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Computer Aided Engineering


Centre Name: Engineering & Manufacturing
Management Centre
Course Name: M.Sc (Engg) in Engg & Mfg Management

Name of the Student : G.PRABU

Student Registration No : BUB010004
Module Leader at MSRSAS : Mr.S.UMESH


M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies

New BEL Road, Gnanagangothri Campus, MSR Nagar, Bangalore-560 054
Tel: 23605539 / 23601983 / 2360 4759. Fax: 2360 1923
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Declaration Sheet
Student Name G.PRABU

Reg. No BUB010004

Course M.Sc.Engg in EMM Batch FT10

Module Code AME501

Module Title Computer Aided Engineering

Module Start Date 15/10/2010 Submission Date 09/11/2010

Module Leader Mr.S.Umesh

Submission Arrangements
This assignment must be submitted to Academic Records Office (ARO) by the submission date before 1730
hours for both Full-Time and Part-Time students.

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 Up to one week late: Penalty of one grade (5 marks)
 One-Two weeks late: Penalty of two grades (10 marks)
 More than Two weeks late: Fail - 0% recorded (F2)
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Signature of

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Module Leader Course Manager
<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies

Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme- Coventry University (UK)
Assessment Sheet
Department Engineering & Manufacturing Management Centre
Course EMM Batch Full-Time 2010
Module Code AME501 Module Title CAE
Module Completion
Module Leader Mr.s.umesh Date

Student Name G.Prabu ID Number BOBO910004

Attendance Details Theory Laboratory Fine Paid Remarks
(if any for shortage of attendance)

Assignment – Marks-Sheet (Assessor to Fill)

Part a b c d e f Total Remarks

Marks Scored for 100 Marks Scored out of 50
Written Examination – Marks – Sheet (Assessor to Fill)
Q. No a b c d Total Remarks
Marks Scored for 100 Marks Scored out of 50
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Overall Result
Components Assessor Reviewer
Assignment (Max 50) Pass Fail
Written Examination (Max 50) Pass Fail
Total Marks (Max 100) (Before Late Penalty) Grade
Total Marks (Max 100) (After Late Penalty) Grade
A+ A A- B+ B- C+ C FAIL
100-75 74-70 69-65 64-60 59-55 54-50 49-45 44-40 Less than 40
1. The assignment and examination marks have to be rounded off to the nearest integer and entered in the respective fields
2. A minimum of 40% required for a pass in both assignment and written test individually 24-0
3. A student cannot fail on application of late penalty (i.e. on application of late penalty if the marks are below 40, cap at 40 marks)

Signature of Reviewer with date Signature of Module Leader with date

<Computer Aided Engineering>
Globalization have brought the world market to a single platform and now a days the
costumers are becoming more and more demanding ,quality sensitive and selective mentality
which leads to tremendous change in manufacturing ideology .Industrial world starts to
reorganize their core process to achieve core competency . This difficult task such as higher
productivity, Product life cycle management, Designing, Analyzing, Manufacturing and new
product development are achieved by certain tools and technique. They are CAD, CAPP,
CAM, CAE, and Prototyping. A research has been made on different prototyping techniques
through journals, websites and books and the best out of it is found for new product
development. Different prototyping techniques which are used in industries for new product
development, their merits and demerits of these techniques were completely analyzed.

A Fuel injector assembly along with all its components is modelled using CATIA.
And all the parts are assembled together and functions are verified. Clash analysis for that
assembly is done and corrective measures are carried out using the clash analysis report.
Individual drawings for all the parts are made with clear details of dimensions and tolerances.
And final assembly drawing is made for the fuel injector. Ballooning & bill of material for
the assembly are generated.

A car model is made by using a wire frame IGES file format. Geometry cleanup is
done in the wire frame for creating clean surfaces. New curves are created with tangent
continuity in order to build surfaces with goo quality. An effective rendering is done to the
car model using real time rendering workbench of CATIA. And Surface curvature analysis is
carried out and the graphs for the analysis are created to understand the behaviour of the
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Table of Contents
B .......................................................................................................................................... iii
Abstract ................................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. ii
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... v
List of Table ........................................................................................................................ vii
Nomenclature ..................................................................................................................... viii
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... viii

CAE ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1

Abilities of CAE ........................................................................................................................ 1

CAE Covering Areas ................................................................................................................. 1

Phases of CAE ........................................................................................................................... 1

Categories of CAE ..................................................................................................................... 1

Computer Aided Designing (CAD) ............................................................................................ 2

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) .................................................................................... 2

Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) ................................................................................ 2

Integration of CAD / CAM / CAE in Product development cycle ............................................... 2

CAE Applications ...................................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 1 ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4

1.1.1 Categories in Prototyping Process ..................................................................................... 4

1.2 Subtractive Prototyping ........................................................................................................ 4

1.2.1 Methodology of Subtractive Manufacturing....................................................................... 4

1.2.2 Applications of Subtractive Manufacturing ........................................................................ 4

1.2.3 Merits of Subtractive Prototyping Process ......................................................................... 4

1.2.4 Demerits of Subtractive prototyping process ...................................................................... 5

1.3 Additive Prototyping Methodology ...................................................................................... 5

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

1.3.1 Applications of Additive manufacturing ............................................................................ 5

1.3.2 Merits of Additive manufacturing ...................................................................................... 5

1.3.3 Demerits of Additive Manufacturing ................................................................................. 5

1.4 Subtractive VS Additive Prototyping .................................................................................... 6

1.5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2 ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Geometrical Modeling ............................................................................................................. 7

2.2.1 CATIA.............................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Diesel Fuel injection pump ................................................................................................... 8

2.3.1 In-Line fuel injector pump ................................................................................................. 8

2.3.2 Geometric modeling of Diesel Injection Pump................................................................... 9

2.3.3 Fuel Injector Body ............................................................................................................ 9

2.3.4 Barrel: ............................................................................................................................. 10

2.3.5 Pinion: ............................................................................................................................ 10

2.3.6 Plunger: .......................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.7 Valve Seat:...................................................................................................................... 11

2.3.8 Valve: ............................................................................................................................. 12

2.3.9 Valve Spring: .................................................................................................................. 12

2.3.10 Washer: ......................................................................................................................... 13

2.3.11 Rack: ............................................................................................................................ 13

2.3.12 Return Spring: ............................................................................................................... 14

2.3.13 Cam Follower: .............................................................................................................. 14

2.3.14 Spring Seat:................................................................................................................... 15

2.3.15 Bleed Screw: ................................................................................................................. 15

2.3.16 Outlet Nipple: ............................................................................................................... 16

2.3.17 Banjo Bolt: .................................................................................................................... 16

2.4 Assembly: .......................................................................................................................... 17

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.4.1 Bottom – up approach ..................................................................................................... 17

2.4.2 Top – down approach ...................................................................................................... 17

2.5 Fuel Injector Assembly: ..................................................................................................... 17

2.6 Clash Analysis: .................................................................................................................. 20

2.7 Clashes on Fuel Injector Assembly ..................................................................................... 21

2.8 Drawing: ........................................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 3 ....................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Surface Modeling................................................................................................................... 23

3.2 IGES Model ....................................................................................................................... 23

3.2.1 Steps involved in surface modeling of BMW car ............................................................. 23

3.3 Regenerated curves ............................................................................................................ 24

3.4 Surface Creation ................................................................................................................ 24

3.5 Addition of features ........................................................................................................... 25

3.6 Surface curvature analysis of car ........................................................................................ 26

3.7 Rendered Image of BMW Car ............................................................................................ 27

CHAPTER 4 ....................................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Comments on Learning Outcome ....................................................................................... 29

4.2 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 29

Part B ...................................................................................................................................... 29

Part C ...................................................................................................................................... 29

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 30
BIBILIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................. 31
APPENDIX – A .................................................................................................................. 31

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

List of Figures
Figure2. 1 Aircraft modelling in Catia ............................................................................................... 7

Figure2. 2 Fuel injector pump ............................................................................................................ 8

Figure2. 3 Fuel Injector Body ............................................................................................................ 9

Figure2. 4 Barrel ............................................................................................................................. 10

Figure2. 5 Pinion ............................................................................................................................. 10

Figure2. 6 Plunger ........................................................................................................................... 11

Figure2. 7 Valve Seat ...................................................................................................................... 11

Figure2. 8 Valve .............................................................................................................................. 12

Figure2. 9Valve Spring.................................................................................................................... 12

Figure2. 10 Washer ......................................................................................................................... 13

Figure2. 11 Rack ............................................................................................................................. 13

Figure2. 12 Return Spring ............................................................................................................... 14

Figure2. 13 Cam Follower ............................................................................................................... 14

Figure2. 14 Spring Seat ................................................................................................................... 15

Figure2. 15 Bleed Screw.................................................................................................................. 15

Figure2. 16 Outlet Nipple ................................................................................................................ 16

Figure2. 17 Banjo Bolt .................................................................................................................... 17

Figure2. 18 Assembly of Fuel Injector ............................................................................................. 18

Figure2. 19 Explode view of Fuel injector assembly ........................................................................ 19

Figure2. 20 Clash Analysis Report ................................................................................................... 20

Figure2. 21 Clash Between Rack and pinion .................................................................................... 21

Figure2. 22 fuel injector pump assembly section view ..................................................................... 22

Figure3. 1 Wire Frame Model of the car ...............................................................................23

Figure3. 2 Wire frame clean up model..................................................................................24

Figure3. 3 Surface construction of a car ...............................................................................25

Figure3. 4 Different view of car model .................................................................................26

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Figure3. 5 surface curvature analysis ....................................................................................27

Figure3. 6 Porcupine analysis ...............................................................................................27

Figure3. 7 rendered image of BMW car ...............................................................................28

Figure3. 8 Draft view of BMW car .......................................................................................28

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

List of Table

Table1. 1 Comparison for CNC prototyping and RP prototyping ........................................................ 6

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

List of Abbreviations
CAD - Computer Aided Design

CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing

CAPP - Computer Aided Process Planning

CAE - Computer Aided Engineering

CNC - Computer Numerical Control

RP - Rapid Prototyping

3D - Three Dimensional

2D - Two Dimensional

BOM - Bill of Material

<Computer Aided Engineering>

CAE is the abbreviation for computer aided engineering. CAE is nothing but
performing the engineering application with the aid of computer. CAE is the tool which
supports designer to analyze geometry, simulation and which helps to study the material
behaviors at the different conditions. CAE systems are the major information providers for
the design team in the decision making process. It also includes validation and optimization
of the products and assemblies [1].

In present scenario industries cannot survive in the market unless & until they deliver
new product with the best quality for the low cost at correct time. This reasons CAE tools are
enabled manufactures to reduce product development cost and time while improving the
product qualities. For this time is the main criteria which are to be reduced as short as
possible. CAE is the capable to integrate those functions and achieve the needs.

Abilities of CAE
 Rapid and accurate numerical analysis of the engineering problems.
 Used to manage and access the large amount of engineering data.
 Errors handling through logical and systematic approaches.
 Rapid and accurate reproduction and transmission of data.
CAE Covering Areas
 Finite element analysis (FEA) – Stress Analysis
 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) – Thermal & Fluid flow analysis
 Kinematics
 Mechanical event simulations, Process simulations and Optimization
Phases of CAE
 Pre-processing
 Analysis solver
 Post processing of results
Categories of CAE
In general, CAE functions are categorized into different parts. Such us,

 Computer Aided Designing (CAD)

 Computer Aided Analysis (CAA)
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

 Computer Aided Planning (CAP)

 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
 Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Computer Aided Designing (CAD)
Computer aided designing (CAD) describes the process of designing with a computer.
It assists with creation, modification, analysis and optimization of a design. CAD is used to
design curve and figures in two dimensional spaces and also design the three dimensional
curves and surfaces. It may convey the information such us, material, process, dimension, and
tolerance, according to application – specific conventions.CAD is a major driving force for
the research and development activity at the beginning of conceptual stage. Lower product
development cost and a greater shortened designing cycle [2].

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

CAM is the computers software to control machine tools and related machinery in the
manufacturing processes. It is the technology to plan, manage, and control the production
process. CAM also considered as a numerical control (NC) programming tool, which helps to
generate the codes which drives the machine tools. This helps in different environments like,
quality control, machining centers and process planning.

Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)

Process Planning includes the activities and functions to prepare detailed set of
information to produce a part. Computer aided process planning initially evolved as a
electronically store a process plan once it was created, retrieve it, modify it for the new part
and print the plan. The plans begin with engineering drawings, specifications, parts or
material lists and a forecast of demands. CAPP is the sub division of the CAM.

Integration of CAD / CAM / CAE in Product development cycle

Integration of CAD / CAM / CAE helps for the complete product manufacturing cycle
from the initial stages of product development to till manufacturing process. CAD system
provides 3D models for these purposes of generating 2D drawings for manufacturing. CAM
provides to manage and control the manufacturing process till the end of finished product.
CAE provides to analysis the product at the real working conditions. Initial product
development processes starts with proto model. With the help of proto model different

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

analysis are conducted and based on the results required modifications are made. After these
changes the production process is carried out and it ends with quality check process.
Integration of these CAD / CAM / CAE applications completes product development cycle.
The below flow charts shown the integration functions in PDC.

Figure: Block Diagram of CAE Approach in PDC

CAE Applications

Figure: Applications of CAE

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

1.1 Introduction

Prototyping is part of the product development cycle which can be defined as the
process to cross verify the desired function in a product. Prototyping is the process to develop
conceptual design into a physical model. This helps the designers and engineers to touch,
feel, and validate the aesthetic features & functions. This also helps in checking the
specifications conformity, testing and optimizing the performance, planning the
manufacturing processes and selection of tools.

1.1.1 Categories in Prototyping Process

 Subtractive process (material removal)
 Additive (material built - up)
 Formatting (sculpture)
1.2 Subtractive Prototyping
Subtractive prototyping process involves carving a solid block of material to achieve
the shape of the desired object. In other words, material is removed from the raw part.
Machining is the broad term used to describe removal of material from a work piece. An
automated subtractive process includes computer numerical Control (CNC and DNC)
machining and also formative processes, such as stamping and forming.

1.2.1 Methodology of Subtractive Manufacturing

 Cutting – In this process the material will be removed by means of milling, turning.
 Abrasive - In this process the material will be removed by the means of grinding.
 Non-Traditional - Electrode discharge machining, wire cutting and chemical etching
helps to remove the material from the work piece.

1.2.2 Applications of Subtractive Manufacturing

 R & D – Using the proto model to test the features under the different conditions.
 Tooling – produce the modals at direct tooling and indirectly support to the pattern
making process for create the modals through investment castings.

1.2.3 Merits of Subtractive Prototyping Process

 Produce parts to maximize accuracy

 To create identical parts
<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

 Accurate representation of the design

 Real material properties

1.2.4 Demerits of Subtractive prototyping process

 Does not eliminate the need for expensive tools

 Costs more than conventional machinery
 Longer period of lead time
 Longer time to run complex models

1.3 Additive Prototyping Methodology

Time-compression-technologies, is a process of making objects by adding one layer

of material to another until the final shape is produced. With additive manufacturing, the
machine reads in data from a CAD drawing and generates layers of liquid, powder, or sheet
material, and in this way builds up the model from a series of cross sections. These layers,
which correspond to the virtual cross section from the CAD model, are joined together or
combined automatically to create the final shape. The geometry of the part to be fabricated
can be created from sources like computer aided design (CAD), reverse engineering.

1.3.1 Applications of Additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing is widely used in Aerospace, Dental, automotive,

consumables and architecture, it also used for pattern making process for the indirect tooling.

1.3.2 Merits of Additive manufacturing

 Reduced cost & waste

 Reduced lead time
 Ability to create almost any shape or geometric feature.
 Design change flexibility
1.3.3 Demerits of Additive Manufacturing
 Quality of the products depend on the layer thickness and properties of the models
 Closer representation of the design
 Not suitable for larger application
 Lacks on clear stopping points

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

1.4 Subtractive VS Additive Prototyping

S. no Subtractive Additive Prototyping

1 Can produce limited size only No restriction for size

2 Components behave like real parts and Only for a appearance

used to test at different conditions.

3 More accuracy Less accuracy

4 Longer pried to run complex shapes: lesser time to run any complex shapes
3D Surfaces, Bosses, Snap details

5 Good surface finish Secondary finishing need

6 Material removed by means of No chemical reaction takes place

chemical reactions.

7 Addition and modification on the Flexible to manufacture any geometry

machine bodies for different geometry

8 Operating cost is slightly high Economical

9 Human inputs required Controlled by machines & software’s

10 Material are used in the form of Solid Material are used by the form of –
blocks – ferrous, Non ferrous, Plastics Photopolymer resin Liquids, metal
& Wood etc. powers, papers, Laminated Sheets etc.

Table1. 1 Comparison for CNC prototyping and RP prototyping

1.5 Conclusion
The RP technique definitely helps to minimize the time consumed in prototyping
process of the product development cycle. RP techniques can be implemented in various kind
of application to get the insights on products which were not possible in CNC prototyping.
When compared to CNC the RP techniques are slightly inexpensive and they have to be
carried out only after consideration of the quality and cost. This also helps in rectifying
design flaws before actual production, minimizing wastes that results in reduction of cost and
<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.1 Geometrical Modeling

Geometric modeling is a powerful feature to develop three dimensional models of an

object through the computer aided techniques. 3D modeling is the process of developing a
mathematical representation of any geometrical bodies. Geometric modeling is classified into
three types such as, Wire frame modeling, Surface modeling, and Solid modeling. These
techniques have their own applications for creating the model and analyzing it. The final
output for all models created should be in two dimensional drawings which will help to create
the real product.

2.2.1 CATIA
CATIA is the abbreviation for Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive
Application. It can perform at multi discipline platform such us, CAD / CAM / CAE
operations. CATIA was created by Dassault System of France and it was marketed by IBM in
1980’s. CATIA is software which is build by C++ language. Initially CATIA was generated
for aerospace industries later they followed by the some of the manufacturing industries.
CATIA is found in a variety of industries throughout the world, some of these industries
includes; Aerospace, Automotive, Construction, Electronic, Consumable, Medical, Mould
and Shipbuilding (figure 2.1).

Figure2. 1 Aircraft modelling in Catia

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3 Diesel Fuel injection pump

Fuel injection pumps are the heart of the engine. Fuel injection pumps are designed to
pump the mixture of air and fuel into the cylinders of a diesel engine at a specific time with
high pressure. It initiates the combustion process of the engine by delivering fuel for its
functioning. The internal – combustion diesel engine is invented by German engineer Rudolf
diesel in 1892 and it is unimproved.

2.3.1 In-Line fuel injector pump

This In-Line injection pump consists of many parts and involves supplying fuel at
high pressure to the reciprocating engine. In this type one engine cylinder is fixed with one
pump element which are arranged in rows [3].

The pump camshaft are driven through gears are chains of the engine. The plunger of
the injector has a groove in it, when the plunger is pushed upwards it comes into contact with
the drop port and required amount of the fuel gets through the groove. The extra fuel will be
again sent to the drop port. The helical portion of the groove helps to limit the flow of fuel. In
the engine all the cylinder receive the same amount of the fuel for that all the plungers
activated at the same time. For this a common gear rack is attached to each of the plunger so
that all the plunger will rotate ate the same time allowing the fuel to flow at a correct
proportion to the engine (figure 2.2).

Figure2. 2 Fuel injector pump

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.2 Geometric modeling of Diesel Injection Pump

The diesel injection pump assembly is made with a help of CATIA software. CATIA
used to convert the two dimensional into three dimensional modals. And the generating
procedures of each geometrical model are explained below,

2.3.3 Fuel Injector Body

 In cylindrical main body, rack holder and the clamping area is modeled through pad
 Later the interior portion is removed by groove option.
 Internal thread operation is made through thread option.
 The angular cylindrical area is done by creating a plane to an angle of 45 degree, and
then the plane is offset with respect to the required parameter create the cylindrical
 Using the same plane the interior hole of the angular cylindrical portion is removed
through grove option.
 Chamfer done through the chamfering operation.
 Material used for manufacturing is Cast iron.

Figure2. 3 Fuel Injector Body

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.4 Barrel:
 Internal hole and the Body of the barrel are modeled by using shaft operation.
 The slot in between the cylindrical portion of the part is made through slot operation.
 The barrel another end of the centre tapered & straight holes made by groove
 Material used for manufacturing is carbon steel.

Figure2. 4 Barrel

2.3.5 Pinion:
 Using the parametric model the gear tooth is made on the generative shape design
environment and the gear thickness is made by pad operation.
 The round body of the pinion is modeled by using multi pad operation.
 The pinion internal hole is done by hole operation.
 Material used for manufacturing is carbon steel.

Figure2. 5 Pinion

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.6 Plunger:
 The main body of the plunger is made by using shaft operation.
 The plunger shoulder flat is done by pocket operation.
 The bottom hole is done by hole operation.
 The top side of sharp corners is filleted by using edge fillet option.
 A helical curve is made in generative shape design and using a rectangular cross
section helical slot is made on the body of the cylinder.
 Material used for manufacturing is carbon steel.

Figure2. 6 Plunger

2.3.7 Valve Seat:

 Entire body of the valve seat is made by shaft operation which gives the outer shape
and the inner detail of the part.
 Material used for manufacturing is mild steel.

Figure2. 7 Valve Seat

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.8 Valve:
 By using of shaft option the valve main body of the top circular portion was
 The plus cross section is made by using of pad option.
 Material used for manufacturing is Mild steel.

Figure2. 8 Valve

2.3.9 Valve Spring:

 A point is created using the diameter of the spring, keeping that point as origin the
helix is generated which gives wire frame model of the spring.
 Creating a point and the helix guide curve with the help of rib option the spring body
is generated.
 Circular profile is made for the spring cross section.
 Using of the split tool the flats done on the both ends of the spring.
 Material used for manufacturing is spring steel.

Figure2. 9Valve Spring

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.10 Washer:
 The body of the washer is generated by shaft operation.
 Material used for manufacturing is copper alloy.

Figure2. 10 Washer

2.3.11 Rack:
 The main body rack consists of two cylinders; both the cylinders are modelled by pad
 The gear tooth horizontal pattern is made though the pocket operation.
 Material used for manufacturing is carbon steel.

Figure2. 11 Rack

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.12 Return Spring:

 A point is created using the diameter of the spring, keeping that point as origin the
helix is generated which gives wire frame model of the spring.
 Creating a point and the helix guide curve with the help of rib option the spring body
is generated.
 Circular profile is made for the spring cross section.
 Using of the split tool the flats done on the both ends of the spring.
 Material used for manufacturing is spring steel.

Figure2. 12 Return Spring

2.3.13 Cam Follower:

 The main body of the cam follower is made through the pad operation.
 The through hole on the follower was generated by the hole operation. Using that hole
as a reference and generating similar hole at an angle of 90 degree by using of circular
pattern option. And carbon steel material is applied for the part.

Figure2. 13 Cam Follower

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.14 Spring Seat:

 The geometric shape of the spring seat is modelled using shaft command.
 Material used for manufacturing is mild steel.

Figure2. 14 Spring Seat

2.3.15 Bleed Screw:

 The bleed screw outer body with conical tip fully constructed with shaft operation.
 The screw male thread is generated by threading operation.
 A slot in the screw is made through the slot option.
 Material used for manufacturing is mild steel.

Figure2. 15 Bleed Screw

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.3.16 Outlet Nipple:

 Using shaft option one side of the nipple outer body is modelled.
 The hexagonal head of the outlet nipple is made through pad operation.
 The outlet nipple other side of the cylindrical body was generated by pad operation.
 The inner hole is made along with countersunk profile with the help of the groove
 Chamfer in it is made by groove operation which gives the smooth finish to it.
 Inner and outer thread is made through the thread option.
 Iron is applied has a material property
 Material used for manufacturing is mild steel.

Figure2. 16 Outlet Nipple

2.3.17 Banjo Bolt:

 The hexagonal head and the round body are made through multi pad operation.
 And cross holes are generated on two different angles with using of pocket operation.
 The hexagonal head edges are blended with smooth radius given through the groove
 External threading is done through the threading option at the limited length.
 At last the through hole done on the entire length of the bolt by using hole command.
 Material used for manufacturing is mild steel.

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Figure2. 17 Banjo Bolt

2.4 Assembly:
Assembly is a process of bringing all the components in a workbench and giving
relation between them in order to find complexities in fit, function and simulations. In this
case CATIA provides advanced features to make assembly process easier. CATIA offers two
different kinds of assembly features which are, 1) Bottom - up, 2) Top – down approach.

2.4.1 Bottom – up approach

Previously created parts are called together at the single workbench for the assembly

2.4.2 Top – down approach

Parts are created inside of the assembly workbench and assembled together. CATIA
provides different options for assembling the parts in one workbench. Using these options the
parts of the assembly can be constrained with each other. The constraints used in CATIA are,

 Coincidence – This helps in creating axis constrained parts. It requires axis to create
this constrain.
 Contact – This constrain helps to create the contact between the elements. This
constrains done only by using planes and surfaces of the part bodies.
 Offset constrain – This options is used to fix the limits between two elements.
2.5 Fuel Injector Assembly:
The injector assembly is a critical task which needs more care because minor errors
will create major issues which leads to loss of production. After completion of part models,
the components are ready to assemble. Bottom-up assembly procedures are followed in this
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Figure2. 18 Assembly of Fuel Injector

 The main body of the fuel injector is assembled using fix operation which constrains
the first component of the assembly environment.
 Following the body the pinion is assembled from the bottom of the body using
coincident and contact constrains. The pinion is assembled on purposely in this stage
because it cannot be assemble at last.
 The spring seat is assembled to the body and coincident and contact constraints with
the pinion.
 Later the return spring is contact constrains with spring seat and centre axis
coincidence with the pinion center.
 The cam follower is assembled to the body using coincidence and offset constrains
are given to the component. The offset constrain used to maintain correct projection
from the bottom surface and lock the movement from those position.
 Following the follower the barrel is then assembled to the body, in order to align
through the pinion bour and it constraint with the pinion top face.
 Plunger is assembled to the main body using coincidence with body and offset
constrains with barrel.
 The valve seat is assembled and constrained with the barrel and the washer is inserted
in the valve seat and constrained.
 The valve is assembled to the valve seat using the constrained with the offset option.
 Following this, spring is assembled and constrained with the valve.
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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

 The outlet nipple threaded part insert with the main body and it is constrained with
offset through the spring was compressed and pushed the valve towards the bottom.
 And the bleed screw is assembled in the angular portion in the main body and
constrained with it.
 And the banjo bolt is assembled in the side face and offset constraint with the main
 Then the final component rack is assembled in the body and to get function with
pinion. This completes the assembly process.

Figure2. 19 Exploded view of Fuel injector assembly

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.6 Clash Analysis:

In the assembly clash analysis helps to find any unwanted interference or clearance
between all the components of the assembly. The following table shows the clash analysis
report done for the fuel injector assembly. This table gives details about clearance, contact,
and clash between all the components of the assembly.

This will show the results between all the components in the assembly. Using this
clearance value can also between the components. Green, orange and red colours are
highlighted in the components for identifying the relation between all parts.

Figure2. 20 Clash Analysis Report

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

2.7 Clashes on Fuel Injector Assembly

Table (2.20) shows the clashes which are present in the assemblies of the fuel injector
pump. Among 15 components, 4 clash components are identified and remaining components
have some negligible amount of clearance. The clashes identified are inspected (Figure 2.21)
and rectified.

Some of the relevant and irrelevant clashes found in the assembly are shown below,

 Outlet nipple and Body - Relevant - Threading area clash.

 Banjo bolt and Body - Relevant - Threading area clash.
 Return spring and pinion - Irrelevant - Spring id should be modified.
 Pinion and rack - Irrelevant - Rack and pinion should be modified.

Figure2. 21 Clash Between Rack and pinion

2.8 Drawing:
Drawing is two dimensional representation of orthographic projection often object.
Drawing should be made in the manner that should understand the person. The drawing is
intended to concisely and clearly communicate all need specifications to transfer into the
physical form. Using this drawing only most of the machining will be carried out.

After completion of the modeling and assembly the fuel injection pump drawings are
prepared for the each component. Assembly drawing shows how different parts go together,
part identifications and BOM gives the clear idea about the each product. It also shows the
type of fit between each component and the assembly (figure 2.22).

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Figure2. 22 fuel injector pump assembly section view

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

3.1 Surface Modeling

Surface modeling is a key geometrical modeling technique which is used to generate

the geometry of irregular shape and variable contours. This feature use curves for generation
of the surface. It is used for analysis of model, rendering and for manufacturing. The
wireframe is the visual model of the shape, which has a list of curve equations, coordinates of
the points and the connectivity equation for the shape. The light effect gives surface curvature
a good aesthetic look and material property can be selected to surface with different colours.

3.2 IGES Model

Initial Graphics Exchange specification which is called as IGES is a neutral file
format is used to allow the digital data exchange between CAD tools. This format helps to
transfer data between different software’s for program and analysis (figure 3.1).

Figure3. 1 Wire Frame Model of the car

3.2.1 Steps involved in surface modeling of BMW car

 Regenerated curves
 Surface creation
 Addition of features
 Rendering
 Surface curvature analysis

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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

3.3 Regenerated curves

The wireframe data contains improper curvature continuity. So the new curve has
been created using the point, line and spline options (figure 3.2).

 The shape - generative shape design work bench is selected to model the car.
 The half part car body is hided to avoid surface modeling of all the closed loops
because one half of the car is symmetry to the next half.
 Few curves are created newly and all the other curves are used from the existing
wireframe itself.
 New curves are made in 3d space by create the spline, line, and Point operations.
 Offset planes, projected points and curves are created to achieve smooth trajectory of

Figure3. 2 Wire frame clean up model

3.4 Surface Creation

The wire frame of skeleton body is converted into surface modeling through
some specified features (figure 3.3).
 Using guide curves and profile curves surfaces are created with the help of multi-
section, fill, sweep options.
 To avoid overlap between two surfaces new curves are built based on the requirement.
 After closing all the curves join surface is created to connect all the surfaces created
using the wire frame model and created curves. This gives a one single surface of the
car model.

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

 Using symmetry option the car model is mirrored.

 Material properties are applied the environment.

Figure3. 3 Surface construction of a car

3.5 Addition of features

Additional features include accessories and material properties helps to give aesthetic
look of the modeled car (figure 3.4). The features such us,

 Different colours are applied to headlamp, step for grill, tail lamp and windshields
which resembles like parts on the car.
 Special features of wheels caps and roof shield are created.
 Using mirror option the full model of the car created.
 BMW logos are applied in the front and rear sides using the striker option [4].

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Figure3. 4 Different view of car model

3.6 Surface curvature analysis of car

Surface curvature analysis is a very important step to examine the quality of the
surface built. The model can be analyzed for connectivity, feature draft, curvature, distance
etc. The diagnosis of the model is possible and the corrective action can be done as necessary.

 A surface curvature analysis is performed to show the curvature behaviors on the car
body. The surface curvature analysis shows the maximum curvature area in the
selected surfaces (figure 3.5).
 Performed Porcupine analysis shows the behavior of the boundary surfaces in the
selected surfaces. The graph shows the curvature of the selected boundary (figure
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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Figure3. 5 surface curvature analysis

Figure3. 6 Porcupine analysis

3.7 Rendered Image of BMW Car

The back ground given is to provide an aesthetic look and to check how the model
will look in real condition (figure3.7).

 Rendering is a visual art of creating, shading and texturing of an image.

 The car body is rendered in Infrastructure – Real Time rendering workbench.
 Using the box environment and spot light option can adjust to get the good image
almost like a real product.
 The surfaces of the car bodies are decorated with logos using sticker option.
 Choosing of environment will give the realistic look of it.
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M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

Figure3. 7 Rendered image of BMW car

Figure3. 8 Draft view of BMW car

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)

4.1 Comments on Learning Outcome

This module gives idea on new trends in advanced manufacturing technologies.

Engineering companies adopt different method to design and analyze new products. It helped
them to reduce the design time, prototyping time and it reduced the need for so many trials.
Such CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE software improved the product quality also. The
expansions in these fields are still going on, which will lend a hand to introduce better
products in terms of quality, price, time and reliability. Reverse engineering and rapid
prototyping is the most promising future technology in manufacturing world. It has replaced
traditional ways in many areas such as new product development. And also CAD tools and its
techniques are essential things, which plays vital role in modern manufacturing.

4.2 Conclusion

Part B
A fuel injector assembly with all its parts is modeled in this part of assignment. The
solid model gives the complete details of the pump. The assembly features helped to check
the function of the each component in assembly and showing the real function in the virtual
environment. And clash analysis helped to check the functional difficulties in the assembly.
The result of this analysis makes better product, and minimizes the problems during the
prototyping and manufacturing.

Part C
The surface frame model of BMW car is prepared in this part of the assignment. This
surface model gives the complete details of the exteriors of the car body. The curvature
analysis helped to check the surface continuity. The result of this analysis makes better
product, and minimizes the problems during the prototyping and manufacturing. The real
time rendering helps to get better the material, finishes and graphics to improve the aesthetic
of the car. Aesthetic is immeasurably vital as this gives the first impression about the product.

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)


[1] Anonyms, (8/11/10)

[2] Anonyms, (8/11/10)

[3] Anonyms, (8/11/10)

[4] Anonyms,
AU&biw=1440&bih=775 (8/11/10)

<Computer Aided Engineering>
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies –Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme (PEMP)


[1] Mr.S.Umesh, Computer Aided Engineering, M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies,
Bangalore, Month and year of delivery of module. (8/11/10)

<Computer Aided Engineering>

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