I and Thou - Barazan

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Riza Angela A.

Barazan June 21, 2021

CHS3 – Section H

Reading Assignment: “I and Thou” by Martin Buber

A short yet powerful philosophical book that changes one's perception of relations between
oneself and his environment. Having said that, I must admit that I had some difficulties understanding
some of the author's points or thoughts. It also describes something that has not been properly
described before. Buber explained that human beings can have two attitudes on the world: I-Thou or I-
It. I-Thou is a subject-to-subject relationship, whereas I-It is a subject-to-object relationship. In the I-
Thou relationship, humans see each other as having a unity of being. Humans may also attempt to
convert a subject-to-subject relation to a subject-to-object relation, or vice versa. But the existence of a
subject is a unity that cannot be viewed as an object. The existence of a subject, on the other hand, is a
unity that cannot be analyzed as an object. When a subject is analyzed as an object, it no longer exists as
a subject and becomes an object. When a subject is analyzed as an object, it ceases to be a Thou and
becomes an It. It is an experience of losing oneself with the object, which then becomes a part of I. So,
humans must experience I-It in order to survive, but we cannot truly live until we also experience I-Thou.
The ego/I-It/self is destroyed, revealing the real I-Thou/self, or God.

The idea is that without the presence of another, there can be no self. You can only exist as a
result of your relationships with others. According to Buber, the concept "I" can only exist in relation to
"You." "I" comes from the recognition of "You." As "up" is meaningless without "down," "I" is useless
without "you. You can only exist in the context of the relationships you form with others.

What I understood, I liked it. It made me realize the wonder of every human encounter I have
on a daily basis, from the most insignificant to the ones I perceive and label "important." They're all far
more than just 'important.'

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