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Calculations Using the First Order Rate Equation: 

r = k[N]

Since the rate of radioactive decay is first order we can say:  r = k[N]1, where r
is a measurement of the rate of decay, k is the first order rate constant for the
isotope, and N is the amount of radioisotope at the moment when the rate is
measured.  The rate of decay is often referred to as the activity of the isotope
and is often measured in Curies (Ci), one curie = 3.700 x 10 10 atoms that
decay/second.  By knowing the amount of radioisotope and the activity of the
sample, the rate constant can be determined.

Determination of the Rate Constant

Example:  A 1.00 g sample of cobalt-60 (59.92 g/mol) has an activity of 1.1 x

103 Ci.  Determine the rate constant. 

 First, we need to convert the 1.00 g of sample into number of atoms of

cobalt-60 and to convert the activity into numbers of atoms that decay
per second.

(1.00 g Co-60)(1 mol Co-60/59.92 g)(6.022 x 1023 atoms Co-60/mol) = 1.01 x

1022 atoms

 (1.1 x 103 Ci)(3.700 x 1010 atoms/s/Ci) = 4.1 x 1013 atoms that decay/sec

 Second, we can then use the first-order rate equation to find the rate
constant, k

4.1 x 1013 atoms decaying/sec = k[1.01 x 1022 atoms]

k = 4.1 x 10-9 s-1

Determination of the Activity

Example:  Determine the activity (in Curies) of a 2.00 mg sample of Cobalt-


 First, we need to convert the 2.00 mg sample of cobalt-60 into numbers

of atoms.
(2.00 mg Co-60)(1 g/1000 mg)(1 mol/59.92 g)(6.022 x 10 23 atoms/mol) = 2.01
x 1019 atoms

 Second, we use the rate equation to calculate the activity in

atoms/second and then convert the answer into curies.

r = (4.1 x 10-9 s-1)(2.01 x 1019 atoms) = 8.2 x 1010 atoms decay/s 

(8.2 x 1010 atoms/s)(1 Ci/3.700 x 1010 atoms/s) = 2.2 Ci

Calculations Using the First-Order Rate Equation:  ln(N/No) = -kt

Using the equation for first-order kinetics, the following equation can be

ln(N/No) = -kt

where "N" is the amount of radioisotope remaining after time "t" has elapsed. 
"No" is the initial amount of radioisotope at the beginning of the period, and "k"
is the rate constant for the radioisotope being studied.  In this equation, the
units of measure for N and No can be in grams, atoms, or moles.  It does not
matter as long as they are like measures.  The units of measure for time are
dependent upon the unit of measure for the rate constant.  The ratio of "N/No"
gives the percentage activity as compared to the activity at time zero.  This
equation has a variety of applications.

Determination of the Amount of Radioisotope Remaining after Time "t"

Example:  How much of a  2.00 g sample of radioisotope (k = 0.15 min -1) will
remain after 20 minutes?

ln(N/2.00g) = -(0.15 min-1)(20 min) 

ln(N/2.00 g) = -0.30 
N/2.00g = e-0.30 = 0.741 
N = 1.48 g

Determination of the Initial Amount of Radioisotope at the Beginning of

Time "t"
Example:  A sample of radioisotope has an activity of 450 microcuries after 2
days.  If the rate constant for the isotope is 0.056 d -1, what was the activity of
the sample 2 days ago?

ln(450 uCi/No) = -(0.056 d-1)(2 d) 

ln(450 uCi/No) = -0.112 
450 uCi/No = e-0.112 = 0.894 
No = 503 uCi

Determination of the Rate Constant

Example:  A sample is 70 % as active after 20 hours have elapsed.  Determine

the value of the rate constant.

ln(70/100) = -k(20 h) 

-0.357 = -k(20 h) 
k = 0.018 h-1

Determination of the Time to Decay

Example:  How long will it take a radioisotope to decay to 30% of its original
activity if the rate constant for the isotope is 0.055 s -1?

ln(30/100) = -(0.055 s-1)t 

-1.20 = -(0.055 s-1)t 
t = 22 s

Determination and Use of the Half-Life

Example:  What is the half-life of a radioisotope that has a rate constant of

0.225 d-1?

Half-life (t1/2) is the time for the radioisotope to reach 50% of its original

ln(50/100) = -(0.225 d-1)t1/2 

-0.6931 = -(0.225 d-1)t1/2 
t1/2 = 3.08 days

Example:  How much of a 60 Ci sample of radioisotope will remain after 10

minutes if the half-life of the radioisotope is 2.75 min?
ln(50/100) = -k(2.75 min) 
k = 0.252 min-1

ln(N/60 Ci) = -(0.252 min-1)(10 min) 

N = 4.8 Ci

Carbon-14 Dating

Carbon-14 is a radioisotope formed in our atmosphere by the bombardment of

nitrogen-14 by cosmic rays.  The amount of carbon-14 in the atomosphere is,
on an average, relatively constant.  Plants take in carbon-14 through the process
of photosynthesis.  Animals eat the plants so they too have carbon-14 in their
tissues.  Carbon-14 is decaying constantly with a half-life of 5720 years.  As
long as the organism is alive, the amount of carbon-14 remains relatively
constant.  However, when the organism dies, the amount will decrease over
time.  By comparing the activity of an archeological artifact to that of a sample
of the living organism one can estimate the age of the artifact.

Example:  A sample of wood taken from an ancient tomb had an activity of 7.0
counts per minute (decays per minute).  A similar sample of freshly cut wood
of the same type of tree had an activity of 15.3 cpm.  Estimate the age of the
wood taken from the tomb.

ln(50/100) = -k(5720 y) 

k = 1.212 x 10-4 y-1

ln(7.0 cpm/15.3 cpm) = -(1.212 x 10-4 y-1)t 

t = 6982 y

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