Unit 1.1as

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Unit One: Getting Through

Intercultural Exchanges
Aim of the Unit

Pupils will develop awareness of other cultures, acceptance and tolerance.

Pupils will be able communicate with people from other cultures, using the means
available such as the net.
Sequence one: listening and speaking
Learning outcomes:

– Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers.

– Express and justify a point of view.
– Express preferences and purpose.
– Make request with the appropriate intonation.
– Pronounce two-syllable words correctly.
– Use the comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.
Activity 1
 PP listens to the teacher read the words in the green box on page 16 and number each
word pronounced by the teacher,
 checks with friend (peer correction) and
 checks with the teacher.

Activity 2
 Pp matches words and phrases with parts of a computer,
 checks with friend,
 checks with the teacher, and
 writes down any other word related to computers.

Activity 3
 Pp adds more words and phrases to the list (words related to the computer and the
internet): lap top, desk top, peripheral, hardware, software

Activity 4
 Pp describes the function of the various parts of a computer.

a) Print texts and pictures

b) Is used to store data
c) Displays data of all kinds and video
d) Is used to type data or give instructions to the computer
e) Is used to hear audio data, music, etc.
f) Is the brain of the computer
g) Is used to move the cursor and click on the icons and other things
Activity 5

 Pp mentions the various things they can do with a computer.

a) Listen to music.
b) Watch videos online on YouTube.
c) Play games.
d) Surf on the net.
e) Send e-mails.
f) Play CD ROMs/ DVD ROMs.
g) Do interactive exercises.
h) Write (using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and else).
i) Chat with friends (using MSN messenger, Skype, Face book and else).
j) Upload and download written, audio and video documents.
k) Burn documents.
l) Photoshop pictures.

Activity 6

 Pp reads out the following e-mail addresses and URLs:

Rafik_ Said 2@yahoo.dz

Nassima 2011@hotmail.com
Jessica –bee @ yahoo.com

This symbol ‘@’ is pronounced ‘at’.

 Write and read out their own e-mail address (s)

http:// www.yahoo.fr
http:// www.google.dz
Listen and Check.

Activity1 (See textbook p.17.)

 Pp puts instructions in the right order.

 Pp rewrites the instructions introducing sequencers (first, then, next, after that,
finally/in the end + and)

Activity 2
 Pp says what e-mail and snail mail is.
 Pp says what (s) he thinks about e-mail / snail mail.
 Pp express opinion (agreement/disagreement) using the following expressions:

 I agree with you when you say…

 I don’t agree / disagree with you when you say…
 I don’t think that…
 It seems to me that …
 In my opinion,
 My personal view is that …

 Pp says which of the following refer to e-mail and which refer to snail mail.

a. stamps h. postman o. slow

b. key-board i. Ink pen p. cheaper
c. air mail j. paper q. instant reply
d. monitor/ screen k. envelope r. attached document
e. password l. click s. enclosed
f. internet m. type document
g. post-office n. fast

 Pp says which (s) he prefers, e-mail or snail mail. Pp states his/ her reasons.

I prefer e-mail because

 it takes very little time,

 it is cheaper/ less expensive,
 you don’t need to/ needn’t buy paper and stamps,
 you don’t need to/ needn’t go to the post-office,
 you don’t need to/ needn’t wait for the postman to receive your mail,
 all you need to do is press a key or click.
 …

 Pp writes a paragraph expressing preferences. See textbook on page 17 (activity 5)

Note that you can say:
 I prefer sending e-mail to writing snail mail.
 I prefer to send e-mail rather than snail mail.
 I prefer e-mail to snail mail.

 Pp tries to find out what his/her friend thinks about…

 What is your opinion about internet/ do you think about internet?
 Pp states his/ her opinion the following ways:
 It seems to me that …
 In my opinion,
 My personal view is that …
 As far as I understand / can see,
 As I see it, / from my point of view …
 As far as I know … / from what I know …
 I might be wrong but …
 If I am not mistaken …
 I believe one can (safely) say …
 I must admit that …
 I cannot deny that …
 I can imagine that …
 I think/believe/suppose …
 Personally, I think …
 I am sure/certain/convinced that …
 I am not sure/certain, but …
 I am not sure, because I don't know the situation exactly.
 I have read that …
 I am of mixed opinions (about / on) …
 I am of mixed opinions about / on this.
 I have no opinion in this matter.
Say it clear

1. Pp will learn to use formal and informal expressions when expressing polite request.
(See textbook on page 18)
 Pp does the activity on the above-mentioned page.

2. Pp will learn the phonetic transcription of words related to the computer along with
the right position the stress. ( See textbook on page 18)
 Pp deciphers the message on the same page.

It’s your turn

 Pp does the activities on page 19.

a. Matching pairs
b. Reordering sentences
c. Adding emphasis to instructions with : need to, have and must

Say it in Writing

 Pp will write a concise speech about the usefulness of the internet and its hidden
Sequence 2:Reading and Writing
 Ss will interact with pictures related to the internet.
 Ss will do the three activities on page 8

Read and Check

 Ss will interact with the text on page 21.
 Ss will answer the following of questions.

What kind of text is it?

What kind of letter is it?
Who wrote the letter?
Who was the letter sent to?
Find out who Kirsi is.
What information did the sender give about himself/ herself? Write each piece of
information about the sender under the appropriate heading.

 Name : Kirsi
 Age: 16
 Occupation: pupil, student
 Nationality: Finnish ( a Finn)
 Hobbies: listening to old people telling funny stories in public gardens,
listening to music, watching TV
 Daily routine: gets up early , takes the bus to school, has classes from 8.30 to
12 and from 2 to 4 , has lunch at the school canteen or at a fast food, revises
lessons in the evening
 Family members: Mum, Dad, Jari ( brother, 14)
 Respective occupation: housewife, electrician, pupil
 House: small, far from school
 Pets: a dog, a parrot
 Home place: Tikkakoski ( a little village in Central Finland ), 4,000 inhabitants
 Homeland: Finland
 population: 6 million people
 Geographical location: in the north of Europe, near the Arctic Circle
 Weather: extremely cold winter, beautiful summer

Follow up activity

 Ss will write the above pieces of information into sentences.

Example: Kirsi is a fin. He is a pupil. He is sixteen years old.
 Then, the simples sentences will be turned into more elaborate sentences.
Example: Kirsi is a Finnish pupil of sixteen.
 Next the sentences will be written into a text.
Discover the language

 Ss will learn to communicate about routine, using indefinite frequency adverbs.

 Ss will do the following activities: 1,2 and 3 on page 22.

 Ss will say how often they do the following things:

 write email,
 write snail mail,
 surf on the net,
 download music
 upload documents
 listen to the radio on line
 watch TV on line
 chat with a friend via MSN or Skype
 print documents
 study on line

The most common frequency adverbs in English are:

 Always  100% of the time
 Frequently  about 90% of the time
 Usually  about 80% of the time
 Often  about 70% of the time
 Sometimes  about 50% of the time
 Occasionally  about 40% of the time
 Seldom  about 20% of the time
 Rarely  about 10% of the time
 Never  about 00% of the time
Note: The percentages here are rough estimates only.
Frequency adverbs can be placed at various points in the sentence, but are most commonly
used before the main verbs and after be verbs and auxiliaries.

Other frequency adverbs and expressions are as follows:

 Every day/week/month
 Every other day/week
 Once a week/month/year
 Twice a year/day, etc.
 (Every) once in a while
 Every so often

These expressions are used at the beginning and end of sentences, not before main verbs.

Further work

 Ss will do activity 4(questionnaire) and activity 5 (report about findings) on page 22.

 Ss will learn about gradable and non-gradable adjectives

 Ss will do activities 6, 7, 8 and 9 on page 23.

Adjectives describe qualities (characteristics) of nouns.

 Some qualities can vary in intensity or grade (for example: rather hot, hot, very hot;
hot, hotter, the hottest).

The adjective hot is gradable.

 Other qualities cannot vary in intensity or grade because they are:

a. extremes (for example: freezing)
b. absolutes (for example: dead)
c. classifying (for example: nuclear)

The adjectives freezing, dead and nuclear are non-gradable.

A gradable adjective can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjective's grade or
intensity. Look at these examples:

gradable adjectives
grading adverbs
angry, big, busy, clever, cold, deep, fast,
a little, dreadfully, extremely, fairly,
+ friendly, good, happy, high, hot, important,
hugely, immensely, intensely, rather,
long, popular, rich, strong, tall, warm, weak,
reasonably, slightly, unusually, very

 A gradable adjective can also have comparative and superlative forms:

 hot, hotter, the hottest

 important, more important, the most important

Look at these example sentences:

 My teacher was very happy with my homework.

 That website is reasonably popular. But this one is more popular.
 He said that Holland was a little cold and Denmark was rather cold. But Sweden was
the coldest.

 A non-gradable adjective cannot be used with grading adverbs:

 It was rather freezing outside.

 The dog was very dead.
 He is investing in slightly nuclear energy.

 Non-gradable adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative forms:

 Often, non-gradable adjectives are used alone:

 It was freezing outside.

 The dog was dead.
 He is investing in nuclear energy.

Write it right (See the textbook on page 23)

 Ss will answer Kirsi’s letter.
a) Ss will answer a set of questions.
b) Ss will use the answers to the questions to work out a reply to Kirsi’s letter.
c) Ss will proofread and edit his email.
Sequence Three: Developing Skills
 Part One: Making phone calls

 Ss will be able to communicate through a telephone, using appropriate language

 Ss will do the activities on page 25.

 Part Two: Writing letters

 Ss will learn to write various kinds of letters, using formal and informal language
 Ss will do all the activities on page 26.
 Ss will be able to write a formal letter, taking into account the English conventional
format/ lay out.
 Ss will do the all the activities on page 28.

Stop and Consider

Review Practice
1. Expressing purpose (See textbook on page29.)
2. Personal Pronouns and Reflexive Pronouns (See textbook on page 30)
3. Expressing obligation and prohibition (See textbook on page 31.)
4. Articles (See textbook on page 32.)
5. Prepositions (See textbook on page 33.)
6. Both, both…and, either, don’t either, neither (See the textbook on page 34

Sequence Four: Consolidation and Extension

 Write it out
 job offer (add) /application letter/ CV
 Ss will do the activities on page 35 and 36.

 Work it out
 Problem solving: telephone conversations
 Ss will do the activities on page 37.

 Word search (P.38)

Check your progress (auto evaluation)

 Ss will do the activities on the following pages:40,41,42,43,,and 45

 Project presentation and evaluation

Either …or….
Neither…nor… ; neither of ,
Both… and… ; both of ,

Study the following sentences.

 I have lunch either at the school canteen or at a fast-food restaurant.

What does the above sentence mean?

Here are some more examples:
 I drink either coffee or tea for breakfast. ( either + noun)
 Jim is either stupid or crazy. (either + adjective)
 In the evening, I either watch television or read a book. (either + verb)

Make similar sentences, using ‘either…or’.

1. I drink either coffee or tea for breakfast.
2. My friend drinks neither coffee nor tea for breakfast; he drinks milk only.

1. I drink one of the two drinks mentioned.
2. My friend drinks none of the two.

Find in the text a sentence containing the word neither.

[We have a dog and a parrot, but neither of them belongs to me.]

We can say:
 He eats neither oranges nor apples. ( neither + noun)
 He is neither big nor small. (neither + adjective)
 He neither plays ball games nor swims in the swimming pool.

Write similar sentences and read them out.

See the following examples.
John and Paul are singers. Both of them are English. Neither of them lives in

Find in the text a sentence containing the word both.

[Both of them are Jari’s pets.]

Note that we can say.

 I like both oranges and apples.
 I like both of them.
 I like them both.

Write sentences, using both, both…and, or both of.

Stop and Consider

Expressing purpose: not) to, so as (not) to, in order (not) to

 Ex.1+2 on page 18

Reflexive Pronouns: myself, yourself, etc.

 Ex. 3 on page 19

Articles: a, an, the, Ǿ

 Ex.5 on page 21

From…to and Until

 Ex. 7 on page 22

Neither…nor / either …or

 Ex. 8 and 9 on page 23

Sequence 4 : Consolidation

and Extension

→all the activities on pages 24 and 25 [application letter ]

In sentence ‘a’ (exercise 1, page6) someone is asking someone else politely to

speak more slowly.
Note the difference.

1. Speak slowly. ► order

2. Could you speak slowly, please? ► polite request

Note that we can say:

 Can you speak slowly, please?

 Could you speak slowly, please?
 Would you speak slowly, please?

Do the same.

Ask someone to direct you to the nearest internet café.

Ask someone to show you how to start a computer.
Ask someone to show you how access the internet.
Ask someone to show you how to create an e-mail account (get a mail box and a
mail address)

Exercise 1 p.7 ( textbook)

Study the following sentence.

 To start the computer, switch/turn on the central unit and the monitor.

Note that we can also say:

 Switch / Turn on the central unit and the monitor to start the computer.
 ………………………………………………………. In order to……………
 ………………………………………………………..so as to………………

Here is another example.

 I work hard at school to get good marks and succeed.
Try to build similar sentences, using the above expressions.

Note the following:

If you want to start the computer, you turn on the CPU.

…………………………………….., turn on the CPU.
…………………………………..…, you must turn on the CPU.

Study this very short conversation.

 A: What must I do if I want to start a computer?

 B: If you want to start a computer, you must turn on the CPU.
 …………………………………………………………………………………………
 A: What must I do to start a computer?
 B: To start a computer, you must turn on the CPU.

You must ……. = It is necessary that you….

Must + infinitive verb form

Build similar dialogues, or complete the following.

 A: What must I do to access the internet?
 B: …………………………………………….
 A: What must I do to write a text?
 B: …………………………………………….
 A: What must I do to print a picture?
 B: …………………………………………….
 A: What must I do to watch a film?
 B: …………………………………………….
 A: What must I do to listen to music?
 B: …………………………………………….

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