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University of Gondar

Faculty of Informatics
Department of Information Technology for Post
Graduate Program
Seminar on Advanced Topics in IT (IT702)
Title: Article Review on Cloud Colonography:
distributed medical test bed over cloud
Set by:
Tesfaye Ashebr Ayichew Gus/22461/10
Section 3

Submitted to:
Abay Teshager (Phdc)

August 2013 E.C

Gondar, Ethiopia
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ II
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Reflection ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

First of all, I would like to thank our GOD that helped us in all up and down and who made us to
successfully complete this article report effectively beyond what we had anticipated. Next we
would like to express our deepest gratitude to our Instructor Abay Teshager and who
contributed all their idea in order to make this article report the best as much as we need.

In this article cloud colonography will propose using different types of cloud computing
environment. They use databases to screen tests among several hospitals. The networked
database should available in the cloud computing technologies. They developed associated
multiple databases to handle multiple computed tomographic clonography. The proposed
database has the ability to pay classifier tools in the cloud computing framework. They propose
two cloud platforms such as public and private. The proposed cloud platforms were based on the
computation time, memory usage and running costs. So that, the proposed parallel processing
modules improved the computational time, especially for the public cloud environments. In
addition to this the successful development of a cloud computing environment handles a large
amount of data will make cloud colonography can be done for a new health care service.

The most prominent limiting factor pertaining to widespread usage of the latest screening
technology as a replacement for traditional screening colonoscopy is the limited supply of
internal Computed Tomographic Colonography images available at a single medical institution.
Such a limited supply of Computed Tomographic Colonography training images significantly
constrains the accuracy of an automated detection algorithm.
The CAD system at each institution can then be enhanced by incorporating new data from other
institutions through the use of the distributed learning model proposed in this study. The concept
of collaborative cloud applications using distributed databases has been discussed in, but not yet
in the context of CAD in Cloud Colonography, meaning the presented work is a first attempt at
such a study. Therefore, the proposed Cloud Colonography framework requires a comprehensive
study to determine whether the overall performance is improved by using multiple databases.
Although there are good points in the article, it contains misinterpretation of data and bias from
others analysis. They develop clear and neat framework models, then the concept of this
framework with distributed image databases for colon cancer diagnosis. The cloud server hosting
will collect distributed databases from different institutes and group them by assembling
database analysis with attributes.
At the discussion part they propose new cloud service using a platform as a service. The
cloud colonography is a cloud computing platform for programming databases, and web server.
The users at the clinic access cloud colonography via the proposed software on a cloud platform.
By using cloud colonography technology the cost and complexity of buying and managing the
underlying hardware and software layers. They should use public clouds such as Microsoft azure
and platform as service providers such as Google App Engine so that the cloud user does not
have to divide resource manually i.e. every resource allocated with by using the cloud
At this paper I understand the server specification of cloud platform. According to this Amazon
is chosen because of its superiority performance and Microsoft and IBM do not support
MATLAB programming. There for, they use Amazon as a public platform for the
implementation of cloud colonography.
They use polyps for feature analysis, extraction of silent features because of huge data size from
many institutions and the 3D nature of the polyp databases. They also use kernel cloud
framework to analyze how to select a non-linear, positive definite kernel of an integral operator
in the D-dimensional space. To create framework, they use KPCA mathematical background and
also to configure data to the community cloud for cloud colonography to share infrastructure
between several hospitals with common CTC domains. So that, in the public cloud costs is
spread over fewer than private cloud.
I also understand the concept about AMD, is used to synthesize individual databases into larger
databases and used to format distinct distributed databases into a uniform larger database for the
proposed cloud colony platform. It expected to solve the issues of non-linearity and excessive

data size. AMD uses four representative steps to analyze the data from other individual
institutional databases. These are:
- Splits each database
- Combines several database
- Sorts the combined database and
- Merges the sorted database
There for, by using the above steps we have to implement two platform cases such as private and
public cloud, which are commercially available.
When you come to read about private cloud I understand the following points. In private cloud
they propose four representative layers from CTC based on CAD analysis to the service desk
reporting four clinical users. These layers are:
- AMD monitoring/management
- AMD processing/decision making
- Radiological service desk and
- Secure connecting
In addition, for the above layers of private cloud I understand the functionalities and the usages
of layers.
In public cloud the cloud computing is also extended into a distributed set of server that are
running at different location, while it is connected in a single network or hub service. In each
server there are four layers as stated in the private cloud. So that, as this point of view public
cloud is more secured and preferable than private cloud.
The parallelization programs are adopted in public cloud because it used to optimize KPCA
using the MATLAB parallel toolbox. It consists of two parallel modules. These are:
- Data parallelization of AMD
- Process parallelization of KCPA
Then, I understand the functionalities of data parallelization of AMD and process parallelization
of KCPA by reviewing this article.
The MATLAB distributed computing servers are used to distribute data and computational load
to the cloud nodes. There are three MATLAB job schedulers such as spread data entry, process
schedulers and optimization. They use pseudo codes to compute different things in the process.
There are four cloud computing performance to evaluated private and public cloud scenarios in
cloud colonography. These are:
- Cloud computing setting with cancer database
- Computation time
- Memory usage
- Running cost
- Parallelization
In this case of public cloud, the cost was reduced by more than half. The results demonstrate that
the proposed parallelization is effective for cloud colonography.

Finally, the authors have compared this result with the existing most related work for the same
criteria. There for, the computation time reduction was calculated as a measure of improvement
because of parallelization. The authors said that, the higher time reduction indicated better

We proposed a new framework of Cloud Colonography, using different types of cloud
computing environments. The databases from the CTC screening tests among several hospitals
are going to be networked in the near future via cloud computing technologies. The proposed
method called AMD was developed in this study for handling multiple CTC databases. When
AMD is used for assembling databases, it can achieve almost 100% classification accuracy. The
proposed AMD has the potential to play as a core classifier tool in the cloud computing
framework for a model-based CAD scheme, which will yield high detection performance of
polyps using KPCA for multiple institutions databases. Two cases in the proposed cloud
platform are private and public. The public cloud performed better than the private cloud in
computation time, but the memory usage was equivalent. The parallelization was successful
developed to reduce the speed and cost. CTC based on CAD in the cloud computing environment
may advance the clinical implementation of cancer

The authors do a great job of describing the Cloud Colonography in Distributed Medical
Test bed over Cloud then I accept the researcher’s idea. If you want to understand the cloud
colonography in distributed that have over the new to cloud computing. After you read this
article, you will have an excellent article understanding of cloud colonography and you will
understand the cloud computing stack in the medical sector.
Also, a good bit of the information is now just useful. For example, cloud colonography, a
platform that the authors predict will become a commercial success. Unfortunately, this article is
mostly an outline of many topics in distributed cloud computing. It would help you identify
topics as well as good keywords for further research. I need a more narrowly focused article that
covers topics more in depth. I am mostly interested with distribution of general cloud
colonography platform.


[1] Yuichi Motai;Eric Henderson;Nahian Alam Siddique;Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Cloud

Colonography: Distributed Medical Testbed over Cloud," vol. 8, no. 2, 220.


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