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hereby declares that the certifrcation assessment has demonstrated that

MALDI Biotyper@
MBT microflex LTISH / MBT smart I MBT sirius one / MBT sirius
Complete Soluiion for the confirmation oí Listerla spp. and Listeria fionocytogenes

Manufactured and supplied by:

Bruker Daltonik GmbH
Fahrenheitstra9e 4
D-28359 Bremen

has been validated and revealed to be at least equivalent to the reference method as demonstrated by the
validation study report. The summary of the validation report is available on the MrcroVal website:

Reference methods:
1. 150 1 129A-1 {2A17): Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection and
enumeration of Listeria monocyfogenesand olher Íísteria spp. * Part 1:detection method;
2. ISO 1 179A-2 {2017): Microbiology of the food chain - Horizontal method for the detection and
enumeration of Listeria manocytogenesand olher Listerla spp. - Part 2: enumeration method.

Scope: Confirmation aÍ Lísteria spp. and Listeria monocytogenesfrom rolonies isolated on Ottaviani &
Agosti Agar, Palcam, Oxford, Modified Oxford and RAPID'1. mono. and any non-selective nutrient agars

The validatíon and certification has been performed in accordance with ISO 1614A-62019 and the
MicroVal Ruies and Certification Scheme version 8.

Certificate no. 201 71R75 First approval date: 26 April 2018

Surveillance date: 25 February 2021
Expiry date: 25 April2022

ISSUED BY: Lloyd's Register Nederland B.V.

Rotterdam, The Netheriands

Certificate no.: 201 71R75 26-42-2021 Page 1 of 1

K.P. v.d. Mandeleiaan 41a 3062 MB Rotterdam. ïhe Netherlands. Kvk nr.: 24241948

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