Saints Refers To All Christians Who Are Made Holy by Baptism

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Good Day!

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

Communion of Saints


Saints refers to all Christians who are made holy by Baptism.

The communion of saints is a “communion,” a union, a common bond, a profound
connection, a great fellowship — shared among the “saints,” the holy ones, the
Christian faithful, those who are filled with grace, members of the one body with Christ
as the head.

The baptized all form one body and the good of each is shared by all. "Because Christ
(the Church's most important member) is the head, his riches are given to all the
members through the sacraments" (St. Thomas Aquinas).
The Church has all her riches in a "common fund." Her two-fold communion is both "in
holy things" and "among holy persons." "God's holy gifts for God's holy people"
(Elevation Proclamation in Eastern liturgies).

Five Communions (949-953)

The disciples "devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the
breaking of the bread, and the prayers" (Acts 2:42).

There are five Communions:

1. Communion in the faith - This faith of the Church was received from the
2. Communion of the sacraments - Sacraments, especially Baptism, link all the
faithful to each other and to Christ. The word "communion" "is especially "suited
for the Eucharist which brings about this communion" (Roman Catechism).
3. Communion of charisms - These are "manifestations given by the Spirit for the
common good" (1 Cor 12:7).
4. Communion of common goods - Whatever a Christian has is really possessed in
common with everyone else.
5. Communion in charity - "If one members suffers, all suffer together; if one
member is honored, all rejoice together" (1 Cor 12:26).

Three States of the Church (954-956)

The communion of saints is the Church” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 946). It
has three states or divisions, the communion of saints of the living, those who are still
on their pilgrim journey on earth; and the communion of saints of the dead or the
faithful departed, some of whom are being purified, those in purgatory, and the ones
who are enjoying eternal glory in the presence of God, those in heaven (Catechism, No.

Church Militant comprises all the living.

All of us who are still on earth, still witnessing to our faith and striving to fight evil and
do what is pleasing to God.

Saints in Heaven (957-958) Church Triumphant

The saints in heaven establish the whole Church in holiness. Their merits are offered
through Christ, the one Mediator. By their concern, our weaknesses are helped.

"Do not weep, for I shall be more useful to you after my death" (St. Dominic).

"I want to spend my heaven in doing good on earth" (St. Therese of Lisieux).

Our union with the saints in heaven joins us to Christ. "We love the martyrs. May we
also be their companions and fellow disciples" (Martyrdom of Polycarp).

Souls in Purgatory (959) The Church Pernitent or Expectant

The Church has always had great respect for the dead. "It is a holy and wholesome
thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins" (2 Macc 12:45).
By our prayers, we help them and make their intercession for us effective.

SIMPLY put . The COS is the the Spiritual communion of All Christians, the living and
the dead.

Each of us contributes to thee good of all and shares in the welfare of all, most
especially through prayer and good work
Ask the prayer of those who are in heaven.

In turn we pray for our beloved dead and those who are in purgatory so they may be
purified and they may be worthy to enter the happiness and the glory of heaven so
when they finally enter eternal bliss they may also pray for us.

We do not worship or adore the Saint or hold them equal to God. We give them respect
and ask them to pray for us.

Let us pray to the Saint especially to San Lorenzo Ruiz, St. Pedro Calungsod Venerable
Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, to guide and inspire to live a life that is most pleasing to
God, sothat one day we will live together in the glory of Heaven.

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