What Is An RTD?: (Submitted by Randall Gauthier, RDF Corporation,)

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What Is an RTD? common RTD materials.

The resistance
(Submitted by Randall Gauthier, versus temperature curve is fairly linear
RdF Corporation, http://www.rdfcorp.com/) and the temperature range is the widest
of the common RTD materials. Platinum
An RTD (Resistance Temperature has a very high resistivity, which means
Detector) is basically a temperature that only a small quantity of platinum is
sensitive resistor. It is a positive required to fabricate a sensor and
temperature coefficient device, which making platinum cost competitive with
means that the resistance increases other RTD materials. Platinum is the
with temperature. The resistance of the only RTD commonly available with a
metal increases with temperature. The thin film element style.
resistive property of the metal is called
its resistivity. The resistive property Primary uses: Platinum is the primary
defines length and cross sectional area choice for most industrial, commercial,
required to fabricate an RTD of a given laboratory and other critical RTD
value. The resistance is proportional to temperature measurements.
length and inversely proportional to the
cross sectional area : Copper, nickel and nickel iron are also
rXL commonly used RTD materials. They
R= ------------ are mostly used in lower cost non-
A critical applications and will not be
Where detailed in this article.
R = Resistance (ohms)
r = Resistivity (ohms) Platinum RTD Performance
L = Length Specifications :
A = Cross sectional area

RTD Materials Temperature Coefficient ( ):∝

Platinum RTDs are manufactured with
The criterion for selecting a material to two distinct types or temperature
make an RTD is: coefficients (∝). The temperature
• the material must be malleable so coefficient (∝) is the slope of the
that it can be formed into small platinum RTD between 0°C to 100°C. It
wires. is calculated as follows:
• it must have a repeatable and R100 - R0
stable slope or curve. ∝ =
• the material should also be 100 X R0
resistant to corrosion.
• the material should be low cost ∝= Temperature Coefficient (Ω/Ω/°C)
• it is preferred that the material R100 = RTD resistance at 100°C
have a linear resistance verses R0 = RTD resistance at 0°C
temperature slope
DIN Grade Platinum:
Some of the common RTD materials The DIN grade, sometimes referred to
are: as the European standard, has a
Platinum with a temperature coefficient temperature coefficient of
of 0.00385 - 0.003923 Ω/Ω/°C and 0.00385Ω/Ω/°C (+/- 0.000012). A
practical temperature range of -452 to consortium of European standards
+1100°F (-269 to +593°C). committees developed the curve that all
The platinum RTD has the best manufacturers of platinum RTDs could
accuracy and stability among the conform to. The platinum that is used to

achieve the DIN standard is pure
platinum that is alloyed with a controlled Other looser accuracys are available,
small amount of platinum group metals but are generally only used in very low
to reproduce the curve. The DIN curve cost and high volume applications.
has captured a majority of the market for
industrial RTDs worldwide. Thin film The accuracys stated here are based on
sensors are only manufactured with DIN International Standard IEC Publication
platinum. 751 for DIN RTDs. There are many
standards that define accuracy and they
Reference Grade Platinum: have slight variations on accuracy
Reference grade platinum is made from values, but generally fall within the class
99.999% pure platinum. It will produce A and B definitions.
a maximum temperature coefficient of Some of the commonly used standards
0.003926Ω/Ω/°C. The maximum are:
temperature coefficient can only be • ASTM E 1137 American Society
achieved in Standard Platinum for Testing and Materials
Resistance Thermometers (SPRT) for • B.S. 1904 British Standards
laboratory use. The practical range of Institution
temperature coefficients for industrial • IEC 751 International
use is 0.003902 to 0.003923Ω/Ω/°C. Electrotechnical Commission
Reference grade platinum is still the • DIN 43760 German
choice for critical applications including Electrotechnical Commission
aerospace and nuclear. • JIS C 1604 Japanese Industrial
Accuracy: Platinum RTDs typically are • Mil-T-24388 Thermocouple and
provided in two classes, class A and Resistance Temperature Element
Class B. Class A is considered high Assemblies (Naval Shipboard)
accuracy and has an ice point tolerance
of +/- 0.06 ohms. Class B is standard Stability: This is a measurement of drift
accuracy and has an ice point tolerance over time. This is often referred to as
of +/-0.12 ohms. Class B is widely used long term stability. Most manufacturers
by most industries. specify stability at less than 0.05°C per
year. Stability is affected by the sensor
The accuracy will decrease with design. A well designed, high quality
temperature. Class A will have an sensor will have less drift. Stability is
accuracy of +/-0.43 ohms (+/-1.45°C) at also affected by the sensor's service
600°C and class B will be +/- 1.06 ohms environment. High vibration, mechanical
(+/- 3.3°C) at 600°C. The chart below abuse and thermal shock will affect
shows the tolerance versus temperature stability.
(IEC 751).
Accuracy Versus Temperature (°C) Interchangeability : Interchangeability
is the measure of variability of base
tolerance and temperature coefficient

from sensor to sensor. This is important
Accuracy (°C)

2 when replacing a sensor, to insure that

the system retains its rated performance

characteristics without re-calibration.
0 System designers should know what


C 0°C
0°C sensor tolerances will support their
Class A Class B

performance expectations when • fluid boundary or film on sensing
specifying the sensor. surface
• influences from wall or vessel
Response Time: Response time is the • thermal lag on wall or vessel
sensor's ability to react to temperature • other outside environmental
changes in the process. The ability to influences (convective and
track process changes depends on the conductive)
sensor's thermal mass and proximity to Industrial specifications define response
the process. Direct immersion sensors time as 63.2% of a step change in
generally are the fastest responding, but temperature. This is usually tested in
in many applications a thermowell is water flowing at three feet per second.
used so that the process does not have This is a direct plunge test from ambient
to be drained to change a sensor. to water at approximately 70 to 90°C.

Approximate The approximate relationship of % of

Sensor Description Time Response temperature change versus time is as
Direct immersion
Aerospace/nuclear 0.3 to 3 seconds
% of Final
style sensor
1/8 inch diameter
Temperature 50 63 80 95 99.99
300 series SST 2 to 3 seconds Time 0.7T T 1.6T 3T 4.6T
sheath 100%
3/16 inch diameter
300 series SST 4 to 5 seconds
sheath 63%
¼ inch diameter 300
series SST sheath 5 to 7 seconds Temperature
¼ inch diameter
sheath spring loaded 15 to 20 seconds
into a thermowell
Sensors in thermowells are slower due Insulation Resistance: RTD
to the additional thermal mass and the
assemblies are usually filled with
radial clearance between the sensor
inorganic fillers such as aluminum or
and thermowell. Sensor/thermowell
magnesium oxide. These materials are
assemblies can be made faster by
hygroscopic and any moisture absorbed
making the sensor to bore fit more
will cause a shunting effect across the
precise or by using a filler material, such
sensing element. This shunting is
as a thermal grease.
usually high compared to the resistance
of the sensing element so that the
There are a number of other factors in
shunting effect is not detectable. When
the system that will influence the
the insulation resistance falls a shunting
sensor’s response, such as:
error will occur. An estimate of this error
• the thermal lag of the sensor
can be calculated as follows:
combined with the thermowell
• immersion depth (the rule of thumb
is that the sensor should be
êT =
immersed at least 1.5 times the
sensing element’s length. (Rs + Rr)[ êR/êT]
• flow velocity of the process fluid êT = measurement error (°C)
• process fluid transients
Rr = resistance of the RTD (ohms)

Rs = Resistance between element leads
and case (ohms) A typical range for self-heating in an
êR/êT = slope of the RTD (Ω/°C) industrial RTD is 30 to 60mW/°C.

This is only an estimate because there RTD Types : There are basically three
is no direct measurement of insulation styles of platinum sensing elements.
resistance across the sensing element. Each style has unique characteristics
The standard test method for the and advantages.
measurement of insulation resistance
takes the measurement from the Wire wound Element : The wire wound
commoned leadwires to the sensor sensor is the simplest sensor design.
case. The test is usually performed The sensing wire is wrapped around an
using 50 or 100Volts DC and an insulating mandrel or core. The winding
insulation resistance of greater than 100 core can be round or flat, but must be
megohms is considered acceptable. an electrical insulator. Matching the
Insulation resistance is the largest coefficient of thermal expansion of the
cause of error and failure in an RTD. sensing wire and winding core materials
The causes can be an inadequate seal, will minimize any mechanical strain.
high humidity environment, or a failed
seal. In some cases baking the RTD
assembly will increase the insulation
resistance and recover the RTD.

Self-Heating : RTDs are constructed of

very fine wires or very thin coatings. The
very small cross-sectional areas in the
sensing elements will tend to heat when
electrical current is applied. Most RTDs
are specified to be operated with a
current of 1 milliamp or less.
The test for self-heating involves placing
the sensor in a controlled temperature
bath at approximately 25°C, with a liquid Strain on the element wire will result in
flow of 3 feet per second. The sensor' s an error in the measurement. The
resistance is measured with the winding core must also be selected to
minimum current and then measured match the intended service temperature
with current increased in steps. The self- and environment.
heating can be calculated as follows:
The sensing wire is connected to a
S(P2 -P1) larger wire, usually referred to as the
MW/°C = element lead or wire. This wire is
R2 - R1 selected to be compatible with sensing
Where: wire so that the combination does not
R1 = resistance at the lower power generate an emf that would distort the
dissipation (Ohms). measurement. The wire also has to be
R2 = resistance at the higher power able to with stand any annealing during
dissipation (Ohms). the process.
S = RTD slope at test temperature
(ohms/°C). The wire wound sensor is the only
P1 = Lower power dissipation (R1I12) configuration that can be made with all
P2 = Lower power dissipation (R2I22)

of the sensing materials mentioned the assembly. Techniques similar to
earlier. those used in this design are used in
Standard Platinum Resistance
A unique version of the wire wound Thermometers (SPRT), which are used
sensor is the hollow annulus design. as laboratory standards.
This design is intended for Aerospace or
Nuclear applications, where response There are variations to this style sensor
time is important or the application is of depending on the manufacturer. The
a critical nature. basis of the sensing element is a small
coil of platinum sensing wire. This coil
resembles a filament in an incandescent
light bulb. The housing or mandrel is a
hard fired aluminum oxide tube with four
equally spaced bores that run
transverse to the axes. The coil is
inserted in the bores of the mandrel and
the bores are packed with a very fine
grit ceramic powder. This permits the
sensing wire to move while still
remaining in good thermal contact with
the process being measured.

The sensing element is wound on a

hollow stainless steel winding core that
is insulated with a flame sprayed coating
aluminum oxide. A specific stainless The strain free design provides the
steel is chosen for its close match of highest temperature coefficient (.003923
thermal expansion with the platinum ohm/ohm/°C) available for industrial
sensing wire. After the usual processing, use. It also has the best accuracy and
annealing and coating, the sensing long term stability. The response time is
element is enclosed incased with a thin a little slower than an outer wound
stainless steel sheath. This provides a sensor.
completely sealed sensing element that Thin Film Element: The thin film
can be directly immersed into a process sensing element is manufactured by
fluid. depositing a very thin layer of platinum
on a ceramic substrate. This layer is
Response time for this sensor ranges usually just a 10 to 100 angstroms (10-8
from 350 milli-seconds for a directly centimeters ) thick. The platinum film is
immersed sensor to approximately 11 coated with epoxy or glass. This coating
seconds in an appropriately fitted helps protect deposited platinum film
thermowell. and acts as a strain relief for the
external leadwires.
The disadvantage of this style sensing
element is the high cost. When thin film sensors were introduced
many years ago, they had a reputation
Coiled Element : The coiled sensor is a for being unreliable. They were unstable
method to produce a "strain free" and were susceptible to mechanical
design. A strain free design allows the failure, such as breakage of leadwires.
sensing wire to expand and contract The thin films today are much better.
free of influences from other materials in They are more rugged and reliable.

The advantage of the thin film Platinum Three Wire RTD: The three wire RTD is
RTD is low cost and low thermal mass. the most popular configuration for use in
The low thermal mass makes them industrial applications. When used
respond faster and they are easier to correctly, the three wire configuration
assemble into small packages. eliminates the series resistance. This
Disadvantages are that they are not as permits an accurate measurement of the
stable as wire wound RTDs and they sensing element. Two of the leads are
are only available in DIN connected to one side of the sensing
(0.00385Ω/Ω/°C) platinum. element and the single lead to the other

The resistance in L1 and L3 should be

matched as close as possible, this will
cause the lead resistance to cancel

The color code for a three wire RTD is

two red wires and one white.
A typical three wire RTD is shown
Leadwire Configurations: RTDs are
available with four different leadwire
configurations. The selection of leadwire
configuration is based on desired
accuracy and instrumentation to be
used for the measurement.

Two wire RTD: The two wire RTD is the

simplest wire configuration. One wire is
attached to each side of the element. A Four Wire RTD: A four wire RTD is the
measure can be taken by any device most accurate method to measure an
equipped to measure resistance, RTD. It is primarily used in laboratories
including basic Volt Ohm Meters (VOM). and is seldom seen in an industrial
This is the least accurate way of application. A four wire RTD circuit
measuring temperature, due to the fact removes the effect of mismatched
that the leadwire resistance is in series resistances on the lead wires. A
with the sensing element. The leadwire constant current is passed through L1
is at a different temperature than the and L4. L2 and L3 measure the voltage
sensing element and also has different drop across the RTD element.
resistance verses temperature The color code for a four wire RTD is
characteristics. The longer the leadwire usually two red wires and two white
the greater the effect on the wires.
measurement. A typical two wire bridge
looks like the following: The following diagram illustrates a
typical four wire measurement:

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