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have one's nose in a book

heave a sign of relief

regale sb with sth
ball of fire : a dynamic person capable of displaying rapid and highly effective
thought, action.
agonize about/over sth
take the wraps of sth
turn on the waterworks : to start crying, especially too much or in a way that does
not seem sincere
stool pigeon: a person acting as a decoy or informer
whistleblower: người tố giác, vd nhân viên trong một công ty
scandal-monger: a person who stirs up public outrage toward someone or their
actions by spreading rumors or malicious gossip.
stand/stick out like a sore thumb: If someone or something stands/sticks out like a
sore thumb, everyone notices them because they are very different from the people
or things around them:
hot-headed: having an impetuous or quick-tempered nature.
stick in one's throat: (of words) be difficult or impossible to say on account of
one's feelings.
stand out a mile
be right under your nose
take sth in stride
bear sb no/a/any malice : have bad feelings towards sb
handy for something: near sth
go down in the annals of history
live in the lap of luxury
make/put a dent in sth:make/put a dent in sth : to reduce an amount of something,
esp. money or work
fall/go to pieces
temper one's language: soften/make less severe your way of saying/expressing sth
under/on oath: having legally promised to tell the truth
gnash one's teeth: To erupt or lash out in anger.
->The boss will definitely start gnashing his teeth once he hears about this
printing mishap.

chinwag (n.) [informal] : a long and pleasant conversation between friends

colloquy: a formal conversation
chatterbox: a person, especially a child, who talks alot
flaunt (v.) : to show or make obvious sth you are proud of in order to get
flout (v.) : to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom.
-->The town council thought it could flout the law, but the court ordered it to
demolish its unsafe buildings.
irreverent (adj.) : not showing the expected respect for official, important, or
holy things-> sự châm biến, phim hài...
-insolent: rude and not showing respect
stretch (v.) : use nearly all the money/resources available so that there is very
little left

dissolute: (of a person) living in a way that other people strongly disapprove of:
-> He led a dissolute life, drinking and womanizing until his death

-irresolute: not able or willing to take decisions or actions:

-> an irresolute reply

-dose of flu

-secede: to become independent of a country or area of government:

->There is likely to be civil war if the region tries to secede from the south
-concomitant with: sth that happens with sth else and is connected with it.

-COGNISANT OF STH: (adj.) : understanding or realizing sth.

->We should be cognizant of the fact that every complaint is not a justified
-precarious: in a danger state or position
-precipitous (adj): If a reduction or increase is precipitous, it is fast or great:
->Over the past 18 months, there has been a precipitous fall in car sales
-perennial (adj): lasting a very long time

-check(v): stop or slow down the progress of (something undesirable).

->"efforts were made to check the disease"

- ingenuous (adj.) : honest, sincere, and trusting, sometimes in a way that seems
- oblivion-> oblivious (adj): not conscious of something, especially what is
happening around you:
->Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.
->The mayor seems oblivious to the likely effects of the new legislation.

-beard the lion in his/her den: to visit an important person in oder to tell or ask
them sth unpleasant.

-farm out something: to give work to other people to do.

-fork out something: to pay an amount of money, especially unwillingly:
->I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.
-flesh out something:to add more detail when describing or explaining something:
-> Emily should have included these pieces of information to flesh out her

fit sb/sth out with sth : provide someone or sth with all of the things that will
be needed.

-furtive (adj.) : behave/act so secretly and often dishonestly to avoid being


-prevaricate: to avoid telling the truth or saying exactly what you think.



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