine the moment about the origin Q of the foree F = (5 Ni - 2 N)j + (3 N)k which acts at a point 4, Assume that the position vector of Ais (a) r= (4 mi - (2 m)j - (1 m)k, (6) F=—(8 mi + 3 mj + (4 mk, (r= (75 mi +3 m)j - (4.5 mk SOLUTION (a) Have = XE where F = -(5N)i-(2N)j + (3N)k r= (4m)i-(2m)j—(Im)k ijk Mg =| 4 -2 -I]N-m = [(-6 -2)i + (5-12) j + (-8- 10)k N-m ls 2 4 = (-81 = 7) - 18k) Nem of Mg = -(8N-m)i-(7N-m)j-(18Nom)k (@) Have My ="xF where F =~(5N)i-(2N)j+(3N)k r= ~(8m)i+(3m)j-(4m)k iin My =}8 3 4[N-m=[(9+8)i+ (-204.28)j + (16+ 15)k]N-m Ls 2 4 = (171+ 4] 431k) Nem of Mg = (I7N-m)i + (4N-m)j+(31N-m)k (©) Have o = rx where F =-(5N)i-(2N)j+(3N)k = (75 m)i+(3m)j-(45 mk PROBLEM 3.19 CONTINUED ijk Mg =|75. 3. -45|N-m = [(9-9)i + (225 -225)j + (-15 + 15)k]N-m |s 2 3 or My = 0 Uhisanower is expe sive rand Fate ropoionl (F = 2), heer, vector Khas ine fasion passing through the origin at 0. < PROBLEM 3.20 Determine the moment about the origin O of the force F = ~(1.5 Ib)i + (3 Ib)j - (2 Ib)k which acts at a point A. Assume that the position vector of Ais (@ r= 25 Mi- (1 Yj +2 Mk B)r=45 Mi-O Rj + (6 Mk, (c) r= (4 Mi- (1 Hj +7 Ok SOLUTION (@) Have where F=-(151b)i + (31b)j + (2 1b) F=(25f)i-(18)j+ (2.)k ijk Then Mg =|25 =1 2]lb-tt = [(2-6)i+(-3 + 5) (75-15)k bot lis 3 or Mo = -(4lbvtt)i + (2 lbs) + (6 1b- fk () Have My = xP where F = -(151b)i + (31b)j~ (216) r= (45Q)i-(98)j+(60)k ijk Then My =|45 9 6fib- = [(18-18)i + (-9 +9)j+ (135 -13.5)k]Ib- Lis 3 or My = 04 This answer is expected since F and F are proportional { F = 3) Therefore, vector F has a line of action passing through the origin at O (© Have My = 6xF where F = =(1.51b)i ~ (3b) = (2 1b) r= (4 M)i-(1A)§+ (7 AY ijk Then My=| 40-1 7)b-t=[(2-20 1+ (C105 +8)j+(12-15)k pb lis 3 or Mg = ~(19 Ib-R)i~ (2.5 b-At)j + (10.5 lb-ft) k PROBLEM 3.21 Before the trunk of a large tree is felled, cables 4B and BC are attached as shown, Knowing that the tension in cables AB and BC are 777 N and 990 N, respectively, determine the moment about O of the resultant force exerted on the tree by the cables at B SOLUTION Have where Fy = Typ + Tre (09 m)i~ (84 m)j+ (12 mp TIT N) (0.9)" + (84)° +(7.2)° m Tas = Radlae = (5.1m)i- (84 m)j+ (12 m)k Tye = RgcTye = PTR ee (5.1) + (84) + (1.2) m (090 x) PROBLEM 3.21 CONTINUED Ey = [-{630 N)i ~(588N) j + (504 N)&] + [(510 N)i — (840 N)j + (120 N)k] = (447 N)i - (1428 N)j + (624 N)k ij k o 84 0 447-1428 624| and My = IN-m = (5241.6 N-m)i ~ (3754.8 N-m)k or Mg = (5.24 KN-m ~ (3.75 kN-m)k PROBLEM 3.22 Mo AP determine the moment about O of the resultant force exerted on the SOLUTION Mo = Tao * RK uo = (Om)i+ (9m)j+(Lm)k R-1+T, [024 n)costo"Ji ~[(124 N)sin10"]j = (122,116 N)i ~ (21.532.N)j non [dl (1s my = (20 N)i = (120 N)j + (24 N)k (102.116 N)i - (141.532 N)j + (24 N)k i ik Mo=| 0 9 1IN-m }102.116 -141.532 24 = (357.523 N-m)i - (102.116 N-m)j + (919.044 N-m)k or My = (358 Nem)i— (102.1 N-m)j + (919 N-m)k PROBLEM 3.23 ” ‘An 8:1b force is applied to a wrench to tighten a showerhead, Knowing. that the centerline of the wrench is parallel to the x axis, determine the moment of the force about A. SOLUTION My = Fa XF roua = (85 ini — (20 in)j+(55 ine —(8e0s45°sin12°)Ib F, = ~(Bsin4s°)Ib —(8c0845°¢0s12°)Ib F = ~(1,17613 1b)i ~ (5.6569 1b) j~ (5.5332 Ib)k i ik VY and My=| 85-2055. iin 1.17613 5.6569 -5.5332 = (42.179 Ib-in) i + (40.563 Ib-in) j — (50.436 Ib-in) k or My = (42.2 Ib-in)i + (40.6 Ib-in)j- (504 Tb-in)k PROBLEM 3.24 A wooden board AB, which is used as @ temporary prop to support a 4 small roof, exerts at point 4 of the roof a 228 N force directed along BA A Determine the moment about C of that force wit Te 006 he aan SOLUTION Mo = Tac Fag fac = (0.96 m)i — (0.12 m) j + (0.72 m)k (228 N) (0.1) + (1.8) + (0.6) m = (120 N)i + (216 N)j- (72 N)k ijk Me =| 0.96 0.12 0.72[N-m 120 216 -72 = ~(146.88 N-m)i + (60.480 N-m) j + (205,92 N-m)k (60.5 N-m)j + (206 N-m)k-€ PROBLEM 3.25 ‘The ramp ABCD is supported by cables at comers C and D. The tension in each of the cables is 360 Ib. Determine the moment about A of the force exerted by (a) the cable at D, (b) the cable at C. wee [SE Aue are SOLUTION My = tq * Toe Fry = (92in)i (120 in.)k (24) + (132)° + (120)? in = (48 Ibi + (264 1b) j - (240 fb) ijk M,=]0 92 (360 1b) ©. |tb-in. = -(22,080 tb-in.)i — (4416 tb-in) 48 264. -240] or M, ~ ~(1840 Ib-f)i ~ (368 Ib-A)k (b) Have My = Feu Tee where Feyg = (108 in (02 in)j Teg = heey = AIM (182 ini (120 iD) 60 (24) + (132)° + (120)* in. (48 Ibi + (264 Ib) j ~ (240 Ib) k ijk =|108 920 fib-in, |-48 264-240] = ~(22,080 Ib-in Ji + (25,920 Ib-in))j + ( 928 Ib-in Jk or M, = ~(1840 Ib-A)i + (2160 Ib-ft) j + (2740 Ib-At)k PROBLEM 3.26 The arms AB and BC of a desk lamp lie in a vertical plane that forms an angle of 30° with the xy plane To reposition the light, a force of magnitude 8 N is applied at C as shown. Determine the moment of the force about O knowing that AB=450 mm, BC =325 mm, and line Dis parallel to the 2 ax where (oo ), = (AB: + BC, )e0s30° (0.450 m)sin45® = 0.31820 m 325 m)sin50° = 0.24896 m (roo), = (04, + 48, ~ BC,) = 0.150m + (0450 meos45* —(0.325 m)cos50° = 0.25929 m (roo), = (4B + BC,.)sin30° = (0.31820 m + 0.24896 m)sin30° = 0.28358 m or Foo = (049118 m)i + (0.25929 m)j + (0.28358 m)k (Fo), = (8 N)o0s45°sin20° = ~1,93476 N (Fo), (Fe), = (8N)cos45*cos20° = 5.3157N (8.N)sin45° = 5.6569 N or Fe =—(1.93476 N)i ~ (5.6569 N)j + ( i i k My =| 0.49118 0.25929 0,28358/N-m |-1.93476 -3.6569 5.3157 = (2.9825 Nom 3.1596 Nem) ~ (2.2769 Nem)k or Mo = (2.98 N-m)i - (3.16 N-m)j~ (2.28 N-m)k PROBLEM 3.27 In Problem 3.21, determine the perpendicular distance from point O to cable AB. Problem 3.21: Before the trunk of a large tree is felled, cables AB and BC are attached as shown. Knowing that the tension in cables AB and BC are 777 N and 990 N, respectively, determine the moment about O of the resultant force exerted on the tree by the cables at B, SOLUTION Have IMg |= Tad where = perpendicular distance from O to line AB. Now Mo = Fao x Ta and Fo = (84 m)j Tag = Balan = = —(63.0N)i ~ (588N)j + (504 N)k ijk Mg =| 0 84 0 [Nam = (4233.6 N-m)i+ (529.2. N-m)k Ls3.0 -s8s soa| and [Mo [= 4233.6)" + (529.2)’ = 4266.5 N-m 4266.5 N-m= (777 N)d or 4 =54911m or d= 549m PROBLEM 3.28 In Problem 3.21, determine the perpendicular distance from point O to cable BC. Problem 3.21: Before the trunk of a large tree is felled, cables AB and BC are attached as shown. Knowing that the tension in cables AB and BC are 777 N and 990 N, respectively, determine the moment about O of the resultant force exerted on the tree by the cables at B Have IMol= Tac where 4 = perpendicular distance from 0 to line BC Mo = Fao * Tac yo = 84 mj (S.Am)i- (84m) (990N) 5.1) + (84) + (1.2) m v = (SIO N)i — (840.N)j + (120 N)k ijk My =[0 84 0] = (1008 N-m)i - (4284 N-m)k ls10 840. 129 and IMpI= (1008)° + (4284)? = 4401.0 N-m 4401.0 N-m = (990 N)d d= 4.4454 or d= 445m PROBLEM 3.29 In Problem 3.24, determine the perpendicular distance from point D to a line drawn through points A and B. Problem 3.24: A wooden board AB, which is used as a temporary prop to support a small roof, exerts at point A of the roof a 228 N force directed along BA. Determine the moment about C of that force. opdleroonm SOLUTION , Have IMpl= Faad where d = perpendicular distance from D to line AB. Mo = Fan * Fag Typ = ~(0.12 m)j + (0.72 m)k (06m (0.67) m ¥) (298 N) = —(120 N)i + (216 N)j-(72.N)k ij k My =| 0 -0.12 0.72|N-m }120 216 -72| = ~(146.88 N-m) (8.64 N-m)j~ (1.44 N-m)k 147.141 N-m and IMp|= (146.88) + (8.64)? + (1.44)" - 147.141 N-m = (228 N)d d= 0.64536m or d= 06454 PROBLEM 3.30 In Problem 3.24, determine the perpendicular distance from point C to a Tine drawn through points 4 and B Problem 3.24: A wooden board 4B, which is used as a temporary prop to support a small roof, exerts at point 4 of the roof a 228 N force directed along BA. Determine the moment about C of that force. Have IMcl= Fpad where = perpendicular distance from C to line AB, Me = tye X Fay Fyc = (0.96mi ~ (0.12 m)j + (0.72m)k Fay = Angng = COEDS) jk) (0.1) + (1.8) + (0.6) m = -(I20N)i + (216N)j—(72N)k ijk Me =|0.96 -0.12 0.72]N-m 420 216 -72 = (146.88 N-m) and IMc1= y(146.88)° + (60.48)° + (205.92) = 260.07 N-m 260,07 Nm = (228N)d (60.48N-m)j + (205.92 N-m)k d = 1.14064 m or d=114Im4 PROBLEM 3.31 In Problem 3.25, determine the perpendicular distance from point A to portion DE of eable DEF Problem 3.25: The ramp ABCD is supported by cables at comers C and D. The tension in each of the cables is 360 Ib, Determine the moment about 4 of the force exerted by (a) the cable at D, (b) the cable at C. SOLUTION Have IM,l=Thed where dd = perpendicular distance from A to line DE. My = to Tor ru = (82in)i (24 ini + (132 in)j~ (120 ine [(24)° + (132)° + (120)° in (360116) Toe = Avsloe = (48 b)i + (264 16) j - (240 1b) ij ok M,={0 92 0 [Nm 48 264 -240 = ~ (22,080 Ib-in i ~ (4416 tb-in.)kk and PROBLEM 3.31 CONTINUED [My] = (22,080)? + (4416) = 22,517 1b-in 22,517 Ibi, = (36010) d = 62.548in, or d=S210 4 \ PROBLEM 3.32 In Problem 3.25, determine the perpendicular distance from point A to a Tine drawn through points C and G. Problem 3.25: The ramp ABCD is supported by cables at comets C and D. The tension in cach of the cables is 360 Ib. Determine the moment about 4 of the force exerted by (a) the cable at D, (b) the cable at C. SOLUTION Have [Mal = Teod where d = perpendicular distance from A to line CG. My = to * Too Foy4 = (108in)i + (92im)j Tog = heoToe 24 in.)i + (132 in. 120 ink (26 ini (132n)j— (120 DK (55014) (2ay’ + (032)" + (120)? in (264 1b) j — (240 1b)k i jk M,=|108 92 0 fib-in =48 264 240 = ~(22,080 Ib-ini + (25,920 Ib-in) j + (32,928 Ib-in)ke and [MJ = ~(6in) i= (Bink [(36:in ji (24m) j + (Bin)R] 0 am (20 1b) Tae = Raelae = = (180 Ib)i ~ (12010) + (4010) k 0.960 0280 0 Mpg -| 0 4 8/Ib-in, 180-120 40] = (0.960) (~4) (40) ~ (8)(~120)] + (-0.280)[8(180) - 0) = 364.8 b-in of Mpg = 365 b-in. PROBLEM 3.54 ‘The triangular plate ABC is supported by ball-and-socket joints at B and and is held in the position shown by cables AE and CF If the force exerted by cable CF at C is 132 Ib, determine the moment of that fore about the line joining points D and B. SOLUTION p 4 7 Have Mpp = Row * (tan * Ter) Tr, in. Ven where & i — 0.964 - 0.283 tow = (Bin) j- (16 in.)k 36in)j~ (Bit) (159) ain = (72 Ib)i - (108 Ib) j - (24 1b) Jo96 -028 0 Mpg =| 0 8 =16)Ibsin m2 108 24] = 0.96[ (8)(~24) - (-16)(-108) ] + (-0.28)[(-16)(72) - 0] = 1520.64 Ib-in oF Mpg = -15211b-in. PROBLEM 3.55 ‘A mast is mounted on the roof of a house using bracket ABCD and is guyed by cables EP, EG, and EH. Knowing that the force exerted by cable BF at £ is 66 N, determine the moment of that force about the line ® joining points D and J SOLUTION Mpr (tor * Ter | (.6m)i-O4m)j_ 1 ogy * earstoare I? py = (4.6m +08 m)k = (5.4m)k = (I2N)i - (36N)j + (54N)k = 6[(2N)i- 6 N)i+ ON)K] -1 9 o | VT bh 6 g = 7.8582{ (0+ 24) + (-2-0)] = 172.879 N-m or Mp, =172.9N-m 4 PROBLEM 3.56 ‘A mast is mounted on the roof of a house using bracket ABCD and is guyed by cables EF, EG, and EH. Knowing that the force exerted by cable BG at E is 61.5 N, determine the moment of that force about the Jine joining points D and 7. SOLUTION Have Mor = hor “(Fon ¥ Tae | where oy = ~(10.9 m+ 0.8m)k = -(1.7m)k Trg = RaoTo _ U2 m)i-B6mj-CLIMk iG, 5) 123m = 5[(12N)i-GON)J—(1L7N)k] 10 0 0 + 2-36 -117] lon —> = (14.1883 Nem) {fo ~ (4)(-1)(-3.6)] + [(-1)(-1)(1.2) - 0} = -187286 Nm or My = -1873N-m PROBLEM 3.57 ‘A rectangular tetrahedron has six edges of length a, A force P is directed as shown along edge BC. Determine the moment of P about edge OA SOLUTION (oa) ° © TF (Om, Have Mos = hon (too *P) From triangle OBC (oa) = 2 (04), = 5 af (04), = (0A), tan30" = 4) “sk Since (o4y* = (04); + (04). + (04,° or “Then and hog = hie oF P= hac? (asin30°)i PROBLEM 3.57 CONTINUED PROBLEM 3.58 A rectangular tetrahedron has six edges of length a (a) Show that two ‘opposite edges, such as OA and BC, are perpendicular to each other. (b) Use this property and the result obtained in Problem 3.57 to determine the perpendicular distance between edges O4 and BC SOLUTION Conds where From triangle OBC (04), = 4 and Then or so that OA is perpendicular to BC. PROBLEM 3.58 CONTINUED (b) Have Moy = Pd, with P acting along BC and d the perpendicular distance from OA to BC. From the results of Problem 3.57, or a= a PROBLEM 3.59 ‘The 8-ft-wide portion ABCD of an inclined, cantilevered walkway is partially supported by members EF and GH Knowing that the {compressive force exerted by member EF on the walkway at F is $400 Ib, determine the moment of that force about edge AD. ml SOLUTION Having May = eo PoTur) where (248)i-CMi 1g, iy Veyron VE tna = (78)i-(38)j (8-7 A)i=[3%+(4)GA)|i+(8A)K (uy + (4) +(8y = 600[(11b)i + (4 1b)j + (8 1b)k] Ter hepTop = (5400 16) eo 600 600 3 often = (192 - sey v65) 4a 65 ) = -18,456.4 Ibs Of Myp = ~18.46 kip: PROBLEM 3.60 The 8-f-wide portion ABCD of an inclined, cantilevered walkway is partially supported by members EF and GH. Knowing that the compressive force exerted by member G// on the walkway at MT is 400 Ib, determine the moment of that force about edge AD. SOLUTION ~t Having May = Rav (Favs * Ton) where dap = AME GM Lai OTe ay a Ya" 11 = (20 A): ~ (6 A)j = 2[(10 i (3.8) j] (6 R- 20 n)i= [on +E) 8)]i- (8 A)k Tour = RouTou = (4800 1b) (1600 15)(2 ft) 65, Myp = = 26,989 Ib-ft of Myy = -270kip-ft PROBLEM 3.61 Two forces F; and F, in space have the same magnitude F. Prove that the moment of F; about the line of action of F; is equal to the moment of F; about the line of action of F SOLUTION First note that R=FA and R= BA Let M; = moment of F; about the line of action of M, and M, = moment of F, about the line of action of M; Now, by definition My = Br-(raia * By) = Aa-( Fava Aa) My = ha-(tun XR) = Bo-( ten X An) A Since = R=F and typ = tag My = b(t % Aa) F My = a(-taue x a)P Using Equation (3 39) Da(tau Aa) = da ABCD and is guyed by cables EF, EG, and EH. Knowing that the force exerted by cable EF at B is 66 N, determine the moment of that force about the line joining points D and I SOLUTION Have Mor = Rov (Feu * Ter) (.6m)i- (0.4 m)j where Aor = O47 m Fry ~ 64m) (.2m)i-(Bom)i+ (54 mk Tee = Agel op = 66m 66) = 6[(2N)i-(6N)i+(9N)k] ls -1 | (6N)(54m) My = SSeEMIo 0 f= 172879 N-m 7b 6 gl Only the perpendicular component of Ts contributes to the moment of Tx about line DJ. The parallel component of Ty. will be used to find % the perpendicular component cl fhm Have : ef (Ter) poate = Ron 1 = gyi i)-[(012.N)i- (36N)j + (54N)K] ial + 36)N PROBLEM 3.64 CONTINUED Since Tee = (Ter )pap * (Teyana f7.Y-7.Y (Tie )pery = (Tae) ~ (Tit Yat Ira)? = (66) - \ = 62.777 N (84 ¥ Then Moy = (Tse ey (4) 172.879 N-m = (62.777 N)(d) d = 2.7539 m ord =275m4 PROBLEM 3.65 In Problem 3.56, determine the perpendicular distance between cable EG and the Line joining points D and J Problem 3.56: A mast is mounted on the roof of a house using bracket ABCD and is guyed by cables EF, BG, and EH. Knowing that the force exerted by cable EG at F is 61,5 N, determine the moment of that force about the line joining points D and I. Have Moy = hos [tor * Teo | (L6m)i-(04m)j 1 her do = 4i-j mere OTT m aa) ror = ~(10.9 m+0.8m)k = (11.7 m)k (1.2 m)i- (3.6 m)j- (1.7 m)k ecTng = (61.5 N) 123m (6158) = s[(1.2 N)i~ (3.6N)i- (11.7 N)k] -1 0 oo = lla -36 -117] = -187286 N-m [Lam —-|7 only the perpendicular component of Tg contributes to the moment of |—$14m Tyg about line DI, The parallel component of yg will be used to find the perpendicular component. Have (pate) = Aor Toe = Fpl) -5[L2Njt- B6N)j- (LT N)K] 5 = Fs 30N ae vi7 PROBLEM 3.65 CONTINUED Since Tar = (Tac)up * (Tac) = 60681 ‘Then Moy = (Tigag (4) 187.286 N-m = (60.651 N)(d) d = 3.0880 m or d=309m4 In Problem 3.41, determine the perpendicular distance between post BC ye PROBLEM 3.66 9 "| and the line connecting points O and A 3 Problem 3.41: Slider P can move along rod OA. An elastic cord PC is attached to the slider and to the vertical member BC. Knowing that the distance from O to P is 0.12 m and the tension in the cord is 30 N, determine (a) the angle between the elastic cord and the rod OA, (8) the projection on OA of the force exerted by cord PC at point P. SOLUTION Assume post BC is represented by a force of magnitude Fc whe Have +(0.26m)j-(O.12m)k 2 where 036m 3 Tyo = (0.18 m)i + (0.24 m)k 22-1 Fyc|0.18 0 0.24) = 72 o 1a 0.48 — 0.18) = -0.22 Fy 3 Only the perpendicular component of Fyc contributes to the moment of Fy about line OA. The parallel component will be found first so that the perpendicular component of Fy. can be determined. Since = 0.74536 F 5 Then [Mal = (Fac) sey (4) 0.22Fgc = (0.74536F yc) d = 0.29516 m or d= 295 mm PROBLEM 3.67 In Problem 3.45, determine the perpendicular distance between cord DE and the y axis, Problem 3.45: The 0.732 x 1.2-m lid ABCD of a storage bin is hinged along side AB and is held open by looping cord DEC over a frictionless hook at B. If the tension in the cord is 54 N, determine the moment about each of the coordinate axes of the force exerted by the cord at D. af SOLUTION First note Have where ya = (0.132) + 0.720k) m The = Roel ve o 1 0 M, =|0 0.132 0.720) = 12.96 N-m is 36-36 ‘Only the perpendicular component of Tp, contributes to the moment of ‘Typ about the y-axis. The parallel component will be found first so that the perpendicular component of Ty can be determined. Toetparues) = 1° Toe = 36N PROBLEM 3.67 CONTINUED Since (Toe) = (Toe panne * (TE perp VY ~ (Toe Youre Css ep = ~ (36)° = 40.249N Then M, = (Toray (@) 12.96 N-m = (40.249 N)(d) 4 = 032199 m or d= 322mm PROBLEM 3.68 AA plate in the shape of a parallelogram is acted upon by two couples. fp Determine (a) the moment of the couple formed by the to 21-N frees, 1, ve oda (8) the perpendicular distance between the 12-N forces if the resultant of e the two couples is zero, (c) the value of @ if the resultant couple is 1,8.N-m clockwise and d is 1.05 m. @ Mave M= ak where 4,- 04m M, = (0.4 m)(21N)=84N-m or M, = 840N-m)4 (6) Have My +My = or 8.40 Nm ~4,(12N) = 0 4, =0.700m4 (0) Have Ma = My + My or 1.8 Nem = 8.40 N-m ~ (1,05 m)(sina)(12.N) sine = 0.52381 and a = 31,588" or a= 3164 PROBLEM 3.69 A. couple M of magnitude 10 lb-ft is applied to the handle of a screwdriver to tighten a screw into a block of wood, Determine the ‘magnitudes of the two smallest horizontal forces that are equivalent to M . They ae oped G) a somes d and D. (a soe Brand C 3 Fe (eyanywhere onthe block MS SOLUTION e o (a) Have M = Pd lft) : row = p10 iny( 2 ° win) P=12b OF Pay = 12.00 1b O) dyo = \(BE) + (EC) = (10 in)? + (6 in)? = 11.6619 in, Have M = Pa ( \ Tor = P(t 6619 in} 52] P = 10.2899 Ib or P= 10.29 Ib © dye = (Ady + (vey = y(10 in)’ + (16 in.) = 289 in 10 Ibe P = 6.3600 Ib or P= 6.36 1b I PROBLEM 3.70 Two 60-mm-diameter pegs are mounted on a steel plate at A and C, and j J ‘two rods are attached to the plate at B and D_ A cord is passed around the ‘pegs and pulled as shown, while the rods exert on the plate 10-N forces as | indicated. (a) Determine the resulting couple acting onthe plate when | 36N. (6) If only the cord is used, in what direction should it be pulled to ereate the same couple with the minimum tension in the cord? (c) Determine the value of that minimum tension. SOLUTION (@) Have - 2(Fd) = (36 N) (0.345 m) — (10.N)(0.380 m) = 862.Nm M=862N-m)-4 (b) Have ‘M = Td =862N-m For T'to be minimum, d must be maximum. Tray Must be perpendicular to line AC _ 0.380 m tend = 133333 0.285 m and = 53.130" or 0 = 53,194 (©) Have M = Triton where M = 862Nom an =[Ylossor + (0285) + 2(0.020)| m= 0.535 m 8.62N-m = rn (0535 m) 2161121 Trin OF Try = 16.11 N€ PROBLEM 3.71 ‘The steel plate shown will support six 50-mm-diameter idler rollers mounted on the plate as shown, Two flat belts pass around the rollers, and a rollers A and D will be adjusted so that the tension in each belt is 45 N | | wi an a On NN vv value of a so that the resultant couple acting on the plate is 54N-m —— clockwise Oa SOLUTION (a) Note when a = 0.2 m, to is perpendicular tothe inclined 45 N forces Have M=3(Fa) = -(45)[a + 0.2 m + 2(0.025 m)] = (45N)| 2ay2 + 2(0.025 m) | For a= 0.2m, M = ~(45 N)(0.450 m + 0,61569 m) = 47.956 N-m or M=480N-m 4 M=540N-m ) AM = Moment of couple due to horizontal forces at A and D + Moment of force-couple systems at C and F about C. -540 Nom = 45 N[a + 0.2 m +2(0.025 m)] Me + Mp + F,(a+02m) + F, (2a where Me = ~(45 N)(0.025 m) = -1.125 N-m My = Me = -1.125N-m PROBLEM 3.71 CONTINUED 54.0 Nem = 45 N(a 025 m) = 1125 Nem = 1.125 Nem ae +02m) - ea a 020, 2a 120 = a+0.25 +0025 + 0025 4% 4 220 Ve VEE 3.1213a = 0.75858 a = 0.24303 m or a= 243mm PROBLEM 3.72 The shafts of an angle drive are acted upon by the two couples shown. Replace the two couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction of its axis, SOLUTION Based on M=M,+M, where M =-(8N-m)j-(6N-m)k and [M|= (87 + (6) = 10N-m or M =10.00N-m4 MM 0Nm or M = [MA = (10 N-m)(-0.8)- 0.64) 0080, = 0 0, = 90" cos8, = -08 6, = 143.130 c0s0, = -06 0, = 126.870" or 8, = 900%, @, = 143.1%, 6, = 126.9°¢ PROBLEM 3.73 Knowing that P = 0, replace the two remaining couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction of its axis, M=M,+M, My = toys * Pic ron = (0.96m)i- (0.40m)j Pic = -(100 N)k i jk M, = [0.96 -040 0 |= (40N-m)i + (96 N-m)j 0 0-104 Also, My = toy * Par yg = (0.20 m)j- (0.55 mk Poe = AevPor 2048 mi +O55MK G45 yy (0.48)° + (0.55) m = -(96N)i-+ (ON) ijk =| 020 0.55} }9s 0 110 = (22.0 N-m (52.8 N-m)j + (19.2 N-m)k PROBLEM 3.73 CONTINUED and M = [(40 Nem)i + (96 N-m)j] + [(22.0N-m)i + (52.8 Nem)j + (19.2. N-m)k] = (62.0 Nem)i + (148.8 N-m)j + (19.2 N-m)k = 162.339 N-m or M = 1623N-m4 62.04 + 148.8) + 19.2k M 162.339 = 0.381921 + 0.91660) + 0.118271k cos, = 0.38192 0, = 61547 or 0, = 675° cos0, = 0.91660 8, = 23.566 or 6, = 264 cosd, = 0.118271 0, = 83.208° or 8, = 83.24 PROBLEM 3.74 Knowing that P = 0, replace the two remaining couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction of its axis, Have M=M,+M, where My = Foie ® Fae Fae = -(10 ini Ryo = (41b)k M, = —(10 in)i x (4 Tbk = (40 1b-in) j Also, My = tae * Fp (5 ini (Bin) j + (7 in) a (71b) (5) + (3) + (7) in. FRc + 3)+7k) m 3 of 2h ane 355m) a= ec i = 0.76835(21i + 35}) Ib-in. PROBLEM 3.74 CONTINUED and M = [(401b-in)j] + [0.76885(214 + 353) Ib-in] = (16.1353 Ib-in)i + (66 892 tb-in)j IM|= (4)? +(a4,) = [06 (66.892) = 68.811 Ibsin or M = 68.8 Ib:in, M__ (16.1355 Ibsin)i + (66.892 lb:in)j iM 68.811 Ibn, = 0.234491 + 0.97213) cosé, = 0.23449 0, = 16.438" or 0, = 16.494 cos8, = 0.97212 @, = 13.5615° or 8, = 13.564 cos8, = 0.0 8, = 90° or 0, = 90,0° 4 : PROBLEM 3.75 Knowing that P = 5 Ib, replace the three couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction of its axis SOLUTION Have M=M,+M,+Ms where i iw toe Fig = [FLO 0 0} Ibvin. = (40 Ib-in)j | iim ay My = tap *Fip = £5 3 Off 5] ton = 0.76835(21 + 35) tin bs 3 pe? (See Solution to Problem 3.74.) i ik Ms = toys X Fic = {10-6 7) Ibein, = ~(35 Ib-in Ji + (50 Ib-in)k 0 sj M = [(16.1353 ~ 35)i + (40 + 26.892) j + (50)k] Ib-in, = ~(18.8647 Ib-in)i + (66,892 Ib-in)j + (50 Ib-in Jk [M| = 2 + M2 + M2 = (18 8647)" + (65.892)' + (50)? = 85.618 Ib-in or M = 8566 Ibsin. 8.86471 + 66.892) + 50k a = ~0.22034i + 0,78129j + 0.58399k 0.22034 0, = 02. 729° or 0, = 1027 cosé, = 0.78129 8, = 38.621° or 8, = 38.6° 4 cos8, = 0.58399 8, = 54.268" or @ = 5434 PROBLEM 3.76 Knowing that P = 210 N, replace the three couples with a single equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction of its axis, SOLUTION Have M=M,+M, +My i k where M, = top x Pic =|0.96 -0.40 0 |= (40N-m)i + (96N-m)j 0 6-100] ijk Frys Pap =| 0 0.20 ~055] = (22.0 N-m)i + (52.8 N-m)j + (19.2 Nem) 9s 0 110 (See Solution to Problem 3.73.) ij ok Mp = Fry X Pp = (0.48 0.20 1.10] = (231 N-m)i + (100.8N-m)k 0 20 0 M = [(40-422 + 231)i + (96 + 52.8)) + (192+ 100.8)K] Nem = (293 Nem)i + (148.8 N-m)j + (120 Nem) [mt] = [2 +102 + a4? = y(293)" + (148.8)' + (120)° = 349.84 N-m or 350N-m A PORE 1-028 sot cos8, = 0.83752. @, = 33.121° or 6, = 33.194 cosd, = 0.42533 6, = 64.828" or 0, = 648° 4 cost, = 038015 0, = 69080" oa, PROBLEM 3.77 Jn a manufacturing operation, three holes are drilled simultaneously in a workpiece. Knowing that the holes are perpendicular to the surfaces of the workpiece, replace the couples applied to the drills with a single ‘equivalent couple, specifying its magnitude and the direction ofits axis, SOLUTION Have M=M,+M,+M, where M, = -(1.1 lb-ft) (cos25°j + sin25°k) M, = —(1.1Ib-f)j z M, = ~(1.3 Ib-ft)(cos20°j - sin20°k) M = (0.99694 ~ 1.1 1.22160) + (0.46488 + 0.44463). Mf 4 = =(3.3185 tb-)j - (0.020254 Ib-f)ke 20° v Pe and |M|= J +a + af = Jo) = (3.3185)* = (0.020254)° z = 33186 Ib-f or M = 332 lb-ft M__ (0)i—3.3185j-0.020254k new iM] 33186 = ~0,99997} — 0,0061032 cos0, = 0 90° or 6, = 90.0° 4 cos, = -0.99997 179.694 179.555° or 8, c0s0, = ~0,0061032 @, = 90349 or 0, = 903° PROBLEM 3.78 pg “Foz, The tension in the cable attached to the end C of an adjustable boom ABC VB is 1000 N. Replace the force exerted by the cable at C with an equivalent Ae force-couple system (a) at 4, (8) at B. S ple sy pg < SOLUTION (a) Based on BF F,=T ~1000N or Fy = 1000 NS 20° BMy: My = (Psin50° )(d,) = (1000 N) sin50°(2.25 m) = 1723.60. N-m or My =1724N-m_)-€ (6) Based on or Ky = 1000N “% 20° a\ EMy: Mg = (Tsin50°)(dy) = (1000 N)sin50°(1.25 m) = 957.56 Nem or My = 958N-m )-4 PROBLEM 3.79 The 20-Ib horizontal force P acts on a bell crank as shown. (a) Replace P with an equivalent force-couple system at B. (6) Find the two vertical forces at Cand D which are equivalent to the couple found in part a bm —bd SOLUTION (a) Based on BF: P,=P=20Ib or Py = 20Ib-—< EM: My ~ Pdy = 201b(5 in) = 100 Ib-in or My = 100 Ib-in.) (b) Ifthe two vertical forces are to be equivalent to My, they must be a couple. Further, the sense of the moment of this couple must be counterclockwise. Then, with P-and P, acting as shown, EM: My = Ped 100 Ib-in, = R(4in) P= 25Ib or Po = 251b| 4 BE: 0=P-F Fp = 251b or Py = 25 Ibi PROBLEM 3.80 A T00-N force P is applied at point 4 of a structural member. Replace P with (a) an equivalent force-couple system at C, (b) an equivalent system consisting of a vertical force at B and a second force at D. SOLUTION (a) Based on EF: Rp =P =100N or Pe = T00N 60° Me! Me =—Prdey + Pydee where P, = (700N)cos60° = 350 N P, = (700 N)sin60° = 606.22 N do, =1.6m =1im 350 N)(I.1m) + (606.22 N)(1.6 m) = ~385 Nm + 969.95 N-m = 584.95N-m or Mg ~ 585N-m”) (8) Based on EE. Py, = Peos60° = (200 N)cos60° =350N = EMp: (Pc0s60°)(dp,) = Po(don) [(700 1¥)cos60*}(0.6 m) P,(2.4 m) P, = 875N or P, = 875N} 4 PROBLEM 3.80 CONTINUED ZF: Psin60° = Py + Poy (700 N)sin60° = 875 N + Po, = 518.72N Py = (Pox)? + (Bx) or Py = 626N 560° 4 PROBLEM 3.81 A landscaper tries to plumb a tree by applying a 240-N force as shown. Two helpers then attempt to plumb the same tree, with one pulling at B and the other pushing with a parallel force at C. Determine these two forces so that they are equivalent to the single 240-N force shown in the figure SOLUTION Based on EF,: —(240 N)cos30° = —Fycosar ~ F-cosr or —(Fy + Fe)eosar = (240 N)cos30° o BK,: (240 N)sin30° = Fysinar + F-sine or (Fy + Fe)siner = (240 N)sin30° @) From Beaton tana = tan30° a= 30° Based on Me: [{240 N)eos(30° - 20°) (0.25 m) = (Fg cos10°)(0.60 m) ip = 100 N or Fy = 100.0N 30° From Equation (1), ~(100.N + F)eos30° = -240¢0830° =140N or Fo = 140.0N S 30° PROBLEM 3.82 A landscaper tries to plumb a tree by applying a 240-N force as shown. (a) Replace that force with an equivalent force-couple system at C. (6) Two helpers attempt to plumb the same tree, with one applying a horizontal force at C and the other pulling at B. Determine these two forces if they are to be equivalent tothe single force of part a SOLUTION (a) Based on XE, =(240 N)cos30" = -F0s30° Fo = 240N or F. = 240N Ss 30° ZMe! [[240 N)eost0°](d,) = Me dy = 025m Mg. = 59.088 N-m or Mo = 59.1Nm) 4 (b) Based on ZF,: (240 N)sin30° = Fpsinar or Fysine = 120 o EMp: 59.088 N-m —[(240 N)cos10" (dc) = ~Fe(d-.0820°) 59,088 N-m~[(240 N)cos10* (0.60 m) = ~Fa{ (0.60 m)cos20"] ~ 0.56382Fe = 82.724 Fe =146.22N or Fe = 146.7N-— ( ) and 2K, ~(240 N)cos30° = -146. 722 N ~ Fy coser A Fy cose = 61.124 @ From Equation (ang — 120 _ 4 ggsgs Equation (2) 1124 a= 63.007 or a= 63.0" 120 From Equation (1), —) _ ~134.670N fom Fauation (D) 3in63.007" or Fy = 1347N Ss 63.04 PROBLEM 3.83 A dirigible is tethered by a cable attached to its cabin at B. Ifthe tension in the cable is 250 Ib, replace the force exerted by the cable at B with an equivalent system formed by two parallel forces applied at 4 and C. SOLUTION Require the equivalent forces acting at A and C be parallel and at an angle ofa with the vertical Then for equivalence, ZA (250 tb)sin30° = Fysinee + Fysiner o ZK: = (250 Ib)c0s30° @) Dividing Equation (1) by Equation (2), (250 b)sin30°__(F, = (250 Tb)oos30" — —(F, + Fy )ooser Simplifying yields a = 30° Based on EM: [(250 Ib)eos30°](12 ft) = (F,cos30°)(32 ft) Fy = 93.75 Ib or Fy = 93.8 Ib 60° Based on EM: -[(250 1b)cos30"](20 8) = (F-c0s30°)(32 8) Fe = 15625 Ib 56.3 Ib 60° or PROBLEM 3.84 Three workers trying to move a 3% 3x 4-fterate apply to the crate the three horizontal forces shown. (a) If P = 60 Ib, replace the three forces with an equivalent force-couple system at 4. (8) Replace the force-couple system of part a with a single force, and determine where it should be applied to side AB. (c) Determine the magnitude of P so that the three forces can be replaced with a single equivalent force applied at B. SOLUTION (@) Based on = ZF: -50 Ib +50 Ib +60 Ib = F, = 601b Ms or Fy = (60.0 Ib)k LL -) F. Based on EM: (50 1b)(2 ft) - (501b)(0.6 f) = My @ M, = 70 lb-ft or M, = (70.0 1b-8)j-< FO () Based on . | EF: -50 Ib + 50 Ib + 60 Ib = F | F = 601b or F = (600 Ib)k 4 {Based on ® EM,: 70 Ib-ft = 60 Ib (x) x= 1.16667 f or x = 1.167 ft from A along AB -€ (©) Based on EMy: | 0 Ib) (1 8) + (50 I) 24) PO R)= RO) 1 23.333 Ib or P=233Ib4 PROBLEM 3.85 ‘A force and a couple are applied to a beam. (a) Replace this system with a single force F applied at point G, and determine the distance (8) Solve part a assuming that the directions of the two 600-N forces are reversed. SOLUTION @ A ___# Have +2, F = -800 N+ 600 N~ 600. or F=800N| 4 Have S) Mg: Fe(d-15m)-F,(2m)=0 (800 N)(a - 1.5 m) ~ (600 N)(2 m) = 0 g = 1200-4 1200 800 or d = 3.00m4 ® Changing directions of the two 600 N forces only changes sign of the couple. F = -800N or F=800N| 4 and P)EMg: Fo(d- 1.5m) + F,(2m)=0 (800 N)(d ~ 1.5 m) + (600 N)(2.m) 1200-1200 _ 800 0 or d-04 PROBLEM 3.86 ‘Thee cables attached to a disk exert on it the forces shown, (a) Replace the three forees with an equivalent foree-couple system at A (B) Determine the single force which is equivalent to the force-couple system obtained in part a, and specify its point of application on a line <érawn through points and D. SOLUTION (a) Have Since or Ry = HOON 22 20.0°-4 Have EMy: ~ Far (1)~ Fer (r) + For (7) = My —[(140 N)sin15® (0.2 m) ~ [(110 N)sin25°](0.2 m) + (140 N)sin45°|(0.2 m) = M, My = 3.2845 Nem or M, =3.25N-m >) (0) Have ROR, = Fe or Fz = 110.0N 4 200° EM: M, = [Fj,cos20°](a) 3.2545 N-m = | (110 N)cos20° |(a) a= 0.031485 m or a = 31.5 mmbelowA€

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