Reaction Paper: Chapter Iii - Establishing Corporate Direction

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ENGAÑO Section: 9975


If you will travel without knowing your destination, will you be able to arrive on the
place that you desire? Obviously no. Everyone needs to know their direction, in order to arrive
the location or goals in life that they really wanted. This is also similar to organizations,
businesses, institutions or entities. They have to establish direction in order reach their purpose
that they wanted. Direction is what navigates the corporation or business to their dream which is
to become successful, in general. Accordingly, corporation is determined by vision, mission,
business definition, objectives, goals, strategies, and tactics.
Vision answers of what we can create. If we take a look at an example of a painter. A
painter wants to create a unique image of nature. That’s why she able to create a painting of a
beautiful forest, with many people utilizing it, in one picture. The painter was satisfied after she
saw what she created and she display her painting in her gallery. So, the painter successfully
created a painting coinciding with her vision. Do you think the painter will be able to create
successfully her picture if she did not focus her desire of what painting she would like to create?
Surely no. She may be able to create a painting but she will not be satisfied. That is why vision is
really important to establish in order for the organization will not just be satisfied but as well as
to be successful.
Apparently, vision is together with mission. Mission answers the questions such as what
is our business. If we take a look of the illustration of the painter, the painting that she displays in
the gallery which is the forest may give peace and serenity for the viewers who will see it. Thus,
the mission of the painter is to provide peace and serenity for the owner who will buy it or for the
viewers who can see it. If we able to compare the illustration in an organization, the mission of
the organization must be able to bring good behavior or character both inside or outside of the
entity in order that the vision will have its purpose.
The objective is also important to attain by an organization especially in making the
vision and mission of it. It serves as the guide in establishing a vision and mission. Also the
business definition, objectives, goals, strategies and tactics is crucial for an organization to be
Through this determinants, I able to strengthen my core or foundation about a corporation
or an organization. Because of that, I am so happy and overwhelmed of what I learned about this
corporate direction.
Hence, establishing corporate direction is needed for an organization because without it, a
business will not be able to identify its own. Once these are identified, the corporation can
proceed to its strategies, processes or procedures, in order to realize those determinants. Thus,
corporate direction as well its determinants is significant in achieving the desire of a business or

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