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Antimicrobial Agents;
Disinfectants, Antiseptics,
& Sterilants
Camille E. Beauduy, PharmD, &
Lisa G. Winston, MD*


A 56-year-old man is admitted to the intensive care unit of clinically stable. Clostridium difficile infection is confirmed
a hospital for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia. by stool testing. What is an acceptable treatment for the
He receives ceftriaxone and azithromycin upon admission, patient’s diarrhea? The patient is transferred to a single-bed
rapidly improves, and is transferred to a semiprivate ward room. The housekeeping staff asks what product should be
room. On day 7 of his hospitalization, he develops copi- used to clean the patient’s old room.
ous diarrhea with eight bowel movements but is otherwise

■■ METRONIDAZOLE, results in products that accumulate in and are toxic to anaerobic

cells. The metabolites of metronidazole are taken up into bacterial
FIDAXOMYCIN, RIFAXIMIN, DNA, forming unstable molecules. This action occurs only when
MUPIROCIN, POLYMYXINS, & metronidazole is partially reduced, and, because this reduction
usually happens only in anaerobic cells, it has relatively little effect
URINARY ANTISEPTICS on human cells or aerobic bacteria.
Metronidazole is well absorbed after oral administration,
METRONIDAZOLE is widely distributed in tissues, and reaches serum levels of
4–6 mcg/mL after a 250-mg oral dose. It can also be given
Metronidazole is a nitroimidazole antiprotozoal drug (see
intravenously. The drug penetrates well into the cerebrospinal
Chapter 52) that also has potent antibacterial activity against
fluid and brain, reaching levels similar to those in serum. Met-
anaerobes, including Bacteroides and Clostridium species. Metro-
ronidazole is metabolized in the liver and may accumulate in
nidazole is selectively absorbed by anaerobic bacteria and sensitive
hepatic insufficiency.
protozoa. Once taken up by anaerobes, it is nonenzymatically
Metronidazole is indicated for treatment of anaerobic or mixed
reduced by reacting with reduced ferredoxin. This reduction
intra-abdominal infections (in combination with other agents
with activity against aerobic organisms), vaginitis (trichomonas
The authors thank Henry F. Chambers, MD and Daniel H. Deck, infection, bacterial vaginosis), Clostridium difficile infection, and
PharmD, for their contributions to previous editions of this chapter. brain abscess. The typical dosage is 500 mg three times daily orally

896    SECTION VIII  Chemotherapeutic Drugs

or intravenously (30 mg/kg/d). Vaginitis may respond to a single Staphylococcus aureus. Mupirocin inhibits staphylococcal isoleucyl
2-g dose. A vaginal gel is available for topical use. tRNA synthetase. Low-level resistance, defined as a minimum
Adverse effects include nausea, diarrhea, stomatitis, and inhibitory concentration (MIC) of up to 100 mcg/mL, is due to
peripheral neuropathy with prolonged use. Metronidazole has a point mutation in the gene of the target enzyme. Low-level resis-
disulfiram-like effect, and patients should be instructed to avoid tance has been observed after prolonged use. However, local con-
alcohol. Although teratogenic in some animals, metronidazole has centrations achieved with topical application are well above this
not been associated with this effect in humans. Other properties MIC, and this level of resistance does not lead to clinical failure.
of metronidazole are discussed in Chapter 52. High-level resistance, with MICs exceeding 1000 mcg/mL, is due
A structurally similar agent, tinidazole, is a once-daily drug to the presence of a second isoleucyl tRNA synthetase gene, which
approved for treatment of trichomonas infection, giardiasis, is plasmid-encoded. High-level resistance results in complete loss
amebiasis, and bacterial vaginosis. It also is active against anaero- of activity. Strains with high-level resistance have caused hospital-
bic bacteria, but is not approved in the USA for treatment of associated outbreaks of staphylococcal infection and colonization.
anaerobic infections. Although higher rates of resistance are encountered with extensive
use of mupirocin, most staphylococcal isolates are still susceptible.
Mupirocin is indicated for topical treatment of minor skin
FIDAXOMICIN infections, such as impetigo (see Chapter 61). Topical application
over large open areas, such as pressure ulcers or surgical wounds,
Fidaxomicin is a narrow-spectrum, macrocyclic antibiotic that is is an important factor leading to emergence of mupirocin-resistant
active against Gram-positive aerobes and anaerobes but lacks activity strains and is not recommended. Mupirocin temporarily elimi-
against Gram-negative bacteria. Fidaxomicin inhibits bacterial pro- nates S aureus nasal carriage by patients or health care workers, but
tein synthesis by binding to the sigma subunit of RNA polymerase. results are mixed with respect to its ability to prevent subsequent
When administered orally, systemic absorption is negligible but fecal staphylococcal infection. Patients most likely to benefit from
concentrations are high. Fidaxomicin has been approved by the decolonization are those undergoing orthopedic or cardiothoracic
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment for procedures.
C difficile infection in adults. It is as effective as oral vancomycin and
may be associated with lower rates of relapsing disease. Fidaxomicin is
administered orally as a 200 mg tablet twice daily for 10 days. POLYMYXINS
The polymyxins are a group of basic peptides active against Gram-
RIFAXIMIN negative bacteria and include polymyxin B and polymyxin E
(colistin). Polymyxins act as cationic detergents. They attach to
Rifaximin is a derivative of rifampin. It is active against Gram- and disrupt bacterial cell membranes. They also bind and inacti-
positive and Gram-negative aerobes and anaerobes. Rifaximin vate endotoxin. Gram-positive organisms, Proteus sp, and Neisseria
inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the beta sub- sp are resistant.
unit of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. When administered Owing to their significant toxicity with systemic administra-
orally, systemic absorption is <0.5%, but fecal concentrations tion (especially nephrotoxicity), polymyxins were, until recently,
are high; following a three day course for travelers’ diarrhea, the largely restricted to topical use. Ointments containing polymyxin
fecal concentrations were 8000 mcg/g. Rifaximin was originally B, 5000 units/g, in mixtures with bacitracin or neomycin (or
approved by the FDA for the treatment of travelers’ diarrhea, both) are commonly applied to infected superficial skin lesions.
and it is now used in the management of hepatic encephalopathy, Emergence of strains of Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas
irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, and, occasionally, as an aeruginosa, and Enterobacteriaceae that are resistant to all other
adjunct in cases of recurrent or refractory C difficile infection in agents has renewed interest in polymyxins as parenteral agents for
adults. Typical doses of rifaximin range from 200 mg to 550 mg salvage therapy of infections caused by these organisms.
administered orally twice to three times daily depending on the
indication. Unlike other rifamycins, rifaximin is not thought to
be associated with cytochrome-P450-mediated drug interactions URINARY ANTISEPTICS
due to its limited absorption.
Urinary antiseptics are oral agents that exert antibacterial activ-
ity in the urine but have little or no systemic antibacterial effect.
MUPIROCIN Their usefulness is limited to lower urinary tract infections.
Mupirocin (pseudomonic acid) is a natural substance produced by
Pseudomonas fluorescens. It is rapidly inactivated after absorption, Nitrofurantoin
and systemic levels are undetectable. It is available as an ointment At therapeutic doses, nitrofurantoin is bactericidal for many
for topical application. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; however, P aerugi-
Mupirocin is active against Gram-positive cocci, includ- nosa and many strains of Proteus are inherently resistant. Nitro-
ing methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant strains of furantoin has a complex mechanism of action that is not fully
CHAPTER 50  Miscellaneous Antimicrobial Agents; Disinfectants, Antiseptics, & Sterilants     897

understood. Antibacterial activity appears to correlate with rapid drugs are bactericidal for some Gram-negative bacteria when urine
intracellular conversion of nitrofurantoin to highly reactive inter- pH is less than 5.5.
mediates by bacterial reductases. These intermediates react non- Methenamine mandelate, 1 g four times daily, or methenamine
specifically with many ribosomal proteins and disrupt metabolic hippurate, 1 g twice daily by mouth (in children age 6 to 12 years,
processes and the synthesis of proteins, RNA, and DNA. It is not 500 mg four times daily or twice daily, respectively), is used only
known which of the multiple actions of nitrofurantoin is primarily as a urinary antiseptic to prevent, not treat, symptomatic urinary
responsible for its bactericidal activity. tract infection. Acidifying agents (eg, ascorbic acid, 4–12 g/d) may
There is no cross-resistance between nitrofurantoin and other be given to lower urinary pH below 5.5. Sulfonamides should not
antimicrobial agents, and resistance emerges slowly. As resis- be given at the same time because they may form an insoluble
tance to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and fluoroquinolones compound with the formaldehyde released by methenamine. Per-
has become more common in Escherichia coli, nitrofurantoin sons taking methenamine mandelate may exhibit falsely elevated
has become an important alternative oral agent for treatment of tests for catecholamine metabolites.
uncomplicated urinary tract infection.
Nitrofurantoin is well absorbed after ingestion. It is metabo-
lized and excreted so rapidly that no systemic antibacterial action ■■ DISINFECTANTS,
is achieved. The drug is excreted into the urine by both glo- ANTISEPTICS, & STERILANTS
merular filtration and tubular secretion. With average daily doses,
concentrations of 200 mcg/mL are reached in urine. In renal Disinfectants are chemical agents or physical procedures that
failure, urine levels are insufficient for antibacterial action, but inhibit or kill microorganisms (Table 50–1). Antiseptics are dis-
high blood levels may cause toxicity. Nitrofurantoin is contrain- infecting chemical agents with sufficiently low toxicity for host
dicated in patients with significant renal insufficiency. Traditional cells that they can be used directly on skin, mucous membranes,
recommendations are to avoid use in patients with creatinine or wounds. Sterilants kill both vegetative cells and spores when
clearance <60 mL/min; however, some data suggest short-term applied to materials for appropriate times and temperatures. Some
nitrofurantoin treatment is acceptable in patients with creatinine of the terms used in this context are defined in Table 50–2.
clearance >30 mL/min. Disinfection prevents infection by reducing the number of
The dosage for urinary tract infection in adults is 100 mg potentially infective organisms by killing, removing, or diluting
orally taken four times daily. A long-acting formulation (Macro- them. Disinfection can be accomplished by application of chemi-
bid) can be taken twice daily. Each long-acting capsule contains cal agents or use of physical agents such as ionizing radiation, dry
two forms of nitrofurantoin. Macrocrystalline nitrofurantoin, or moist heat, or superheated steam (autoclave, 120°C) to kill
which has slower dissolution and absorption than nitrofurantoin microorganisms. Often a combination of agents is used, eg, water
monohydrate, constitutes 25%. The remaining 75% is nitrofu- and moderate heat over time (pasteurization); ethylene oxide and
rantoin monohydrate contained in a powder blend, which, upon moist heat (a sterilant); or addition of disinfectant to a detergent.
exposure to gastric and intestinal fluids, forms a gel matrix that Prevention of infection also can be achieved by washing, which
releases nitrofurantoin over time. dilutes the potentially infectious organism.
The drug should not be used to treat upper urinary tract infec- Hand hygiene is probably the most important means of pre-
tion. It is desirable to keep urinary pH below 5.5, which greatly venting transmission of infectious agents from person to person
enhances drug activity. A single daily dose of nitrofurantoin, 100 or from regions of high microbial load, eg, mouth, nose, or gut,
mg, can prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in some women. to potential sites of infection. Alcohol-based hand rubs and soap
Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting are the principal side effects and warm water are used to remove bacteria. Skin disinfectants
of nitrofurantoin. Neuropathies and pulmonary toxicities may along with detergent and water are usually used preoperatively as
occur, particularly with prolonged use or in patients with renal a surgical scrub for surgeons’ hands.
impairment. Hemolytic anemia can occur in patients with Evaluation of effectiveness of antiseptics, disinfectants, and
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Nitrofurantoin sterilants, although seemingly simple in principle, is very complex.
antagonizes the action of nalidixic acid. Rashes, pulmonary infil- Factors in any evaluation include the intrinsic resistance of the
tration and fibrosis, and other hypersensitivity reactions have been microorganism, the number of microorganisms present, mixed
reported. populations of organisms, amount of organic material present (eg,
blood, feces, tissue), concentration and stability of disinfectant or
sterilant, time and temperature of exposure, pH, and hydration
Methenamine Mandelate &
and binding of the agent to surfaces. Specific, standardized assays
Methenamine Hippurate of activity are defined for each use. Toxicity for humans also must
Methenamine mandelate is the salt of mandelic acid and methena- be evaluated. In the USA, the Environmental Protection Agency
mine and possesses properties of both of these urinary antiseptics. (EPA) regulates disinfectants and sterilants and the FDA regulates
Methenamine hippurate is the salt of hippuric acid and methena- antiseptics.
mine. Below pH 5.5, methenamine releases formaldehyde, which Users of antiseptics, disinfectants, and sterilants need to
is antibacterial (see Aldehydes, below). Oral mandelic acid or hip- consider their short-term and long-term toxicity because they
puric acid is absorbed and excreted unchanged in the urine. These may have general biocidal activity and may accumulate in the
898    SECTION VIII  Chemotherapeutic Drugs

TABLE 50–1  Activities of disinfectants.

Bacteria Viruses Other
Gram- Gram- Amebic
  Positive Negative Acid-Fast Spores Lipophilic Hydrophilic Fungi Cysts Prions

Alcohols (isopropanol, HS HS S R S V — — R
Aldehydes (glutaraldehyde, HS HS MS S (slow) S MS S — R
Chlorhexidine gluconate HS MS R R V R — — R
Sodium hypochlorite, chlorine HS HS MS S (pH 7.6) S S (at high MS S MS (at high
dioxide conc) conc)
Hexachlorophene S (slow) R R R R R R R R
Povidone, iodine HS HS S S (at high S R S S R
Phenols, quaternary ammo- HS HS MS R S R S — R
nium compounds
conc, concentration; HS, highly susceptible; MS, moderately susceptible; —, no data; R, resistant; S, susceptible; V, variable.

environment or in the body. Disinfectants and antiseptics may tuberculosis, and many fungi, and inactivating lipophilic viruses.
also become contaminated by resistant microorganisms—eg, The optimum bactericidal concentration is 60–90% by volume
spores, P aeruginosa, or Serratia marcescens—and actually transmit in water. They probably act by denaturation of proteins. They
infection. Most topical antiseptics interfere with wound healing are not used as sterilants because they are not sporicidal, do not
to some degree. Cleansing of wounds with soap and water may be penetrate protein-containing organic material, and may not be
less damaging than the application of antiseptics. active against hydrophilic viruses. Their skin-drying effect can be
Some of the chemical classes of antiseptics, disinfectants, and alleviated by addition of emollients to the formulation. Use of
sterilants are described briefly in the text that follows. The reader alcohol-based hand rubs has been shown to reduce transmission
is referred to the general references for descriptions of physical of health care–associated bacterial pathogens and is recommended
disinfection and sterilization methods. by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the
preferred method of hand decontamination in health care set-
ALCOHOLS tings. Alcohol-based hand rubs are ineffective against spores of
C difficile, and handwashing with soap and water is required for
The two alcohols most frequently used for antisepsis and dis- decontamination after caring for a patient with infection from
infection are ethanol and isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol). this organism.
They are rapidly active, killing vegetative bacteria, Mycobacterium Alcohols are flammable and must be stored in cool, well-
ventilated areas. They must be allowed to evaporate before cau-
TABLE 50–2  Commonly used terms related to tery, electrosurgery, or laser surgery. Alcohols may be damaging if
chemical and physical killing of applied directly to corneal tissue. Therefore, instruments such as
microorganisms. tonometers that have been disinfected in alcohol should be rinsed
with sterile water, or the alcohol should be allowed to evaporate
Antisepsis Application of an agent to living tissue for the before they are used.
purpose of preventing infection
Decontamination Process that produces marked reduction in
number or activity of microorganisms CHLORHEXIDINE
Disinfection Chemical or physical treatment that destroys
most vegetative microbes and viruses, but not Chlorhexidine is a cationic biguanide with very low water solu-
spores, in or on inanimate surfaces
bility. Water-soluble chlorhexidine digluconate is used in water-
Sanitization Reduction of microbial load on an inanimate based formulations as an antiseptic. It is active against vegetative
surface to a level considered acceptable for
public health purposes
bacteria and mycobacteria and has variable activity against fungi
and viruses. It strongly adsorbs to bacterial membranes, causing
Sterilization A process intended to kill or remove all types
of microorganisms, including spores, and usu- leakage of small molecules and precipitation of cytoplasmic pro-
ally including viruses, with an acceptably low teins. It is active at pH 5.5–7.0. Chlorhexidine gluconate is slower
probability of their survival in its action than alcohols, but, because of its persistence, it has
Pasteurization A process that kills nonsporulating microor- residual activity, producing bactericidal action equivalent to alco-
ganisms by hot water or steam at 65–100°C hols. It is most effective against Gram-positive cocci and less active
CHAPTER 50  Miscellaneous Antimicrobial Agents; Disinfectants, Antiseptics, & Sterilants     899

against Gram-positive and Gram-negative rods. Spore germina- to kill bacterial spores. A concentration of 1000–10,000 ppm is
tion is inhibited by chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine digluconate is tuberculocidal. One hundred ppm kills vegetative fungal cells in
resistant to inhibition by blood and organic materials. However, 1 hour, but fungal spores require 500 ppm. Viruses are inactivated
anionic and nonionic agents in moisturizers, neutral soaps, and by 200–500 ppm. Dilutions of sodium hypochlorite made up in
surfactants may neutralize its action. Chlorhexidine digluconate pH 7.5–8.0 tap water retain their activity for months when kept in
formulations of 4% concentration have slightly greater antibacte- tightly closed, opaque containers. Frequent opening and closing of
rial activity than newer 2% formulations. The combination of the container reduces the activity markedly.
chlorhexidine gluconate in 70% alcohol, available in some coun- Because chlorine is inactivated by blood, serum, feces, and
tries including the USA, is the preferred agent for skin antisepsis protein-containing materials, surfaces should be cleaned before
in many surgical and percutaneous procedures. The advantage of chlorine disinfectant is applied. Undissociated hypochlorous acid
this combination over povidone-iodine may derive from its more (HOCl) is the active biocidal agent. When pH is increased, the
rapid action after application, its retained activity after exposure to less active hypochlorite ion, OCl–, is formed. When hypochlorite
body fluids, and its persistent activity on the skin. Chlorhexidine solutions contact formaldehyde, the carcinogen bischloromethyl
has a very low skin-sensitizing or irritating capacity. Oral toxicity is formed. Rapid evolution of irritating chlorine gas occurs when
is low because it is poorly absorbed from the alimentary tract. hypochlorite solutions are mixed with acid and urine. Solutions
Chlorhexidine must not be used during surgery on the middle ear are corrosive to aluminum, silver, and stainless steel.
because it causes sensorineural deafness. Similar neural toxicity Alternative chlorine-releasing compounds include chlorine
may be encountered during neurosurgery. dioxide and chloramine-T. These agents have a prolonged bac-
tericidal action.
Phenol itself (perhaps the oldest of the surgical antiseptics) is
Iodine in a 1:20,000 solution is bactericidal in 1 minute and kills no longer used even as a disinfectant because of its corrosive
spores in 15 minutes. Tincture of iodine USP contains 2% iodine effect on tissues, its toxicity when absorbed, and its carcinogenic
and 2.4% sodium iodide in alcohol. It is the most active antiseptic effect. These adverse actions are diminished by forming deriva-
for intact skin. It is not commonly used due to serious hypersensi- tives in which a functional group replaces a hydrogen atom in
tivity reactions and staining of clothing and dressings. the aromatic ring. The phenolic agents most commonly used
are o-phenylphenol, o-benzyl-p-chlorophenol, and p-tertiary
Iodophors amylphenol. Mixtures of phenolic derivatives are often used.
Iodophors are complexes of iodine with a surface-active agent Some of these are derived from coal tar distillates, eg, cresols and
such as polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP; povidone-iodine). Iodo- xylenols. Skin absorption and skin irritation still occur with these
phors retain the activity of iodine. They kill vegetative bacteria, derivatives, and appropriate care is necessary in their use. Deter-
mycobacteria, fungi, and lipid-containing viruses. They may be gents are often added to formulations to clean and remove organic
sporicidal with prolonged exposure. Iodophors can be used as material that may decrease the activity of a phenolic compound.
antiseptics or disinfectants, the latter containing more iodine. The Phenolic compounds disrupt cell walls and membranes, precipi-
amount of free iodine is low, but it is released as the solution is tate proteins, and inactivate enzymes. They are bactericidal (includ-
diluted. An iodophor solution must be diluted according to the ing mycobacteria) and fungicidal and are capable of inactivating
manufacturer’s directions to obtain full activity. lipophilic viruses. They are not sporicidal. Dilution and time of
Iodophors are less irritating and less likely to produce skin exposure recommendations of the manufacturer must be followed.
hypersensitivity than tincture of iodine. They require drying time Phenolic disinfectants are used for hard surface decontamination
on skin before becoming active, which can be a disadvantage. in hospitals and laboratories, eg, floors, beds, and counter or bench
Although iodophors have a somewhat broader spectrum of activ- tops. They are not recommended for use in nurseries and especially
ity than chlorhexidine, including sporicidal action, they lack its near infants, where their use has been associated with hyperbiliru-
persistent activity on skin. binemia. Use of hexachlorophene as a skin disinfectant has caused
cerebral edema and seizures in premature infants and, occasionally,
Chlorine in adults. It is no longer available in the United States.
Chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and universal disinfectant that
is commonly provided as a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, QUATERNARY AMMONIUM
a typical formulation for household bleach. Because formulations COMPOUNDS
may vary, the exact concentration should be verified on the label. A
1:10 dilution of household bleach (producing a 0.525% concentra- The quaternary ammonium compounds (“quats”) are cationic
tion) provides 5000 ppm of available chlorine. The CDC recom- surface-active detergents. The active cation has at least one long
mends this concentration for disinfection of blood spills. Less than water-repellent hydrocarbon chain, which causes the molecules to
5 ppm kills vegetative bacteria, whereas up to 5000 ppm is necessary concentrate as an oriented layer on the surface of solutions and
900    SECTION VIII  Chemotherapeutic Drugs

colloidal or suspended particles. The charged nitrogen portion viricidal for both lipophilic and hydrophilic viruses. Glutaralde-
of the cation has high affinity for water and prevents separation hyde has greater sporicidal activity than formaldehyde, but it may
out of solution. The bactericidal action of quaternary compounds have less tuberculocidal activity. Lethal action against mycobacte-
has been attributed to inactivation of energy-producing enzymes, ria and spores may require prolonged exposure. Once activated,
denaturation of proteins, and disruption of the cell membrane. solutions have a shelf life of 14 days, after which polymerization
These agents are fungistatic and sporistatic and also inhibit algae. reduces activity. Other means of activation and stabilization can
They are bactericidal for Gram-positive bacteria and moderately increase the shelf life. Because glutaraldehyde solutions are fre-
active against Gram-negative bacteria. Lipophilic viruses are quently reused, the most common reason for loss of activity is
inactivated. They are not tuberculocidal or sporicidal, and they dilution and exposure to organic material. Test strips to measure
do not inactivate hydrophilic viruses. Quaternary ammonium residual activity are recommended.
compounds bind to the surface of colloidal protein in blood, Formaldehyde has a characteristic pungent odor and is highly
serum, and milk and to the fibers in cotton, mops, cloths, and irritating to respiratory mucous membranes and eyes at concen-
paper towels used to apply them, which can cause inactivation of trations of 2–5 ppm. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
the agent by removing it from solution. They are inactivated by Administration (OSHA) has declared that formaldehyde is a
anionic detergents (soaps), by many nonionic detergents, and by potential carcinogen and has established an employee exposure
calcium, magnesium, ferric, and aluminum ions. standard that limits the 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA)
Quaternary compounds are used for sanitation of noncriti- exposure to 0.75 ppm. Protection of health care workers from
cal surfaces (floors, bench tops, etc). Their low toxicity has led exposure to glutaraldehyde concentrations greater than 0.2 ppm
to their use as sanitizers in food production facilities. The CDC is advisable. Increased air exchange, enclosure in hoods with
recommends that quaternary ammonium compounds such as exhausts, tight-fitting lids on exposure devices, and use of protec-
benzalkonium chloride not be used as antiseptics because several tive personal equipment such as goggles, respirators, and gloves
outbreaks of infections have occurred that were due to growth may be necessary to achieve these exposure limits.
of Pseudomonas and other Gram-negative bacteria in quaternary Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) is a phenolic dialdehyde chemi-
ammonium antiseptic solutions. cal sterilant with a spectrum of activity comparable to glutaralde-
hyde, although it is several times more rapidly bactericidal. OPA
solution typically contains 0.55% OPA. Its label claim is that
ALDEHYDES high-level disinfection can be achieved in 12 minutes at room
temperature compared with 45 minutes for 2.4% glutaraldehyde.
Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde are used for disinfection or Unlike glutaraldehyde, OPA requires no activation, is less irritating
sterilization of instruments such as fiberoptic endoscopes, respira- to mucous membranes, and does not require exposure monitoring.
tory therapy equipment, hemodialyzers, and dental instruments It has good materials compatibility and an acceptable environmen-
that cannot withstand exposure to the high temperatures of steam tal safety profile. OPA is useful for disinfection or sterilization of
sterilization. They are not corrosive for metal, plastic, or rubber. endoscopes, surgical instruments, and other medical devices.
These agents have a broad spectrum of activity against microor-
ganisms. They act by alkylation of chemical groups in proteins
and nucleic acids. Failures of disinfection or sterilization can SUPEROXIDIZED WATER
occur as a result of dilution below the known effective concentra-
Electrolysis of saline yields a mixture of oxidants, primarily hypo-
tion, the presence of organic material, and the failure of liquid to
chlorous acid and chlorine, with potent disinfectant and sterilant
penetrate into small channels in the instruments. Automatic cir-
properties. The solution generated by the process, which has been
culating baths are available that increase penetration of aldehyde
commercialized and marketed as Sterilox for disinfection of endo-
solution into the instrument while decreasing exposure of the
scopes and dental materials, is rapidly bactericidal, fungicidal,
operator to irritating fumes.
tuberculocidal, and sporicidal. High-level disinfection is achieved
Formaldehyde is available as a 40% weight per volume solu-
with a contact time of 10 minutes. The solution is nontoxic and
tion in water (100% formalin). An 8% formaldehyde solution
nonirritating and requires no special disposal precautions.
in water has a broad spectrum of activity against bacteria, fungi,
and viruses. Sporicidal activity may take as long as 18 hours. Its
rapidity of action is increased by solution in 70% isopropanol. PEROXYGEN COMPOUNDS
Formaldehyde solutions are used for high-level disinfection of
hemodialyzers, preparation of vaccines, and preservation and The peroxygen compounds, hydrogen peroxide and peracetic
embalming of tissues. The 4% formaldehyde (10% formalin) acid, have high killing activity and a broad spectrum against bacte-
solutions used for fixation of tissues and embalming may not be ria, spores, viruses, and fungi when used in appropriate concentra-
mycobactericidal. tion. They have the advantage that their decomposition products
Glutaraldehyde is a dialdehyde (1,5-pentanedial). Solutions of are not toxic and do not injure the environment. They are powerful
2% weight per volume glutaraldehyde are most commonly used. oxidizers that are used primarily as disinfectants and sterilants.
The solution must be alkalinized to pH 7.4–8.5 for activation. Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective disinfectant when used
Activated solutions are bactericidal, sporicidal, fungicidal, and for inanimate objects or materials with low organic content such
CHAPTER 50  Miscellaneous Antimicrobial Agents; Disinfectants, Antiseptics, & Sterilants     901

as water. Systems that produce hydrogen peroxide vapor or dry to mercurials. Hypersensitivity to thimerosal is common, possibly
mist are now available for room decontamination in healthcare in up to 40% of the population. These compounds are absorbed
facilities. Organisms that produce the enzymes catalase and from solution by rubber and plastic closures. Thimerosal 0.001–
peroxidase rapidly degrade hydrogen peroxide. The innocuous 0.004% is still used safely as a preservative of vaccines, antitoxins,
degradation products are oxygen and water. Concentrated solu- and immune sera. Although a causative link to autism has never
tions containing 90% weight per volume H2O2 are prepared been established and the original claim was found to be fraudu-
electrochemically. When diluted in high-quality deionized water lent, thimerosal-free vaccines are available for use in children and
to 6% and 3% and put into clean containers, the products pregnant women.
remain stable. Concentrations of 10–25% hydrogen peroxide Inorganic silver salts are strongly bactericidal. Silver nitrate,
are sporicidal. Vapor phase hydrogen peroxide (VPHP) is a cold 1:1000, had been most commonly used, particularly as a pre-
gaseous sterilant that has the potential to replace the toxic or ventive for gonococcal ophthalmitis in newborns. Antibiotic
carcinogenic gases ethylene oxide and formaldehyde. VPHP does ointments have replaced silver nitrate for this indication. Silver
not require a pressurized chamber and is active at temperatures sulfadiazine slowly releases silver and is used to suppress bacterial
as low as 4°C and concentrations as low as 4 mg/L. It is incom- growth in burn wounds (see Chapter 46).
patible with liquids and cellulose products. It penetrates the
surface of some plastics. Automated equipment using vaporized
hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide mixed with formic acid STERILANTS
is available for sterilizing endoscopes.
Peracetic acid (CH3COOOH) is prepared commercially from For many years, pressurized steam (autoclaving) at 120°C for
hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, and a catalyst such as sulfuric acid. 30 minutes has been the basic method for sterilizing instruments
It is explosive in the pure form. It is usually used in dilute solu- and other heat-resistant materials. When autoclaving is not
tion and transported in containers with vented caps to prevent possible, as with lensed instruments and materials containing
increased pressure as oxygen is released. Peracetic acid is more plastic and rubber, ethylene oxide—diluted with either fluo-
active than hydrogen peroxide as a bactericidal and sporicidal rocarbon or carbon dioxide to diminish explosive hazard—has
agent. Concentrations of 250–500 ppm are effective against a been used at 440–1200 mg/L at 45–60°C with 30–60% relative
broad range of bacteria in 5 minutes at pH 7.0 at 20°C. Bacterial humidity. The higher concentrations have been used to increase
spores are inactivated by 500–30,000 ppm peracetic acid. Only penetration.
slightly increased concentrations are necessary in the presence of Ethylene oxide is classified as a mutagen and carcinogen. The
organic matter. Viruses require variable exposures. Enteroviruses OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for ethylene oxide is
require 2000 ppm for 15–30 minutes for inactivation. 1 ppm calculated as a time-weighted average. Alternative steril-
An automated machine that uses buffered peracetic acid liquid ants now being used increasingly include vapor-phase hydrogen
of 0.1–0.5% concentration has been developed for sterilization of peroxide, peracetic acid, ozone, gas plasma, chlorine dioxide,
medical, surgical, and dental instruments. Peracetic acid steriliza- formaldehyde, and propylene oxide. Each of these sterilants has
tion systems have also been adopted for hemodialyzers. The food potential advantages and problems. Automated peracetic acid
processing and beverage industries use peracetic acid extensively systems are being used increasingly for high-level decontamina-
because the breakdown products in high dilution do not produce tion and sterilization of endoscopes and hemodialyzers because of
objectionable odor, taste, or toxicity, and rinsing is not necessary. their effectiveness, automated features, and the low toxicity of the
Peracetic acid is a potent tumor promoter but a weak carcino- residual products of sterilization.
gen. It is not mutagenic in the Ames test.
ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIATION Disinfectants are used as preservatives to prevent the over-
growth of bacteria and fungi in pharmaceutical products,
Ultraviolet irradiation is used in some health care facilities as an
laboratory sera and reagents, cosmetic products, and contact
alternate mode of disinfection for patient care areas. It is typically
lenses. Multi-use vials of medication that may be reentered
employed via an automated system, allowing for less staff exposure
through a rubber diaphragm, eye drops, and nose drops require
to decontamination products. It has rapid cidal activity against
preservatives. Preservatives should not be irritating or toxic to
numerous pathogens, providing effective decontamination for
tissues to which they will be applied, they must be effective in
most vegetative bacteria in less than 25 minutes and against C.
preventing growth of microorganisms likely to contaminate
difficile in less than one hour.
solutions, and they must have sufficient solubility and stability
to remain active.
HEAVY METALS Commonly used preservative agents include organic acids such
as benzoic acid and salts, the parabens, (alkyl esters of p-hydroxy-
Heavy metals, principally mercury and silver, are now rarely used benzoic acid), sorbic acid and salts, phenolic compounds, quater-
as disinfectants. Mercury is an environmental hazard, and some nary ammonium compounds, alcohols, and mercurials such as
pathogenic bacteria have developed plasmid-mediated resistance thimerosal in 0.001–0.004% concentration.
902    SECTION VIII  Chemotherapeutic Drugs

SUMMARY Miscellaneous Antimicrobials

Pharmacokinetics, Toxicities,
Subclass, Drug Mechanism of Action Effects Clinical Applications Interactions

  •  Metronidazole Disruption of electron Bactericidal activity Anaerobic infections • vaginitis Oral or IV • hepatic clearance (t½ 8 h)
transport chain against susceptible • C difficile colitis • disulfiram-like reaction when given with
anaerobic bacteria and alcohol • Toxicity: Gastrointestinal upset
protozoa • metallic taste • neuropathy • seizures

  •  Tinidazole: Oral; similar to metronidazole but dosed once daily; approved for trichomonas, giardiasis, and amebiasis

  •  Fidaxomicin Inhibits bacterial RNA Bactericidal in C difficile colitis Oral • blood levels negligible • Toxicity:
polymerase Gram-positive bacteria Nonspecific gastrointestinal upset

  •  Rifaximin Inhibits bacterial RNA Bactericidal activity in Travelers’ diarrhea, hepatic Oral • blood levels negligible • Toxicity:
polymerase Gram-positive and encephalopathy, C difficile Nausea
Gram-negative bacteria colitis, irritable bowel syndrome

  •  Nitrofurantoin Not fully understood Bacteriostatic or Uncomplicated urinary tract Oral • rapid renal clearance (t½ 0.5 h) • blood
• disrupts protein synthesis bactericidal activity infections • long-term levels are negligible • contraindicated in renal
and inhibits multiple against susceptible prophylaxis failure • Toxicity: Gastrointestinal upset
bacterial enzyme systems bacteria • neuropathies • hypersensitivity pneumonitis

  • Methenamine hippurate and methenamine mandelate: Oral; release formaldehyde at acidic pH in the urine; used only for prophylaxis, not treatment, of urinary tract infections

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Mupirocin Generic, Bactroban, Centany Humphreys PN: Testing standards for sporicides. J Hosp Infect 2011;77:193.
Nitrofurantoin Generic, Macrodantin, Macrobid Louie TJ et al: Fidaxomicin versus vancomycin for Clostridium difficile infection.
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Benzalkonium Generic, Zephiran Meyer GW: Endoscope disinfection.
Benzoyl peroxide Generic disinfection. UpToDate 2017.
Chlorhexidine gluconate topical Generic, Hibiclens, Betasept, Noorani A et al: Systematic review and meta-analysis of preoperative antisepsis
with chlorhexidine versus povidone-iodine in clean-contaminated surgery.
Br J Surg 2010;97:1614.
Chlorhexidine gluconate, Peridex, Periogard Rutala WA, Weber DJ: Disinfection and sterilization in health care facilities: an
oral rinse: 0.12% overview and current issues. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2016;30:609.
Glutaraldehyde Cidex Rutala WA, Weber DJ: New disinfection and sterilization methods. Emerg Infect
Iodine aqueous Generic, Lugol’s Solution Dis 2001;7:348.
Iodine tincture Generic Widmer AF, Frei R: Decontamination, disinfection, and sterilization. In: Murray
PR et al (editors): Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 7th ed. American Society
Nitrofurazone Generic, Furacin
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Ortho-phthalaldehyde Cidex OPA
Povidone-iodine Generic, Betadine
Silver nitrate Generic
Thimerosal Generic, Mersol

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