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Destroying Demonic Sexual Strongholds

HEDONISM: Destroying Demonic Sexual Strongholds

Copyright ©2015 by Mack Major. Published by EDEN


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any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
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author and publisher have taken great care to properly credit
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source. Please notify the publisher of any inadvertent
omission, and correction will be made at the earliest
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All scripture quotations are from the King James Version of

the Holy Bible, unless otherwise stated.

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ISBN-13 978-0-9964219-0-4


We are dealing with a very aggressive form of spiritual

wickedness today. Gone are the days of gentle evil and mild
sins. The enemy has pulled out all the stops. He's gone all out
for maximum impact.

Few Christians have an adequate understanding of

wickedness. We have a difficult time comprehending
wickedness, particularly spiritual wickedness in high places.
The BIBLE is very clear that the entire world is under the
influence and power of wickedness. [1 John 5:19]

Wickedness is more than just evil. It's a very severe form of

evil. It means total debasement, villainy, viciousness,
depravity, degeneracy, to be utterly and completely crooked.

The reason why simple and mere preaching is no longer as

effective as it once was, is because we are now dealing with
a different type of more entrenched evil than we've ever
encountered before. This is a new form of villainy at work in
the hearts and lives of people. And it's straight demonic on a
different level.

We live in a time of total unchecked lawlessness.

Every type of perverse depravity is championed and praised,

and those who stand opposed are looked at as old fashioned
and out of step with the times.

ii | P a g e
Image: Current mode of thought in America and in many churches (source:
Lady Gaga’s Instagram)

Ordinary will no longer do! Ordinary church, ordinary

preaching, ordinary prayer and bible reading will leave you
ill-equipped to deal with this new more powerful form of
wickedness that's loose in the land.

We as Christian believers must go deeper, further and be

more resolute than ever before in our spiritual learning,
practice and understanding.

Deceiving spirits have been given the green light to trick and
lead astray anyone willing to lend them an ear.

That which you entertain in your life ultimately conquers

you. And what conquers you controls you.

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And just for the record: there are no such things as wicked
Christians! If it champions sin or makes iniquity look cute and
harmless: it's not operating from the energy of Jesus Christ
nor the power of the Holy Ghost.

Be vigilant, be aware and stay spiritually alert. We're closer

to the end now than we've ever been. Now is not the time to
start slipping up or getting lazy.

It's time to literally go hard for Jesus, or go hard for the devil.
Choosing to ride the fence simply means you've already
chosen hell.


Hedonism means the unrestrained pursuit of self-indulgence

and sensual pleasures.

Hedonism is marked by pleasure-seeking, self-gratification

and extravagance, no matter the cost and regardless of
whose expense.

Hedonism is the highest pursuit in American culture today.

And it's fast becoming the highest pursuit of the world.
Because as American culture tends to go, so goes the rest of
the world. The United States can be seen as a mighty cultural
river that flows into lesser streams of world cultures.

When American culture becomes polluted, our river will in

turn pollute the rivers and waters of other lands; making
them just as polluted and sin-indulgent as we are. In order to
have a spiritually healthy world, we need a spiritually healthy
America. Or else America stands in the dangerous position of
opposing the pure standards of a righteous God. And that

iv | P a g e
places America in danger of being removed from its position
of worldwide prominence and influence.

Hedonism doesn't just manifest itself in the gilded mansions

of the super-rich; or in Hollywood secret mansion parties
where each room contains any pleasure one might wish to
indulge in.

Hedonism equally manifests in far more obvious ways among

the middle, lower and lowest classes of people, through
excessive alcohol consumption, drug addiction, marijuana
and cigarette consumption.

Image: Drug use is increasing among people in their 50s and early 60s. Evident
of an increasing hedonistic culture; doing what ‘feels’ good at the moment.

It also manifests among the lower classes through the

purchasing of lottery tickets. And when frustrations boil over
to a breaking point due to poverty and perceived injustices,
hedonism rears its ugly head in the form of gang fights,
rioting and looting.

Racism is another form of hedonism that can be seen in

those of a more "trailer park persuasion" who ban together
in racist cliques around the concept of "white power."

They've even infected the ranks of our police officers, with
many using their positions of power among the poorer
classes to act out their hedonistic desires. This is how Abner
Louima ended up being sodomized with a broken broom
handle in the care of NYPD officers; and how Eric Garner was
choked to death right on a street corner in broad daylight,
based on the accusation that he was selling loose cigarettes.

Image: In 1997, 30-year-old Abner Louima was assaulted, brutalized and

forcibly sodomized with a broken-off broom handle by officers of the New York
City Police Department, after being arrested outside a Brooklyn nightclub
(source: Daily News NY Aug. 1997)

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Overeating is yet another manifestation of our hedonistic
tendencies. Overeating denotes an obsessive desire to over-
indulge in food, to the point where a person loses their self-
control. Obesity is a major health problem in America,
starting with kids and affecting all levels of adulthood. And
it's one of the biggest factors (no pun intended) behind rising
healthcare costs.

Image: More than one-third―34.9% or 78.6 million―of U.S. adults are obese.
(source: Journal of American Medicine Feb. 2014)

Hedonism shows up in the form of watching pornography. Or

in watching popular TV shows and movies that are all but
soft porn themselves.

TV now provides us with "reality" shows and other forms of

visual fiction that are high on sex, drama, cat fights, fake
boobs, hydro-gelled butts and bat-wing eyelashes: and
extremely low on moral standards and character.

The current craze in zombie apocalyptic entertainment is yet

another example of people's hedonistic tendencies. The
enjoyment of watching humans slaughter each other in the

vii | P a g e
most bloody and brutal ways―even if it's just make
believe―is a dangerous slippery slope that folks have
allowed themselves to slide down. The mind cannot tell fact
from fiction once the emotions have become fully engaged.
And once the human appetite for blood, lust and gore has
been sufficiently whetted, it will only crave ever-increasing
levels of more.

The popularity in books geared towards women promoting

BDSM and other overtly pornographic themes has spawned
an entire literary industry, affectionately referred to as
"mommy porn." This in turn has caused an increase in porn
consumption by women in general; and a massive leap in
sales of sex toys geared towards the female gender. And
where there is porn consumption, there will be porn
addiction. The two always go hand in hand.

Perhaps there's no greater display of hedonism in our society

today than at gay pride events which take place all over the

Image: Black men at Gay Pride Parade

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At one of these open air hedonistic festivities, one is
guaranteed to see the grossest displays of vulgarity
imaginable to the human mind. There will be open sex right
outdoors, nude men―some dressed like women―and even
females with breasts exposed, parading and prancing about
in absolute defiance to godly morality or human decency.

We now have naked bike rides in cities like Philadelphia:

where tens of thousands of eager men and women get
"buck-naked" by shedding all of their clothes, hop on
bicycles, and ride through the downtown sections of one of
the world's major cities. On a Sunday afternoon of course;
forcing anyone leaving church to become eye witnesses. And
not to worry: it's all perfectly legal, sanctioned even by the

Image: Naked bike ride in downtown Philadelphia; including gay man mocking
Jesus (in costume).

And lest you think hedonism was only the toy of adults,
popular video games are equally cashing in on America’s
addiction to self-indulgence.

Games such as the Grand Theft Auto series, that allows an

otherwise honest and good kid to temporarily become a
raping, killing, car-jacking sociopath underscores just how far

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we've fallen as a nation down the demonic rabbit hole that
leads right to the gates of hell.

But where does all this addiction to hedonism end?

Our desire to feed our addiction to sin has caused us to

neglect our children's well-being: which should be any
nation's highest priority. We now have school teachers and
sports coaches, once highly trusted positions, who use their
position to sexually prey on our youth, just to satisfy their
own sick hedonistic tendencies.

Jerry Sandusky and the recent Penn State sex scandal that
involved scores of boys being used to gratify the sick sexual
cravings of debased men, further illustrates how our youth
are increasingly made not safe when hedonism is allowed to
run amuck. Almost every week in the news is some story
about school teachers, both men and increasingly women,
who are coercing their students into sexual relationships.

Image: Brianne Altice, 35 year old female high school English teacher, plead
guilty to sexually abusing three male students. (source: Fox News 2015)

A nation has reached a new low when its teachers have

turned into predators.

This is the end result of our hedonistic ways. It's always
about the kids. Because ultimately, that's what Satan is really
after. He's prepping a generation for himself that will
welcome him with open arms. And if you're not careful, your
kid may be one of them.

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Pornography as we know it is described in the bible as

fornication. Fornication is ANY sexual activity outside of a
marriage covenant between a man and a woman.

The Greek words used to describe "fornication" over and

over again throughout the New Testament is: porneia
(Strong’s Concordance) and porneuo.

Both words use "PORN" as their root, and both words

describe ungodly uncovenanted sexual activity between
men, women or others.

Both words are also associated with pagan idolatry. And we

know from scripture that all pagan idol worship is really
worship of demonic spirits. [1 Corinthians 10:20]

So fornication and pornography are often associated in the

bible with paying homage to devils. Think about that. [See: 1
Corinthians 6; 2 Corinthians 6; Ephesians 5:1-17]

In the past few years there has been a huge interest in

erotica. Everything from books, magazine articles, TV shows
and movies: the porn industry has basically reinvented itself
as modern day erotica, making a big comeback in recent

Erotica, or porn as it shall be referred to for the rest of this

discussion is nothing more than a demonic gateway into
homosexuality, fornication and lesbianism. Period. That's
really all it is for.

Through modern day erotica/porn, Satan has been successful
at initiating people into a funnel of sexual activity that grows
increasingly darker the further down that funnel one goes.
And sooner or later those who enter the funnel will be
moved to act out those visions from pages and movie
screens into real life.

Image: Angela Bassett and Lady Gaga share kisses and sex scene in popular FX
network show American Horror Story Hotel. Angela Bassett is an iconic Black
actress often admired for her classy and respectable style, which many Black
women idolized and follow. How far does her influence go? (source: FX 2015)

Porn/erotica in many ways is like the occult. Once your

appetite for the forbidden knowledge has been sufficiently
activated, you'll start craving more of it. And what once use
to satisfy no longer will.

Marriages are being decimated because porn is no longer the
domain of men. Thanks to books by such authors as Zane
and E.L. James, an entire new genre of books called 'mommy
porn' has sprung up, ushering millions of housewives and
soccer moms into porn addiction.

Women are no longer satisfied with typical bedroom sex.

Those typical "guy on girl" scenes no longer satisfy. Now
people have begun craving something more exotic and
darker to satisfy their growing sexual hunger and curiosity.

The true purpose of porn was to open the minds of both

men and women to homosexual sex and debauched
fornication. Think about it: when you're watching it, the man
is just as naked and fully exposed as the woman. You're not
just watching the opposite sex: you're also watching your
own gender as well, completely buck-naked, moaning and
groaning, doing all types of sexual things.

This also goes for the sex scenes written about in fictional
books as well.

Many straight women I've known over the years who

confessed to watching or masturbating to porn admitted to
only being able to enjoy it if there were two women on the
screen. The man becomes optional at best, and in most cases
completely irrelevant.

Think about that. These were STRAIGHT women.

The more a woman watches porn, the more she is being

opened to lesbian desires. What may have been planted as a
seed from earlier exposure to a porn movie begins to
blossom over time, until she can no longer enjoy a natural
desire for a man any more. Now she must fantasize about
being with the flesh of her own gender.

And that was always Satan's intent with porn: to open both
genders to the desire to explore same-gender sexual

Porn causes men to view women strictly as sex objects.

Sooner or later normal man on women sexual fantasy no
longer gets the job done.

Before you know it, porn ruins a man's chances of ever being
able to enjoy normal monogamous sexual relations with a

Most dangerous of all, pornography is used as a portal to

open people to spirits of lust and sexual perversion including
adultery and incest.

This is why I say that when a person opens themselves up to

pornography, they are really opening themselves up to
demonic visitation and infestation. And that's one door you
do NOT want to open!

Many porn actors and actresses are actually practicing

Satanists. A lot of them in their free time take part in Satanic
sex rituals, or hire themselves out as male/female sexual
prostitutes for private BDSM parties. Bondage, sado-
masochism (BDSM) is a VERY dark satanic form of sexual

I’ll never forget watching such a movie way back when

during my porn watching days, when a woman suddenly
started chanting in a possessed demonic tongue right on
camera. That cured me from any curiosity I had about
watching such films from that day forward!

There has always been a strong tie to Satanism and the adult
entertainment industry. There's even a company that
produces porn movies called Evil Angel. The landing page on

their website even warns that you will be BOUND if you
choose to proceed and enter their site!

I can't make this stuff up! Btw: I highly recommend that you
do NOT enter their site.

Most adult entertainment actors are completely high on

drugs when they are performing for the camera. Mind
altering drugs are a gateway into the demonic realm as they
open one's mind to being filled with spirits or possessed.

The spirit of suicide also runs extremely high in the sex

industry. Go to YouTube and search for "tribute to dead porn
stars." Look at how many died over the years via suicide and
drug overdose. It's horrendous.

And when you watch porn you are exposing yourself to all
that demonic energy as well. It's coming right through your
computer or TV screen and into your bedroom.

How many of you will be honest enough to admit that you

sometimes feel like you are being watched by an invisible
presence in the room when you masturbate? Here's the
thing: you are! That presence is called a demon. And it lurks
in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to pounce and
enter your body.

By watching porn and masturbating to it, you are entering

into a sexual covenant with the demonic spiritual force
behind pornography, which can be called a spirit of
fornication, thus giving legal permission for that demon to
enter your body and take up residence.

And once that happens your sexual desires won't be yours

anymore. You'll share those desires with an evil spiritual
entity that will use lust and sex to wreak pure havoc in your

This is very serious stuff!

If you are addicted to porn/fornication you can be free

today. Jesus Christ is a POWERFUL deliverer. And He alone
has the power to set you totally free from the witchcraft
spell of the porn-sex industry.

But you have to ask for His help. Jesus is constantly

monitoring the airwaves, listening for those who sincerely
call on His name. Don't just suffer in silence. Get the Lord's
help today and be free in the mighty name of Jesus!



"Nevertheless, to avoid FORNICATION, let every man have

his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."
[1 Corinthians 7:2]

Porn and masturbation go hand in hand. If most people

would be honest, the act of watching or reading porn leads
directly to masturbation. Porn can be visual as in a book (like
those Zane books and 50 Shades novels), or magazine (as in
just about every well named fashion magazine out there, as
well as Playboy, Hustler etc), or a movie. Once the image is in
the brain though, it tends to stay there for life.

Porn is not from God. And neither is masturbation. God's

answer for masturbation is MARRIAGE! Hence why Paul said
what he said in the verse above. Marriage between a man
and woman is one of the best scriptural antidotes to

If you've ever engaged in masturbation, 9 times out of 10

you learned how to do so from watching porn. But
unbeknownst to most porn watchers, both the acts and the
actors they're witnessing are engaged in different forms of
demonic sex rituals.

Which is interesting when you take into account that one

definition for porn in the original Greek language is
"IDOLATRY": the act of worshiping a false god (demonic
spirit) through rituals: including sex rituals.

Masturbation is really a form of worshiping a demon!

Masturbation is a sex ritual that was used primarily in
ancient fertility rites. And one cannot invoke God through
ancient demonic rites or through occult sex rituals.

Images of masturbation and other types of 'porn' were found

all over the ancient walls and statues of Pompeii, and on the
walls of old Oriental Hindu temples; because masturbation
and porn were used to invoke the power of demons for a
blessed harvest or a bountiful pregnancy, etc.

This is where masturbation being a demon portal comes into

play. We have an expression in our country: Ignorance of the
law is no excuse. This goes equally for ignorantly engaging in
demonic sex rituals, such as masturbation.

If you invoke demons, they'll eventually show up. And that's

when you'll have Hell to pay for your ignorant behavior.

God doesn't want Christians invoking demons, my friends.

This is beyond basic knowledge here.

The following is for those who are searching for a specific

bible scripture that speaks against masturbation. You're
looking directly for the word "masturbation" in the Bible.
And that's where you're going wrong.

That's like trying to find a verse that specifically says it's
wrong to smoke crack cocaine, when crack isn't directly
mentioned in the bible. Yet you know it's wrong, and really
don't need a verse telling you not to smoke it.

Which is why the Bible admonishes us to STUDY to show

ourselves approved unto God. Then you'll be able to RIGHTLY
divide the Word of Truth.

I also find it interesting how those wanting a specific bible

verse condemning masturbation didn't search for one that
condones it. Because I challenge anyone to show me the
verse that says it's okay to pleasure yourself sexually!

It's a very dangerous thing to use the Bible as an excuse to

sin. That's borderline reprobate.

Nevertheless, for those who just HAVE to have some bible

verse that condemns an occult pagan practice, this is all
you'll need:

• [Ephesians 4:27] "Neither give place to the devil."

Paul wrote Ephesians 4:27 to Christians. Which also goes to

prove that YES, Christians can have a demon too.

So how could a Christian give the devil place in their lives?

Simple: via SIN. Which means it's also possible for a believer
to let demons into their life through SIN. Hence the
statement, "Neither give place to the D-E-V-I-L."

Let's go further:

• [1 Corinthians 10:20] "No, but I say that the things

which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons
and not to God; and I do not want you to become
sharers in demons."

Again, this was written to CHRISTIANS. He wouldn't have said
he doesn't want them to, if it wasn't possible that they could.
Meaning that Christians can share things with demons:
including their sex lives! Watch this next verse very closely:

• [1 Corinthians 10:21-22]"You cannot drink the cup of

the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake
of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Or
do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not
stronger than He, are we?"

These were all warnings that basically says we can tick God
off massively if we continue indulging in things like idolatry
(the worship of demons) after we become born again. And I
showed you how masturbation and porn were used to
summon the power of demons through sex fertility rituals in
ancient times.

Bottom line: masturbation is a method used to summon

demons in order to use demonic power to make your life

Masturbation is occult, whether you want it to be or not.

And when you masturbate, you are indulging in a known
occult ritual that will bring the wrath and judgment of God
into your life.

Don't just study the bible: RESEARCH! That way you'll have a
deeper, fuller understanding that goes beyond the basics.

This goes also for married couples. Mutual masturbation is

still masturbation! It's still using an occult ritual; even if
you're using it for spousal pleasure. It's no different from
using a Ouija board to masturbate with!

As a Believer in Jesus Christ, you have NO business 'rubbing

one out' for your spouse or for yourself. That is now your

spouse's job! And if you don't have a spouse, work on getting
one. But if you continue engaging in masturbation, you are
knowingly and willingly engaging in idolatrous worship to a
demonic spirit.

Again I reiterate: This is so basic that it's painful to write.

There are no loopholes or exceptions. God wants His
children to be temperate and to exercise self-control.

Either comply with scripture and allow Christ to purge you

from all sinful the compulsion to
masturbate...or keep living in your sinful activity.

Even on a practical level, masturbation is not healthy for

your overall well-being or relationship. I believe it is one of
the main reasons why married couples cannot enjoy normal
sexual relations these days with each other.

Think about it: a woman wouldn't know if a guy was too

'small' to meet her sexual needs if she held herself in strict
virginity until she got married. Because the only penis she
would ever know would be her husband's. But all that
experimentation with fingers, objects, dildos, vibrators, plugs
and other items do nothing more than expose a woman to a
variety of different sized objects that were never meant to
enter the human body in the first place.

She's stretched and violated her own body's normal sexual

procedures to the point where it's difficult for her to orgasm
without having something inhumanly sized or oddly shaped
entering her.

The same applies to men. Many men cannot find satisfaction

with their wives because they're expecting their wife to
perform like a porn actress, or some former girlfriend who
performed sexually like a porn star. Newsflash: THOSE ARE
10 | P a g e
The majority of the porn you've watched on screen was NOT
enjoyed by the people who made the movies. Most of those
women are totally dry, and except for Viagra the guys are
barely beyond limp. And this is because sex is their JOB.

Just like punching a clock at the office is your job. Most of

those actors and actresses cannot even enjoy a normal
sexual relationship outside of their acting roles on screen.

Because too much exposure to sex with various different

people deadens the entire experience...for life.

Let's take it a step further: When a man uses his hand to

simulate being inside of a woman's vagina, he's creating a
grip that a typical vagina can never emulate. Could this be
another reason why so many men are into 'backdoor' sex
nowadays? Vagina no longer satisfies. They need a stronger
grip; the kind that only an anus could provide. And you know
where that will eventually lead.

These are just some of the normal reasons why masturbation

is a bad idea. It's not practical nor conducive to a normal
sexual relationship. It will actually cause more problems with
your sex life later on than it now currently solves.

And it's a clever way for Satan to introduce perversion into

the marriage bed, thus making the marriage bed defiled.

Many married couples as we speak are on the verge of

calling it quits, simply because they cannot enjoy normal
heterosexual relations with one another. She's watched and
masturbated to so much girl on girl porn prior to meeting her
husband, she can't climax or orgasm with her husband unless
she's picturing him as a woman, like the ones in those
lesbian sex scenes.

11 | P a g e
And he can't enjoy himself with his wife because he needs
her to twist up like a human pretzel, just to remind him of all
those kinky scenes he's watched over the years via porn and

Oh, and by the way: whether you know it or not you've

already been preconditioned to accept homosexuality
through watching porn. And not just homosexuality: but
every other type of sick demonic sexual perversion; some
which you can't even imagine.

Don't believe me? Then why don't you have a problem with
watching another man buck naked (if you're a guy), or
another naked woman if you're a female? Because you do
exactly that when you're watching porn...and by
masturbating to it, you're actually engaging in feeling what
that man or woman is feeling on the screen.

See! You're almost there! Just a little more exposure and

you'll be soon sticking your genitalia in places that you've
never imagined!

This is why there wasn't any big uprising or outcry from

straight folks when the Supreme Court just legalized gay
marriage across the country. Did you notice that? People
took to social media; but that hardly represents a serious
protest. People just looked it off as if it meant nothing, not
realizing that America will be judged in the most severe way
by The Lord God Himself; as an example for the rest of the
world. People didn't protest because they're already
compromised by sexual sin themselves.

Do yourself a huge favor: cut off the porn, get control of

yourself and stop masturbating! What has happened to
people that they can no longer control their own sexual
appetites anyway?

12 | P a g e
If you suffer from a compulsion to masturbate, get help for
it. Jesus Christ is the absolute BEST help you'll find. But you
have to give up your desire to sin in order for him to
empower you over sin.


When people get dressed up to go to the nightclub or a bar,

they're really dressing to offer themselves as a living sacrifice
to demonic spirits that inhabit such places. I'll break that
down in a moment.

In life you only get dressed up for religious/spiritual


Think about it: what do we typically get dressed up for?

Usually it's for church or some other religious service, a
wedding, or a funeral. Even when you get dressed for a job
interview, you're really dressing up for the spirit of
Mammon, trying to look your best in the hopes of being
selected for the opportunity to serve Mammon for a
paycheck. This applies equally for going out to the club.

Everything we do in society is done for religious or spiritual


Which is why I laugh when people say they are not religious.
Oh yes you are! You just haven't accepted it yet! Folks like
myself know better, because we realize that in this world
you can only serve one of two masters: God or Lucifer. You
don't get to serve both, and you don't get to opt out of
serving neither.

13 | P a g e
There's a very real spiritual danger in going to nightclubs and
other such venues. One of the more obvious dangers is the
type of dark demonic energy that resides there.

Image: Nightclub

When you willingly go to a place or event where demons are

known to hang out at, you are in essence partying with the

And those devils won't just stay behind at the club after you
leave. They are there for YOU!

Few can deny that there is a certain atmosphere you find in

nightclubs and bars, that's not found anywhere else. And this
is because the atmosphere is literally charged with demonic
energy. Some of you are suffering problems in your life right
now that can be directly attributed to your frequent
attendance at night clubs, bars, wild parties and specific
festivals that endorse an extremely ungodly atmosphere.

14 | P a g e
Here's a thought: Some demons can only
get into you by being danced into you.

I know that may sound crazy, but I assure you it's not. Let's
get into some specifics. In many African, Aboriginal, Native
and Asian cultures, dancing served more than just as an
outlet for entertainment. Dance was ALWAYS associated
with occult rituals and shamanism. These rituals were known
as an evocation, invocation, or as a summoning.

Image: Aboriginal Summoning Ritual

When the spirits needed to be consulted for guidance by the

village elders, meetings were called where the entire village
came: from the youngest to the oldest.

Eventually the drums began to beat, and those appointed as

'channelers' for the spirits to speak through would begin to
'feel' the rhythm of the music. These were also known as

As they danced, their wild dancing served as a conduit that

would actually summon demons to enter them. And as the
demons came into them, their dancing would increase and

15 | P a g e
get wilder and more intense, as the conjurer would
eventually become a different person: fully possessed by the

Image: Conjurers possessed by demons

Have you ever been to a club where someone would

inevitably get on the dance floor and act a straight up fool?
That person would seem to just zone out and dance
uncontrollably when a particular song would come on.
Unbeknownst to you and me at the time: we were
witnessing a ritual possession taking place right in front of
our eyes. Maybe this has even happened to you before.

Image: Man humping woman in center of crowd in nightclub

16 | P a g e
Now you also know why many singers and dancers will
testify to becoming a different person when they are caught
up in dancing and performing. They are literally conjuring
spirits and becoming possessed during those performances.
So be equally careful when listening to such artists and their

There's a reason why Christians don't belong in nightclubs.

Nightclubs are nothing more than places where people are

gathered and collected to become food for devils.

Some of you may remember the opening scene from the first
Blade movie, starring Wesley Snipes. It opened with a club
scene, where those present thought they were there just to
have a good night out. But instead they ended up becoming
food for vampires. (Side note: In the movies, demons are
always represented as vampires; hence their aversion to
priests and Christian paraphernalia.)

Another movie I recently came across had this same theme

of demons hiding in plain sight inside of nightclubs. (Satan is
so bold with his works these days that he boldly tells the
world about what he's doing through movies.) This movie
titled "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" featured one
such scene where the protagonist and a friend went into a
nightclub. While there she witnessed one group of spiritual
assassins that she mistook for regular clubbers killing a guy
who turns out to have been a demon. No one else present is
aware of this spiritual battle taking place right in front of
them. (Turns out the ones who killed the demon are the
offspring of angels who mated with humans: known in
biblical times as the Nephilim. The Nephilim were the
ungodly children that came from angels mating with human
women, as recorded in Genesis 6. You can't make this stuff

17 | P a g e
Nightclubs, bars, raves, and other such establishments are
set up by people heavily involved in the occult to provide
fresh bodies for demons to inhabit—that's their ONLY
purpose. And yes, this also includes strip clubs.

You may have thought these establishments were there to

entertain you, or provide you with a place to mingle and
imbibe refreshing adult beverages. But their true purpose is
to lure you there to make it easier for demons to get inside
of you. And get inside of you they will.

This is why nothing good ever takes place at bars and clubs.
Have you noticed that? There are always fights, shootings,
stabbings, robberies and murders that take place either in or
right outside of them. People end up hooking up with
unsavory people, typically for sex. There's a lot of
intoxication and drug use associated with bars and clubs.
And it's always dark. Have you ever wondered why
nightclubs and bars are ALWAYS dark inside? It's because the
darkness provides an ideal atmosphere for dark spirits to
hide and lurk in.

And the more popular the club, the more demons that are
hiding in the music and in the shadows, lusting for their
chance to jump into as many people as they can: including
someone just like you.

So do yourself a favor and stay away.

By the way: what do you think Carnival is? For those who
don't know, Carnival is a huge event popular among Afro-
Caribbean, Brazilian, Latino and native African people. It's
also very popular in big cities like NYC, Philly, Boston,
Atlanta, Miami, Baltimore, Houston, etc. Carnival is nothing
less than a huge ritual demon conjuring party. What else
would you expect when you have thousands of scantily-clad

18 | P a g e
women in the streets filled with drunk-horny guys,
simulating sexual acts with each other in an open orgy?

Image: Carnival

Carnival and its accompanying party known as the J'ouvert

Festival is not about celebrating island culture: it's about
using that for an excuse to engage in sexual orgies. Both of
which are prime environments for demonic spirits to prey on
the unsuspecting.

Image: J'ouvert Festival

19 | P a g e
Image: J'ouvert Festival Dancers (notice similar look to Aboriginal Summoning

The same applies equally for Mardi Gras: which is the

American version of Carnival and J'ouvert.

Image: Mardi Gras crowd pics and logo

As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, we are told to stay

away from such wicked places and demonic festivities.

Romans 13:13 tells us:

"Because we belong to the day, we must live decent lives for

all to see. Don't participate in the darkness of wild parties
and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral
living, or in quarreling and jealousy."

20 | P a g e
This covers everything we just mentioned above. It's totally
inappropriate and out of character with the Kingdom of God
for a believer to participate in pagan rituals and orgies: which
is exactly what that is. And just in case you still don't get it:

"Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality,

impurity, SENSUALITY, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife,
jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy,
as I warned you before, that those who do such things WILL
NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD." [Galatians 5:19-21]

God warns us to stay away from these things because in His

wisdom He knows what lurks in the shadows at these places
and events. When you attend nightclubs or bars, or engage
in Carnival and other such wild parties: you are serving and
celebrating demons. And once you've opened yourself up to
demonic activity, they will torment you and ultimately
destroy everything good in your life. It's what demons do

It's time to repent. If you're serious about your walk with

Jesus Christ, you need to act like it. No more dipping and
dabbling with Satan's devices. It's time to show some sincere
loyalty to the God you claim to love so much: or else you're
nothing more than a fraud who likes fraternizing with
demons. I know this won't go over well with those who really
enjoy the club life, partying and festivities. But you need to
ask yourself: what does it say about you when you love the
things of Satan more than the things of God?

"Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone
loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all
that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the
eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but
is from the world...." [1 John 2:15-16]

21 | P a g e
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be
able to test and approve what God's will is--his good,
pleasing and perfect will." [Romans 12:2]



"The origins of tattooing came from ancient magical

practices…" [Laurie Cabot, Power of the Witch, cited in
Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated by Dr. Cathy Burns,
p. 301]

Some of you won't like me after reading this. It's going to

mess many of you up: of this I'm certain. However, this book
wouldn't be complete if I didn't include this chapter.

Whenever you get a tattoo or a body piercing, whether you

know it or not you have just placed an identifying mark on
your body that now marks you for a specific demonic entity.
It’s like putting a demonic bulls-eye on yourself, or laying out
the welcome mat for demons.

That tattoo or body piercing now becomes a gateway to the

demonic realm.

Most people in the western world get tattoos because it's

the popular thing to do. Their friends or relatives have one.
And they want to be part of the cool crowd. What few
understand is that a tattoo's purpose was never meant to be
skin art. It's more than just a cosmetic made of permanent
ink. It goes much deeper than that.

A tattoo is actually a spiritual portal!

22 | P a g e
And once the tattoo is in place, whatever demonic spirit
associated with that particular mark now has direct access
into your life.

Understand something about demonology: When someone

in the occult is attempting to conjure a demon, they have to
use symbols and drawings that are specific to the particular
demon they're attempting to summon. Demons have their
own separate identity from each another. Each has a mark or
symbol that is specific to itself, its type or its ranking in the
demonic realm. The higher ranked the demon, the more
prominent or known its symbol will be to humans.

When you go into a tattoo shop or parlor, you've just

entered into a temple. Tattoo shops are hang out spots for
demons. They're like a type of church...for devils and those
who enjoy the company of evil spirits. And the tattoo artist is
sort of a shaman. They're a witch doctor of sorts: because he
or she is the one who will be marking you with the symbol
that will allow specific demonic spirits to enter into you.

"For millennia, nearly all indigenous people who tattooed

practiced shamanism, the oldest human spiritual religion."
[Shamanic Skin: The Magical Art of Tattoos by Lars Krutak]

As believers in Jesus Christ, we cannot be ignorant of the

things we do. This includes getting tatted or pierced. These
things have a long history in the world, and didn't just begin
in our generation. Tattoos have been around for thousands
of years. And they've always served one purpose above any
other: as spiritual markings for specific gods, spirits or

When you get a body piercing, it goes even deeper.

Wherever your piercing is located, that's the part of you that

23 | P a g e
the demon will rise up through. The piercing acts as a direct
doorway into the demonic realm.

For instance: Ladies, when you get your belly buttons

pierced, you've just opened a demonic portal that will allow
certain kinds of demons to enter your body through that
piercing. And judging by its close proximity to your womb
area, I'm willing to bet those demons have plans for either
your future kids, or for your ability to reproduce properly
without having major health issues.

Image: Piercing (belly-button)

And God help the person who has their genitals pierced!
Anyone having a piercing in their private parts is most likely
not just filled with demons: they're an actual bridge for
demons to jump into other people. And this transfer of
spirits takes place through sex.

Also, when a person gets pierced, blood is drawn from the

one receiving the piercing. The shedding of blood has deep
spiritual implications to it. Demonic spirits are like vampires:
they are powerfully attracted to blood. And nothing is more
prized to them than human blood. The person doing the

24 | P a g e
bleeding is essentially making a blood covenant with
demonic spirits! Their blood is like ink that seals a
transaction with evil spirits, in return for a special favor.

It doesn't matter whether you understand clearly what the

terms of the contract are or not: once you sign on the
"dotted line," you're now bound by the terms of the
agreement. The same applies to those of you who bleed
while getting your tattoo: you are paying off a demonic spirit
with your blood, to do something specific for you in your life.
And that tattoo or piercing is the evidence of this contractual
agreement now being in place.

"Sacrificial offerings, especially those made in blood, were

like financial transactions that satisfied spirits because they
were essentially ‘paid off’ for lending their services to
humankind..." [Shamanic Skin: The Art of Magical Tattoos by
Lars Krutak, a Tattoo Anthropologist]

To know what kind of demonic spirit a person is under, just

check their tattoos. The tattoo will tell you all you need to
know. For example:

Image: Tattoo (butterfly)

25 | P a g e
Butterfly: A person who has the butterfly tattooed on their
body is either in the process of, or has already undergone a
major transformation into someone other than who they use
to be. The person probably thought it was a good way to
declare their independence. But demons are tricky creatures.
And instead of you coming into your own, demons are about
to come into you and make YOU their own.

A person who gets the butterfly tattoo almost always ends

up becoming sexually promiscuous. It's inevitable. Because
that's the purpose of that symbol. The tattoo serves as a
contractual agreement between the person and spirits of
sexual transformation. It's a special symbol that summons
spirits of lust to enter into the person once that tattoo is
marked onto their body.

They'll wake up one day and not even recognize who they
are anymore. And those demons will stay in the person's life
until the tattoo is renounced, removed or until the terms of
the spiritual contract are satisfied: which most likely would
be upon the person's death.

Image: Tattoo (falling stars)

Stars: Someone with the star tattoo doesn't know it yet: but
they've just marked themselves as belonging to the Queen of

26 | P a g e
Heaven. The queen of heaven is one of the many names
belonging to the goddess Ishtar. Some of her other names
are Diana, Ashtoreth, Artemis, Isis, Ceres, Yemaya, and too
many others to list.

The Queen of Heaven was a demonic spirit, possibly even a

higher ranking fallen angel or one of its wives (see Genesis
6:2-4), that was worshiped perhaps more than any other
deity throughout mankind's history. This is one of the
reasons for the many different names: this particular
goddess demon is literally worshiped globally.

The Bible refers to her as 'Mystery Babylon', because ancient

Babylon is believed to be the place where goddess worship
began. For the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to this spirit and its
associated tattoo mark as Ishtar. She was known as the
goddess of sex, sensuality and casting love spells on behalf of
those who wished to make someone their own faithful lover.

You ever notice how some people who get the stars tattooed
on them, it looks like the stars are descending or falling?
That's because fallen stars are always representative of
fallen angelic beings. You may also have noticed that a lot of
women who are strippers, exotic dancers or “ladies of the
night” have this tattoo. Like the butterfly, the person
wearing this symbol is under a powerful spirit of lust and
sensuality. And they’re using the demonic power behind this
symbol to cast spells of lust onto others. That is how this
particular demonic spirit operates.

27 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Zodiac sign)

Zodiac Signs: A person with a particular zodiac sign tattooed

on them has placed themselves under the powers of
astrology. God forbade His people from bowing to the stars
and constellations. Because by bowing to these, a person
was placing the demonic powers of the zodiac over their life.
God wants to be the only Source of power in our lives.

“This is what the LORD says: ‘Do not act like the other
nations, who try to read their future in the stars. Do not be
afraid of their predictions, even though other nations are
terrified by them.’” [Jeremiah 10:2 NLT]

A person with this Zodiac tattoo will follow the script laid out
by the wicked powers of astrology. They will find their lives
locked in by horoscopes, astrological predictions and such.
And their destiny will be thwarted unless they take the
power of their lives back through the higher power of Jesus

28 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Egyptian deity)

Egyptian Symbols: a person with Egyptian iconography on

their bodies has unwittingly placed themselves under a
powerful form of evil. Egyptian magic was so powerful, that
it is still highly prized today among those involved in
witchcraft and the occult. This is why all the different
branches of Masonry still use the different gods and magical
symbols of ancient Egyptian mystery religions. And by
placing an Egyptian-themed tattoo on your body, you are
summoning the god associated with that symbol to take over
your life. This is serious business and not to be taken lightly.

Egyptian gods were some of the most feared ones in the

ancient world. Which is why God chose to not only judge
pharaoh and the Egyptian people, but each plague in the
book of Exodus was also a direct judgement against Egypt's
main gods too. In this way, God showed Himself to be more
fearsome and powerful than the mightiest gods in existence
at that time in the world.

29 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Cat paws)

Cat Paws: I know you thought these were just cute little
symbols, but they're actually portals for demons that are
associated with the Egyptian goddess Bastet. Bastet was
known as the goddess with the cat's head and a female
body. A woman with these tattoos on her body will start to
take on a flirtatious, sensual way of behaving.

This is because Bastet was a goddess associated with

sensuality and love-making. Another name she’s known by is
Pasht: from where we get the word passion. But there's a flip
side to that coin: Bastet is also known as a terribly fierce
warrior. Just as she's passionate on the sensual side, she's
equally fierce and destructive on the negative side. So expect
the person wearing this tat to take on that same type of dual

30 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Angel)

Angels/Angel Wings: A person with these types of tattoos

may think they're showing their belief in divine heavenly
beings. But God's angels would never accept someone
tattooing angelic imagery onto themselves. They would tell
you not to do it. Because that tattoo doesn't represent holy
angels at all: they really represent fallen angels!

"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel

of light." [2 Corinthians 11:14]

Satan is the master deceiver. Deception is his forte. And it's

just like him to trick a person into tattooing an identifying
mark of one of the devil's many disguises onto their body.
You ever wonder why a person who has an angel tattooed
on their body rarely ever acts like one? I just showed you
why: because that's not an angel of the Lord at all. It's a
fallen angel's mark. And the one baring this mark is
inadvertently invoking the power of fallen angels to come
into their life.

31 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Bible verse)

Bible Verses: Tattooing a bible verse onto yourself doesn't

mean you believe what the verse says. Nor does it mean you
believe in God. It certainly doesn't mean that you've read the
bible: because if you had, you would've known not to get a
tattoo in the first place!

"You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or
tattoo yourselves: I am the LORD." [Leviticus 19:28]

In my opinion, a person with Bible verses on their body

operates from a spirit of deception. I say this because, what's
the real reason for getting a scripture visibly tatted onto your
body anyway? Who are you trying to impress or convince?
When I see someone with one of these, it's a signal to watch
for the game they're about to try and run on me. You don't
impress God with getting a bible verse tatted on your body.
David said:

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin

32 | P a g e
against thee." [Psalm 119:11]

Notice how he didn't say he hid God's word on his body? If

it’s not in you, putting it on you won't help you live by it
either. It's got to be in your heart!

Image: Tattoo (Tribal, Maori)

Tribal: These are sometimes called Maori tribal tattoos. And

they're spiritual markings designed to invoke the powers of
the spirit world, according to the beliefs of those tribal
people. What's interesting about Maori tats is, they’re based
on a person’s rank or status in the tribal culture. It’s
forbidden for someone of high rank to deal with those of a
lower rank; and vice versa: or to receive the tattoos of
someone of a different rank than one’s own.

33 | P a g e
So, if you just so happen to have inked a Maori marking on
your body that indicates a person of lower status according
to Maori society, guess what: you've just chosen a place of
permanent inferiority in your life. There'll most likely be a
limit to how much social climbing you'll be able to do. So
don't be upset when your life fails to elevate to higher
stations, no matter how hard you work to achieve more in
life. Your struggle could be tied to the spiritual power behind
that tattoo you're sporting.

These tattoos are also based on specific types of spirits. The

type of tribal tattoo you get determines which spirit you are
asking to help you, and what function that spirit will serve in
your life.

So when you get one of these tats on your body, you are
placing yourself under the direct spiritual power that’s
associated with that inking. It doesn't matter if you're
ignorant of this or not: ignorance of spiritual law is still no
excuse! You will be bound indefinitely to the spiritual powers
that you’ve inadvertently summoned when you got that

Image: Tattoo (Celtic)

34 | P a g e
Celtic: Most Celtic tats are connected to old European and
Irish witchcraft. They're typically magic runes, which are
used to conjure demons directly. Or they can be spells and
talismans to ward off evil, or spells of protection and
prosperity. Someone with one of these tats will find
themselves increasingly drawn to the occult and paranormal.
They may get involved in the New Age, spiritualism or
Wiccan forms of witchcraft.

Some may even find themselves craving deeper, darker

experiences in outright satanic rituals, or by attempting to
conjure demons. They may start experiencing dreams of a
dark occult nature; or receive night visitations from male or
female spirits that attempt to have sexual relations with
them. It’s never a good idea to get a tattoo: but it’s even a
worse idea to get one of something you know nothing about.

Image: Tattoo (Moon)

Moon: Moon tats are indicative of someone who is opening

a portal on their body that directly ties them to witchcraft.
Witches perform rituals and magic according to certain
phases of the moon, directly under the moonlight. The moon
is a very sacred source of power to witches and warlocks.

35 | P a g e
And by tatting a moon symbol onto your body, you're
sending a notification to witchcraft demons, letting them
know you are interested in possibly becoming a witch.

You too may start experiencing strange dreams and night

visitations, as these demons begin to initiate more intimate
contact with you.

Image: Tattoo (Cross)

Crosses: There are many different types of crosses. And not

all of them represent Christianity. Most, in fact, are of an
occult nature. Even the Nazis, who were heavily into the
occult through their Thule Society and other conjurations,
used the symbol of the cross on their uniforms. So the type
of spirit being summoned through a cross tattoo depends on
what that cross represents in its particular branch of

Some crosses invoke the power of the demon of racism; like

36 | P a g e
the crosses worn on the robes of members of the KKK.
Others can have a more direct spiritual meaning: like the
Rosicrucian “red cross” of the fallen angel Azazel. Side note:
Christians don't need crosses or other “Christian” symbols
tattooed on their bodies. God marks His children spiritually,
in ways that cannot be seen with the natural eye. We should
simply concern ourselves with adorning our inner man with
holiness and clean living.

Image: Tattoo (Heart)

Heart: Heart tattoos are symbols of love. More definitively:

they are symbols of someone seeking to find a lover. By
tattooing a heart onto their body, the person is really
invoking demonic powers to cast a love or sex spell against
someone else. Heart tattoos invoke the powers of sensuality,
lust and eroticism. Depending on what's added to the tattoo,
it can indicate love for a certain place, person or thing. In
that sense, the tattoo is drawing on demonic powers to bind
the person to the object of their affection.

37 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Skull)

Skull: The skull tattoo is a symbol of death. It's a

necromancer's symbol. Necromancy is one of the darkest
forms of witchcraft and occultism. It's not something for the
curious: and certainly not something for the ignorant to play
around with. It's a symbol for black magic, voodoo,
witchcraft, wizardry and talking to the dead. Basically for the
darker side of magic.

A person wearing this symbol is directly calling for the worst

type of demons to come into their life. These are the sort of
evil spirits that drive a person to commit suicide or murder.
So wearing that symbol means the bearer has chosen a very
dark and dangerous spiritual path in life.

38 | P a g e
Image: Tattoo (Chinese lettering)

Chinese lettering: It always amuses me when I see people

getting Chinese lettering tattoos. Because more than likely,
the person really has no idea what it says. They have to trust
that it says what they think it means. But the serious factor is
that those aren't merely cute words written in Chinese
letters: they're most likely from the I Ching, which is an
ancient Oriental book of spells, magic formulas and

You could very well have a 2500 year old incantation

tattooed on yourself, and not even know it. The I Ching is the
collective wisdom and knowledge of many diviners, sages,
magicians, wizards, and other folk who operated purely from
demonic powers. By marking yourself with these emblems,
you are calling forth the demonic spirits that are associated
with old Chinese mysticism, witchcraft and magic. And if you
call on demons long enough, eventually something’s going to
show up.

I hope I've made it clear by now that if you have any tattoos
or piercings on your body, you've inadvertently opened up a

39 | P a g e
demonic portal that needs to be closed right away. This is
serious business!

By getting tattoos or other bodily piercings, a person is

literally binding themselves to evil spirits. Many of you today
are bound by the very same tattoos that you now wear.
Because that inking represents a spiritual contract that must
be voided and made of no effect, if you’re ever going to have
a healthy Christian walk. Only someone who sits in the
Highest Court and position of authority in the spirit realm
has the power to void a spiritual contract.

Jesus Christ has the power and authority to shut every

demonic doorway in your life that's been opened. He alone
has the power and the legal muscle to rescue you from any
agreements with darkness you have made, and to enforce
that freedom by the power of His might. Christ wants to set
you free from the controlling power of evil spirits. He wants
nothing more than to see you living a victorious, empowered
existence. But you'll have to ask Him to help you.

First, you must repent. Repent of your former lifestyle that

led you to seek an escape from life through sin. And you
must renounce the power behind those tattoos and
piercings, by confessing out loud that you are breaking all
ties and connections to the demonic realm through those
tattoos; in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The blood of Jesus Christ has legal power. It supersedes any

and all other contractual agreements in the spirit world. But
you must be sincere about giving Him your life. Demons can
have no power against you as long as you belong wholly and
completely to Jesus Christ.

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no
one will snatch them out of my hand." [John 10:28 ESV]

40 | P a g e
"You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup
of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord's Table and at the
table of demons, too." [1 Corinthians 10:21 NLT]

But if you're still dipping and dabbling in sinful practices, you

are still under the power of evil influences. If you have any
bodily piercings, remove the item so the holes can close up.
And if you can afford to get those tattoos removed, do so. If
not, trust that the confession of your sins and the power of
Jesus Christ and His blood are sufficient to remove any
vestiges of demonic power from your life. And make sure
that you hold up your end of the bargain with God, by living
the life of a righteous person. Or something worse can come
on you!

"Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,

‘See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may
happen to you.’” [John 5:14]

God stands ready to forgive us when we do wrong. All He

asks is that we seek Him out in order to turn over a new leaf;
and rely on His power to totally set us free.


Some of you can't figure out why you keep attracting

doggish-like men into your lives; even though you are a
Christian. These are men who turn out to be users, losers,
abusers, and whose only desire seems to be to devour your
physical bodies, wasting you away until there's barely
anything good left.

Well I'll tell you why: being eaten by dogs was always
Jezebel's fate! Read your bible! Jezebel was a wicked
woman. She was not a Hebrew Jew: which means she was
41 | P a g e
not one of God's daughters, even though she married into
the family through her Hebrew husband Ahab.

She was the daughter of the King of Zidon; and even though
she came to live among the people of God, she never
converted and became like God's people. She only
pretended to take on the ways of the women of Israel; just
enough to win the people's trust.

But her true intention was never to serve their God. Instead,
in her rebellious heart she went about converting Israel over
into her pagan belief system.

Not to get it twisted: she wasn't a secular acting woman. On

the contrary: Jezebel appeared to be very religiously
observant and spiritual. She even surrounded herself with
her own prophets: false prophets that is; and personally
supported their ministries with her own money. *see 1 Kings

Jezebel was a worshipper of the gods Bel and Ashtera. Bel

was a substitute for Jehovah; in other words a FALSE CHRIST.
And Ashterah was a feminine deity who could only be
appeased through a bloodlust that involved the killing of
one's firstborn child. In other words: ABORTION.

Both of these false gods were worshiped via fertility rituals.

These included ritual sex orgies, fornication, homosexual and
lesbian sex, wife swapping or 'swinging,’ etc. In other words,
you worshiped these particular gods via FORNICATION.

During these unholy festivities, it was inevitable that children

would be born: children of fornication. What does one do
with a bunch of unwanted babies that were the result of a
night of unrestrained pleasure? Simple: you offer those
unwanted babies to the god of Ashterah as a sacrifice, in
order to gain financial blessings in return.
42 | P a g e
It was a sick practice, but this was Jezebel's religious
practices. Her spirituality was practiced through sensuality.
And before long she had managed to flood Israel with these
damnable belief systems.

Now before you turn your nose up at Jezebel, I challenge

those of you who call yourselves Christians: how many
abortions have YOU had, or talked a friend into getting? How
many unrestrained nights of sexual pleasure have YOU
engaged in...while yet calling yourself a believer in the Lord
Jesus Christ?

How many of you have no problem mixing overt sensuality

with spirituality?

In other words: how many of you are calling yourself a

Christian, but doing the same practices of Jezebel?

Not only did she manage to flood all of Israel with her
detested practices, Jezebel also successfully managed to kill
off many of God's true prophets. All those she did not kill
eventually went into hiding. And now there was no longer
any open or public ministry from the true prophets of the
living God in existence.

The prophets of Bel and Ashterah had the mic, the publishing
deals, the big popular churches and ministries, etc.

And then came Elijah!

Elijah was a prophet of God who seemed to just come out of

nowhere. He didn't care about fancy houses, buildings,
popular ministries or any of those things. He only cared
about one thing and one thing only: ridding the land of this
new false religion, and reestablishing the worship of Jehovah
God as the ONLY God of Israel.

43 | P a g e
He was a wild man: which meant he didn't look or dress the
way you would think a prophet of God should dress. He was
unrefined and rough around the edges. But he was God's
chosen man of the hour, and mightily anointed by the Holy
Spirit to bring an end to Jezebel's reign of terror against the
house of God.

Elijah prophesied the end of Jezebel's reign. And her end

came just as predicted. Her punishment was a harsh one: she
would be eaten by dogs, which was an ignoble death for
someone who called herself a queen; and all of her body
would be totally consumed except for her head, hands and
her feet. 2nd Kings 9:30-37 details how she met her end.

Beware of Jezebel! She is in our midst today. Jezebel is that

so-called woman of God who promotes her own personal
sexiness above and beyond her spirituality. In fact she's a
master at mixing the two. Because Jezebel is not really a
Christian at all. She just pretends to be one: but her heart is
as stout today as it's ever been towards the Lord.

She really despises Jesus Christ and the Father, though she'll
pretend to be very devout and holy. But a tree is known by
its fruit. Any woman of God who winks at sexual sin, who
promotes it through the way she dresses herself, and who
tries to back down the true men of God into being silent:
such a woman is not a woman of God at all. She's really a
woman of Bel! Just like her spiritual mother Jeze-bel. And
her fate will be the same as hers.

If you're a Christian woman who's still dabbling in

fornication, lust, lasciviousness and other sexual sins:
beware...for Jezebel's dogs are coming for you too! Many of
you have already encountered them. And they'll be eating
your flesh soon, just like they ate your spiritual mother's

44 | P a g e
These dogs can be physical, as in 'doggish' men. Or they can
be spiritual, as in hell hounds sent to literally dog and chase
you throughout the rest of your life, until you be utterly
consumed and brought to nothing. For mighty is the Lord our
God who brings about Jezebel's end.

"But I have this against you: You let that woman Jezebel do
what she wants. She says that she is a prophet, but she is
leading my people away with her teaching. Jezebel leads my
people to commit sexual sins and to eat food that is offered
to idols. I have given her time to change her heart and turn
away from her sin, but she does not want to change….

"So I will throw her on a bed of suffering. And all those who
commit adultery with her will suffer greatly. I will do this
now if they don’t turn away from the things she does. I will
also kill her followers. Then all the churches will see that I am
the one who knows what people feel and think. And I will
repay each of you for what you have done." [Revelation
2:20-23 ERV]

45 | P a g e

Image: Depiction of Satan (Baphomet)

When the LGBT and those who support the gay agenda
celebrate 'free love' and 'love wins,' THIS is what you are
really supporting. This is what homosexuality REALLY looks

Because when you engage in, practice or support any

element of the LGBT lifestyle, you're really supporting

Baphomet is simply another term or name for Lucifer...better

known as the Serpent, Satan and the Devil.

Below is a depiction of Baphomet. You'll notice that he has

female breasts.

This is because from ancient times until the present, Satan

has always been depicted as being both male AND female,
with BOTH genitalia (female breasts and a male penis).

46 | P a g e
Image: Baphomet (also known as Satan, Lucifer, Devil)

I was going through different images when it suddenly

dawned on me: THIS is why there is such an interest in
transsexuals, homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals in our
society today.

Notice how Baphomet, aka Satan, appears to be BOTH

genders: as evidenced by the female breasts?

Satan is depicted as bi-gender in 99% of the images you'll run

across. Which officially makes the devil the very first
transsexual in history!

Now you see why the Bruce Jenner transformation was such
a huge story. This world is run and literally controlled by

47 | P a g e
devil worshipers. They control 90% or more of the media,
music, movies, TV, news outlets and even some social media

The only agenda these flunkies of Satan promote is their

own: which is really Satan's agenda. Hence why television
seems so slanted when you watch it, and obviously
promoting a pro-gay anti-God agenda.

Image: Bruce Jenner (man) now 'Caitlyn' (transsexual)

And when you see LGBT being promoted and supported on a

wide scale, these are just followers of Satan bringing their
god out of hiding and into the light. Coming out of the closet
was never meant for homosexuals: it was actually meant for

The Bible even seems to hint that the Anti-Christ will be of a

homosexual nature when he arrives on the scene:

"Neither shall he (the antichrist) regard the God of his

fathers, NOR THE DESIRE OF WOMEN, nor regard any god:
for he shall magnify himself above all." [Daniel 11:37]

48 | P a g e
As we get closer to the closing of this age before Jesus Christ
returns to take over the world, expect to see more of Satan
and his antics on open display like never before. Like the
unveiling of Satanic statues in Detroit and Oklahoma City.

Image: Baphomet Satanic statue in Detroit (2015)

The designer of those statues very cleverly hid the female

breasts part of the statues, so it wouldn't be too obvious or
offensive to the unsuspecting public. As if a big statue of
Satan wasn't already offensive enough...

The Bible says that Satan knows his time is short.

"Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them!

But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come
down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time
is short!" [Revelation 12:12]

49 | P a g e
Meaning that any chance he has to delay or prevent the
return of Christ, he has to take it now. (He knows he cannot
stop it: but his hope is in delaying Jesus' return for as long as
possible: thus extending his inevitable torment and

Transsexualism and bisexuality is promoted as openly as it is

today because these are characteristics and trademarks of
the Devil's very own nature.

His nature is bisexuality, homosexuality, the confusing of the

different genders, and mixing the holy with the profane. It's
how he defiles people and keeps them from ever being able
to connect with God and live a life of sexual cleanliness and

Just be aware that this tremendous push to normalize

homosexual/bisexual and transsexual behavior is more
evidence that the appearance of the anti-Christ is near. It's
evidence of an old ancient devil-worshiping religion making a
comeback in so-called "Christian" America.

I've been telling people for some time now that America's
real religion is Individualism: the religion of self-interest
above everything and everyone else.

And the religion of individualism is driving American

consumerism and the US economy today. This is what
Satanism is at its core.

Self-interest is what led the founding fathers of America to

violate every Christian principle in the book:

• by enslaving black people,

• raping black women;

50 | P a g e
• raping and murdering Native women and their

• enslaving Irish immigrants;

• and later by installing Jim Crow, then modifying Jim

Crow today through crafty laws and cunning
legislation that still deprives a huge segment of the
population of its God-granted rights.

Image: Black Man lynched in Okemah, Oklahoma (1911)

(Sidenote: Have you ever noticed that whenever you see old
lynching photos of a Black Man his pants have been 'pulled
down?' How'd they get that way? And what was the
fascination the lynchers had with pulling down another

51 | P a g e
man's pants? I'm not trying to suggest anything; okay, maybe
I am. We’ll talk more about that in an upcoming chapter.)

Even the layout for Washington D.C. was designed off of

occult symbolism as seen below. Note the Baphomet Star,
the Masonic compass, and the so-called 'Star of David':
which is NOT a godly symbol at all, but was really an occult
symbol used by King Solomon to conjure demons with.

Image: Map of Washington D.C. showing Satanic landscape of key locations

Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, said in so

many words that most Americans were really Satanists too:
they just hadn't realized it yet.

52 | P a g e
Image: A. LaVey; founder of Church of Satan

This is because Satanism is basically a religion of self-

pleasure, self-fulfillment and self-indulgence.

It's the forbidden fruit that Satan used to trick Eve and Adam
to indulge in. And it's the doorway that led us to this very
point in America today, where a man is confused about his
own gender and role, and so are many women.

Sadly, far too many churches have equally become Satanist

in doctrine and creed. Why else would flaming homosexual
men and women feel comfortable sitting in church without

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their

hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies
with one another. For they exchanged the truth of God for a
lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the
Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen…

“For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions;

for their women exchanged the natural function for that

53 | P a g e
which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men
abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in
their desire toward one another, men with men committing
indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due
penalty of their error." [Romans 1:24-27]

It's time for Christians to stand up for Jesus Christ like never

The strong delusion has already been released. And if you're

not careful, you'll get sucked right into the vortex.

Christians say they would never bow the knee to Satan. But
the truth is: if you're all about self-love and self-pleasure
anyway, you're already following his belief system.

You just need to be honest enough to admit it. And if you're

cool enough with living a lie, God is cool enough to let you:

"For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that

they will believe the lie." [2 1Thessalonians. 2:11]

"So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their

own devices." [Psalm 81:12]

If you're someone who is struggling with homosexuality,

there is powerful deliverance in store for you. Jesus Christ is
a MIGHTY deliverer!

There's no sin so powerful or dirty that His blood can't

overpower and cleanse it completely.

"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though

your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson, they shall become like
wool." [Isaiah 1:18]

54 | P a g e
"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my
own sake, and remembers your sins no more." [Isaiah 43:25]

Jesus will give you a brand new life, a new heart and help
you to develop a new mindset. You can literally become a
NEW person through Jesus Christ! All you have to do is
sincerely want it, and be willing to leave your former LGBT
lifestyle (or whatever sinful lifestyle) behind, in favor of the
brand new life that Christ has in store for you.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation. The

old has passed away; behold, ALL things are now new." [2
Corinthians 5:17]

"Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their
thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy
on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon." [Isaiah

I pray that you determine in your heart right now to reach

out to Jesus Christ in earnest. You'll be glad that you did.


Racism is the spirit of homosexuality. It always was. We just

couldn't see it in times past.

Racism and homosexuality are the same thing.

Homosexuality is the logical end result of racism. Quentin
Tarantino alluded to this in his movie "Pulp Fiction." In one
scene, a racist ties up and anally rapes a character played by
actor Ving Rhames.

And you may recall from different lynching photos, many of

the victims were stripped of their pants; as if someone

55 | P a g e
purposely had pulled them down. One genuinely has to
wonder what they did to the poor unfortunate soul during
those moments of unimaginable torture that resulted in the
victim’s pants being pulled down below his ankles.

We also know historically that during many public lynchings

while thousands gathered to watch the morbid spectacle,
the penis and testicles of the victims were often lopped off
and sold to the highest bidder as souvenirs. Now the man in
me has to wonder: what type of man wants to own or
possess the dismembered appendage of another man? Why
were racist white men so fascinated with the sexual organs
of black males anyway?

Image: New Orleans newspaper ad for Black man lynching (1919)

It doesn’t take much to figure out. Whenever there’s a

bloodlust, particularly for human blood, all types of
degenerate behavior is sure to follow. And this includes
sexual degeneracy. I also find it ironic that the one charge
which almost always led to the lynching of a black person
was the charge of rape; a crime that in itself is sexual in
nature. Even when it was obvious that no rape had occurred.
Once that thirst for human blood had set in, some black man
was going to be bound, beaten, stripped of his pants and
murdered; regardless of how innocent he was.

56 | P a g e
Image: Naked Black man lynched by angry White mob; accused of raping white
woman in Florida (1934)

This is because racism is a demonic spirit: and like all

demonic spirits, the plan is to steal, kill and destroy human
lives. And the more innocent the victim, the greater the
power in the sacrifice. This is why a lynching was nothing less
than a human sacrifice to Lucifer. And those who took part in
it, took part in a public offering to some of the most ancient
demons in the world.

Racism is both a heart and a color thing. Those few random

occasional cases of someone white being shot by cops
cannot compare to the overwhelming number of black
people this happens to. White people occasionally feel the
wrath too because many of these cops gain a sort of
bloodlust that has to be satiated. And if no one black is
around to take it out on, whoever is available will simply
have to do.

What do you think happened to all those white men who

took part in lynching over 3000 black men since the end of

57 | P a g e
the Civil War until the Civil Rights movement? That was well
over 3000 murders that were never solved, prosecuted or
brought to justice. And those were just the documented

Who knows how many actually died in places like Chicago,

Detroit, Rosewood, Tulsa, Atlanta, Omaha, East St, Louis,
Springfield, etc? That number could easily be doubled.

Getting back to my point:

Where do you think all those white killers went? What

happened to them? I'll tell you: They became husbands,
fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They taught
their kids and grandkids to think how they think. And those
grandkids became teachers, law professors, cops,
prosecutors, judges and politicians that are with us today!

That bloodthirsty spirit of racism was never properly

exorcised out of the white community as a whole. And this is
why the greater white community largely remains silent
when blacks are killed for baseless reasons by the cops. It
satisfies that communal need to see black blood spilled to
'keep us in our place.'

When I see white kids being shot and killed by neighborhood

vigilantes simply for walking down their own street in their
own community like Trayvon Martin was; when I see white
women getting snatched out of their cars for failing to signal
before making a lane change like Sandra Bland was; when I
see white guys getting shot and killed in Walmart after
purchasing a BB gun like John Crawford III was; maybe then
we can discuss how it's merely a heart issue.

Because I'm sure if asked, most of these killers would profess

to believe in God or even be a Christian. Laws are put in
place to help control the behavior of those who have a 'heart
58 | P a g e
issue.' But if the laws are only enforced by those who agree
with the killers, it's basically lawlessness.

“’So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify

against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those
who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the
widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners
among you of justice, but do not fear me,’ says the LORD
Almighty.” [Malachi 3:5]

The White church needs to repent for

allowing racism to exist, and by turning a
blind-eye to it. They need to REPENT.

Racism in America has ONLY existed on one side. Ask


When have white babies ever been used for alligator bait?

When have white women ever been legally raped by black

men, the way black women have by white men? Certainly
you didn't think all these light-skinned black folks you see
walking around America today came across the ocean that
way, did you?

When have black people as a whole ever reaped a financial

benefit from enslaving white people against their own will,
while simultaneously preventing white folks from being able
to climb the economic social ladder?

When have blacks ever truly rioted the way white folks did
during the Red Summer of 1919, when thousands of blacks
of all ages and genders were brutally slaughtered by mobs of
bloodthirsty jealous whites across this nation, their houses
and businesses burnt down: all because their white
neighbors felt that black folks were getting too 'uppity' and

59 | P a g e
forgetting their assigned bottom of the barrel place within

Image: Black man being brutally pulled off of bus by angry White Mob.

When have black cops ever gotten away with killing unarmed
white people, who weren't even charged with a crime?

When have white peoples' votes been thrown out during an

election, or purposely left uncounted like they were for
blacks in Florida and Ohio during the 2000 and 2004
Presidential elections in this country?

If you have zero answers for the above questions, you're a

blatant liar by declaring racism exists on BOTH sides. Either
that or you're just totally blind to history and reality.

Racism is a SYSTEM. It's one sick, "demonically" inspired

system that benefits one specific race to the detriment of
another race. And it's divisive to the family of God.

You can't just pray it away either. When did Jesus ever tell us
to pray for a demon? He commanded that demons be CAST

So if you're not willing to 'cast out' the demon of racism, and

you're only telling black people to quietly "take it on the

60 | P a g e
chin" in the name of Christianity: you're a fraudulent
Christian with a fraudulent conversion experience.

And you're actually in league with the devil. [2 Corinthians


Because only black people are told to constantly receive

racism's boot with a smile. Never are the guilty white
people―who operate as a collective for the benefit of the
entire white community―told to own up to their Christian
vows too, by genuinely loving their black neighbors as they
love themselves.

Last I checked, that wasn't an optional command. Yet blacks

are the only ones expected to obey it. Which is very suspect
to me.

And if these words offends you: GOOD! Because YOU are

part of the problem. And you're probably one of those
people who've been nursing that racism demon for personal
and communal benefits, at the expense of others.

Besides: how can we build the type of Christian community

Jesus came to build, with a bunch of selfish, head in the
sand, closeted racists anyway?

And that's precisely what I'm calling you if you see no need
for this current Satanically-inspired system of racism to

It's time out for acting like we don't see this huge 100,000 lbs
elephant in the room. For too long the Christian community
in America has pretended like everything is alright, so long as
we 'just have Jesus.'

That's a lie. Things are NOT alright. Not as long as this stupid
divisive system is left in place, giving Jesus a black eye.

61 | P a g e
Our current system of racism is an ungodly worldly system. If
you love it or the privileged benefits it provides, you love the
world. It's just that simple. And "if any man love the world,
the love of the Father is not in him." [1John 2:15]

So if you're not dedicated to doing what you can to

dismantle racism in your lifetime: YOU ARE PART OF THE

How can you be at peace and at ease when your fellow

brother and sister is in blatant distress right before your very

If you can, I question seriously if Jesus can be found

anywhere near your heart.

"But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in
need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love
abide in him?" [1 John 3:17]

62 | P a g e
HEDONISM: The Spirit

For those who accuse me of talking about demons too much:

The bible has much to say on the topic. Here's a very short
list of just some of the demonic and evil spirits spoken of in
the Bible.

Different types (species) of demonic spirits:

• Ecclesiastes: 3:21 talks about the spirits of beasts that

go into the earth

• Leviticus 19:31 talks about familiar spirits, which are

consulted by witches, wizards and mediums

• Matthew 10:1 and multiple other places talk about

unclean spirits

• Luke 13:11 talks about a spirit of infirmity

• Mark 9:25 talks about a deaf and dumb spirit

• 1 Kings 22:22 talks about lying spirits

• 1 Timothy 4:1 talks about seducing spirits

• Zechariah 5:9 mentions female spirits

Then we have the books of Enoch, Jubilee and Jasher, which

are quoted by writers of the New Testament as being valid
books during their time; and which are in fact still in use by
the older Christian churches, such as the Ethiopian Coptic
and Orthodox churches.

63 | P a g e
They go into even greater detail about the origins of demons.
I could go on even further, but it's not necessary as I feel my
point has been made.

When an unclean spirit is gone out of a man, it searches

through dry places seeking rest.

Where was it last at rest at? Inside of a person. Demons find

rest by dwelling in people or animals. (“Cast us into the herd
of swine,” said by the demons in the possessed man living
amongst the tombs.)

Finding no rest it returns to its former abode...the person it

left out of...and finding its former home empty and ready for
a new tenant, it decides this time to recruit seven other
spirits MORE wicked than itself to move in with it, to ensure
it won't be evicted again so easily.

And the last state of that man is worse than the first.

What did Jesus reveal about the nature of demons?

• they are intelligent and can think, negotiate and


• they can get tired

• they experience thirst

• they like familiar settings

• they are aware that judgment day for them is coming

• if they can't use a human, they'll jump inside an


• they work together

64 | P a g e
• they have varying degrees of wickedness

• they are legalists; the demons "adjured Jesus by God"

not to torment them before their set time

• they know that Jesus Christ is their tormentor

• they greatly fear Jesus

• they know the power that His name carries.

I once had a dream where I invoked the name of Jesus

against a huge demon that resembled a werewolf; and it
shook and quaked so badly out of fear, I actually felt pity for
it. It literally begged for mercy, crying and whimpering like a
wet puppy. All because I used the name of Jesus against it.
That dream was illustrating the power we have though the
use of Jesus’ name. Being called "unclean" spirits, it signifies
a few things by basic inference:

• These spirits either did unclean acts, were unclean by

nature or caused humans to do things that were
considered unclean according to the rabbinical Law of

• For certain (maybe all) unclean acts or deeds

according to Jewish law, there may also be a
corresponding spirit associated with that unclean act.
Such as the man with a legion of demons in him who
hung out in the tombs. Jewish law forbids touching
dead corpses, as it makes a person "unclean."

• Or the woman with the issue of blood who had a spirit

of infirmity. An issue of blood made one "unclean"
according to Jewish law.

65 | P a g e
Fornication makes one unclean. As does adultery,
homosexual acts, etc.

Your flesh is important to devils. For they cannot manifest in

our dimension without it.

Absent of human flesh to inhabit, demons will use the bodies

of animals and creatures: usually creatures considered
unclean to eat by Jewish kosher laws, such as: pigs, dogs,
bats, serpents, buzzards, flies, lizards, creeping slithering and
crawling things.

Absent of these, demons may hide out inside of objects that

are cursed or made specifically for them.

Any involvement in the occult can open the dimensional

space to allow demons access to our physical world. This is
why we are commanded to stay away from Occultic

Demons are attached to uncleanness. This means they are

also drawn to people who live filthy, unclean lives. So keep
your home clean! Sin is a devil magnet. And the more
perverse the sin gets, the more of a satanic beacon the
person becomes for devils and unclean spirits to flock to.

An unclean spirit is a spirit that is drawn to unclean things.

These spirits drive people to commit unclean acts. The
apocryphal book of Enoch tells us that demons are the spirits
of the dead giants or the Nephalim who once inhabited the
world, along with their many offspring who died pre and
post Flood.

Not being the direct creation of God, but the creation of

wicked angels and evil human beings, they cannot ascend
into Heaven when they die, because they are not of Heaven.
Instead they are earthbound spirits that are trapped roaming

66 | P a g e
the earth until the time of their final judgement by Jesus

This is why demons would often cry out at the presence of

Jesus and declare: "We have no beef with you Jesus Son of
God! I beg you in God's name not to torture me!"

Apparently demons are anticipating a day when they will

suffer profound torture at the hands of Jesus. This also
implies that they CAN be tortured. They have feelings and
emotions that bend towards the dark side of the emotional
spectrum: fear, dread, anger, pain.

They don't want anything to do with Jesus at all! They fear

Him with tremendous dread and respect. They tremble at
the thought or mention of God.

Demonic spirits are not fallen angels. Those are two entirely
different species of spiritual beings. They are the offspring of
the fallen angels, and the offspring of those offspring. They
were damned at birth due to the highly egregious nature of
their coming into existence. It would be like cross-breeding a
human with a dog or a rat. Such an anomaly would be
damned at inception and rejected by God as authentic.

These are what demons are: rejected spirits of wicked

creatures born from a highly wicked act. God judged their
fathers (the Watchers) immediately and pronounced
sentence right away: eternal separation from God and
eternal lake of fire. There would be no reprieve.

Until then these disembodied evil spirits from an unholy act

are allowed to roam the earth seeking rest: where they can't
find any. They rarely exist on the physical plane. Their
existence is banishment to some nebulous but real plane of
existence right outside of the frequency of flesh and material
67 | P a g e
They therefore can only be contacted by lowering one’s self
to their frequency. Which would be the frequency of sin.
Occultism and sexual sin are the quickest path to getting
onto the demonic frequency. It's the frequency that allows
demons to leave their dimension where they dwell, and to
cross over into our dimension.

Those who practice black and white magic, voodoo,

witchcraft and other curious arts practitioners use occult
technology to bridge the divide between the world of man
and the dimension of the damned.

But demons are not allowed to force their way into

mankind's dimension of operation. They can only come here
based on our compliance to bring them here and manifest.
Or saying it a different way: they can only enter a person’s
life through that person’s invitation, or through the actions
of someone in that person’s ancestral lineage.

When man chose to follow Satan in rebellion against the

most High God, we essentially became entrapped in this
physical three-dimensional world of "reality." We lost the
ability to ascend in spirit to the higher spiritual plane through
which we had direct access and connection to God. Our
frequency changed. Our vibration lowered. No longer could
we vibrate at the frequency of God or the holy angels. Now
we vibrated on an entirely different frequency: one that
doomed us to remain trapped in the flesh.

God offered man atonement through the shedding of the

blood of an innocent animal. This was to atone for our
inability to vibrate on God's channel. But through the shed
blood of certain animals, through release of that creature’s
blood, we were allowed to momentarily vibrate high enough
to reconnect with God at the level we were designed to
operate on.

68 | P a g e
Satan and other fallen angels are unique: in that they can yet
still vibrate on that higher spiritual frequency. This is what
allows Satan to “appear” as an angel of light.

“And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel

of light.” [2 Corinthians 11:14]

But he cannot maintain such a manifestation for long,

because his act of rebellion barred him from ever obtaining
his glorious pre-fallen spiritual state.

Satan became entrapped into the lower dimension of the sin

and flesh frequency. Yet he has no flesh. So he can only
manifest and exert influence within the physical realm when
he aligns himself with a willing physically-based creature. His
first creature of choice was the serpent. What type of
promise did Satan make to the serpent, we don't know for

What we do know was a serpent was chosen for certain

qualities, which may have only amounted to willingness.
Perhaps Satan tried the elephant or the ape, and they each
turned him down. Either way his only goal was some physical
creature through which he could make contact to the
unfallen human woman: Eve.

When the word says to walk in the spirit, it means to live in

the higher frequency of spirit. Get out of the lower frequency
that rules the fleshly material dimension. Vibrate at the
higher level of the Spirit of God, and learn the mysteries and
secrets of God and heaven.

“The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit
of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to
understand them because they are spiritually discerned.” [1
Corinthians 2:14]

69 | P a g e
God will not reveal His mysteries and secrets to those still
trapped in the flesh dimension. He only speaks such things to
those who've chosen to vibrate at the frequency of a
righteous spirit.


As much as people hate to acknowledge it: you become what

entertains you.

Practically speaking: you ever notice how folks who like

watching ratchet reality TV shows tend to act just like the
people on those shows?

Or how women who are entertained by TV shows or books

that glorify cheating tend to develop a wandering eye for
someone other than the guy they're with?

Or what about how guys who frequent strip clubs or who

watch porn tend to pursue women with a similar look and
disposition as strippers and porn actresses have?

And you're a blind person if you can't see how people's lives
tend to mimic the type of music they listen to on the regular:

• Woeful heartbreak R&B music produces people who

tend to struggle in their own relationships.

• Rap music tends to produce guys who dress like

rappers. And depending on how gutter the rap music
is depends on how gutter the guy will act who listens
to that particular brand of rap (like 'trap' music).

• People who are into Goth tend to like death metal

and other morbid forms of rock and roll music.

70 | P a g e
Even Christians who listen to inspirational/gospel music are
not exempt from the influence of the music they enjoy:

• Gospel music that leans heavy on the secular side

produces very secular acting Christians.

• Gospel music songs that are about constantly

overcoming struggles tend to produce Christians who
are always going through or coming out of seasons of

We become whatever music, words or images we allow to

enter our minds.

The root meaning of the word entertainment is as follows:

enter: to go inside; go within

tain: to possess or hold

ment: mental; the state or condition caused by an action; a

concrete result

In its deepest and purest meaning, entertainment means the

concrete result of allowing something to enter into you and
take possession of you.

Let that meaning marinate within you for a moment.

What are you allowing to enter and possess you? The answer
is simple: what preset radio stations do you listen to most
often, and what’s on your musical playlist right now? What
type of books or magazines are you reading on the regular?
What type of movies and TV shows are you watching on

71 | P a g e
The answers to these questions reveal what you've allowed
to occupy space in your life and mind.

If the answers promote sin, lust, fornication, adultery,

robbing, stealing, murder, occultism, psychics or mediums:
that's not of God. That's from the devil. He gets the glory.
And you've also allowed yourself and your mind to be
inseminated with thoughts from devils. How exactly does
that work for a child of God?

When the Bible warns us to 'neither give place to the devil'

[Ephesians 4:16] it was talking about opening the door that
allows demons to enter our lives and pull us further away
from God. Here's a simple rule of thumb to follow:

If it doesn't pull you closer to Jesus Christ, fails to honor God

or His Word, goes against what you know is sound biblical
LISTENING TO IT! Continuing to do so just means you've
allowed yourself to become captured by sin; which now
makes you the devil's prisoner.

If you're a believer in Jesus Christ and you're having a

struggle with sin: this is most likely the reason why. You've
been entertaining sin. And that entertainment has now
become chains in your soul.

But do not fret: Jesus Christ has the bolt-cutters to break

those sinful chains and set you free!

If you'll really, genuinely turn your whole life over to Him,

not only will He set you free from whatever sin you're
addicted to: He will also give you an inner power greater
than the power of that sin. So you can withstand it.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to

man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted

72 | P a g e
beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also
provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure
it." [2 Corinthians 10:13]

That scripture is a direct promise to you from God. You can

overcome temptation. You can win the personal war against
sin. All you need to do is entrust the entirety of your life to
the One who gave His life for you. And make a firm decision
to stop entertaining sin.



When you pledge to a fraternity or a sorority, you're

pledging to a DEMON. Each of the nine different Black Greek
Letter Organizations has a specific Greek or Egyptian god
that must be pledged to along with the organization itself.
Those who have pledged know exactly what I am referring
to; as they themselves had to swear an oath after they
successfully crossed the line.

The bible is specific about other 'gods' being nothing more

than demons masquerading as divine figures in ancient
religions and myths.

"What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is

anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but I say that the
things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons
and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in
demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of
demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the
table of demons." [1 Corinthians 10:19-21]

73 | P a g e
The word of God is crystal clear: there is only ONE God. And
He doesn't share His glory with any other god. Beside Him
there is no other. Furthermore, a person who has pledged
their allegiance to Jesus Christ has no business pledging their
allegiance to a Greek version of an Egyptian god anyway.

"Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around
you." [Deuteronomy 6:14]

"When the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites, he

commanded them: ‘Do not worship any other gods or bow
down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them.’" [2 Kings

"You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not
worship any god other than me." [Psalm 81:9]

Can it be any clearer?

Below is a short list of the different gods pledged to by

members of BGLO’s. If you have pledged to any of these
demons at any point in time, it's time to repent, leave those
organizations behind, and proceed with God with a full
unadulterated heart.

How can you serve both Jesus Christ and some other god
too, when the very first thing God commanded was:

"You shall have no other gods before me." [Deuteronomy


It should be noted that within the Black Greek Organizations,

Egyptian spiritual iconography is often mixed freely with
Greek gods and symbols. This only makes sense when you
view things through an historical lens.

74 | P a g e
When Alexander the Great was on his world conquest, he
came into Egypt and was amazed at what he saw. The
massive scale of culture, architecture, spirituality and
knowledge was like nothing the Greeks had ever seen
before. So impressed was he in fact, that he chose to make
Egypt the headquarters for the new Greek empire.

He built a city called Alexandria, named after himself, that

still exists there today. Alexandria Egypt became the center
of learning and culture for the ancient world. So many
Greeks began to pour into Egypt that within a few hundred
years the total complexion of the Egyptian people began to
change. Dark skin gave way to lighter shades and hues of
browns and yellows.

This period of Egyptian history was called Hellenization,

which is just a big word meaning 'the Greek invasion and
absorption of everything Egyptian.' New rulers of Grecian
origin began to rule Egypt, giving rise to the Ptolemaic
dynasty of Pharaohs and rulers: most of whom were of
mixed race ancestry. Cleopatra and her family came from the
Ptolemaic dynasty.

This is important in understanding why black Greek

organizations are so gung-ho about being associated with
Greek culture instead of purely Egyptian culture. The short
answer is because they basically identify more with the
Hellenized version of Egypt; not the purely BLACK version of
ancient Egypt that existed prior to the Grecian conquest.

75 | P a g e
Image: Depiction of how the Egyptian developed lighter skin

Putting it even more simply: these Black Greek Letter

Organizations have positioned themselves to be servants to
the white ruling class here in America, by acting as the buffer
between black and white societies: and by acting as the
leaders of the black community simultaneously.

By having this dual role, they get to reap the benefits that
come with being closely positioned to the elite power
structure; and at the same time cashing in on the social
benefits of being the elite of the black community. But it’s
important to note that they identify more with the white
community and its culture, than with the black community

I'm not saying this applies individually to every person who's

ever pledged Greek. So save the angry emails. But put on
your thinking cap here. Why is it that almost EVERY black
American leader of note, whether in politics, religion,
business or otherwise, they've all been a member of a black
Greek sorority or fraternity?

And why after 100 years of having these Black Greek

organizations filled with our "talented tenth" we're basically
in the same place today, socially speaking, as we were 100
years ago?

76 | P a g e
Something doesn't add up. It only makes sense if you
understand that these organizations are allowed to flourish
virtually untouched by the dominant white power structure
because they're viewed as harmless to the cause of white

After all: they didn't allow Marcus Garvey's UNIA or the Black
Panther organization to exist unmolested. They bugged
Martin Luther King Jr.'s offices every chance they got; and
had spies sitting in the meetings of every other black
grassroots organization that was pushing for social change.
They even followed and spied on the black minister Charles
Harrison Mason, founder of the Church Of God In Christ, and
his Pentecostal church organization.

Why are the black Greeks and their offshoot organizations

like the NAACP given a pass? People from those
organizations end up becoming tomorrow’s black political,
religious and civic leaders. This is not by accident.

Just wanted to give you some background information along

with points to ponder as we get into discovering who the
gods of these black Greeks are. Here's a hint: it ain't the God
of the Bible! One last thing before we get into the list:

You ever hear of an event known as the Greek Picnic? It

began in the early 80s as a celebration of black college Greek
life and culture in the city of Atlanta. But it wasn't long
before The Greek Picnic morphed into what became
infamously known as Freaknik in the early 90s.

Freaknik was the logical conclusion for a huge open air party
dedicated to the celebration of black "Greek" life and
culture. Have we forgotten what Greek culture was really
like? The celebrations of the ancient Greeks were essentially
wild drunken sex orgies! Which is what Freaknik became: an

77 | P a g e
open-air annual orgy played out right in the heart of
downtown Atlanta, over a three day period of time.

The gridlocked traffic got so bad during these events, people

would basically park their cars in the middle of the street, get
out and party right where they were. It was common for
young black women to be seen riding in the back of pickup
trucks, bent over with skirts lifted up, twerking sexually to
the jeers and hoots of horny guys. And of course copious
amounts of pictures were taken. People were having sex on
the hood of their cars: right out in the open air!

I remember going to these events as a young man. I had

never seen anything like it! In such an atmosphere sexual
assaults became common. Groups of young guys would
wander through the crowds encircling young ladies and
outright molest them, while filming every bit of it. Fights and
stabbings became commonplace. These street parties grew
so large and out of control that the city of Atlanta decided to
shut the whole thing down in the late 90's.

I bring this up because Freaknik was nothing short of a huge

ritual celebration to the Greek god Bacchus. Bacchus also
went by the name of Dionysus, and was worshipped as the
god of drunkenness and wild orgies in ancient Greek culture.

Image: Random women dancing on stage at Freaknik

78 | P a g e
This shouldn't come as a surprise. After all: you can't
separate Greek culture from its gods. And even if you call
yourself a black Greek, by your oaths and pledges you have
bound yourself to be under the spiritual power and
influences of those same Greek gods. You have in fact,
willfully chosen to serve them.

I just wanted to point out the connection between black

Greek life and ancient Greek culture. You really can’t
separate the two from each other.

So without further ado, let's get to this list! Here are the
gods, goddesses, demonic spirits and deities of the Divine
Nine, the Black Greek Letter Organizations, and the National
Pan-Hellenic Council:

KAPPA ALPHA PSI: Their god is the Egyptian god Thoth; also
known among the Greeks as Hermes. This is the god
associated with the moon, writing and ritual magic and
secret knowledge. Thoth was also known as the god of
scribes. He was also called Mercury to the Romans. He's the
messenger of the gods, also associated with business
prosperity and athletics. He's best known for carrying the
caduceus, the rod with the two intertwined serpents: which
represents occult knowledge obtained through ritual sex
magick. Interesting to note: according to Greek myth,
Hermes (Thoth) gave birth to a son named Priapus. I talked
about Priapus in my last ebook 'Diva Goddess Queen.'
Priapus is the god associated with a lasting erection (hence
the medical term priapism), and the patron god of the
homosexual community. I just found that to be interesting in
light of the uproar over the gay Kappa wedding that took
place a few years ago. When Hermes is your god, don’t be
surprised when it gives birth to Priapus!

79 | P a g e
OMEGA PSI PHI: Their god is Anubis: the dog-headed god.
Hence why Q's, as they're affectionately known, have the
reputation on campus of being 'doggish' in their behavior
towards the ladies. Anubis is actually its Greek name; the
Egyptians referred to it as Anpu. It was the guardian of the
underworld and mummification. Anubis is also associated
with the dog star Sirius, and the star system known as Alpha
Canis Majoris.

ALPHA PHI ALPHA: They're association is with the sphinx. A

sphinx was a type of demon from antiquity, very feared
among the Greeks and Egyptians because if its ferocity. Its
origins are pre-Flood, believed to be the offspring of one of
the fallen Watchers (mentioned in Genesis 6 and the book of
Enoch) and a human woman. Statues of the sphinx were
often placed as guardians at the entrance of temples, and as
a warning to those about to enter.

ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA (AKA): Their god is actually a goddess.

And its name is Isis: the mother of all goddess religions in the
world. Isis has many other names, depending on the culture
in question. To the Babylonians she was Ishtar; to the
Phoenicians and Hebrews she was Astarte and Ashtoreth; to
you and me she's the Statue of Liberty that stands today in
New York City. Isis was known as the mother of all
prostitutes, destitute women, single moms, children without
mothers. She was also referred to as the queen mother of all
witches around the world: a title she still holds today among
many Wiccans, where she is worshipped under the name of
Diana. This was the goddess referred to in Acts 19, when
Paul visited the city of Ephesus. Isis was best known for her
ability to make women more seductive towards the opposite
sex, and for her abilities to cast love spells. She was the
goddess of erotic love and sensuality.

80 | P a g e
DELTA SIGMA THETA: Associated with the goddess Minerva.
Her Greek counterpart was Athena, the goddess of wisdom.
She's also associated with the arts, cunning and strategy. It
should be noted: when the Greeks speak about wisdom, it's
always in the occult context. They're not referring to godly
wisdom that makes one wise towards righteousness. They're
speaking of the occult tradition of wisdom that deals
primarily with different forms of demonic conjurations and
ritual sex magic. Their wisdom is a throwback to the kind
offered to Eve by the serpent when it seduced her to eat
from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

PHI BETA SIGMA: Associated with the Egyptian god Horus,

and the famous Eye of Horus. To put it simply: the eye of
Horus is nothing other than Satan peering into our
dimension from behind the spiritual veil. This is the eye seen
on the back of your dollar bill, also called the Light-bearer
and the Grand Architect of the Illuminati. These are different
meanings and interpretations for the name Lucifer. The
purpose and great work of those who serve Horus/Lucifer
was to bring about the conditions that would eventually
allow him to physically be able to cross over into our
dimension of material "fleshly" reality. This was also
illustrated in the J. R. R. Tolkien fantasy series The Lord of the
Rings and The Hobbit. The Great Eye in that movie was none
other than Lucifer. This is also the god that the Sigmas have
pledged themselves to.

ZETA PHI BETA: Associated with the cat-headed goddess

Bastet. Also known by the name of Sekhmet, the goddess
with the head of a lioness. This was the goddess of
protection. She was also called Pasht. Pasht is where we get
our word passion from; which means this particular goddess
was also associated with human sexual passion and love-

81 | P a g e
SIGMA GAMMA RHO: Associated with the winged goddess
Ma'at: the Egyptian deity of balance, justice, order and truth.
Her masculine counterpart would be Thoth; and she
essentially served a similar role by imparting occult
knowledge and wisdom to those who served her. Ancient
Egyptian and Greek cultures were steeped in witchcraft,
ritual magic and the occult: all the more reason why
Christians in particular have no business whatsoever aligning
themselves with these types of forces.

IOTA PHI THETA: This organization's association is with the

centaur Chiron: patron god of teaching and mentoring youth.
In Greek mythology, he was the eldest and wisest of a race of
centaurs: half human half horse creatures that came into
existence when fallen angels mixed with human women
sexually. His father was Kronos (Saturn), and his mother was
a nymph (and elemental spirit). Chiron was known as a wise
healer, teacher and a prophet. But most noted for his role as
a mentor of youth.

These are the "divine nine" Black Greek Letter Organizations.

If you've pledged yourself to one of these groups, I'm not
trying to beat up on you. But we should never enter into
something lightly, not being fully aware of what we're
actually entering into. A pledge or an oath is like signing a
contract in the spiritual realm. And like any contract: it's
always best to be fully aware of the terms and conditions.

Most likely, if you knew you would literally be pledging to a

demonic spirit, you wouldn't have done so. But who said that
demons played fair? This is why the bible warns us against
making pledges and swearing oaths. Especially when doing
so willingly, under our own volition.

82 | P a g e
Paul asked a very important question: "What harmony is
there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer
have in common with an unbeliever?" [2 Corinthians 6:15]

These names and deities aren't just cute little mascots from
a bygone era. They were actual entities that had their own
religions and people that literally worshiped them. It's really
no different than pledging directly to Satan himself, or
joining a witch’s coven.

If you've already pledged, I'm not telling you what to do.

You're an adult: so you can decide for yourself. The purpose
of this chapter was to help you see things how God sees
them; not how you wish to see them. That way you can
proceed with a clear understanding of what you are involved

It doesn't matter if your particular organization does good

"Christian" works in the community. They're not Christian! In
fact, they're really pagan, occult and demonic in nature. And
your participation in these organizations places you in direct
agreement with the spirits operating through them.

Just for the record: this equally applies to those of you who
are Prince Hall Masons and Eastern Stars. Your organizations
are spiritually just as bad, if not worse! Have you any idea
what that Masonic or eastern star really represents? Satan
must be clasping his hands in glee at all these clueless

You have to decide: will it be Jesus Christ that you will serve,
or the pagan gods of ancient Egypt and Greece? One thing is
certain: it can't be both. So pick one and commit to it.

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then

choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether
the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the
83 | P a g e
gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for
me and my household, we will serve the LORD." [Joshua



Some of you think you're a nymphomaniac. This is because

you seem to have an insatiable appetite for sex that cannot
be quenched.

But you're not really as addicted to sex as you might think.

The reality is that you have a demonic spirit that has
attached itself to you; and this spirit gets to satisfy its own
personal lust through the use of your body.

Basically, your sexual appetite and your body is being

temporarily hijacked by something I refer to as a sex demon.

Those insatiable feelings of lust are not really yours; they

belong to that which has now taken hold on your life.

In ancient Rome and Greece, a nymph was a type of spirit

that lived in pools of water, and around lakes, seas and
rivers. It was what many people today refer to as a water or
a marine spirit. They were also classified as goddesses,
because it was believed they were the offspring of divine

They take the form of mermaids and other aquatic-like

creatures, and were also known as sirens: creatures with
very beautiful, dangerously hypnotic voices.

Their sexual powers were rumored to be so powerful and

seductive, men who came to the waters seeking sexual

84 | P a g e
relations with one would eventually fall into the water, be
drowned by these water spirits; and eaten.

I want to point out: although they appeared in a feminine

form, nymphs were not necessarily females. They simply
take on a female form as needed; an important distinction
that should be noted.

There's a huge difference between being an actual female,

and dressing up to look like one. And being spirits, it was
easy for them to assume different shapes and forms to fulfill
their diabolical purposes.

Marine spirits have also appeared as mermen around the

world. The god of the ancient Philistines, Dagon, is one such
example of a merman-type of being.

Image: Ancient Philistine god, Dagon, a merman-type being

And lest you think the belief in water spirits was restricted
only to ancient cultures or mythology: people from diverse

85 | P a g e
backgrounds and cultures worldwide have an emphatic
belief in these creatures. Sailors and pirates have long talked
about their experiences with these beings; including the
infamous pirate Blackbeard.

In many African-based and Caribbean cultures they have a

strong belief in marine spirits. In large parts of Africa, there is
a popular cult dedicated to the worship of Mami Wata
(Mother of the Water): also known as the Queen of the
Coast. It's believed that this highly influential spirit-being
presides over the entire underwater Marine Kingdom in that
part of the world.

The Chinese, Japanese, Europeans, Thai, Oceanic peoples

and many others have various beliefs and tales of encounters
with these half-human half-fish spirits. There's even been
recent sightings of nymphs in Israel, Zimbabwe and other
distant locales.

I know to the western mind, this sounds preposterous. But

before you write it off as bunk, consider one example of a
nymph/marine spirit that is famously displayed as the logo of
a well-known coffee company right here in the Western

Image: Starbucks coffee cups

86 | P a g e
This billion dollar corporation blatantly uses a marine
spirit/nymph as their symbol. What it has to do with coffee:
your guess is as good as mine. But if you've ever frequented
this store often, you'll notice they seem to attract a large
percentage of employees and patrons who are actively
engaged in sexually alternative (LGBT) lifestyles.

Image: Starbucks Corporate Headquarters

This is because the energy that company gives off is aligned

with the same sexual energy of the symbol that they use: the
water nymph. And that's just one out of many examples we
could use of corporations that have aligned themselves with

I maintain that these nymph spirits are real; and exert a huge
amount of influence over mankind today. Particularly in
regions located near large bodies of water: such as seaside
resorts, islands, beaches, near large lakes and rivers. You'll
also notice that in such areas, women and men tend to lose
their sexual inhibitions more.

87 | P a g e
Nymphs or marine spirits are accursed creatures: cursed to
spend their existence filled with sexual lust; yet unable to
find satisfaction from either man or woman.

This is where we get the term nymphomaniac from. It

denotes a woman who cannot gain enough sexual
satisfaction, even though she longs for more.

Someone who is a nymphomaniac is simply a person who

has become possessed or vexed by one of these marine
spirits. The victim, however, could be either a male or a
female. These spirits don't really care about the gender of
their victims. They only seek a physical host through which
they can fulfill their own perverseness, and enact their other
destructive activities on.

This is the real reason why, if one of these spirits has

attached itself to you, you'll find yourself doing things
sexually that you know you shouldn't do:

• Like having one night stands with total strangers.

• Or the uncontrollable urge to watch porn.
• Or the uncontrollable compulsion to masturbate to
same-sex porn.

For some it manifests as the inability to control your

thoughts and stop sexual images from invading your mind all
throughout the day. For others it includes frequent trips to
sex shops, brothels, strip clubs and live sex venues. Some of
you have even found yourselves masturbating in public

One of the most insidious ways this demonic spirit manifests

itself is by driving a person into an 'alternative' lifestyle.
Many people caught up in LGBT lifestyles are indeed
inhabited by nymph spirits; and powerfully so.

88 | P a g e
This is why it becomes so difficult to convince someone who
is LGBT that they've been tricked into that lifestyle; and they
are not born that way.

Those nymph demons war against the gender roles assigned

by God to humanity; because they enjoy bringing confusion
and destruction into the lives of their many victims.

If you're suffering from uncontrollable sexual cravings, you

need deliverance. You need to evict wicked sex demons from
your life once and for all. They won't leave because you wish
them to. Demons don't operate like that. They operate more
like viruses that invade the body, hijacking the health system
and turning it against itself.

This is exactly what the sex demon in your own life is

currently doing: turning your own natural God-given sexual
desires against you; and using it as a means of loading your
life down with the unintended consequences of ungodly
sexual activity. Hence why some of you have children out of
wedlock; another unintended consequence of losing control
of one's sexual desires.

Now I'm not suggesting that everyone who has a kid out of
wedlock has a sex demon. But you will find that throughout
the Bible when demons are often mentioned, it's followed by
the phrase 'driven by an unclean spirit.'

That's what demons do: they drive people to do things they

don't want to do.

This is one of the many characteristics of demonic activity in

a person's life. If you find yourself driven to do things you
don't want to do...things you know you shouldn't do...there's
a very strong possibility that a demon is present. And in
order for you to be free, that demon HAS to be dealt with
89 | P a g e
Though demons come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10),
there is a powerful remedy for those who want it. And that
remedy is called JESUS CHRIST. Jesus alone has the power to
break that demonic stronghold off of your life for good.

You can be free from those uncontrollable destructive urges.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." [John
8:36 ESV]


I'm going to be very frank here with you ladies.

Many of you can't find a man or meet a decent guy because

you have extremely unholy sinful practices in your life that
God is not pleased with.

And those practices are limiting His ability to help you find a
suitable mate.

When you get the chance today: go into your bedroom…if

this applies to you… empty out your favorite drawer (you
know the one I'm referring to), and throw every last one of
your sex toys away. In fact, don't just trash them: take a
hammer and utterly destroy it. Lest you be tempted to
retrieve them from the garbage can.

This goes for all those erotic toys, books and movies. If
you're storing movies on your computer, take your computer
somewhere safe and clean off your hard drive. If you have
books in your collection that stir up lust and drive you to
pleasure yourself, dump those books too.

90 | P a g e
Get rid of any and everything in your possession that causes
you to sin sexually. Including certain types of music.

Here's the thing, and I want you to read this next part
carefully: anything that drives you to sin is not coming from
you alone. You've more than likely opened a door in your life
to having what the old timers would call a spirit husband.

People who come from a voodoo or an old southern hoodoo

background know about spirit husbands.

These are actual spiritual entities that become attached to a

woman through ungodly sexual and spiritual activity. And
once they attach themselves they prevent the woman from
being able to sustain a meaningful normal relationship with a

Spirit husbands won't share you with any other man. They
will however share you with other women (hence the
proliferation of lipstick lesbians and bisexuality among
females today). But they will drive all decent men from your
life, forcing you to remain alone until you die. Because
you've inadvertently given yourself to a spirit husband. And
that thing will claim you for life.

Many times a spirit husband becomes attached through

fooling around with the occult. And yes, that includes
horoscopes and tattoos too.

For the record: a Christian has NO business under the sun

toying around with horoscopes, sex signs, tattoos or star
charts. The bible strictly forbids such activities because they
are open pathways to the demonic realm.

Some of you have even met your spirit husband. He shows

up periodically in your dreams making love to you.

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Or perhaps he climbed on top of you while you slept at night,
causing extreme terror as he squeezed the breath out of you.

Somebody reading this knows exactly what I'm referring to.

The only way you can get rid of a spirit husband is through
bona-fide repentance. You have to close the door to that
thing. And you do it by renouncing the very practices that led
the door to open in the first place.

Then you have to submit your life to a higher more powerful

masculine force: I'm talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus' name
carries major weight in the spirit realm. All other spirits,
good or bad must bow in respect to His greater authority.

Once you attach yourself to the name of Jesus, you now have
the power to evict that spirit husband from your life and
break all demonic attachments.


A spirit wife (also known as a succubus demon) is a type of

devil that attaches itself to a man and claims him as its own.
It's not necessarily a female spirit, as spirits don't really have
a gender. Gender basically serves a biological function: not a
spiritual one. These demons just take on a female gender in
order to be more effective at bringing much damage and
harm into men's lives. A spirit wife is just a feminine
manifestation of the spirit husband phenomenon. Just like
there are spirits that prey on women, there are spirits that
prey on men too.

A spirit wife or succubus spirit will manifest through its male

victim in the form of extreme jealousy whenever he's in a
relationship with a woman, driving any woman away so that

92 | P a g e
he can never maintain a long term healthy relationship. It's a
very jealous acting demonic entity, and will guard its victim
like a jealous lover: making it very difficult to get the person
free from its grip.

This demon will also affect a man's ability to build wealth or

accumulate monetary assets. Any man who has a difficult
time holding down a job for long periods of time, having
chronic bouts of joblessness, horrendous "bad luck" in
business, or never really able to get anything good financially
off the ground without great opposition: he's most likely
caught in the grip and hold of a spirit wife. And he's in for a
great amount of frustration in his life unless he gets totally

It will rob him of his children if he has any, by causing him to

become estranged from them via the courts, divorce, child
support issues, etc. Spirit wives also thrive in environments
where abortions are legal. If you're a man who has
participated in an abortion via funding one, you've opened
yourself to having a spirit spouse. And it will wreak much
havoc in your life. You're probably feeling its sting and pain
right now as you read this.

A spirit wife will drive a man into watching porn and

masturbation. Any man who has an addiction to watching
porn, visiting porn rooms or viewing booths inside of sex
shops, an irresistible urge to masturbate whether privately
or in public places, a strong hunger for going to strip clubs, or
an attraction towards frequenting Asian sex spas and other
forms of prostitutes: these men all suffer from spiritual
wives, aka succubus sex demons.

Fellas, there's nothing normal about frequenting strip clubs.

Society says it is, but society has been totally dedicated to a
lying satanic agenda. It's also not normal for a man to sleep

93 | P a g e
with prostitutes. Prostitution began as a way of worshiping
fertility gods and goddesses in the ancient kingdom of
Babylon. A man or woman would go to the temple and have
sex with a temple female (or male) worker, as a way of
invoking the demonic power of the deity being worshiped to
make them more prosperous in their business affairs. Money
was also invented at this time, for the temple prostitution
system. This is why prostitution is the world's oldest
profession. It's the world's first form of institutionalizing
rebellion against God!

I mention the history of prostitution here because stripping

or exotic dancing is another form of prostitution. Any time
money exchanges hands for sexual pleasure or gratification:
that's prostitution. It's demonic sex worship. This applies to
porn actors/actresses as well as strippers. It's all prostitution.
Therefore when you pay to download porn, pay for a
stripper or hire a prostitute, you are literally tithing to

And once you tithe to those demons, they now have the
legal right to affect your finances negatively and to stifle your
prosperity. And that's exactly what they will do. (A tithe is
typically ten percent of your earnings or income: but it
doesn't necessarily have to be just ten percent. It can be any
percent of your income that you choose to give away.)

Exchanging money for lap dances and such seems harmless,

but it’s a very dangerous thing to do from a spiritual
perspective. Money is a means of exchange. It’s a way of
exchanging desires and different energies. This is why money
is referred to as currency. Currency is a flow of energy. When
you exchange money for sexual gratification, you are giving
money in exchange for sexual demonic energy.

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So when you're getting that lap dance, placing money in that
garter belt, making it rain in the club or (God forbid) going
into the VIP room: know for certain that if you don't already
have one you are definitely opening yourself to having a
spirit wife. In fact, you've paid for the experience! Because
there are demons already waiting for you inside those
places. They congregate there in huge numbers, hoping and
waiting for someone to get drunk or horny enough, so they
can enter into that person.

And once they enter you, those demons will do all in their
power to drive you into the poor house; if they don't drive
you insane or to an early grave first.

A spirit wife will also drive a man into homosexual activity.

(This is where it gets a little hard to read guys, so stay with
me.) The hidden secret behind watching porn is that it
ultimately turns a person onto same-gender attraction and
sexual arousal. That was always its purpose. After all: you're
not just watching naked women on the screen. You're also
watching naked men as well, twisting, moaning and gyrating

This is why men who watch a lot of porn eventually begin to

desire watching other men having sex with women. They like
to watch. It becomes their secret voyeuristic sexual twist.
The other secret to watching porn is that it becomes a
gateway for these particular types of succubus demons to
enter one’s life.

Many ex-gay men openly admit to first being desensitized

towards homosexuality through watching porn. Watching
porn is a secret gateway into eventual homosexuality. And if
you keep watching it, that's inevitably where it will lead. It's
safe to say that any type of voyeuristic sexual interest or
activity that a man is driven to engage in is caused by the

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attachment of a succubus demon. Homosexuality in men will
almost always be accompanied by the presence of one of
these foul spirits.

These are extremely destructive spirits and should not be

taken lightly. Their sole purpose is to live out their own
sexual perversions through others both young and old,
entrapping their hosts in a lifestyle of secret shame that has
deadly consequences. These devils are also behind the rise
and proliferation of STDs that continue to plague humanity.
We now have superbugs that are resistant to any known
form of medical treatment. Just more proof and evidence of
the presence of succubus demons and their work in society

When a man has a spirit wife attached to him, it will drive

him to a life of feeling isolated and ashamed. Men have
committed suicide and gone off the deep end by listening to
the voice of this particular demon. It speaks. It's the voice
that comes to a man and whispers into his thoughts: "Don't
you want to touch yourself? Doesn't she (or he) look sexy
enough to taste? Wouldn't you like to have sex with that
person right now? Imagine how great that would feel!"
Eventually the voice will shift and condemn the person after
they've entertained the thought or actually done the deed:
"Look at you! You're pathetic! No wonder no one wants you.
What woman in her right mind would want someone like
you? You're disgusting! You might as well just end it all!"

Basically it fills one's mind with a constant barrage of

sexually deviant thoughts and ideas, regardless of place or
location, then condemns the person for acting on those
thoughts. The spirit wife will even speak to you while at
church! Nowadays even, ESPECIALLY at church.

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With the way so many women dress provocatively on
purpose, they're helping to foster an environment and
atmosphere that is conducive for succubus demons to thrive
in. And to do this in a place where others are gathered to
worship God is especially wicked. Women like these are
helping to keep people distracted from God by focusing on
their physique. And God will eventually judge them severely
for allowing Satan to use them in such ways: unless they

This is why a godly woman must never participate in using

her form of dress to lure men sexually. When she does, she's
acting in alignment with demonic purposes. She's basically
speaking to the lust inside of men when she dresses
seductively. And if there’s a lust spirit present, that lust
demon will respond in kind. But when a woman is compliant
with God's Word by dressing modestly and conducting
herself in a way that becometh a woman of holiness, she's
closing any possible door for the succubus to use her to
entice a man to sin.

Spirit wives are extremely dangerous ungodly creatures.

They're the spirits that drive certain men into becoming
pedophiles and molesters of children. Child molestation,
which is on the rise, is one of the main ways these demonic
entities transfer themselves into the lives of innocent
children. It's like a type of spiritual virus that jumps from one
host into another. And we know that many abusers were
themselves abused as a child. That's where the drive to
abuse others was first seeded into their thoughts.

These demons have no regard for the innocence of a child.

They only gain pleasure from deceiving, hurting, degrading,
maiming and destroying others. They are totally devoid of
love and are extremely wicked liars and deceivers. This is
why you cannot afford to play with them.

97 | P a g e
If you're a man who suspects he's being plagued by one of
these Devils, you must do something about it NOW. Don't
avoid putting it off. Don't entertain that perverse demon by
allowing it to talk you out of seeking help. The number one
tactic of this demon is to shame you from getting rid of it.
"What will they think about you? What will people say if they
find out about your secret life?"

Don't be shamed into silence and imprisonment! If you turn

to Jesus Christ today, He will set you free. For some this
freedom will come instantly. For others it may take a process
before complete freedom comes. Some demons leave
instantly, while some leave eventually. But make no mistake
about it: they will leave, so long as you really want them to,
and you're willing to allow Jesus Christ to become lord over
your life.

God doesn't rent out His power for temporary purposes. You
have to commit to Him: then He'll place His mighty power
inside of you, where it will generate an endless amount of
holy spiritual energy, enabling you to walk righteously for the
remainder of your life. Jesus Christ is the key for getting free
from spirit wives.


Watch out for the woman who seems like she's very
spiritual, seems like she's all about God and Jesus...yet she
exudes sexiness and lasciviousness. Women like this are a
TRAP! Their assignment in life is to lay hold of unsuspecting
men and women, coerce them into sexual relationships or
one based on codependency, then squeeze the very life right
out of you!

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I call women like this Pythons...because they're really under
the control and influence of the python spirit.

What is the python spirit? In the ancient world of Rome and

Greece, there was a huge temple erected to a goddess
known as Diana. Diana was the goddess of love and
eroticism. Those seeking favors or blessings from this
goddess would visit her temple and consult with her oracles,
known as Sybils.

These were young women who we might call spiritual

intuitives today. In other words: they were spiritually
sensitive, or clairvoyant. And they could hear clearly from
demonic spirits, which enabled them to be able to tell
people's fortunes by the power of those demons.

In the temple to Diana these young girls would lay in a trance

on a floor filled with snakes for hours. And in the midst of
the incense smoke and muttering mantras, the Spirit of the
Python would enter the girl: and she would suddenly be able
to give accurate fortune readings.

The Python Spirit is a demon of divination. And it operates

primarily, though not exclusively in women. It also pretends
to be religious and of a godly nature. The Bible story in Acts
16:16-18 records exactly how this spirit operates.

Every day when Paul and his companions walked to and from
the market place, they would pass by this young woman who
had a python spirit in her. The Greek word used for
divination in that passage is Puthón; from which we get the
word Python, or snake. [Strong's Greek #4436]

She was literally inhabited by a demonic spirit that was

associated with a snake from Greek mythology. This snake,
or python as it was called by the Greeks was said to guard

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the Oracle of Delphi, and was subsequently killed by the
Greek god Apollo.

And every day when Paul and his company would walk by,
she would stop whatever she was doing and go out of her
way to declare to everyone within ear shot "These men are
messengers sent to tell us about salvation!"

Most ministers alive today would love to have someone

authenticating their ministry like this girl did with Paul. Here
was someone with high prophetic gifting who had the whole
city under her influence. And she was giving highly accurate
prophetic words that revealed what only Paul and those with
him knew: that he'd come into town to preach Jesus Christ to
folks who never heard of that Name before. She was
basically advertising for him for free, making it that much
easier to fulfill his mission.

But Paul was much too wise for that. He too was spiritually
sensitive: to the Holy Ghost. And he knew this young lady
was under a different power and source other than God. So
instead of taking it as a compliment, Paul got highly

After many days of this woman demonically prophesying

over him, Paul finally got fed up, and quite openly and
vocally rebuked the demonic spirit in the young lady. He cast
the python clairvoyant demon right out of her! She
immediately lost her ability to tell fortunes; and those who
used her gift in order to make money from her, no longer

I share that story for one simple reason: Pentecostal and

Charismatic churches today are filled with women who
APPEAR to be very spiritual on the surface; very deep even.
They seem to be heavy into the word, and if you visit their

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social media pages you'll undoubtedly see them quoting
Bible scriptures all the time, and sharing their latest
prophetic revelation. They appear godly and anointed on the
surface...but don't be deceived!

Some of these women are filled with the spirit of python!

And if you fall for the bait, you'll either find yourself in a
relationship with one, committing fornication and other
sexual abominations: or you'll end up in a highly
codependent relationship with her, needing her permission
to do the simplest things in life.

And once you join yourself in covenant with her, you've

effectively bound yourself under the power of that demon
inside of her. And that's when your life will become a living

Women like this go to church, look like a good church girl

should look: but will lead you into bondage before you even
know what happened to you. Once you start interacting with
her, it's easy to keep it going. And once you fall into her
layer, that python spirit will wrap you up so tight, you won't
be able to spiritually breathe. And unless you get free,
eventually you'll spiritually die.

Python spirit operating through a woman will tie up your life

and swallow you well as everything that pertains
to you. And double woe be unto you if you’re a man who
ends up having a child with her! Eyes have not seen, and
souls have not known the wrath and anguish that comes
from being tied to such a woman who's harboring one of
these python demons in them.

It will swallow your sanity, your peace of mind, your

finances, your productivity, your prosperity, your health, and

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maybe even your freedom. For some people: it has even
swallowed their souls.

The best thing you can do to escape the clutches of the

python spirit is to not get involved with someone carrying
one. This may seem easy on the surface, but it's not. These
demons hide inside of women particularly, who love to be
around the church calling themselves prophetesses. Because
that's their assignment: to hunt for the souls of men and
unsuspecting women right in the church.

And they're very skilled at luring others into their trap. But I
have to reiterate: this demonic spirit doesn't operate
exclusively through women. There are a whole lot of male
prophets running around using the power of python too:
bedding women from city to city, and making off with ill-
gotten gain from the fraudulent prophesying they've done.

Be extra careful of so-called 'prophets' who love to call out

the numbers in your checking account; or predicting your
credit card numbers! That should be a huge red flag anyway.
Remember, the woman in the book of Acts with the python
spirit in her was being used to make money too. People who
operate from python spirits always revert back to selling
personal prophecies for money. That's their MO (modus

A person operating from this demonic spirit will have an

aversion to scriptural truth and sound doctrine. They
specialize in using the Bible to make certain scriptures fit
their objectives. This is one of the many reasons why we
have so many self-appointed prophets, apostles and bishops
these days.

This is also why on any given day on social media, you'll find
some weird person positing themselves as some great

102 | P a g e
prophet of God, pulling Bible scripture all kind of ways out of
context; just to make some cooky man-made doctrine fit
with the Bible. And whenever you attempt to correct such a
person, they'll swiftly accuse you of being in error, or being
intimidated by them. This is because the spirit of python is a
manipulative spirit.

A person operating under this power loves to throw out the

'Touch not mine anointed' scripture on you. I call it "Christian
voodoo": because the person invoking that scripture typically
is using it wrongfully anyway, with ill intent. They just hate
being challenged on their wrong doctrine and having their
true motives exposed. So they try to scare the weaker
people who are not well-versed in the Word into silence, so
no red flags will get raised against them.

To avoid being misled by someone who's under the influence

of this ancient demon, simply grow in your knowledge of the
Word. Dive into the Word and develop a passion for
researching and studying the things of God.

But don't try to get too deep too fast: python demon relies
on the person who wants to learn quickly just to feed their
own ego. They'll posit themselves as some great dispenser of
special knowledge that you can only get from them or their
small little group. And before you know it, you're caught up
in a witch’s coven that masquerades as a Christian church.

The purpose of knowledge isn't to know things others do not

so you can feel smarter than them. The true and higher
purpose of knowledge is to become a servant to others by
imparting what you know to the rest of us, so that we all
may grow strong together. To whom much has been given,
much shall be required.

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So steer clear of the manipulative Christian; especially those
who call themselves leaders. There's a very good chance, if
they call themselves a prophet/prophetess, or relish in such
titles with little more to back it up other than an occasional
personal prophesy that involves money and blessings: that
person may be under the influence of a very old, ancient and
highly diabolical demonic spirit.

And if they ever get wrapped around you, nothing short of

authentic Holy Ghost power can set you free.


Jezebel, daughter of the King of Phoenicia, whose name is

said to mean "Baal (or Bel) is my husband." Baal was an
ancient Middle Eastern name for Satan.

You can read about her in 1 Kings 16:31 and 1 Kings 18.
Jezebel was the first person in human history to successfully
launch a mass scale slaughter of the true prophets of God.

Though she was killed according to God's decree, the

demonic principality that drove her actions still survives; and
is even evident in the Church today. And that spirit still seeks
every chance and opportunity to slander, attack and get rid
of the true ministers of Jesus Christ.

This is how to recognize a "Jezebel" spirit:

It attempts to drown out the voices of the true men of God.

It uses the Word of God to argue against the Word of God, in

order to incite confusion.

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It has Tourette’s-like outbursts of profanity from time to

It ridicules and speaks evil of those who represent the truth

of God's Word by labeling them as anti-Christ or false

Its favorite line used as a weapon of choice is: "JUDGE NOT!"

When you go to the social media page of someone who's

operating from a Jezebel spirit, you'll notice the sensual vibe
being portrayed in their photos, music, books, and pages
liked. This in spite of also portraying an image of being
deeply spiritual.

Those with Jezebel demons cannot resist the desire to

express some type of sensuality for others to see.

Jezebel also has a disdain for male authority or power:

especially when it comes from a man representing Jesus
Christ. She’ll go into demonic fits of rage and anger, seeking
to draw negative attention onto the man who dares to
challenge her authority.

Those with a Jezebel demon rarely get married. They fancy

themselves to be queens...though they've never been
married...who don't need a king. [Revelation 18:7]

And if they do end up marrying, they tend to marry guys they

can easily manipulate and control: guys like King Ahab in the
bible, who was married to the original Jezebel and allowed
her to manipulate him right into the very judgment of God.
[1 Kings chapter 21]

That spirit is alive in many others today.

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Jezebel hates the manifestation of God as a Father and Son.
Those are MALE attributes. And Jezebel's sole purpose is to
establish a feminine-based goddess worship to supplant the
true worship of the Divine Father/Son, which is the
foundation of the Christian faith.

This is one of the reasons for the proliferation of so many

church conferences and ministries geared toward 'loosing'
women from male oversight and godly authority.

Image: One of many yearly Women’s Conferences

Many of these 'ministries' secretly lead unsuspecting women

down a satanic road, right into fornication, lust, lesbianism
and outright occultism. This is nothing but the infiltration of
Jezebel into modern Christian circles!

In her hatred for male authority, Jezebel will proudly declare

that she doesn't need a church home: she can worship God
all by herself without a church family. She's a law unto her
own self: and will easily dismiss any scripture that warns
believers against trying to walk this Christian route solo.

106 | P a g e
One way to easily spot Jezebel is this: though she claims to
love Jesus with all her heart and soul, there's very little
evidence in her life of her being submitted to the LORDSHIP
of Jesus Christ. Jesus said:

"If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father

will love him, and we will come to him and make our home
with him." [John 14:23]

But remember: Jezebel HATES male spiritual authority. This

includes the authority of Jesus too. She'll feign to be on
God's side, just to use that as a convenient cover to infiltrate
and mislead gullible men and women away from the truth in
God's Word.

But when you examine her life you'll find plenty of sexual sin,
spiritual rebellion and even an underlying hatred for men in

Oh, and one more: Jezebel also manifests itself through

effeminate acting and lust-filled men. Homosexuals, lesbians
and 'switch hitters' gravitate to those with a Jezebel vibe,
because they have a common interest in rebelling against
Godly rules and male authority. This also includes rebelling
against the God-established rules of nature.

These are just a few of the attributes you'll find displayed by

those who are operating under a Jezebel demonic entity.

There are more. I'm warning you about them because the
church is RIFE with such people! The spiritual warfare for
your soul is real!

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1 John 4:1-3 tells us to test the spirits to see if they are of

God. This is the test:

Any teacher, minister, author or guru who does not

emphatically declare that Jesus Christ is the ONLY path to
God is a false prophet. In other words: they are an agent of

To declare that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is to agree

that God has already sent His only chosen method of
salvation into the world. It's to agree with the voice of Jesus
as it boomed from the cross of Calvary declaring "IT IS

In other words: the fat lady has sung. And she won't be
singing any more. It's done, finished, accomplished. No other
saviors are coming. No one else can lead you to God other
than Jesus Christ. And anyone else attempting to do so is a

As a Christian, getting this right understanding is highly

important. Is Jesus the only way; or just one out of many
ways? You need to be absolutely sure and resolute about the
answer, because your very salvation depends on it!

The resolute conclusion of the true believer is that Jesus

Christ is God's only path and acceptable method of obtaining
atonement with the Almighty.

"Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other

name under heaven given among men whereby we must be
saved." [Acts 4:12]

108 | P a g e
Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is on a Satanic
assignment to lead you astray and turn you away from the
One true God. So don't listen to them!

I don't care how nice they are or how well you know them or
their work: they are agents of demons tasked with the
mission to deceive those who are foolish enough to listen to

Stick with Jesus and you can't go wrong. But start following
all of those new age deceptive voices out there: and you're
selling your only birthright of salvation for a cheap bowl of
crumbs and lint.

109 | P a g e
HEDONISM: The Church

The only way you can be comfortable around perverse

people is if you're perverse too.

A clean person cannot enjoy the company of someone who

is unclean. Neither can an unclean person enjoy the
company of someone who's clean. It's a true adage: birds of
the same feather flock together.

So if you find yourself enjoying the presence of homosexuals,

lesbians and other ungodly sexual deviants: what perverse
ways are you hiding within your own life?

Something inside of you obviously resonates with something

inside of them. You're both on the same frequency: and
that's not God's frequency.

God resonates on the frequency of holiness: and He's made

it known that He detests sexual perverseness. He's also
made it known that those who engage in such things will be
judged by Him harshly and severely: as severely in fact as He
judged the angels who fell to Earth and taught mankind how
to do those perverse things.

This is what he Bible means when it says that friendship with

the world makes you an enemy of God. Satan and the fallen
angels have no repentance nor forgiveness for their sin,
because they took the utopian world that God created for
man and utterly perverted it. They did this by teaching
mankind how to have the most twisted, disgusting type of
sex imaginable; in order to defile humankind away from
holiness, so they could more easily take over and control the

110 | P a g e
I've been telling you for some time now that fornication,
homosexuality, adultery, lesbianism and other ungodly types
of sex are demonic in nature. Fallen angels taught people
how to have twisted sex, according to several passages of
scripture and in the apocryphal books. And that twisted sex
gave birth to a race of demons that still plague mankind to
this day.

This is why believers are told to cast demons out of people.

According to the apocryphal book of Enoch, which is quoted
from freely by several New Testament writers, demons are
the offspring of perverted angels and the women who
perverted themselves to have sex with them. Whenever a
person engages in sexual perversions such as fornication,
masturbation, gay sex, voyeurism, watching porn, swinging,
scat or Coprophilia, Necrophilia, Bestiality, Pedophilia and
such, they're doing the very things that caused God to
destroy the old world via a flood; and that will incite Him to
do the same thing in the future, except this time by fire.

What God did to Sodom and Gomorrah, and later on in

Pompeii are examples of the type of fiery judgment that
awaits those who do such perverse things today. And if you
like to engage in such twisted activities, chances are you've
already been tainted and infiltrated by a demonic spirit.


Ladies and gents: take heed!

I've seen way too much of this in churches, where in many

places the dress code is just shy of being sophisti-ratchet
hoochie couture.

111 | P a g e
Or the few men present dressing all pimped out, like they're
at Bishop Don 'Magic' Juan's World Famous Players Ball.

Let's be honest: ain't no man focusing on Jesus Christ or His

word, when the ladies all around him―including the ones on
the praise team―are dressed like they just left Club Onyx!

And yes, I said 'ain't no.' Because it's time out for sugar
coating these things!

How am I supposed to worship God and focus on the

message, when my eyes are being assaulted with: plunging
necklines, 'punny printers' (look it up), skin tight dresses that
look like 4th layers of skin, hooker heels, and enough facial
paint to put the MAC counter at Macy’s out of business?

And since I know it's running through someone's mind who's

reading this:

If you're that female who goes out of her way to dress

'church stank' just to accuse men of having lust problems for
looking at you: you're kinda stupid. That's right, I said that

Not only that, but you're an obvious satanic assignment sent

specifically to that church, just to keep people from being
able to hear the Word of God.

I hope the church intercessors catch on to your plot and pray

a skin rash onto you! It'll be a fitting reward from those tight
outfits you're wearing anyway. That way you can wear your
shame as proudly as you wore those tight outfits at church.

And lest you think this doesn't apply to you also: I'm also
calling out the fruity moist dudes who wear the bow ties,
skin tight pants with pink and lavender shirts, who love to

112 | P a g e
use church to showcase their latest clothing ideas taken
straight from the pages of Out Magazine.

Triple shame on you: one, for assaulting my eyes with all that
queer energy. Two, for trying to make that outfit work in the
first place. And three, for using church as a recruiting ground
for your gay activities.

I can't speak for anyone else here, but I'm sick and tired of all
the GAMES!!!

Whatever happened to true holiness? What happened to

church service looking and feeling sacred? And whatever
happened to true anointed shepherds of God with a heart
for the sheep?

I know, I know: I'll be called unloving and mean for saying

how I feel. I'll be accused of not being like Jesus, etc.

But what I won't be accused of is lying. Because many of you

feel and know exactly where I'm coming from.

People can't get saved, set free, healed or delivered in an

environment where the Holy Spirit has been edited out by
unholy activity. Which is why Satan goes out of his way to
keep churches entangled with such blatant displays of

If you're the pimp daddy wannabe, the batty boy

recruitment guy, or the video-vixen church girl reject: I’m
talking to YOU! It’s time to check yourself. You'd better do it
before God decides to do it for you. How much longer do you
think God will sit by and let this circus continue in His house?

"For it is time for judgment to begin at the house of God; and

if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who
do not obey the gospel of God?" [1 Peter 4:17]

113 | P a g e
It's time to get right, act right and do right. Judgment has
already begun! And you don't want to find yourself on the
wrong side of God's wrath when it comes to a city near you:

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all

the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the
truth by their wickedness." [Romans 1:8]

"Nevertheless, to avoid "FORNICATION", let every man have

his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."
[1 Corinthians 7:2]



Christians need to become more astute at determining the

source of things.

For instance: when you hear a song from a favorite gospel

artist or group, are you sure their source comes from God?
Are they plugged into Holy Ghost power or demonic power?

Just because they can sing good or make you feel

goosebumps doesn't mean God is their source. God may be
the source of their gift: but is He the source for how that gift
is being used?

Now I know some will say: 'But Mack, these gospel artists are
singing gospel music (or Christian hip hop). Aren't they giving
God the glory and leading others to Christ through their

That depends again on the source. Is their music inspiring

people to turn away from their sins, repent and turn to

114 | P a g e
Christ? Is it influencing people to be more holy? If not, you
must question the source.

It's real easy to determine which power is empowering

them. Here's the acid test:

When you hear your favorite gospel song being played, what
does it make you feel like doing? Does it inspire you to want
to worship God with all your heart and soul: or are you really
just moved to dance and gyrate your hips?

When you see your favorite gospel artist on stage

performing or 'ministering,' are they dressed in a way that
speaks to holiness and godliness? Or do they awaken and
excite feelings of lust, sensuality and worldliness?

I remember back in my club scene days, I'd be posted up

near the bar whispering game in some woman's ear: when
all of a sudden a Kirk Franklin song would come on. This isn't
meant to bash Kirk or his music in any way. But I'm just
keeping it real because this genuinely baffled me. When his
music would come on, instead of people leaving the dance
floor, they would keep right on dancing without skipping a

No one would pause, ponder, stare in bewilderment or

anything. This was amazing to me even while I was in a
backslidden state myself, because this was a gospel song
being sung by a well-known gospel artist, in a NIGHT CLUB!
And yet no one felt any sense of conviction or need to
change their ways.

The problem with the gospel music artists today is that many
if not most are no longer plugged into God as their source.
Their desire for worldly acceptance and demonic validation
has blinded their hearts and corrupted their gifts.

115 | P a g e
Again: don't get the gifting confused with the anointing. God
gives people their ability or talent. That's the gifting. But the
person can choose to plug that talent into God's power for
His glory or purposes, or choose instead to plug it into a
demonic source for the devil's glory or purposes.

What does the music inspire you to do? If it doesn't inspire

you to be more holy, to feel a stronger internal desire to dig
deeper into His Word and spend more time with our
Heavenly Father, or encourage yourself or your brethren in
Christ to hold on and keep the faith: then that source does
NOT come from God; no matter how talented the artist
might be.

A Godly source will inspire you to become more holy and

godly. But a demonic source will encourage you to become
more like those who are unsaved and of the world.

This is why you must steer yourself away from gospel artists
who are inspiring you after the flesh. You know the type: the
ones who go around proclaiming themselves to be sexy
Christians. Or the ones who are quick to call everyone else
judgmental because they don't agree with mixing the holy
with the profane.

The only place a self-proclaimed sexy Christian can lead you

to is right into sexual sin. God doesn't need his people using
their bodies to attract others to Him! What type of demonic
mess is that?!

Christ has called us to be holy vessels of God, and to present

our bodies as a living sacrifice, crucifying our flesh daily so
we can walk in holiness and sexual purity. You won't be able
to do that if you're running around promoting your sexiness
to others.

116 | P a g e
In fact, you've already been compromised by the devil if you
find yourself feeling defensive as you read this.

I challenge anyone to find me the verse and scripture where

God told someone to use their bodies or other ungodly
means to draw others to Jesus. You won't be able to,
because that idea came direct from Hell. It wasn't inspired by
the Holy Spirit: it was inspired by the spirit of Lust.

Those type of gospel artists know they are very talented. But
their hearts aren't right. And you can tell because their
approach to their music ministry seems eerily similar to that
of the mighty angelic worship leader who fell from God's
grace when he too determined to use his godly gifts to gain
worship for himself.

Satan was once the worship angel over all of the heavenly
angelic host. He was known back then as Lucifer: the
Covering Cherub. God created him with so much talent and
beauty that when Lucifer even moved, his very body itself
played wonderful worship music that praised God. God
created him so that his very limbs and movements produced
melodious sounds.

But his talents caused his heart to become lifted up in pride

and vainglory. He decided: instead of getting others to
worship God when he played and sang his inspiring music, he
would get the angels to worship him directly.—Isaiah 14:12-
15; Ezekiel 28:13-17

His talent became corrupted. And he lost his eternal place in

heaven because of it. But not before corrupting the hearts
and minds of many other angels too. How many, we don't
know exactly. But we know that number was numerous
according to Revelation 12:4.

117 | P a g e
Now he's busy with those angels on earth corrupting the
worship of the saints of God by getting their favorite gospel
artists and worship leaders to steer their attention away
from Jesus Christ, and onto themselves and their own fleshly

Creative types have a unique ability to hear from the spirit

realm and interpret what they're hearing or seeing through
their art. This is why it's important to know the source of
their inspiration. Don't confuse their ability with their
anointing. Those can be two very distinctly different things.

One last story and then I'm done with this subject: I
remember going to church as a kid, and whenever someone
got up to sing a solo, the elder church folk would say things
like “Let the Lord use you honey.” They said this because in
their wisdom they knew the person could just as easily let a
demon use them instead of being used by God. So they
encouraged the soloist to channel the power of God for a
powerful heavenly impact on the listeners.

It's time to purge your hearts and ears saints. This message
won't be for everyone, because not everyone who calls
himself or herself a believer really is one.

Jesus said "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will
enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the
will of my Father who is in heaven." [Matthew 7:21]

This message is for those who truly desire to walk upright

and live in such a manner that truly pleases our Heavenly

If you have a strong addiction to listening to demonically

inspired music...and remember our test from's
time to purge your musical playlist. This is an important step
in walking upright before God.
118 | P a g e
We're about to enter a phase in our world where darkness
and sin will sweep this earth like never before.

God is allowing sin and demonic influence to increase

because the time is near for Him to return and bring an end
to Satan's reign of terror.

He's separating His sheep from Satan's goats. And all those
who are still tinkering and tampering with sin will find it
more difficult than ever to pull away. The sin you hold onto is
the one that will destroy you. So don't be destroyed by sin:
cast it out!

Go through your musical tastes and playlist. And do this

prayerfully with all the honesty you can muster. As you
honestly assess each artist you enjoy listening to and their
music, ask yourself some simple questions:

What does this music inspire me to do? Am I influenced by

this artist and their music to read my bible more, pray more,
go to church more, abstain from sexual sin and walk in
holiness? Or is it influencing me to think more about myself
and my own fleshly desire for worldly and sensual

Be totally honest and transparent. Pray and ask God by His

Spirit to help you remove any and all influence from your life
that does not match what His ideal for you is. He'll help you
if you sincerely want His help.

119 | P a g e

Have you ever heard of something called The Devil's Chord?

The Devil's Chord is a specific tone in music that when played

tends to evoke feelings of foreboding, confusion, anger and
even fear in its listener.

It's a purposely non-harmonious sound that doesn't quite fit

in with the nature of the song that's being played. But when
it's added it produces a temporary break from the harmony
of the song, thus allowing a temporary feeling of confusion
or bewilderment to fall upon the listener.

This temporary break is what's commonly referred to as the

Devil's Chord in music.

The devil's chord also goes by many other names and

monikers such as the flatted fifth, the devil's interval, Satan's
fifth, and most commonly referred to as the tritone. It was
such a despised sound that it was banned from being played
during worship music by monks in the Middle Ages. But it
found a revival of sorts during the age of jazz music, and still
remains very popular in modern jazz.

Why is it called the Devil's Chord? Because it created

disharmony and confusion when played. But it also has a far
more diabolical purpose for being added into music.

Whenever Satan gets ready to destroy a generation, he

always does it through a new form of music.

Satan just introduces a new musical genre and uses that as a

trojan horse into the minds of the generation he's seeking to
poison. He never changes his tactics.

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Even though Satan lost his place in heaven, Satan never lost
his ability to influence others through music. One of the
devil's most powerful weapons used to mislead souls and
damn them for eternity is music. Which brings us back to jazz

Jazz music came to prominence just prior to the 1920's in

America. It literally swept not only America, but the entire
planet with its dissonant sounds and bluesy melodies. It was
also blamed for being the music that started a severe decline
in American morals: as if America's morals weren't already
low to begin with.

The Roaring Twenties with its carefree lifestyle, it's

experimentation with alternative forms of sexuality, drugs,
movies, its casual approach to sex and massive consumption
of alcohol that eventually gave way to Prohibition was all
born from this new age of Jazz music that spread like wildfire
across the world.

It's not surprising that jazz music also heavily used the Devil's
Chord in its music: music that was rumored to be so
powerfully wicked, it could get an otherwise good girl raised
with strong biblical morals to cast those morals aside and
become a wanton vixen capable of doing the most
unthinkable acts of unrestrained sexuality, when under the
influence of that sound.

121 | P a g e
Image: Ragtime music was a precursor to Jazz music (1895-1918). Notice the
shadow of the Devil in the background.

I often wonder how many people from that jazz era lost their
lives and souls: due to a culture that was built from a sound
that heavily utilized those three chords known as the devil's
chord. The jazz culture caused alcohol to flow so freely that
new laws were needed to restrict the flow of liquor, that was
wrecking-havoc on American families. Along came
Prohibition laws; which gave birth to a new era of gangsters,
bootleggers and America's mafia.

Not only did illegal liquor flow; but blood also flowed in the
streets of America as gangsters battled for control of the

122 | P a g e
lucrative illegal sale and manufacturing of alcohol. This was
the era of Al Capone, Bugsy Sigel, Lucky Luciano, Meyer
Lansky, Nucky Thompson, Bumpy Face Johnson, Bonnie and
Clyde, and numerous other gangsters: some big, some small.

It's also interesting that during this period of American

history, Jim Crow and lynchings were at an all-time high.

One would think that the influence of jazz music, born in the
African American community, would've had the opposite
effect and caused white Americans to become more
integration-minded towards blacks. After all: the races co-
mingled at jazz clubs throughout the nation, at least as far as
the bands were concerned. But that was not to happen.

More black people were lynched and disenfranchised during

this period than at any other time prior in US history. This
was the time when Black Wall Street was burned to ashes in
Tulsa (1921); Rosewood and its entire black community was
wiped out (1923), the Red Summer of 1919 that saw dozens
of black communities destroyed by racists and untold
numbers of black people were brutally slaughtered without
protection by police or the law; and other events too horrific
to put into words. You can google these events for yourself.

And all this took place with the soundtrack of jazz music
playing in the background, under the influence of the Devil's

But nowhere did the devil's chord find its place in music
more than it did with heavy and death metal music. Now if
you're even remotely familiar with heavy or death metal, you
know it's a very demonically inspired form of music that over
the years has been blamed for being the inspiration behind
ritual killings, acts of cannibalism and necrophilia, mass
school shootings, suicides and many other such inhuman

123 | P a g e
atrocities. The Columbine Shooters were said to have been
influenced to carry out their bloody acts of murder due to
the 'vibes' received from a specific heavy metal artist.

The introduction of the Devil's Chord into heavy metal rock

music is believed to have come about when rock star Ozzie
Osbourne gave his pal Geezer Butler a book of black magic
rituals and spells. Geezer was the lead bass guitarist for a
band he and Osbourne were in together, and also a member
of the rock group Black Sabbath. He had already been
dabbling in the occult at this time due to his strong interest
in the writings of Aleister Crowley: the man who infamously
called himself The Beast 666.

Image: Aleister Crowley (1875-1947); the Beast 666

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But that night after receiving the book on black magic,
everything in his life changed dramatically. As he slept he
had a vision where a dark demonic figure walked into his
bedroom. When he awoke he went to retrieve the book of
black magic, but couldn't find it anywhere. It had
mysteriously disappeared. And the rest as they say, is rock
and roll history.

Geezer Butler became the founder of an entirely new sound

in rock music. After his demonic visitation that night, he
discovered (or re-discovered) the infamous tritone sound:
better known as the Devil's Chord. And once that sound
entered the world of rock music, the modern day genre of
heavy and death metal was born. Along with the deadly
results from that influence.

Untold multitudes of youth have careened over the edge of

eternity into the waiting pits of Hell, thanks to the evil
influence of the demonic tones to be found in much of rock
music. Because Satan always creates a soundtrack for the
generation he wants to destroy.

Which brings us to NOW. The soundtrack for this generation

is undoubtedly 'Hip Hop' music. And just like jazz, heavy and
death metal music, Hip Hop now dominates the hearts and
minds of today's youth. And you'll find the devil's chord
heavy in the bass-laden sounds of today's hip hop music.
Even if you're talking R&B, soul, neo soul, neo jazz and much
of contemporary gospel music: you're still talking about hip
hop. Because its sound is pervasive in just about EVERY type
of music that's out there today.

However, hip hop music has NO place whatsoever in the

church: especially in worship music. I did an interesting
thing: I decided to look up common worship songs and listen
for the devil's chord, to see if it was present in the music. To

125 | P a g e
my utter shock, surprise and horror: not only did I hear the
sound in many popular types of worship music: it wasn't
even well hidden!

We now have the devil's chord, aka Satan's chord: a sound

that has the known ability to evoke DARK feelings in the
listener...playing in today's worship music! Now it is MOSTLY
being used in today's gospel music.

And we wonder why the church has become overrun with

effeminate men, homosexual and lesbian spirits, spirits of
lust, fornication, adultery and promiscuity; and why the
youth, no matter how much they're exposed to churchianity,
can never seem to grasp ahold of true Christianity. The
simple answer is because Satan has literally been
empowered to lead and even take part in our worship music
today. And how on earth can you expect Satan to lead you
into the presence of God???

Remember when Jesus was tempted by the devil in the

wilderness? It's recorded in Matthew chapter 4 and Luke
chapter 4. After several unsuccessful attempts to get Jesus to
commit a sin, Satan takes a completely different approach.
It's recorded in more detail in Luke 4:5-8. Read it when you
get a chance, but I'll just paraphrase it here.

The devil finally comes to Jesus in a moment of extreme

honesty and just flat out says to him:

"Why are we fighting here? I know who you are, you know
who I am. I'll tell you what: why don't we bury the hatchet
now, before this thing gets bloody. I know you came here for
the world's kingdoms. Well take a look at them: see how
beautiful and glorious they are? And guess what: these are
ALL MINE. I can give them to whomever I wish: including
you. So I'll make a deal with you: bow down and worship me.

126 | P a g e
You can still do your Jesus thing, still be the messiah and all
that. Bow down and worship me and me alone, and I'll give
you all this: ALL of it! It'll all be yours. You'll only be
answerable to me and no one else. What do you say to

Do you see what Satan was trying to do here? He was

offering Jesus the chance to still be influential to others; to
still be the messiah, king of kings, lord of lords and all. But he
would do it under satanic influence. Which would've placed
everyone else who ever followed Jesus under Satan's
influence as well: WITHOUT THEM EVEN KNOWING IT.

Think about that the next time you're listening to your

favorite 'secular-gospel' artist: saying scriptural sounding
things, even occasionally dropping the name of Jesus into
their music. But where is their influence really coming from?
It's important to know. Because ultimately you will follow
whoever the person you are following is following!

Satan is a master deceiver. Never underestimate his ability to

trick even the most ardent believer. He tried to trick Jesus:
he'll try you too! And my fear is that many of today's top
Christian music artists have taken Satan's offer. They've
bowed the knee to the devil, unbeknownst to their
followers. And taken the devil's juicy sounding deal.

127 | P a g e
Image: In the occult, symbols are often 'inverted' (turned inside out) in order to
hide their true meaning from the public. This is one such example. This symbol
is an extremely wicked symbol because it is known as the Necromancer Portal:
a doorway that allows demons and other undead things to enter into our world
from their own plane of existence. If you are wearing this symbol, what is going
into you?

You can tell because it's all in their music. Not just in the
devil's chord itself, but also in the influence their music has
over those who follow them. Check the personal lives of
their followers. Does it speak to holy living and being
sanctified from the world: or does it promote a FORM of
godliness without the accompanying power to live a
transformed life?

Some of the nastiest and most belligerent emails, inboxes

and messages I receive come from fans of some of these so-
called gospel artists. I've received all kind of voodoo-type of
pronouncements against me, from people misusing bible
verses to warn me about 'touching God's anointed' and such.
Some of it is comical if it wasn't so sad.

All because I dared to point out that many of these gospel

musicians have used their talents and influence to move
Christians out of the church and more into the world. Their
actions, look and sound speaks to being under the influence
of Satan, not the Holy Spirit. If your "gospel" music can be

128 | P a g e
played in the nightclub as comfortably as it can be played in
church: something's wrong with both your music and the
church that plays it!

That type of music and those who listen to it are under a

different power than the power of Christ. And some of us
who are actually attempting to walk with Christ can tell the

Do some research on the devil's chord. You'll find plenty to

listen to on YouTube, and you'll note how familiar the sound
is in today's gospel and worship music. But most of all, start
the process of removing yourself from being under the
influence of so-called gospel artists who promote satanic,
worldly styles and sounds in their music.

They're not hard to identify. Just check for those who look so
secular in their appearance, you can't tell them apart from a
sensual R&B artist or a rapper who raps about trappin' in
their music. The apple never falls far from its own tree. If it
looks like a duck, quacks like a duck: it's a duck!

But you must ask yourself: what is it about their look and
sound that still appeals to you? Why aren't you turned off or
repulsed in a godly way by what you both see and hear from
these satanically influenced so-called gospel artists? Are you
under the influence of someone who may have bowed their
knee to Satan for fame and fortune? If so, you are under the
influence of Satan too. And it's time to break free, before it's
too late.

Repent and ask Jesus Christ through the power of His Spirit
to purge and clean out your appetite and desire for secular
music. If you're sincere when you ask, He'll do it. But you
must do your part. I suggest purging your musical playlist of

129 | P a g e
any artist who fits the description above. And begin to
strongly edit what you take into your mind-gate via music.

If you surrender even your musical appetite to the Lord, He

will replace those appetites with holy desires after holy
things. You won't lust after Christianity mixed with
worldliness anymore: which is really toxic to your salvation.
Instead you'll have a heart and mind that longs for the things
of God and brings you closer to life, love and fellowship with
our Heavenly Father.

"As a deer thirsts for flowing streams, so thirsts my soul for

you, O God." [Psalm 42:1]

"My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all

times."[Psalm 119:20]

"I open my mouth and pant, longing for your commands."

[Psalm 119:131]

This is the type of thirst God desires for us to have: not

thirsting after secular Christian artists and sounds that war
against your soul. If you're going to be thirsty for anyone: be
thirsty for God!

I'm not saying it'll be easy to change your tastes in music. But
the closer you move towards God, the further away you'll
move from anything that's not like Him. And that's when it
will get easier for you to resist what sounds good to the ear,
but can be deadly to the soul.

130 | P a g e

We live in very interesting times.

I never thought I'd see the day when Christians would go

harder for their favorite gospel music artist than they would
for Jesus!

If they stood tall for Jesus Christ like they do for their favorite
gospel musician, we might actually see a genuine worldwide
revival in our lifetime.

My viewpoint about the gospel music industry seems to start

fires, so I'm going to fan the flames a bit more by saying:

If you know more lyrics to a Lecrae song than you do Bible

scriptures: congratulations, YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN GROUPIE.

If you know the lyrics to Erica Campbell's music but can't

comprehend the book of 1st John yet: YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN
GROUPIE. (Some of you claim to be saved for years and
didn't even know the book of 1st John existed!)

If you've been a believer now for years and know the lyrics to
the song 'Smile' by Kirk Franklin word for word, yet can't find
a book of the Bible without searching for it in the contents
section first: shame on you! YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN GROUPIE.

Why don't you know your way around the Bible by now? Do
you think these gospel artists can save you? Whose words do
you actually value more: theirs or God's? And if you don't
know your Bible because you fail to read it: how can you
know if what these gospel artists are singing is truth from
God, or just a trick of the enemy?

Too many Christians these days tend to wear their

Christianity as a cosmetic. It's surface deep only: but

131 | P a g e
woefully lacks any real genuine substance. To them
Christianity is something that can be changed or altered at
will, to suit their own personal whims.

But this is NOT what Jesus Christ taught or preached. Jesus

taught a simple yet powerful message: "Repent! For God's
Kingdom is now here!"

Jesus' message was not an accommodation of sin. He didn't

care about a person's upbringing, their past or what their
present status in life was. Nor did He care to hear anyone's
excuses when He commanded them to do something. [Luke

Jesus' only concern was getting people to align with His

teachings on righteous living and heartfelt repentance from

Christian groupies love to quote verses like "He that's

without sin cast the first stone." Spoken by Jesus in response
to people who wanted to actually stone a woman to death
who was literally caught with her pants down. [John 8:7]

But these groupies fail to quote what Jesus said to the

woman herself right after rescuing her: "Neither do I
condemn thee (meaning He didn't sentence her to an actual
physical death according to the law. But this next line is the
clincher): GO, AND SIN NO MORE.” [John 8:11]

Here's the thing Christian groupie: warning

you not to sin is not the same as
condemning you for sinning.

Condemnation means someone is actually sending you to

Hell. Only God can condemn. But calling you a sinner for

132 | P a g e
continuing to live in sin, even if you call yourself a believer, is
sound biblical truth.

"Whoever makes a practice of sinning IS OF THE DEVIL, for

the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason
the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the
devil." [1 John 3:8]

"By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who
are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice
righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love
his brother." [1 John 3:10]

You can argue all you want: but you look very suspect when
you find yourself arguing against very clear scriptures, while
yet calling yourself a believer.

It's a bitter pill to swallow: but if you still love sinning, you
are not yet saved.

And maybe that is why you argue so hard for gospel music
artists who look, dress, sing and dance just like secular artists

This is not condemning you. It's actually showing you some

mature brotherly love. Because a person who didn't love you
would just let you continue down your current path without
warning you, and watch you careen over the cliff of eternity
into certain self-destruction.

Anyone or anything that takes your focus off of Jesus Christ

and off of godly living must be treated as an enemy. You
can't play around with worldliness or worldly living once you
become a Christian. The secular world is Satan's domain and
territory. Hanging out with darkness in its own territory
rarely if ever converts the sinner. It typically ends up with the

133 | P a g e
opposite effect, with the saint being the one who gets
converted back into sin.

Those gospel artists who promote worldliness in the name of

God are no different than secular musical artists who do the
same thing.

We've all seen the hip gyrating sex vixen, or the gun toting
'studio killer' who promotes murder and drug dealing get up
at award shows and thank God for their awards. As if God
helped them to make music that leads young kids into
lifestyles of sin, premature sex and death.

These secularized Christian artists are no different. They just

slap a veneer of Christianity over their extra tight dresses
and their disrespectful lyrics: and people in the church who
still love the world gobble that stuff up. To their own hurt
and destruction.

So the first order of business for you is a genuine conversion

experience: one that actually stands the test of time. Don't
be like the seed in Jesus' parable that was sown among the
thorns and got choked out.

Remember the parable about the sower in Matthew chapter

13? In that allegory, Jesus described the four types of
responses people would have to His teachings on holy living,
as being the only path to getting into His kingdom:

"As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who
hears the word, but THE CARES OF THIS WORLD and the
deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and IT PROVES
UNFRUITFUL."― verse 22

This is where the Christian groupies and the worldly artists

they love to listen to come into play. Many of these gospel
music 'stans' are so laden down and burdened with lust and

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other sins, whatever word of God they think they know has
been compromised and made ineffective because of their
unwillingness to completely give their lives over to Jesus

They've become gospel music 'stans': Crazed fanatical

worshipers of someone who strategically keeps them
attached to the cares of this world via the type of music they
put out there.

Then these same individuals wonder why God still hasn't

sent their 'Boaz' yet. They wonder why they still feel
depressed and emotionally empty, even though they claim
to love Jesus with all their heart.

Here's why: It's because you're stuck in an adulterous love

triangle: you, Jesus and your love for worldly things. Now
why on Earth would God bless disloyalty?

"You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with the

world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: IF YOU

An adulterer is someone who cheats on their spouse. In this

case, it would be someone who cheats on God by dipping
and dabbling in sinful worldly things, which God hates.
People want God to give them everything, when they're only
willing to give God a token commitment. This is an all or
nothing faith: you can't get by with making a half-hearted

Bottom line: it's time for you to commit. Be as committed to

Jesus Christ as you are right now to defending your favorite
worldly gospel musician.

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Either ride out with Jesus all the way, or simply get out the
car and deny Him altogether.

But to be lukewarm and straddle the fence is just as wicked

in God's eyes as being married while trying to keep a lover
on the side.

Kick that old flame of Worldliness out of your life for good.
Find you some gospel musical artists who know how to bring
you into the presence of God through their music.

They're not difficult to find. Check if their music inspires you

to want to walk in closer union with the Father: or if it makes
you want to go back to listening to other secular ungodly
artists or songs.

You simply have to WANT to be around the right type of

anointed music, as opposed to listening to music that only
soothes your ache for more hardcore secular music.

I find it interesting that those who argue the most for their
favorite worldly gospel musician, when you go to their social
media pages and check out their musical likes, they're
already mixing the holy with the profane.

So little wonder why they fight so hard for their status of

being a Christian groupie.

To give up Lecrae and Erica Campbell, for instance, would be

the same as them giving up Jill Scott and Drake. And they
ain't even trying to do that!

Instead of settling for a little bit more of Jesus, you need

every last bit of Him you can get. God doesn't want a surface
only “skin deep” commitment. He desires a genuine heartfelt
connection that leads you into a full lifestyle of obedience
and holy living.

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HOLINESS: The Cure for Hedonism

To repent means to break your agreement with sin. It means

to make an allegiance with God Himself, forsaking all others
who stand opposed to His holy ways.

When you repent you reverse the effects of sin. It actually

sends sin into a state of remission. You are declaring war
against Satan and all demonic principalities and dark spiritual

To repent means to switch sides. You're quitting "team

Satan" and joining "team Jesus."

By repenting you are enlisting in Jesus' army, vowing to do all

in your power to be a vessel through which the effects of sin
and Satan can be eternally undone in your life, and in as
many other lives as you can reach.

Repenting comes with a huge set of bonuses: a better, more

enriched lifestyle for the here and now, and in the future
world to come eternal peace, joy and rulership as a king.

"For bodily exercise profits for a little while: but godliness is

profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now
is, and of that which is to come." [1Timothy 4:8]

So why not repent today? Is sin so magnetically addictive to

you that you'll wager both your eternal and present welfare
just to be temporarily entertained by it?

Jesus will win the war against sin. It's inevitable. The
question is: where will you stand when the dust clears? Will
you be standing with team Jesus; or will you have forfeited

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eternal life for momentary pleasures, right along with those
who choose team Satan? Whichever choice you make is
ultimately yours to make alone. I pray that you make the
right choice today.

"As it is said, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden

your hearts as in the rebellion.’" [Hebrews 3:15]


One bowl of soup. That's all it took to cause Essau to lose his
birthright. Just one...bowl...of...soup...

It only took one last look back at the sinful world she was
escaping from, that caused Lot's wife to lose her life. That
one look back cost her every next step forward.

Just one look.

It only took one rebellious act against the commands of God

that cost Achan to lose not only his future: it cost him
everything. Including his family. Just one.

Sin can be devastating! I don’t know why folks, especially so

many Christians like flirting with sin so much. Sin was so
deadly that it cost Jesus His life just to make sure our sins
could be forgiven.

The Bible makes it clear: God hates sin. Hate is a strong

word. But God didn’t want any confusion about how He felt
about it.

There’s nothing cute or innocent about sin. We can see the

devastation that sin causes all around us. And what’s funny

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is: those caught in its grip pretend like they are having so
much fun, while believers in Jesus are missing out.

When really those who are enslaved to sin are miserable to

their core. Because sin is like a vampire that sucks the life
from your soul.

But if you've been carrying a 50 LB weight around for most of

your life, slowly sucking the life out of you, you may not
remember what it felt like to be free. Not until you put that
weight down can you know what REAL freedom feels like.

I can’t help but wonder how many of you reading this are in
danger of forfeiting your future with God, over one little sin
that you refuse to let go of. Or one ungodly relationship. Or
dabbling in one little 'harmless' ungodly thing.

How many of you keep looking back over your shoulder at

the life that Christ saved you from, wishing you could have
one last hurrah?

Don't do it! Sin can be deadly.


You cannot give God a dirty sacrifice. That’s exactly what we

give Him when we live very unclean, unholy lives, and think
it’s good enough for God to accept.

God is a holy God. He's righteous, and He demands a holy


In the story of Cain and Abel, Cain offered God a dirty,

unacceptable sacrifice. His sacrifice was second rate, and
when God refused it, instead of Cain correcting himself and

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doing better, he grew resentful towards God and took it out
on his brother.

I see this a lot today. Folks get angry at others for pulling
their coattails about offering God a dirty, unacceptable
sacrifice with their lives. All because someone dares to tell
them to give God His just due. He who gave His very best
sacrifice for us deserves nothing less than our very best in
return. This isn't even up for debate. It's our reasonable
service to a holy God.

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,

that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service.” [Romans 12:1]

Give God your best today. Stop giving Him your scraps, like
you are doing Him a favor. Maybe the reason why you're not
receiving the very best in life yet is because you are reaping
what you sow. If you give God a thimble full of your life,
don’t get mad when He only measures out a thimble full of
His blessings in return.

Like God told Cain: "If you do right, won't God accept your
sacrifice as well?" Think about it.


Holiness is still right!

We've gotten this whole holiness thing all wrong. Holiness is

a tactical weapon in a spiritual war that all of us have been
thrust into. Holiness is like a type of spiritual armor that
renders you impenetrable to most of Satan's attacks.

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Holiness enables a typical believer to become like a skillful
holiness Jedi warrior. It enables us to tap into that true
Force: the very real power of the Holy Ghost. Without
holiness none of us can see God: 'see' as in understanding
Him as well.

God doesn't make sense to you until you start walking in

holiness. Hence why there are so many weak, sickly,
confused and anemic Christians out there. Their love for the
dark side renders them incapable of being powerful
instruments of God in someone else's life. Instead they
become a stumbling block to the gospel: and do more to hurt
the cause of Christ than to help.

A Christian without holiness is like a shark without teeth: a

cat without claws: a fish without gills. They're like mice with
no squeak: basically helpless, powerless and spiritually
impotent. Satan and his demonic forces make a mockery of
the holy-less believer. Because Satan knows that without
holiness, a person is an easy prey for a ravenous predator.

I challenge you, DARE you even to embrace holy living. Make

it your daily lifestyle. It's not about walking around trying to
look pious. We use to call that 'perpetrating a fraud' when I
was growing up. God hasn't called us to fraudulent living:
He's called us to living an authentic life wrapped up and tied
up in Him.

Holiness is basically the nature of God. When God declared

in his Word 'Be ye holy for I am holy' (1st Peter 1:16) He was
inviting mankind to partake in His very essence. He was
inviting us to wear Him as our own personal armor. Basically
He was weaponizing us to do battle with demonic beings,
and to utterly defeat them here on Earth.

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This can only be done by us living holy. By living in sin we are
rejecting God's nature: therefore we cannot partake in His
power or protection. As the days ahead continue to increase
in darkness, only those who have committed themselves to
living in holiness will have the Light shining brightly in their
part of the world. Their families will be blessed. Their
storehouse will increase. Their health will abound. The rest
will be caught up in the darkness, and find themselves
utterly rejected when they stand before Jesus Christ on that
great and terrible day.

"For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be
able to stand?" [Revelation 6:19] Answer: only those who
stand righteous, holy and blood-washed by God's Lamb:
Jesus Christ.


People keep trying to make Christianity palatable to the

masses. But Jesus was not popular because he was palatable.
He was popular because he was revolutionary!

Christianity was never intended to be popular with the

comfortable crowd. Comfortable people typically reject any
form of progress that involves change or upsetting the
present social order.

Christianity was a revolutionary movement founded by a

revolutionary, who called Himself the very Son of God and
Savior of the world. Talk about having a bold mission

Not only was Jesus a revolutionary: so were his disciples.

One in particular, named Simon the Zealot, was even
somewhat of an anarchist.
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Simon came from a group called the Zealots that pushed for
the absolute overthrow of the Roman state; at a time when
such talk equated to instant death by crucifixion. And they
didn’t just talk the talk: they walked the walk. Zealots were
believed to be among the first known order of ancient
assassins. They wore long robes that concealed their
weapons. And when their target was sufficiently locked in,
they would descend on him, knife him to death, then hide in
the crowd while making their escape.

And yet this guy was personally handpicked by Jesus Himself,

along with 11 other equally dedicated men, to carry the
mission forward during Christ's physical absence.

Paul the great apostle was without doubt a revolutionary.

The book of Acts in the bible attests to this. He started out as
somewhat of a zealot himself: at first aiming his zeal at
eliminating Christianity by any means necessary. He was
even present and part of the conspiracy that murdered
Stephen, the very first Christian martyr.

Even with a background like this, one encounter with Jesus

Christ knocked him from his high horse and helped him see
the Light. And this hot-headed zealot became one of the
greatest champions of the Christian faith in human history.

God didn't stamp out his revolutionary spirit. He harnessed

it, and gave Paul a real cause worth living and dying for. He'll
do the same for you too.

Stop trying to be popular with the Christ-denying, God hating

crew by softening the bite and sting of the gospel message.
The gospel message isn't the latest gossip to be shared at the
women's ice cream social. It's an actual declaration of war
against all that is Satanic, and against all who stand opposed
to the establishment of Jesus Christ’s Kingdom on Earth.

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A message like that is supposed to be confrontational!

Besides: didn't the bible warn us that seeking friendship with

the world equated to becoming God's enemy? [James 4:4]
Why then do you seek to be blacklisted by God in favor of
fake friendships and phony smiles from the devil's crowd?

Stick with being a revolutionary, like Jesus and his disciples:

and you'll attract like-minded individuals who are ready to
advance forcibly in the direction of real change and progress.
Keep seeking the acceptance of the Christ deniers, and don't
be upset when Christ denies you in return.

"So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will

acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but
whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my
Father who is in heaven." [Matthew 10:32-33]


In Biblical times and culture, when a woman was betrothed

(engaged) to a man, she kept herself untouched and
untainted by any other man during the waiting period before
the actual wedding took place.

No other man could date her, woo her, or become betrothed

to her. And certainly no other man could sleep with her. That
was the same as committing adultery: punishable by death.

She belonged to another: and for him only would she

faithfully wait until the day they joined and became one in

This is how Jesus Christ see's the Church. Collectively all

Christians who have turned away from a sinful lifestyle and

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called on the name of Jesus for salvation, are now part of a
collective body who are betrothed to be married to Christ.
Revelation 19 shows us how that wedding ceremony will be.

He's already paid the dowry in the form of His own shed
blood. And now we eagerly await the wedding day, when we
will be joined as one with Christ in holy spiritual matrimony,
forever and ever.

BUT HERE'S THE CLINCHER: we're not married yet! We're

only ENGAGED to be married at this time. This means that at
any given time, if Christ finds out you've been unfaithful to
Him prior to marrying you, He reserves the right to remove
you from becoming His bride. And that means you'll be
assigned a place with sinners in eternal fire.

When we continue to engage in sinful lifestyles AFTER

confessing salvation, when we continue to soil our wedding
garments with the stains of the world, and wrinkle ourselves
with sinful activity, we are essentially stepping out on Jesus
with another man. And by doing so we prove that we are
whores at heart, unfit to marry into God's Kingly Royalty.

We can't shack up with Satan and allow demonic spirits to

run trains on us, thinking Christ will accept us as His holy
bride anyway! What man in his right mind would accept such
a shameful wife for a bride? He will most certainly reject us
instead; and rightfully so. Christ doesn't want Satan's sloppy
seconds! He's expecting a PURE SPIRITUAL VIRGIN that kept
herself unpolluted by the sins of the world.

If you've been confessing to be a Christian and yet still living

in sin, it's time to repent. You need a fresh repentance: and a
deep inner cleansing. You also need to place yourself under
the care of God's Holy Spirit. The role of the Holy Ghost is to
act as the chamberlain over the household of God.

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In royal cultures, a chamberlain’s job was to tend to the
affairs of the King's house. This included both the king's
personal finances, as well as the king's brides. When a
person was betrothed to be married to a king, she wasn't left
to remain in her family's home. She was taken from there
and moved into the king's palace. And there she would be
nurtured, equipped and trained under the watchful care of
the king's chamberlain, to ensure the woman was a worthy
bride for her future husband and king.

The chamberlain oversaw her diet, her exercise and beauty

regimen, her education and training. Basically every aspect
of the future bride's life fell under the care of the
chamberlain. The second chapter of the book of Esther
speaks about how Esther was chosen as a potential bride for
the King of Persia, and placed under the care of the king's

This is the same role the Holy Spirit has in the life of the
Church today. He serves as Christ’s Chamberlain. Again: we
haven't actually married Christ yet. We are only betrothed.
In the meantime, we are placed under the watchful care of
the Holy Spirit, who takes charge of our lives in order to
make us a fit bride for our King. This is what the scripture
meant when it said:

"You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in
the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you.
And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not
belong to Christ." [Romans 8:9 NIV]

This means we are expected to submit our lives to the Holy

Spirit, who will lead us into the type of righteousness and
lifestyle that's acceptable to Christ. And failure to submit
means we have rejected Christ's offer of holy matrimony,

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and chosen instead to enjoy the sinful pleasures of this age
under the watchful eye of Satan and his demons.

Finally, Jesus Himself gave us a wonderful analogy

concerning His return for His bride. It's known as The Parable
of The Ten Virgins, and it's found in Matthew 25. This parable
tells the story of ten virgins who were all betrothed to be
married to a very important guy. Five were called wise, five
were called foolish.

The first thing I want to point out is that these were all
VIRGINS. This means they hadn't been sleeping around. They
kept themselves pure and available to be married. They are
symbolic of believers who have repented and are living a
holy lifestyle. They might attend church faithfully, usher,
deacon, serve food to the homeless, or simply take care of
their families. These are folks who read their bibles, and are
familiar with the things of God.

Yet, five were called wise, five referred to as foolish. What

made the difference? Let's continue and find out.

These ten virgins (Christians) were expecting the groom to

arrive at a certain time. But he didn't show up when they
thought he would. That's very important to our story here,
because Jesus is our groom. And He let it be known that He
wasn't going to return when folks expected Him too.
Basically He was letting us know that His return would be
delayed longer than expected; to the point where many
would get lazy as if He wasn't coming back at all.

In our story, five of the virgins (Christians) thought ahead,

and decided to bring extra oil for their lamps: just in case
they ran out. This is why they are called wise. The other five
did not. Which is why Jesus called them foolish.

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The oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. I quoted a verse earlier
in this chapter from Romans 8:9 that said in part: "if anyone
does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to

And the lamp is symbolic of the Word of God, the Holy Bible.
Psalm 119:105 says: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a
light to my path.” Putting it simply: you need a combination
of both the Word and the Holy Spirit in order to have
adequate light to make it through this dark and evil world.

The Holy Spirit is what enables the Christian to stay alert,

stay prepared and ready to meet Christ upon His return. He
gives us understanding in God’s Word, because the Bible is a
spiritually coded book that can only be unlocked and
decoded with God’s help.

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in
my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your
remembrance all that I have said to you.” [John 14:26]

The Holy Spirit enables us to navigate through the darkness

of sin, so we don’t end up stumbling or falling back into the
ways of sin and destruction. Without enough oil...or putting
it a different way: without enough direct influence of the
Holy Spirit in your life, you too will eventually run dry and fail
to have any extra oil to carry with you when the hour grows

When the groom in the parable didn't show up at the

expected hour, the ladies fell asleep. Then, in the middle of
the night the shout was heard out in the streets: "The groom
is here! Go out and meet him quickly!"

I find it interesting that Jesus chose to describe the time of

His return as being similar to midnight. In other words, when
it's darkest in the world, when sin is running rampant and
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seems to have swallowed the world in absolute darkness,
and when light seems to be a far gone hope that no longer
shines: that's the time to start expecting His return! He said
it right there in this story!

“Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up

and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing
near.” [Luke 21:28 ESV]

I believe He was referring to a time similar to the one we're

living in right now. Darkness seems like its winning. And now
when Christians mention Christ returning, we're met with
mocking, snide remarks, eye rolls and scorn. People think
because His return is delayed, that He's not coming back at
all. But oh, are they in for a rude awakening!

Jesus told us all throughout the New Testament that when

things seem darkest in the world, especially for believers,
that's when He would return. He's coming back to rescue His
people: Jew and Gentile believers, from the clutches of the
enemy. He in fact said:

"And if those days had not been cut short, no human being
would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will
be cut short." [Matthew 24:22].

Yea, things are going to get THAT bad in the world right
before Jesus returns for us! But we're also given the promise
that “the one who endures to the end will be saved."
[Matthew 24:13].

ENDURANCE IS THE KEY. Which is why we must prepare

ourselves for the long haul; not just for the short journey.
Walking with Jesus is a marathon, not a sprint to the finish
line. We have to be prepared at all times. For in such an hour
as you think NOT, the Son of man cometh. [Matthew 24:44]

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Returning to our parable, the ten virgins jumped up when
they heard the call to go out and meet the groom, and
immediately trimmed their lamps. This is noteworthy too,
because all ten of them heard the same call. Again, these
represent the saved folks: those who have given their lives to
the Lord. They all heard the same sound of the trumpet blast
and the shout from the archangel that Paul talks about in 1
Thessalonians 4:16. This is what will signal to the end time
Church worldwide that Christ has finally come back for us.

The virgins who brought extra oil with them had just enough
to provide the right amount of light to help them get to
where the groom was hosting the wedding at. They didn’t
have any to spare. The remaining five virgins trimmed their
lamps too...but no light. To their horror, they were out of oil.

Begging the other ladies to share some of their oil with

them, they were told to basically go buy their own. "No,
because if we share some of our oil, we might run out too.
Go buy your own from the oil-seller down the street!"

The five ladies with no oil left hurried down the street to
purchase more. Meanwhile, the ladies who were better
prepared made their way to the festivities, joined the groom,
and the doors were shut and locked behind them. No one
else could enter and be a part of the wedding.

Finally the remaining five ladies made their way to the party,
having gotten oil for their lamps too...but it was too late.
They banged on the door, pleading to be let inside. But the
groom finally responded to them: "I don't believe I know any
of you. (verses 11-12) He basically rejected their attempts to
get in after the fact, and told them to kick rocks.

This is the danger of not being properly prepared on your

Christian journey. We must exam ourselves often and

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frequently in light of God’s Word, to make sure we are lining
up correctly with His ideal for our lives. Remember: the Holy
Spirit’s job is to make us ready to meet Jesus when He
returns. So let Him do His job in your life! Don’t be like the
five foolish virgins in this story.


who failed to bring extra oil with them weren't necessarily
'bad' ladies. At least not based on our personal definition of
being bad. However, they were lazy. They simply failed to be
ready to meet the Lord at His return. We could even take
liberty and say they were perhaps too lazy to study the Word
of God for themselves and make corrections in their lives, in
order to know what they should do to properly prepare for
the Lord's return. They were too consumed with other things
going on around them, distracted by sin to the point where
they got sidetracked, and forgot to bring extra oil that night.

They got too wrapped up in the cares of this life, just like
Martha did; and in their busy-ness they ended up neglecting
the very Lord who should've been their main focus.
Whatever the case, their oversight was an extremely costly
one. It cost them their very destiny. This is nothing to play
around with!

JESUS IS A VERY INTERESTING GUY. We can learn a lot about

how God thinks just by studying the parables in the Bible,
and by reading His other writings in red. The five foolish
virgins in this story are very similar to the Church of Ephesus.
When Jesus was giving His critique of their performance in
Revelation 2, this is what He had to say concerning this end
time Church:

"I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance
and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have
tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and

151 | P a g e
found them to be false. (Side note: That sounds a lot like
what we’re dealing with today in many churches: all these
self-appointed 'false apostles' running around. But I

“I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my

name's sake, and you have not grown weary. (So far these
sound like wonderful church folks. They’re on point, vigilant,
and watching out for pretend Christian leaders in the church.
They sure put many Christians I know to shame. But let's

"But I have this against you (uh oh) that you have abandoned
the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where
you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If
not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its
place, unless you repent."

This is an important passage of scripture, because it

describes perfectly what made the five virgins with little oil
foolish. They had allowed the cares of this life to
momentarily choke out their focus. They may have even lost
focus but for perhaps a moment.

But that was the wrong moment, and all that it took to miss
out on the one event they had prepared for their entire adult
lives. And since we don't know exactly when Jesus will
return, we have to live in a constant state of complete
readiness. I want to stress: they took their focus off of being
prepared to meet Christ but for a moment.

This is why Jesus is calling the Church of Ephesus to

repentance. Ephesus is you and me. We're the busiest
generation out of any that's ever walked the face of the
planet. We are so easily distracted by cell phones, iPads,
social media, TV, radio, advertisements, books, fashion,

152 | P a g e
money, etc. It is so easy to lose our focus on Christ, because
Satan has provided a bevy of delicious-looking distractions to
keep our eyes wandering from one pleasure to the next.

But we cannot afford to lose our focus! Because the minute

we do could be the very minute when Jesus Christ returns
for His people. And if you're busy chasing after some sinful
pursuit in that moment, or distracted by some other pressing
issue, you could very well miss out on your eternal
inheritance. Yes, it's THAT serious! When Jesus cracks the
sky, that’s not the time to try and start living right.

“Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one
who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous,
still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still
keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My
reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what
he has done.” [Revelation 22:11-12 ESV]

Acts 19 records how the Church of Ephesus began and what

their first works were. They were filled with zeal over turning
from their former involvement with the occult. They got rid
of all their occult paraphernalia. And they were excited
about healing the sick along with casting devils out of
people. They were so devoted to Christ, they gladly burned
millions of dollars’ worth of occult items in a huge bonfire.

And this is the type of devotion Christ is calling us back to.

Have you destroyed your occult items? Do you still hold onto
and read those horoscopes, follow the zodiac signs, and
chart your life based on astrology?

Are you still excited about studying the Word of God; or has
it become dull, drab and boring to you? Do you find prayer to
be a tedious thing? Are you relying on God as your healer: or

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are you really trusting the power of pharmaceutical industry
and your doctors for good health?


you first found salvation. Relive that excitement again. And
get back on track. Be like the five wise virgins and get your
lamps and oil ready. For Christ is soon to return for His bride.
And all found living unworthy will be rejected. Give Him your
all today, and every day that follows. You'll be glad you did.

"For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of

God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for
those who do not obey the gospel of God?" [1 Peter 4:17]

"So that he might present the church to himself in splendor,

without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be
holy and without blemish." [Ephesians 5:27]

"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to

be holy and blameless in his sight." [Ephesians 1:4]

"I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might

present you as a pure virgin to him." [2 Corinthians 11:2]


"You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one
God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they
tremble in terror." [James 2:19]

You ever wonder why demons tremble when they think

about God?

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They tremble because they know a different side to God that
most of us never get to see. They get to see His terrible and
wrathful side.

We rightfully tell others that God is love. This can be found in

scripture. But God is also terrible. And this too can be found
in scripture.

"For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all
the earth." [Psalm 47:2]

"Now, therefore, our God, the great, mighty, and terrible

God, who keeps covenant and mercy..." [Nehemiah 9:32]

"You shall not be frightened by them: for the LORD your God
is among you, a mighty God and terrible." [Deuteronomy

That word 'terrible' means extremely serious; very grim. It

means that God is extremely unpleasant to those who
disobey Him. Basically: God ain't nothing to play with!

It seems contradictory, but really it isn't: God is love to those

who receive His love and kindness. But He's wrathful and
amazingly severe towards those who reject Him.

God is also patient. Which is the only reason why He hasn't

destroyed you or me by now. He's patient because His
tremendous love for humanity doesn't want to see anyone
have to be cut off for rejecting Him.

He doesn't want to give folks that terrible side to His nature.

So He's giving us all space to repent. But that space to repent
has an expiration date stamped on it. And only God knows
when that time is officially up.

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God is a sovereign. For those born under the illusion of a
democracy, understanding how a sovereign works or
operates may be somewhat difficult.

In America we have this illusion that we can 'vote on' who's

the best god for us to follow: or choose not to follow any god
at all. But you don't get to vote on God. God is a King! And
He's God whether you want Him to be or not.

Even if you utterly reject Him and choose not to believe He

exists: it's as futile as refusing to believe the sky exists. He
still remains real. And He still remains God over you too:
which entitles Him to utterly judge and reject you in return:
just like you rejected Him.

It also entitles God to incarcerate you in spirit prison forever:

better known as Hell. Remember the saying 'Only God can
judge me?' Well that's exactly what He'll do: judge you for all
that you've done: particularly if you've refused His love and
rejected the only refuge from His fierce anger that there is:
His Son Jesus Christ.

Those who reject Christ reject salvation. They reject a

commuted spiritual death sentence, and choose instead to
serve out the full term of their just punishment and

They choose to bear the weight of their own sins, because

they didn't allow Jesus to carry those sins for them. And Hell
is where they will be cast: because it's the place they chose
to go to. Again: God does not want anyone to go there!

So do yourself a huge favor: do all in your power to avoid

God's terrible side. God is a Person of extremes. His love is
extreme, beyond measure. But so is His wrath. And God is
storing up His wrath right at this very moment, waiting to
unleash it on those who scoffed and took Him for a joke.
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[Proverbs 1:22-33 ESV]: "How long, O simple ones, will you
love being simple?

How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate

If you turn at my correction, behold, I will pour out my Spirit

to you; I will make my words known to you.

Because I have called and you refused to listen, have

stretched out my hand and no one has heeded, because you
have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my
reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity;

I will mock when terror strikes you, when terror strikes you
like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when
distress and anguish come upon you.

Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will
seek me diligently but will not find me. Because they hated
knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, would
have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof,
therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way, and have their
fill of their own devices.

For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the
complacency of fools destroys them; but whoever listens to
me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of


Contrary to popular belief: Jesus didn't come to have a

passionate love affair with people. That's Americanism. He
came to set the captives free. That's scriptural! [Luke 4:18]

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He also came to make disciples. [Matthew 28:19-20]

The root definition for disciple is the word "discipline." I've

spent time in the military before. And in such a highly
disciplined environment, there is no gentle approach to
discipline. At least not by most definitions.

Gentleness has its place: but it's not during training phase.
The same can also be said about sports. Without discipline a
team falls apart and operates as a collective of individuals
doing their own thing. Which makes them easily beatable by
an opposing team that plays as a disciplined united force.

Could this be the reason for the current highly dysfunctional

state of the American church?

Part of the problem in the church today is we have a lot of

dabblers, but few disciples. And it shows in the lives of many
who claim to be Team Jesus, but live as though they are
actually on Team Beelzebub.

A lot of women tend to want a Jesus who is more like a nice

"guy" friend: someone to romance them, listen to them
babble on incessantly about their problems, someone willing
to chase them, apprehend them and make them feel highly

Just so they can run back into the arms of their abusive
boyfriend (Satan), who'll make them hurt and cry again.

They basically want a 'simp' Jesus.

While all that may be cute, none of it saves from sin or

delivers from demonic oppression. None of that will keep a
soul from burning in Hell's deepest pits. And if you continue
to run back into Satan's arms, sooner or later Jesus is going

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to leave you there. [Galatians 6:7] When that happens, this
will become your reality:

"I have decided to deliver such an one unto Satan for the
destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the
day of the Lord Jesus." [1 Corinthians 5:5]

Jesus didn't come to make you feel comfortable and loved.

He came to establish the rulership of God in the Earth. He
came to reign over mankind as King of kings and Lord of
lords, to subdue devils, put down principalities and powers,
and to plant the flag of Heaven's kingdom in a highly
demonized world. [Colossians 2:15]

Jesus was about getting folks to live sin-free. Like He told the
woman caught in adultery: go your way and sin no more.
[John 8:11] His core message was 'Repent!' [Matthew 4:17;
11Thessalonians: 1:10]

Getting to feel loved and having a comfortable life is just a


In our increasingly narcissist society, we need to be

reminded that Jesus is Lord: not us. He came to teach us to
obey His commandments, not learn how to be our personal
errand boy.

Not only is God compassionate and loving: He's also just and
severe. [Numbers 14:18; Romans 1:18]

And to only speak on one half of His persona without

addressing His other side is dangerous, leaving people with a
false impression of Who God really is.

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I despise weak, tepid, powerless Christianity. Nothing about

Christianity is weak.

God didn't save you to be a weakling who grovels at the feet

of Satan and sin. Christ saved you in order for you to rule
beside Him over everything He has created!

Christians often forget that part of our purpose for being

saved in the first place is to rule!

"And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of

the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the
people of the saints of the Most High; his kingdom shall be
an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and
obey him." [Daniel 7:27]

Part of the promise for receiving Jesus Christ and walking

with Him no matter the cost, is that we get to reign with Him
forever. He shares His throne with us. This encompasses
what eternal life is all about.

"He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me

on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My
Father on His throne." [Revelation 3:21]

We don't get saved just to escape Hell. We get saved to run

things on behalf of Jesus Christ! Who do you think the kings
and lords are that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords

Those other kings and lords are YOU!

But you won't be able to rule as a king if you cannot even

rule your own flesh.

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"Outside are dogs, sorcerers, SEXUAL SINNERS, murderers,
idolaters, and all who lie in what they say and what they do."
[Revelation 22:15 ESV]

I'm tired of hearing so-called believers use their personal

weaknesses as an excuse to live in sin, and do nothing about
it. They BORE me.

I desire to link up with go-getter Christians: folks who know

their power, are on a mission to live right, and who refuse to
allow some lowly demon or some goofy fleshly hang up to
prevent them from accessing God's best. I want to link up
with believers who are truly ready to REIGN!

Notice in the passage of scripture that mentions that we

wrestle not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), it also
mentions what we do wrestle against: principalities, powers,
rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness
in HIGH places. These are demonic and fallen angelic spirits
of extremely high rank.

Notice how it nowhere says that we wrestle against sin? And

note how the rank of our spiritual opponent is higher than a
mere demon of lust, or a meager demon operating through a
co-worker who's making your life on the job difficult?

In other words: We deal with the top dogs: because through

Jesus Christ we are now the top spiritual rulers on this
planet. We get to crush ALL devils under our feet! And it's
time you as a Christian recognized it.

It all starts with ruling over your own flesh, and the sin your
flesh desires to partake in. Putting it a different way: How
can you rule over high ranking demons, when you can't even
rule over your desire to commit sin?

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The world doesn't avoid Christianity because the church

lacks love. The world avoids Christianity because the church
has been lacking POWER!

Why do you think so many Christians are gravitating towards

yoga as a form of healing? Shouldn't they be trusting in the
healing power of Jesus Christ, instead trusting in the healing
power of the Hindu god Shiva???

Our modern day Christianity has become so weak and

anemic that we've substituted the genuine dynamic life
changing power of God for soft sentimentality that we
mistakenly call love.

Modern Christians have adapted a policy of live and let live,

judge not, and he without sin is the only one who can speak
against it. And this is the main reason why sin like a virus has
infiltrated the church and rendered much of it spiritually
diseased and sinfully contagious.

We've grown spiritually fat, lazy and impoverished: but you

can't tell most of us that. Those words seem too harsh for
many to stomach. They'll accuse me of being unloving and
not very Christian-like for even writing these truths.

I'll write them anyway.

Because I've come to realize that the only thing that rescues
sinners from Hell is the power of God. Not woo-woo mushy
talk about how loved someone is.

Love is a beautiful revelation: but it doesn't get the job done.

It has to be coupled with power in order to effect a change.

Here's a simple formula for Christians to remember:

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The love of God is demonstrated through the power of God.
If you lack the ability to demonstrate His power, you cannot
convince the world of His love.

It's just that simple.

People don't believe our testimony about Jesus' resurrection

because we lack the power of His resurrection. So I implore
you today if you are indeed a Christian to go deeper in God.

Quit scratching around on the surface like a bunch of

scrawny pigeons pecking around for crumbs on the curb.
Your aim should be to soar for greater heights like the
majestic eagle!

The moment you decided to become a believer you just

declared war on Satan.

When you confessed Jesus as Lord, you denied Satan as lord.

When you believed that God raised Jesus from the dead, you
believe He now holds power over life and death, hell and the
grave: not the devil.

When you got born again, you basically switched sides.

The preaching of the gospel is a declaration of war against

the power of darkness. Every demon in or out of hell became
your instant enemy. And that's why the battle began.

Jesus didn't leave us here without power though. He gave us

the greatest power available to mankind: the right to use the
authority of Jesus Christ, and the ability to use the same
power that Jesus used when He went around destroying the
works of darkness.

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It's time to seek God for His power so that you can confront
and defeat the demonic forces that are holding your family
and neighbors hostage against salvation.

And only God's power can do that.

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Thank you for reading, please
leave a REVIEW

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Mack is the author of several books including:

• Diva Goddess Queen

• Jesus the Millionaire
• Sexy and Still Single
• Sexy Is Not Enough

Mack’s active readership―in addition to the United

States―spans all over the world in places such as South
America, Africa, India, Israel and New Zealand: receiving
countless testimonials about the lives transformed through
his books and articles.

Get Mack’s books at:

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