Activity On Values Education

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Name: Lorenz Joy Berto Course& Year: BSA 1A-1YR

1. Describe an incident or event from which you learned a lesson “the hard way”.
Breaking the rules sometimes. We follow rules so that things are in order and no one is
disturbed unnecessarily. This is true in case of traffic and other company rules but when it
comes to our life, there are some rules made by people who are scared to do something apart
from their routine and therefore they made rules to prevent others doing so. But when time
passes by and I think I am not being directed towards my goals and these so called rules that are
my biggest obstacles, so I BREAK THEM. Sometimes, we need to be bold and act courageously.
After all, life lessons are always learned the hard way. However, if I am smart enough to learn
early and wish not to waste my precious time learning them the hard way, I will learn them now
and I will apply it to my life as soon as possible.
2. Who has been most important in your life in helping you establish your values? Please explain.
Of course my mom, she is been a best inspiration of mine. Since I was a kid I don’t know
much about my father because he died when I was four years old. Only my mom will encourage
me more to do in my life. For her I should never give up from the task at least I have to try my
best. The value of life I am learning daily from her, how much struggles she has crossed up. She
taught me to handle up at any situation, focus your dream and chase behind it, her words to me.
You may have many ups and downs the thing is keep going never give up on any situation. Live
the life what we have! Help others! Keep our surrounding always with happiness! And enjoy
each and every moment in your life.

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