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1. Choose the correct one.
My / I am from France.
1. She / His is from England.
2. Her / He is my / she cousin.
3. I / My best friend is in Ankara.
4. Her / It name is Sandra.
5. My / She is sixteen years old.
6. She / Her name's Alice.
7. We / Our are crazy about music.
8. They / Their are from German.
9. His / he favorite pop star is Tarkan.
10. It / Its name is Karabaş.

2. Fill in with possessive adjectives / subject pronouns.

Where is Bob? He is at home.
1. Where are Mark's clothes? .....................................................clothes are on the bed.
2. Where is Mr. Edward from? from Italy.
3. We are in the garden. is very large.
4. Yağmur is a very sweet eleven months old.
5. Daisy is very beautiful. is curly.

3. Complete the ID card.

He is Frank Porter. He is twenty-seven years old. He is from New York, the USA. He is a police officer. His phone number
is 554 85 95. His address is 845 Peak street, New York.
Name :......................................
Last name :......................................
Age :......................................
Nationality :......................................
Job :......................................
Telephone number:......................................
Address : ......................................

4. Write pragraph for the ID card.

Name : Martin
Last name :Oswald
Age :37
Nationality : English
Job : Teacher
Telephone number :654 92 54
Address : 75 Pine street, London

5. Fill in the blanks with a - an.

1. Türkan Şoray is..............actress.
2. Elvan Abeylegesse is..............athlete.
3. Bruce Willis
4. İbrahim Kutluay is .............. basketball player.
5. Demi Moore is..............actress.
6. Fill in the blanks with a - an.
1. Kenan Işık is..............good actor.
2. Polat Alemdar is..............hero for children.
3. Yağmur is..............intelligent baby.
4. Earthquake is..............dangerous disaster.
5. My mother

7. Complete the dialogue.

Receptionist: What..................................................................................................................?
Tony : Tony.
Receptionist: What...........................................................................................................................?
Tony : Parker.
Receptionist: How........................................................................................................................?
Tony : I'm seventeen years old.
Receptionist: Where.......................................................................................................................?
Tony : I'm from London, England.
Receptionist: What......................................................................................................................?
Tony : It is 845-4557.
Receptionist: What........................................................................................................................?
Tony : It's 5124 Silver Street London.

8. Complete the dialogue.

Officer : What is your name?
You :................................................
Officer : What is your last name?
You :...............................................
Officer : How old are you?
You :...............................................
Officer : Where are you from?
You :...............................................
Officer : What is your telephone number?
You :...............................................
Officer : What is your adress?
You :...............................................

9. Match the questions with the answers.

..............1. What's your name? a) He is twenty-six.
..............2. Are you French? b) Young.
..............3. What's your address? c) David.
..............4. What's your telephone number? d) No, he isn't. He is an actor.
..............5. What is your friend's name? e) He's from London. He's English.
..............6. What's his last name? f) 5550037.
..............7. How old is he? g) No, I am not. I am English.
..............8. Where is he from? h) Frank Edward
..............9. Is he a singer? i) 23 Lane Road, London, England.

10. Fill in the blanks with am - is - are.

1. Mark and Tony................friends from the USA.
2. What ................ their names? Tony and Joanna.
3. Her telephone number................3854659.
4. Italian.
5. from?
6. She................ten years old.
7. I................from Ankara, Turkey.
8. We................students.
11. Fill in the blanks with am - is - are.
1. She................from France.
2. What
3. Hill................Tim.
4. Italian.
5. Fiaona and Martin................doctors.
6. Students................outside the classroom.
7. How old................your father?
8. My sister................a member of the Green Peace.

12. Complete the sentences as in the example.

She is from the USA. She is American.
1. I am from Denmark. I am..............................................................................
2. She is from China. She is............................................................................
3. They are from Scotland. They are........................................................................
4. He is from Egypt. He is............................................................................
5. We are from Canada. We are...........................................................................
6. Marco is from Brazil. He is............................................................................
7. Mehmet is from Turkey. He is............................................................................
8. Ahmad is from Iraq. He is............................................................................

13. Unscramble the words.

1. toacr ...................... 8. ckbla ...................... 15. olgyobi ......................
2. tlorai ...................... 9. witeh ...................... 16. mhsat ......................
3. poceli ...................... 10. kpin ...................... 17. atr.....................
4. laerwy ...................... 11. orngea ...................... 18. scieenc ......................
5. aiwetr ...................... 12. wbnro ...................... 19. cmsui ......................
6. okco ...................... 13. igdion ...................... 20. heglins ......................
7. terpnai ...................... 14. basokceo ...................... 21. esarherpn ......................

14. Correct the columns and write a paragraph using the words given.
Name Age Country_Nationality_Job Favourite sport Favourite colours
Tennis Italy Teacher White and blue 25 Italian Eric

His name is..............................................................................................................................................................................

1. Look at the chart and make sentences using have got / has got - haven't got / hasn't got.
Carlos has got long hair. He hasn't got short hair.

2. Underline the correct choice.

1. Jane have got / has got a car.
2. Frank and Fiona have got / has got three daughters.
3. The little dog have got / has got a long tail.
4. Have / Has you got any money?
5. have / Has your school got a big garden?
6. Rabbits have got / has got long ears.
7. Yagmur have got / has got a video camera.

3. Fill in have(n't) / has(n't) got.

My name is Wendy. I (1) ...................... short brown hair. I (2) ...................... blue eyes. My favourite hobby is driving. I
(3) ......................a car but my father (4) ...................... a nice sport car. It (5)......................a big sun roof and
comfortable seats. It (6) ...................... also ......................a very powerful tape-recorder.

4. Put "possessive's" where necessary.

1. My father name is Fred.
2. Children balls are colourful.
3. What are her friends names?
4. Is it your sister cat?
5. Where is Jane pencils?

5. Change possessive "s" into "of",

1. door's handle.............................................
2. car's tires..................................................
3. television's buttons....................................
4. picture's frame...........................................
5. book's pages.............................................

6. Look at the advertisement and ask and answer as in the example.


Are there any tennis courts at Tandogan Sports Centre?

Yes, there are five tennis courts at Tandogan Sports Centre.
7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of there is / there are.
1........................................a lot of trees in our backyard.
2........................................any sports centre in this town.
3........................................any interesting films on TV tonight.
4........................................a lot of rain in spring.
5........................................a blind student in your class?
6........................................a tired student in the class?
7........................................dark clouds in the sky.
8........................................anybody from Scotland in this class?
9........................................any cheap restaurants in this town?
10........................................a cheap sauna near here?
11........................................any serious problems.
12........................................any university in Kastamonu.
13........................................some big trees in the garden.
14........................................any water in the jar?

8. Answer the questions about your house.

1. Is there a cinema near your house? ...............................................................
2. Is there a shopping centre near your house? ...............................................................
3. Is there a school near your house? ...............................................................
4. Are there any trees near your house? ...............................................................
5. Are there any restaurants near your house? ...............................................................
6. Are there any hotels near your house? ...............................................................
7. Is there a bus stop near your house? ...............................................................
8. Is there a mosque near your house? ...............................................................
9. Is there a grocer near your house? ...............................................................
10.Is there a hospital near your house? ...............................................................

9. Fill in the blanks with how much / how many and am / is / are.
1........................................players.........................there in a football team?
2........................................apples.........................there in your basket?
3........................................planets.........................there in the solar system?
4........................................days.........................there in a week? in your wallet?
6........................................water.........................there in the glass?
7........................................flour.........................there in the kitchen?
8........................................students.........................there in your school?
9........................................cheese.........................there in the fridge?
10........................................people.........................there in Turkey?

10. Write questions and answers using how much / how many / some / any as in the example.
sugar water milk apple orange bread butter spoon fork knife
How much sugar is there in the kitchen?
There is some sugar in the kitchen. / There isn't any sugar in the kitchen.
1................................................................ / ............................................................... /
2................................................................ / ............................................................... /
3................................................................ / ............................................................... /
4................................................................ / ............................................................... /
5............................................................... / ............................................................... /
6................................................................ / ............................................................... /
7................................................................ / ............................................................... /
8................................................................ / ............................................................... /
9................................................................ / ............................................................... /
11. Write imperative sentences for the signs.

A. Do not turn right.


12. Match the signs to the sentences and change them into imperative sentences.

1. You can't feed the animals in the zoo.

2. You can't drive faster than fifty km/h
3. You can't use your mobile phone in a petrol station.
4. You can't smoke in this room.
5. You can't drive less than fifty km/h.
6. You can't take a photo in this museum.

13. Write sentences about yourself using can / can't.

1. dive ................................. 6. speak English .................................
2. swim in the sea ................................. 7. drive a car .................................
3. run fast ................................. 8. repair a radio .................................
4. climb a tree ................................. 9. type a letter .................................
5. draw picture ................................. 10. cook .................................

14. Match and make sentences as in the example.

A cheetah can run fast.
..............1. cheetah a) climb a tree .............................................................
..............2. monkey b) drive .............................................................
..............3. fish c) run fast .............................................................
..............4. police d) teach .............................................................
..............5. teacher e) swim very fast .............................................................
..............6. driver f) catch the thieves .............................................................

15. Write sentences using can / can't.

speak English What can / can't you do in an English class? I can speak English.
1. read English books ....................................................................................................
2. singsongs ...................................................................................................
3. eat candy ....................................................................................................
4. watch video. ....................................................................................................
5. eat chocolate ....................................................................................................
6. speak German ....................................................................................................
7. drink coke....................................................................................................
8. draw a picture ....................................................................................................
9. speak Turkish ....................................................................................................
10. talk on the phone ....................................................................................................
16. Unscramble the words.
1. bkea .................................... 11. ahezl ....................................
2. coph .................................... 12. rcluy ....................................
3. tedoecra .................................... 13. edinwrkl ....................................
4. ombeodr .................................... 14. Ital ....................................
5. voen .................................... 15. uygon ....................................
6. serohw .................................... 16. msli ....................................
7. wberdaro.................................... 17. ucnosi ....................................
8. ggeara .................................... 18. enucl ....................................
9. oagmn .................................... 19. dgauethr ....................................
10. eudnr .................................... 20. bthrero ....................................

1. Make sentences as in the example.
does / the evenings / homework / she / her / in. She does her homework in the evenings.
1. Sakarya / live / they / in. ...................................................................
2. get up / ten / the mornings / at / Timothy / in....................................................................
3. school / bus / John / by / go / to. ...................................................................
4. she / primary / school / at / teach / a ...................................................................
5. go / on / weekends / often / a picnic / they / at....................................................................
6. sometimes / the cinema / I / go / to. ...................................................................
7. breakfast / always / she / at / 7.30 / have. ...................................................................
8. weekends / work / cafeteria / in / a / at / Paul....................................................................
9. we / have / six / usually / at / dinner. ...................................................................
10. Rize / it / spring / rain / a lot / in / in. ...................................................................

2. Change into third person singular.

1. I go he..................................... 6. I make he.....................................
2. I swim he..................................... 7. I have he.....................................
3. I watch he..................................... 8. I brush he.....................................
4. I do he..................................... 9. I match he.....................................
5. I walk he..................................... 10. I try he.....................................

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

Sinem and Engin (1).....................................(live) in Antalya. They (2).....................................(love) sandy beaches and
the hot weather of Antalya. Their parents (3) .....................................(have) a small house close to the beach. Sinem
always (4) ..................................... (get up) very early in the mornings and she (5) ..................................... (go) jogging
with her mother because she (6).....................................(not want) to get fat as her father. After jogging, they (7)
.....................................(have) breakfast in the front garden. They always (8).....................................(drink) orange
juice and (9).....................................(eat) fresh tomatoes and toast for breakfast.
In the afternoons, Engin (10).....................................(go) to the beach cafe with his friends and Sinem
(11).....................................(stay) with her parents. They (12).....................................(go) swimming together. In the
evenings, they usually (13).....................................(spend) time watching TV or playing cards at home. Engin
(14).....................................(not like) winter, because he (15) .....................................(hate) staying at home long hours
when it (16).....................................(be) cold or rainy.

4. Choose from the box and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.
play have (3) go do get up (2) watch
Mark usually (1) eight in the morning. He (2)...........................breakfast between nine and ten. And
then, he (3)...........................his homework. He (4)...........................lunch at twelve. He usually (5)...........................
television in the afternoon. In the evening, he (6) games. He (7)...........................dinner six
and (8) bed early because he (9)...........................early in the mornings.
5. Look at the table and write sentences as in the example.

Tony sometimes goes to the cinema.


6. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

I (1) ............................ (get up-usually) at nine and I (2) ........................... (go) swimming in the public swimming pool. I
(3)...........................(have) breakfast at about ten thirty before I (4) ...........................(go) for a walk in the park. I
(5)...........................(have) lunch at one o'clock. In the afternoon, I (6)...........................(go out-usually) with my
friends. We (7)...........................(go to-sometimes) the cinema or theatre all together. I (8)...........................(watch-
never) TV. We (9) ...........................(eat-always) dinner between six and seven. I (10)...........................(go) to bed
at eleven thirty in the evenings but on weekdays, I (11)...........................(go-usually) to bed at ten.
Because, my school (12)...........................(start) at seven thirty. I (13)...........................(get up) very early and
(14)...........................(leave) for school at seven. I (15)...........................(have-generally) breakfast at school cafeteria in
the first break.

7. Rewrite the sentences using the frequency adverbs.

1. I attend an English class, (once a week) ............................................................................
2. She visits a doctor, (sometimes) ............................................................................
3. My family and I go on a holiday, (every year) ............................................................................
4. He sends e-mails to his girl friend, (often) ............................................................................
5. He watches TV. (never) ............................................................................
6. She goes to the cinema, (usually) ............................................................................
7. They give a party, (rarely) ............................................................................
8. My father reads magazine, (never) ............................................................................

8. Answer the questions using the adverbs of frequency.

1. How often do you go swimming? (once a week)
2. How often do they visit the Anıtkabir? (once a year)
3. How often do you watch TV? (never)
4. How often do Turkish women go to a football match? (rarely)
5. How often do Turkish women go to a basketball match? (sometimes)
6. How often do you drink alcohol? (seldom)
7. How often does your father buy a present for you? (always)
8. How often does your boy friend send you an e-mail? (often)
9. How often does Mr. Arslan give you homework? (usually)
10. How often does Mehmet Öztürk go shopping? (never)

9. Unscramble the words.

1. nntpiiag .................................................. 9. rsduathy ..................................................
2. ngsilia .................................................. 10. vloe ..................................................
3. meak .................................................. 11. hwtca ..................................................
4. ncliycg .................................................. 12. damnoy ..................................................
5. oingkco.................................................. 13. torhw ..................................................
6. uestady .......................................
7. anstd .................................................. 14.aebrk .............................................
8. ochseo .................................................. 15. gndainc ..................................................

1. Make sentences.
1. moment / room / sleep / in / at / Jane / her / the
2. now / cinema / and / the / go to / Sandra / Mark
3. Ankara / present / my / drive / to / father / at
4. party / Tony / nice / friends / the / and / moment / his / have / a / at
5. now / games / the / play / computer / children
6. at / audiences / present / wait / for / singer / the
7. do / students / now / classroom / their / in / the / homework
8. pitch / footballers / football / moment / train / in / the / at / the
9. now / room / sleep / in / Yağmur / her
10. study / Mr. Öztürk / English / room / his / now / in

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

work attend like be help
be play look forward to go

Mike (1)............................inan office three days a week. On the other days, he (2) a Spanish
course. At weekends, he (3)............................doing the gardening with his father. Today (4)............................Saturday
but he (5)............................his father now. He............................(6) out with his friends and they (7)............................
basketball in the school garden. Mike and his friends (8)............................ Sunday because they
(9) ............................on a picnic in the countryside on that day.
3. Add -ing to the verbs.
1. go ............................................... 6. try ...............................................
2. play ............................................... 7. watch ...............................................
3. make ............................................... 8. have ...............................................
4. climb ............................................... 9. take ...............................................
5. put ............................................... 10. spend ...............................................

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

1. Shhh! My the living room. sleep
2. Where are the students? English exam. have
3. They pub in the evenings. go
4. He bed at midnight. go
5. dog for a walk every evening. take
6. He.................................all the newspapers every morning. read
7. Look! The baby.................................towards her mother. walk
8. Mike can't come to the phone. He.................................a shower. have
9. My English 8 o'clock every day. start
10. Our speak English in the speaking club now. try

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

1. Where's Roger? He is in the living room. He.................................(talk) on the phone.
2. I.................................(do) my homework every evening.
3. He.................................(get up-never) early at weekends.
4. Edward usually.................................(go) to bed at midnight.
5. Look! The man.................................(steal) the gold ring.
6. They.................................(usually-stay) at the Hilton when they.................................(go) to İstanbul.
7. Watch out! The car.................................(come) very fast.
8. We usually.................................(listen) to rock music after school.

6. Fill in the blanks with at, in, on.

1. I am not good....................swimming.
2. They usually go for a walk....................the park....................the evenings.
3. She goes to bed at eleven o'clock....................nights.
4. School starts....................eight....................weekdays.
5. Frank usually takes up tennis course....................the afternoon....................Tuesdays.

7. Circle the correct preposition.

1. The children are playing basketball at / in / on the garden.
2. We don't go to school at / in / on Saturdays.
3. I like watching sports programmes at / in / on TV at / in / on the evenings.
4. Lilly and Joanna are waiting for their friends. They are having a party at / in / on the afternoon.
5. Mr. Öztürk isn't at / in / on school now, he is at / in / on home.

8. Complete the table.

9. Circle the correct one.
1. Where is she / her? I can't see she / her.
2. I / Me am with my / me family.
3. Sfie / Her is not here. Her /She is at home.
4. Him / he is an actor. His / Her family is in Van.
5. T7?ey / Them live in Bursa. It /She is very nice.
6. Your / You friends are here. Thev / Their want to see you / your.

10. Complete the table with subject pronouns.

1. Martha ...........................................................................................................
2. Cenk ...........................................................................................................
3. radio ...........................................................................................................
4. bus ...........................................................................................................
5. You and I ...........................................................................................................
6. Sam and Joe ...........................................................................................................
7. Tim and you ...........................................................................................................
8. My father ...........................................................................................................

11. Unscramble the words.

1. htoel ......................................... 9. Idan .........................................
2. tstouri ......................................... 10. cpiockt .........................................
3. joeyurn ...................................... 11. semumr .........................................
4. srtho ......................................... 12.jnue .........................................
5. livae ......................................... 13.snnyu .........................................
6. trleaver .........................................
7. utor ......................................... 14. iyran
8. oaitrpr ......................................... 15. gfo .........................................

1. Make sentences.
1. evening / fly / to / tomorrow / they / London
2. party / give / this / a / I / evening / birthday
3. weekend / you / do / at / what / ?
4. tomorrow / picnic / students / go / on / a / the
5. their / and / Sue / visit / afternoon / grandfather / in / Mike / the
6. going to / afternoon / go / Bodrum / to / Frank / Sunday / on
7. going to / on / have / we / June / a / holiday / short / 15th
8. going to / start / Nick / Wednesday / school / on
2. Answer the questions.
1. What are you going to do after school? (watch TV)
2. Who is going to take you to school tomorrow? (George)
3. Where are you going for your summer holiday? (Marmaris)
4. When are you going to do your homework? (after dinner)
5. Are you going to the concert this tonight? (yes)
6. Whose parents are going to join the party at school? (Jack's)
3. Match the sentences.
..............1. Jim is late. a) He is going to buy a new car.
..............2. Tina is going shopping. b) They are going to play football.
..............3. Mark is waiting in front of the bank. c) He is going to meet his friends.
..............4. Sandra is buying tickets. d) They are going to go on a picnic.
..............5. The boys are going to the pitch. e) He is going to announce them.
..............6. The students are getting ready. f) He is going to miss the bus.
..............7. My father is saving money. g) She is going to buy some apples.
..............8. Mr. Carl is writing the exam results. h) She is going to go to the theatre

4. Write countable or uncountable for the nouns.

1. rice ............................................ 11. people ............................................
2. potato ............................................ 12. bread ............................................
3. sugar ............................................ 13. egg ............................................
4. water ............................................ 14. margarine ............................................
5. milk ............................................ 15. book ............................................
6. orange juice ............................................ 16. flour ............................................
7. apple ............................................ 17. salt ................. ..........................
8. bird ............................................ 18. cheese ............................................
9. child ............................................ 19. student ............................................
10. chocolate ............................................ 20. ice-cream ............................................

5. Match column A and B to make uncountable nouns countable. Then write sentences as in the example.
..............1. a glass of a) milk There is some milk in the fridge.
..............2. a bottle of b) coffee There are two cartons of milk in the fridge.
..............3. a piece of c) biscuits ...................................................................................
..............4. a jar of d) fruit juice ...................................................................................
..............5. a package of e) cake ...................................................................................
..............6. a slice of f) coke ...................................................................................
..............7. a carton of g) honey ...................................................................................
..............8. a cup of h) bread ...................................................................................

6. Write the plural forms of the nouns

1. man ............................................ 11. thief ............................................
2. woman ............................................ 12. key ............................................
3. lady ............................................ 13. animal ............................................
4. nurse ............................................ 14. glass ............................................
5. computer ............................................ 15. ox ............................................
6. knife ............................................ 16. tomato ............................................
7. wife ............................................ 17. radio ............................................
8. loaf ............................................ 18. wolf ............................................
9. sandwich ............................................ 19. party ............................................
10. mouse ............................................ 20. box ............................................

7. Fill in the blanks with a few, a little, any, a lot of.

1. You don't need to buy bread for dinner. We home.
2. Have you got........................................milk for the baby? She is very hungry.
3. There are........................................eggs in the fridge, we only need some butter.
4. Are there........................................students in the school cafeteria.
5. There are........................................apples in this basket. We can't finish them in a week.
6. There aren't........................................teachers in the teachers' room. They are all outside.

8. Put a few / a little and much / many.

lemons a few lemons many lemons
1. money ............................................ 6. water ............................................
2. cheese ............................................ 7. students ............................................
3. oranges ............................................ 8. salt ............................................
4. women ............................................ 9. milk ............................................
5. coffee ............................................ 10. box ............................................

9. Unscramble the words.

1. itcy ............................................ 9. rawtei ............................................
2. usmemu ............................................ 10. hnsaicdw ............................................
3. pbu ............................................ 11. muen ............................................
4. elshf ............................................ 12. deeisas ............................................
5. veoli ............................................ 13. rvese ............................................
6. gnseour ............................................
7. uyb ............................................ 14.toacr ............................................
8. tleyrol ............................................ 15. encdieau ............................................

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