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Mid-Year Performance Review and Evaluation

District Based
October 26-28, 2016

by Rayan L. Castro

To our OIC District Principal In-Charge, madam Myrna D. Ovillo, mam, to our Master
Teacher , mam Melinda M. Mandiade, mam, and to the teachers who are here, a pleasant good
morning to one in all. My task this morning is to give a short Opening Remarks regarding to our
MPRE or Mid-Year Performance Review and Evaluation.

Before I may Start, I hope you remember this quotation from the Book in the Principle of
Teaching it says that, “Teaching without lesson plan is a mortal sin.” We all know that lesson
plan is give us our guide to the lesson that we tackled every day. Lesson plan is the most
important element in teaching. That is why every day when we teach we have a lesson plan or
else your Daily Lesson Log (DLL).

All professionals believe that if you have a plan you would be substantial and you are
leading a better life. In accordance with, the Department of Education emphasized the important
of planning. Planning the whole activities in whole year. That’s why Mid-Year Performance
Review and Evaluation informs and invest the teachers in the spirit of practical trainings that
provide opportunities for guiding and binding their principles and idealism into meaningful
activities. Training for teachers is very momentous. It is one of the methods of sustaining and
educating the knowledge and skills of teachers and be more effective in the teaching in filed.

A side from this, today we are not only focusing in the value in making IM’s, Improving
Technique in Teaching, Improving our school/classroom, Preparing for IPCRF but we emphasize
also the importance of our, relationship as a teacher. We are an SCCS Family. We have one
vision and mission and always render our salute to one in all. We are in a modern world. We have
nothing if you we don’t have unity. Always share your knowledge to one of us. Our teamwork
would bring us to be globally competitive teachers.

Lastly, I believe the saying; “Two heads are better than one.” Your knowledge and skills
if we combine, I am sure we are very competent and durable. Today I expect that within 5 days
in training were successful end and achieved the objectives and goals of this activity.

I hope the spirit of love and forgiveness is in our hearts.

Once again, Welcome and Good Morning to each and every one.

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