Task Sheet For Session 14: DRAWING Conclusions and Making Generalization

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Task sheet for Session 14: DRAWING


I. Fact it to Conclude it.
Directions. Draw conclusions based on the text below. Use the graphic organizer.

Finding Nibbles
By Rodolf John T. Rodriguez

Lanie came in from recess with the rest of her class to

find her teacher, Mr. Arquilita, looking down at his desk and
frowning. Lanie took her seat along with the rest of the class,
watching as Mr. Arquilita walked to the front of the room. Slowly, the
noise and bustle of students settling in and taking books from their
backpacks died down. Mr. Arquilita looked out at the kids and began
to speak.
“What do you notice about my desk?” he asked. “Can
anyone tell me what’s different?” Lanie looked at Mr. Arquilita’s desk
and suddenly she realized why he’d looked upset. Nibbles, the class
hamster, was missing from her normal spot, along with her cage and
the bag of hamster food that always sat on the corner of the desk.
That’s when Lanie remembered that she had seen Japeth standing
beside the door at the start of recess, seeming to wait for everyone
else to file out into the yard. She glanced under Japeth’s desk and
noticed a strangely square lump beneath his jacket. Lanie hesitated,
and then slowly raised her hand.
II. Self-to-Text Strategy
Directions. Draw conclusion in each of the texts below. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. The sun was shining on the flowers, and the grass was a pretty shade of green.
There weren’t any clouds in the sky, and the butterflies looked beautiful as they
fluttered around.
It is most likely :
a. early in the morning
b. a spring day
c. evening time

2. Andy’s dog was covered in mud. Andy’s mom was very upset and told Andy he
needed to help clean up before he could go play.
You can tell :
a. Andy’s dog got the house muddy
b. Andy’s mom doesn’t like dogs
c. Andy’s favorite animal is a dog

3. The marching band looked amazing on the football field. Each member played
their instruments perfectly. The audience loved the performance.
You can tell :
a. The football field was big
b. The marching band practiced a lot
c. The audience was quiet

4. Jenny held her stomach and leaned back on the sofa. She grabbed a blanket
and curled up in a ball. All she could think about was that big funnel cake she ate
Jenny probably :
a. hasn’t slept in a while
b. wants another funnel cake
c. has a stomachache from the cake

5. Sam woke up late, spilled toothpaste on his shirt, and missed the bus. His sister
accidentally took his lunch to school, instead of her own.
Sam probably feels:
a. frustrated
b. calm
c. lonely
6. It was a great day for fishing.  Eric and Allen took the boat to the lake to enjoy the
day. Eric caught five fish before noon, and Allen only caught one.
Allen probably feels :
a. discouraged
b. proud
c. successful

7. Tabitha slipped the second she put one foot outside the door. She fell down and
hurt her wrist, and her fingers started to sting from the cold.
It is probably :
a. rainy outside
b. icy outside
c. dark outside

8. The sounds scared Kelley.  She did not want anyone putting any of those scary
looking tools in her mouth. What if they hurt her?
Kelley is probably :
a. about to get her hair cut
b. not a happy person
c. at the dentist

9. First, his arm started to sting.  Then, Neo noticed it was starting to turn red and
form a small bump. Before long, Neo’s arm was itching like crazy!
Neo probably :
a. broke his arm
b. got a bug bite on his arm
c. cut his arm

10. Tylie loved frogs, turtles, and lizards.  She wasn’t afraid of them like some of her
friends. Her favorite hobby was hiking out to the pond to try to catch baby
Tylie probably:
a. enjoys being outdoors
b. doesn’t like to get dirty
c. has a pet rabbit

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