18 Questions With Present Progressive

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Nombre del alumno: Cristian Emmanuel González Chávez

Nombre de la actividad: 18 QUESTIONS WITH PRESENT


1. Questions without question words in the Present Progressive

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Yes/No Subject Auxiliary (+ n't)
Are they writing e-mails? Yes,
No, they
they are.
are not.
Is Peter playing football? Yes,
No, he
he is.
is not.
Are they singing a song? Yes,
No, they
they are.
are not.
2 Questions with question words in the Present Progressive
Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer
What are you doing right now? I am working on my computer.
Where is Tyler going? He is going to the pet shop.
Why are they carrying the buckets? They are carrying the buckets
because they want to clean their bikes.
► Use is with the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), am with the 1st person singular
(I) and in all other persons are.

Add -ing to the infinitive.



Escribe en negativa y en interrogativa

You are reading a book.
You are not reading a book
Are you reading a book?
She is sleeping now.
She is not sleeping now
Is she sleeping now?
We are running.
We are not running.
Are we running?
Fill in the blanks with am –is or are
1. We are reading a book.
2. She is playing tenis.
3. Ann is listening music.
4. My mother are sleeping.
5. He is studying.
6. They are doing my homeworks.
7. I is speaking.
8. Peter are cleaning the house.
9. You is going to the cinema.
10. It is running
Chosse the correct answer
1. We are cooking/is cooking dinner.
2. My aunt are driving/is driving the car.
3. I are reading/am reading a comic.
4. They are sleeping/ is sleeping.
5. You is studying/are studying.
6. Ann is doing/are doing her homeworks.
7. My brother are playing/is playing.
8. She is speaking/are speaking.
9. Mary is singing/are singing.
10. My father are working/is working.
Fill in the blanks with the present continuous

1. I am studying (study) for my english exam.

2. We are playing (play) guitar.
3. My brother is reading(read) the newspaper.
4. They are going (go) to the cinema.
5. Peter is cleaning (clean) the house.
6. My sister is speaking(speak) with her friend.
7. We are eating (eat) an apple

Write the negative and interrogative

I am playing.

- i am not playing

Are you playing?

We are listening.

we aren't listening

Are we listen?

My father is cooking.

my father isn't cooking

is my father cooking?

They are eating.

- they aren't eating

are they eating?

She is reading.

she isn’t reading every day

is she reading every day?

You are studying

you aren’t studying

are you studying?

My sister is driving.

my sister isn’t driving

is my sister driving
Tom is speaking.

tom doesn’t is speaking

does tom is speaking?

My aunt is singing.

my aunt isn’t singing

is my aunt singing?

He is learning.

-he isn’t learning

is he learning?

What are they doing? Complete the questions, and write the answers

1. Are they playing tenis? (play)

2. Is she reading?
3. Are they watching a film? (watch)
4. Are Peter and Linda sleeping?
5. Is he eating? (eat)
6. Is he playing piano?


Choosse the correct answer

1. There is/are three cats.

2. There is/are an apple.

3. There is/are books on the table.

4. There is / are a supermarket.

5. There is/are two windows.

6. There is/ are a girl.

7. There is/ are five cars.

8. There is/ are milk in the fridge.

9. There is/ are four pencils.

10. There is/ are a table.

Fill in the blanks with: there is/there are

1. the is a boy.

2. there are twenty boys.

3. there is two computers.

4. there are an apple.

5. there are five newspapers.

6. there is three Windows.

7. there are a house.

8. there is a park.

9. there are two bedrooms.

10. there are five birds.

Put the words in order to make sentences

the two children there aren’t at the park

is Sarah watching the tv

There is a Cat at home?

They at home aren’t

There are pencils in my schoolbag there.
the pictures are in the bedroom?
Mary is not reading a book
they are doing their homework
There are two trees in the garden

Put these sentences into the negative and interrogative form

1. There isn't a supermarket near the park.

2. There aren't six cats in the house.

3. There isn't a pencil in the table.

4. There aren't ten cars in front of our house.

5. There isn't a dog in the garden

Escribe en negativa y en interrogativa

She doesn't go to the cinema
Does she go to the cinema?
I played tenis.
I don't play tennis (negative)
Do you play tennis? (interrogative)
We lived in Madrid.
We [don’t] live in Madrid (negative)
Do you live in Madrid? (interrogative)


Fill in the blanks with the verb

1. You reads (read) a book.

2. Mary plays (play) tennis.

3. They listen (listen) to music.

4. My aunt sleeps (sleep).

5. We study (study).

6. He did (do) my homeworks.

7. I spoke (speak)

8. She cleaned (clean) the house.

9. They went (go) to the cinema.

10. My mother runs (run).

Choose the correct answer

1. We cook/cooks’ dinner.

2. My aunt drives/drive the car.

3. I read/ reads a comic.

4. They sleep/ sleeps

5. You study/studies.
6. Ann do/ does her homeworks.

7. My brother play/is plays.

8. She speaks/ speak.

9. Mary sings/ sing.

10. My father Works/ work.

Fill in the blanks with the present continuous or simple present tense .

1. Sarah is watching a film at this moment.

2. I study English every day.

3. We play the guitar on Mondays.

4. My brother is reading the newspaper now.

5. They go to the cinema every Saturday.

6. Peter is cleaning the house at this moment.

7. My sister speaking (speak) with her friend now.
8. We eats (eat) an apple every morning


1. is Sarah watching the TV? Yes No, no she isn't watching TV
2. are you study every day? Yes, I am studying No, I am not studying
3. are they playing football? Yes, they are playing football No, they aren't
playing football
4. is your sister sleeping? Yes, she is No, she is not
5. Is Peter go to the cinema? Yes, no, He is not
6. Are the children doing their homework? Yes, they are No, they arent
7. Is your mother working? Yes, she is No, she is not

8. Is Mary reading the book? Yes, she is/No She is not

Answer the questions.

What is she doing?

she is studying for her exam tomorrow

What does Jim do on sundays?

he rides his bike

What are they doing?

they play a basketball tournament

ACTIVITY 6. READING ACTIVITY. Gabor Maté: Exercise 1 - Reading and

Vocabulary.Read the story and write a summary.



The Story of Gabor Maté

Gabor Maté ____________.
is a Jewish doctor in Vancouver
? is the host of a talk show in Vancouver
? is a Jewish doctor in Hungary
? is a drug addict in Vancouver
Which answer below is not a synonym for "respect" (paragraph 4)?
? high regard
? esteem
? honour
low opinion

Which answer does not have the same meaning as "trauma" (paragraph 3)?
? severe stress
? pain
? suffering
In the first paragraph, the word "stress" means ____________.
? importance or emphasis
a mental condition
? pressure on something
Which answer below does not have the same meaning as "blame" (paragraph 3)?
be complimented for
? be criticized for
? be accused of
? be held responsible for
What is not true about Insite?
? A nurse helps drug users if they overdose.
? It is only in BC.
The BC government supports it.
? It provides drug users with clean needles.
What does Gabor not do to help people with addictions?
? He writes books.
? He makes speeches.
He hosts a talk show.
Which answer below is not a synonym for "compassion" (paragraph 4)?
? concern
? empathy
? sympathy

Which statement is not true?

Gabor's wife objects to his shopping because he doesn't like the same music.
? Gabor's wife objects to his shopping because he spends too much money on records.
? Gabor's wife objects to his shopping because they don't have space for everything he
Which answer below is an antonym for "reduce" (paragraph 5)?
? downsize
? lower
? decrease
Gabor cried a lot as a baby because ____________.
? the Nazis killed his grandfather
he sensed his mother's sadness
? the Nazis made his father work for them
? his aunt was missing
What is not true about people with addictions?
? They are treated like criminals.
? They often have unhappy childhoods.
? They are often blamed for their addictions.
They spend all their money on drugs.

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