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Some people think that in the present context of Vietnam, it is possible to promote economic development while still controlling
the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Others think otherwise, claiming that we need to prioritize one mission over the other.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You have 5 minutes to prepare for your talk. Good luck!

1. Tìm bài đọc/nghe liên quan đến topic (ghi lại source)
 có đánh dấu từ + gạch chân ý chính
2. Làm bảng phân loại từ (3 - tiered) (link tham khảo)
3. Trình bày bản brainstorming (sử dụng mind-map/ SWOT)
4. Viết outline cho bài nói

Ideas Useful Vocab / Structure (if any)

Link tham khảo:



Em đã nhặt ý chính và để ở dưới ở phần brainstorm ạ

 Tier 1:
Words acquired through every day speech, usually learned in the early grades
 Include
 Major
 Difficulties
 Services
 Activities
 Shortage
 Workers
 Wages
 Businesses
 Effective
 Recover
 Tensions
 Challenges
 Virus
 Communication
 Pandemic
 Economic
 Potential
 Country
 Development

Tier 2:
Academic words that appear across all types of text. These are often precise words that are used by the author
in place of common words. (i.e. gallop instead of run). They change meaning with use.
 Enterprise
 Aviation
 Burden
 Resilient
 Accomodation
 Revenue
 Wagers
 Catering
 Supply
 Decline
 Property
 Scarce
 Enforce
 Monetary
 Restructurings
 Swift
 Strains
 Policies
 Implement
 Fiscal
 Mountainous
 Firms
 Indigenous
 Pharmaceutical
 Ministry
 Detrimental
 Soar
 Exacebration
 Tier 3:
Domain specific words" that are specifically tied to content. (i.e. Constitution, lava) These are typically the
types of vocabulary words that are included in glossaries, highlighted in textbooks and address by teachers.
They are considered difficult words important to understanding content.
 Sectors
 Socio-economic
 Flows
 High-frequency
 COVAX-jargon
 Polyvac testing- jargon
 Variants
 Nanogen-jargon
 Virus cluster

OUTLINE: Priorities.imx


On the one hand, it is true that the possibility for Vietnam to

dual-task is very likely and much-needed
Reasons: 1) national socio-economic development been hit hard by Covid-19

1.1 the COVID-19 pandemic not only caused heavy damage to most socio-economic sectors and fields, especially services,
tourism, transportation (especially aviation), catering, accommodation, entertainment, etc., interrupting supply chain and trade
flows, but also strongly affected the people’s psychology and life

A number of enterprises faced difficulties, including interrupted and scarce supply of raw materials and falling output market,
especially export market. In such a context, the costs of operation of enterprises became a burden while the shortage of cash flow
was gradually increasing, especially the shortage of working capital to pay labor wages (this is the biggest burden), loan interest,
property rent and other regular activities; there was a decline in revenue and even loss. And even businesses have been resilient to
maintain production, protect their workers, this is still not enough, because they only include major ones; the resilience of small,
medium enterprises, is still limited.

The crisis has also impacted households and businesses with significant variation. If the immediate
impact of the lockdown on households was almost uniformly negative, longer and differentiated effects
were identified in the high-frequency household survey carried out by the World Bank in August, including:

Almost a third of households reported still experiencing a decline in income in July/August compared to
the previous month

Across the six regions of Vietnam, the decline in income ranged from 29 percent in the Midlands and
Northern Mountainous areas to 38 percent in the Northern and Coastal Central region.

The incidence of income reduction was relatively even across urban and rural groups, and groups in the
top and bottom of the distribution.

Most households that did experience a decline in income saw less than half of their income shrink.

However, about 2.5 percent of all households experienced a decline in household income of 50 percent
or more. Those in the Bottom 40 of the distribution were slightly more likely to report a
larger magnitude of income loss than those in the Top 60.13
Those with family businesses were the most likely to report declining household income, while
respondents working in agriculture or the public sector were the least likely.

1.2 Education and training activities faced with massive difficulties. The decision on social distancing allowing 21 million pupils
and students to be off school was a very important and timely decision in the prevention and fight against the spread of the
epidemic; however, this not only changed the overall education plan of schools, learning of students but also affected parents,
especially parents with school children.

2) To fully achieve its potential in economic recovery

iVietnam responded very early to the pandemic, and took severe action in early January 2020, even before the virus
entered the country. The Vietnamese government implemented strict policies of wearing face masks, using hand
sanitizer, social distancing, health declaration, and even enforcing strict quarantine measures.
Due to the government’s swift decision-making, effective communication, and extensive contact tracing, Vietnam has
been successful in controlling the pandemic compared to other countries in the region.
Although Vietnam is subject to gradually recover from  COVID-19, the country’s economic outlook still holds some
uncertainties regarding weaker labor market conditions, deteriorating corporate financial resources, banking system
weaknesses, and tensions in trade policies. On the other hand, the distribution of effective COVID-19 vaccines could
benefit Vietnam’s economic confidence and growth prospects in the coming years.

So according to IMF, to fully achivied its potential, Vietnam needs to review its policies and enforce more decisive
economic reforms. Firstly, to aid economic recovery the government should focus on business challenges and
unemployment. Further, focus should also be on fiscal policies and enforcing more supportive monetary policies.
However, due to strains in the banking system because of the pandemic, the government should be cautious when
expanding loan restructurings, or when offering opportunities for further monetary policy extension.

On the other hand, it might be wise to tackle each task

individually, and in my opinion, the complete eradication of the
covid-19 should triumph
Reasons:1) As virus clusters have started to appear again :
After successfully containing the virus for much of the pandemic, Vietnam is facing a rapid spread of infections that
has led to movement restrictions in around one-third of the country.

It has registered a total of 145,000 cases and 1,306 deaths, 85 per cent of which were recorded over the past month.
The South-east Asian country reported 8,624 new infections late on Saturday, with most of the confirmed cases
detected in the south, especially Ho Chi Minh City, where social distancing measures have been enforced since May

Why ? No doubt Vietnam has been a victim of its own success. With such low rates of infection, it simply did not

pursue vaccines with any urgency. It did contract for supplies of vaccines, but did so relatively late to the game, and

far back in the queue.

While there was a clear interest in using the pandemic to jump start the biotech sector, a much better course of action

would have been having one or two of the pharmaceutical firms license production of one of the mRNA vaccines.

This is a space that Vietnam should have filled, especially as its economy was running effectively when so much of

the world was in lockdown.

Vietnam is now trying to fill this space, but it is late to the game. In June 2021, the Ministry of Health reached out to

the World Health Organization’s COVAX program about setting up a manufacturing facility in Vietnam in order

to franchise different vaccines for local production and for COVAX. And in recent negotiations with Johnson &

Johnson, Vietnam not only agreed to purchase the vaccine, but also to license its production.
Vietnam is going to get through this. It had a surprising stumble. But it has an effective government, a decent public
health system, and a patriotic population that will rally. Most importantly there is a hunger in Vietnam to develop
economically, and not be caught in the middle income trap.
 Coming out of the pandemic as quickly as possible is the key to that, that’s why this should be the aim for the
time being
2) Might be detrimental to both matter in regard: The economy goes into a nosedive, while Covid-19 cases
simultaneously soar

Examples: Prioritising the economy during the pandemic would never work. The US is a good example. Under Donald
Trump’s leadership, the US tends to prioritise its economy and it now has the most COVID-19 cases in the world.

The Trump administration seems to ignore a new study by top US university MIT, which, using data from the 1918-
1919 flu pandemic in the US, demonstrates that cities that prioritised people’s health over the economy had more
economic growth afterwards.

Vietnam has initally received praise for its success in containing the spread of the virus, by manifesting that economy
should not be a priority, and this should also be our way onwards.

Failing that-> Exacberation of the current virus situation -> Ending up costing more

->> Clear message: the government is willing to sacrifice economic benefits in the short term for the health of the
people and work with principles that do not leave anyone behind
Intro: Brief introduction of the Covid-19 situation in VN +
paraphrasing the said topic


Introduce viewpoint 1
-)Supporting idea 1 -> Elaborate by :
+) Reports and findings
-)Supporting idea 2-> Elaborate by:
+) Scientific reports and findings

Introduce view point 2

-)Supporting idea 1 ->Elaborate by
+) Statistics
+) Findings + Logical reasoning( Turn against)
-)Supporting idea 2 -> Elaborate by
+) Example
+) Logical reasoning

Reiterate chosen viewpoint + conclude

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