Advertisement Are Not Misleading

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Advertisement are not misleading

The phrase of advertisement are not misleading are really not a

truth. By being a consumer in a world of diverse products and services, it
has given them a wide range of choices. A product may be produced by
different companies and has the same function, but it is presented to the
consumers in different forms. In order to differ from each other, companies
use the help of advertising to present its product in a better way than their
competitors’. However, advertising the product is becoming more crucial
than the product itself. The companies or service owner started to faking
about advertisement because they want more profit, compete with other
companies or services and get more loyal costumer.
First and foremost , the owners or sellers of the product or services are
only want to make more profit by mislead the advertisement of their
product. It is because they want to get back the advance amount they put to
start their business or services as soon as possible. This type of owner or
seller are not care about the quality of product or service they been
provided which may harmful to consumers as consumers are blindly
believe the advertisement. For example, owner or seller hide the negative
effects of their products or services so that they can entrust the consumer
and get profit by it. The consumer who did not do some investigation of
the products or services which been advertised ,they just straight away buy
them and feel regret after use it. As a owner or seller they should not
depend on their profit while must concern about the consumer’s desire to
be fulfilled.

Next, the owners or seller want to compete with other since there’s a lot
of companies or services provide same functioned product. To get the
consumer’s attention , they just advertise the false information of their
products and services so that the consumers will believe about their
products and services and continue buy it. The owners want their
companies to be number one among others. To achieve that state they
simply deceive the consumers with misleading information of
advertisement . For example, the owners might cheat about the real side
effects, ingredients and process of making of their products in
advertisement to get more costumers. Competition between companies be
the reason to advertisement misleading.
Then , the owners or sellers want to have more new and loyal costumers
to make their brand popular among others. They make their old costumer
who already using their products or services to be loyal to their products by
showing more about products via advertisement , so that they will get a lot
more permanent costumers who will not going to questioned about the
product’s quality , appearance ,side effects, and worth. It will encourage
the companies to achieve their monthly target. Employee will pay their
employers as much as they achieve their target because employee will feel
hesitate to take out their own money and much more depend on income of
companies . Cause of advertisement misleading because owner want to
make their products to be label as well-known brand or services.

In conclusion , advertisement are very important to every business or

service , so that the consumer will get more information about it and get
some idea to consume such products and services. But the one thing that
every owner must know is the veracity of the information which given to
consumers. It is because as a consumer, they have all the rights to knew
every single information of the products and services. Maybe the factual
advertisement can gain more consumer as every owners want.

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