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Preliminary test

PART 1 . Check how well you 7. What does Vonica like?

understand written English with this
test. Start now. You must stop after 25 a. What are her favourite things?
minutes (20 questions) b. How is she?
1. A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller
than an elephant. c. Does she look like Vonica?

a. A dog is smaller than a mouse. d. Does he like Vonica?

b. A dog is very big. 8. He hopes to go home, but he may go to

c. A dog is the biggest.
a. He'll be at home before the office.
d. An elephant is bigger than a dog.
b. It is possible that he will go to work.
2. Sangay is English but Teresa isn't; she's
American. c. He's allowed to go to work.

a. Teresa is English. d. He always goes home after work.

b. Sangay isn't English. 9. I want you to clean the car when you
come back.
c. Sangay isn't American.
a. You want to clean it.
d. Teresa and Sangay aren't English.
b. We will clean it together.
3. He is the oldest man in the world.
c. I don't want you to forget to clean it.
a. He is not as old as my grandmother.
d. I want to clean the car.
b. Many men are older.
10. She used to smoke cigarettes.
c. There are no older men anywhere.
a. She is used to cigarettes.
d. He's older than some other men.
b. She smoked before, but she doesn't
4. You can't come without a ticket. now.
a. You can come if you have a ticket. c. She usually smokes cigarettes.
b. You mustn't go with a ticket. d. She used two cigarettes.
c. You don't need a ticket to come. 11. Shall I take you to the station?
d. You cannot buy a ticket outside. a. Would you like me to take you to the
5. Andrea is looking after the children. station?

a. She can see the children. b. Must I take you?

b. She is taking care of the children. c. Will it be necessary to take you there?

c. She is looking at the children. d. Did I take you before?

d. The children are in front of her. 12. They should talk more slowly.

6. They only have one car for the family. a. They talk too quickly.

a. They only like cars. b. They would like to talk more slowly.

b. They do not like any other cars. c. They might have slower talks.

c. They do not have two cars. d. Talking is not fast.

d. They have a big family. 13. Mirana remembered to phone the doctor.

a. She remembered phoning the doctor.

Preliminary test

b. Mirana forgot to remember to phone. 19. You don't have to do this test.

c. She didn't forget to phone the doctor. a. You can choose not to do this test.

d. She remembered that she phoned b. You mustn't do it.

c. You can't do this test.
14. Madame Jean has lived nearly 115 years.
d. You have no desire to do it.
a. She was very old.
20. If Muriel had come, she would have won.
b. She is very old.
a. If she hadn't won, she'd have come.
c. She died when she was nearly 115.
b. Muriel didn't win because she didn't
d. Madame Traiviey has many more come.
c. When Muriel came she always won.
15. She can hardly see it.
d. She didn't come, but she won anyway.
a. She sees very hard.

b. She is hard with it.

PART 2. Reading Comprehension test
c. She cannot see it very well. Read the passage and answer the
comprehension questions. Start now.
d. It is hard to see her. You must stop after 25 minutes.

Researches suggest that there are creatures

that do not know what light means at the
bottom of the sea. They don't have either
eyes or ears; they can only feel. There is no
16. Jessy had her house painted white day or night for them. There are no winters,
yesterday. no summers, no sun, no moon, and no stars.
It is as if a child spent its life in darkness in
a. She had to paint her house white bed, with nothing to see or hear. How
yesterday. different our own life is! Sight shows us the
ground beneath our feet and the heavens
b. Her house was not blue last week.
above us - the sun, moon, and stars,
c. They painted her house white for her shooting stars, lightning, and the sunset. It
yesterday. shows us day and night. We are able to hear
voices, the sound of the sea, and music. We
d. She painted her house yesterday. feel, we taste, we smell. How fortunate we
17. Either teacher knows the answer.
1. Judging from the passage, we can say that
a. No teachers know the answer. this story is mainly about ............ .
b. Both teachers know the answer. a. Llife of sea creatures at the bottom of
c. All the teachers know the answer. the sea

d. Any teacher can answer. b. How changes in the seasons are

perceived by the deep-sea creatures
18. I'd rather be a millionaire.
c. How wonderful our lives were and will
a. I've been a millionaire. be

b. I'd better be a millionaire. d. The differences among creatures of

the earth and those of the sea
c. I'd prefer to be a millionaire.
e. The superiority of human beings over
d. You have more millions than me. some creatures in terms of senses
Preliminary test

2. We discover that the sea creatures in the e. solitary life

story .......
2. Why the Spaniards called these Indians
a. Have the same senses that we do "Pueblos" is because they ................ .

b. Have no sense of hearing as well as a. were close to the Apaches

b. lived together in a town or village
c. Hear the sounds of the ocean
c. farmed and brought down water in
d. Live in darkness because no light ditches
reaches to the bottom
d. pulled up their ladders when attacked
e. Do not hear the sound of sea as they
are accustomed to it e. achieved fame thanks to their hand-
3. In the passage a child in darkness is
likened to ........ 3. The Pueblo Indians lived on the side of a
cliff .........
a. Someone who lives where there are
no seasons a. although they had apartment houses

b. An animal without the sense of touch b. to observe the stars in the sky for rain
c. A sea creature with no seeing or
hearing ability c. so that they could provide themselves
with shelters
d. A deaf child unaffected by the
environment d. and, they didn't have a lake, a stream,
or a pond
e. A perfect sleeper, for there is no
sound around to hear e. as long as they were all together

Passage 2 Passage 3

Official records state that the Pueblo Indians It was a man who lived before the time of
lived in New Mexico and Arizona . The word Christopher Columbus that was the world's
"Pueblo" comes from the Spanish word first great traveler. His name was Marco
"pueblo," meaning town or village. The Polo. With his father and his uncle, he
Spaniards found these Indians living in traveled from Italy to China, crossing
apartment houses, some of them on the side mountains and deserts to get there. In China
of a cliff in order that they could be reached a king called Kublai Khan was pleased to see
only by ladders. Whenever they were the Polos and had them live near to him.
attacked by Apaches, the Pueblos would pull They stayed for twenty-three years. Kublai
up the ladders. They grew corn, which they Khan sent Marco to other countries to do
watered with water flowing down in ditches. business for him. When Marco finally
They wove cloth, made wonderful baskets, returned to Italy, he wrote all about his
and created jars and pots out of clay proving adventures in a book, which was read by
how skilful they were at hand-craft. Columbus and many other people, who also
became interested in traveling to strange
1. From the passage we understand that the countries.
Pueblo Indians were afraid of ............. .
1. This story is mainly about ............. .
a. cliff dwelling
a. the world's first great traveler
b. Apache Indians
b. traveling from Italy to China
c. apartment houses
c. why Polo went to the far east
d. water flowing down in ditches
d. Marco Polo and Kublai Khan
Preliminary test

e. in what ways Columbus affected Polo b. so as to gulp

2. The reason that Marco Polo is called great c. to drink to stay alive
is not that ................ .
d. to swim in an aquarium.
a. he traveled very far to reach China for
a new world e. so that it can suffice salt

b. he wrote about his adventures in a 2. We are informed by the passage that a

book, which many people read person ........

c. he was so well liked by the king of a. can live for a long time without water
China b. can live for a long time without food
d. he crossed mountains and deserts to c. has no need for food and water
reach China
d. has no need for a fresh supply of
e. he achieved fame thanks to his good water
e. does need water to get oxygen
3. We know from the story that after he
turned back.. 3. When a fish drinks
water, ............................ .
a. Marco brought out a book inspiring
new voyages a. it requires fresh water

b. Marco stayed in Italy for twenty-three b. it swallows water just like us

c. it requires salt water
c. Kublai Khan knew that Marco had
crossed mountains and deserts d. it drinks water for its oxygen

d. Kublai Khan sent Columbus to other e. it stays motionless for a while to

countries for business swallow

e. Marco set out for a new adventure

Passage 5

Passage 4 The world's nuclear plants have accumulated

vast stocks of highly radioactive waste.
Have you ever wondered whether fishes Worldwide, high-level waste is currently
drink or not? All living things must drink, and stored above ground, and no government
they require a fresh supply of water often. A has a clear policy on its eventual disposal.
person can go without food for many days, While most experts believe that burying the
but he or she cannot go for long without waste is the safest bet in the long term, the
water. Fishes drink, and fishes that live in problem is finding sites that everyone can
salt water must drink salt water. However, agree are geologically stable. Decaying
when we watch them in an aquarium and radioactive isotopes release heat. As a
see them opening and closing their mouths, result, high-level waste must be constantly
we must not assume that they are drinking. cooled; otherwise, it becomes dangerously
Fishes need water for its oxygen. The water hot. This is why many experts want to store
that they seem to be gulping gives them waste above ground until it has decayed and
oxygen, which is in the water. On the other is cool enough to be stored safely in sealed
hand, when a fish drinks, it swallows water, repositories several hundreds of metres
just in the way we do. below ground. According to one recent
theory, however, waste should be lowered
1. It is stated in the passage that a fish down boreholes drilled to 4 kilometres. The
opens and closes its mouth .............. . trick is to exploit heat generated by the
a. in order to get oxygen waste to fuse the surrounding rock and
contain any leaking radioactivity.
Preliminary test

1. .It is clear from the passage that the safe e. whereby the heat produced by that
disposal of radioactive waste ------------ . waste will serve to seal it safety into
the rock under which it has been
a. has been satisfactorily dealt with by buried
scientists in conjunction with

b. is a problem that each government PART 3. Paragragh Completion

must decide on for its own country Activity .Complete the gaps in the
reading passages in accordance wtih
c. remains a global problem of great meaning. Start now. You must stop
magnitude after 10 minutes.
d. is a problem that has not attracted Thermal insulation is concerned with the
attention problem of reducing the transfer of heat
e. will in all likelihood soon be resolved, from one place to another and depends upon
and a clear policy agreed on by the thermal resistance of the insulating
concened governments. medium. --------- . However, this is not very
satisfactory in an ordinary air space because
2. As it is pointed out in the passage, many radiation is also involved in the transfer of
exports are of the opinion that radioactive heat.
waste --------.
a. Since air is a very poor conductor, an
a. should never be stored underground air gap, narrow enough to minimize
as it can not then be monitored convection, may be used for insulation

b. should not be stored underground b. Thermal conductivity is a term that is

while the radioactive isotopes only strictly applicable to
continue to let off substantial amounts homogeneous materials
of heat
c. In general, the lighter the material per
c. does not require to be cooled when unit volume, the greater its insulating
stored above ground value per unit thickness

d. cannot be safely disposed of d. The vertical air spaces used in

anywhere and the problem of what to insulating buildings are actually only
do with it intensifies as the amount about one third as thick
e. The optimum thickness must also be
e. can be safely left to cool down chosen to avoid condensation of
underground in sealed repositories moisture inside the walls

3. The passage describes a new method, still

only a theoretical one, for the disposal of
radioactive waste, ---

a. which uses bore holes so that all sites Source

are suitable
b. at a depth considerably less than that
normally recommended but the
chosen site must meet certain
geological requirements

c. which, unfortunately, increases the

time needed for cooling the waste
before final disposal

d. in which the radioactive isotopes are

prevented from releasing heat

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