Session 2 Assignment

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Asynchronous Learning Session 2

Make a short story using story elements. (based on the picture presented) 

One day Peter was digging on their background to plant an apple tree.
Every day he visits and water the plant. As the days goes by there
were bees tried to eat and lived in the plant so Peter made some
solutions to protect his plant. Finally the tree grows bigger and bear
many fruits and Peter was very happy harvesting apples and sell to
the market.

1. Look at your instructional practices in the English classroom, are there
provisions for a meaningful development  of  oral language?
Oral language permeates every facet of the primary school curriculum. The development of oral
language is given an importance as great as that of reading and writing, at every level, in the
curriculum. It has an equal weighting with them in the integrated language process.

2. how do you support oral language development in your classes?

Conversing with children is not the only way to increase vocabulary, however. Strategies
teachers use while reading with and to children can also build their word banks. Asking open
ended questions (questions in which there is no right or wrong answer and to which the adult
does not “know” the answer) helps teachers assess children’s comprehension but also helps
them learn more vocabulary words (Whitehurst et al., 1988, as cited in Wasik, 2006).Kerry
(1982) asserts that the vast majority (approximately 80%) of “teacher talk” in classrooms is
focused on tasks: giving instructions, providing information, or correcting behaviour or
information. Of this talk, 80% of it consists of low-level questions that ask children to recall
information rather than open-ended questions requiring children to think at higher levels (as
cited in Jalongo, 2008). A very important consideration in using any questioning technique is the
“wait time” given to children as they formulate their response.

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