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SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

Delgado, joey L.
Activity I:
How well do I know my physical self?
1. In a mirror try to evaluate the physical component of yourself.
 As I look in the mirror I saw how unique our God made me. My name is joey, I’m
5 foot and 6 inches in the age of eighteen, I have black hair and also the color of
my eye was black with thick eyebrows and widely pointed nose with not clear
face because of my break outs and a pouty lips and a masculine voice and in
terms of my hairstyle it’s pretty simple that compliments my wide forehead. Most
of the time I prefer to wear comfy shirts with shorts when hanging around with
friends and my body is skinny and has a brown color of the skin that represent
me as real Filipino.

2. List down 5 of your most considered positive physical characteristics while looking
into yourself on the mirror and your 5 most considered negative physical characteristics
you able to recognize on yourself upon reflecting on the mirror

Positive Physical Characteristics Negative Physical Characteristics

1. fair skin 1. not clear texture of skin

2. tall 2. wide fore head

3. simple 3.

4. thick eyebrows 4.

5.masculine voice 5.

3. If you will be given a chance, will you be changing some of that body parts. Explain
your idea about it.

 Every one of us is unique in a different way that we can express truly our
personality without comparing our self to others. I don’t think that I need to
undergo in surgery just to enhance, change or remove some parts of my body
that isn’t perfect, but try to appreciate what is the purpose why God give me a
characteristic like this. Instead of shaming what flaws or imperfections that we
URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

have, we should say thank you because we have a love ones that truly believe
and appreciate that we are beautiful and we deserve to be love and we don’t
need to change or remove some of our body parts because of the opinions of

Activity II
Read and create your reaction paper using the link below:'s_original_experiment

Reaction Paper
Self-perception theory is an account of attitude formation developed by psychologist
Daryl Bem. It asserts that people develop their attitudes (it is when there is no previous
attitude due to a lack of experience, etc. and the emotional response is ambiguous) by
observing their own behavior and concluding what attitudes must have caused it. The theory
is counterintuitive in nature, as the conventional wisdom is that attitudes determine
behaviors. Furthermore, the theory suggests that people induce attitudes without accessing
internal cognition and mood states. The person interprets their own overt behaviors
rationally in the same way they attempt to explain others' behaviors. In an attempt to decide
whether individuals induce their attitudes as observers without accessing their internal
states, Bem used interpersonal simulations, in which an "observer-participant" is given a
detailed description of one condition of a cognitive dissonance experiment. Subjects listened
to a tape of a man enthusiastically describing a tedious peg-turning task.
I add some preferences just to clarify what exactly self-perception theory states. I
decided to watch in YouTube for examples. The Self-perception theory is when our attitudes
and feelings are uncertain or ambiguous that we infer by observing our own behavior and it
builds up with 3 aspect which are uncertainly, You vs. Situation and attitudes and
preferences. When do we say uncertainly it is only when we are uncertain of how we feel,
the you vs Situation is more likely to accept when no external factor makes you do behavior,
and lastly the attitudes and preferences that referring to our feelings, our beliefs and our
For example Joshua rides to his work he listen to the radio inside the car so he must
enjoy the radio station because of the unique songs. The ambiguous attitude is no feeling in
particular about the radio station because it is new to the ears. But he always riding on the
same car and he hears the station he must love it.

URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

Activity III:
1. Reflect on your own personal concept of what for you is a real Beauty.

Beauty. What does it mean? Putting on makeup? Applying skincare routinely?

Catching the eyes of strangers? Beauty can be interpreted in so many ways. But for some
reason when many hear the word beauty they immediately go to the physical aspects.
Beauty can be found outside but still the beauty comes from the inside. Now a days people
especially teenagers think that external beauty is most important and without external
beauty they are not beautiful. But it is not true. Beauty doesn't define the real meaning of
beauty. The beauty of a person depends on his or her thoughts, actions and character.
Though external beauty has a value but our internal beauty dominates it. People usually
think that they are not beautiful (external beauty) and they start applying different methods
and means the make themselves look attractive for example they start using different types
of cosmetic things makeups to make them look attractive. And they think that after using this
they will be more beautiful and everyone will like them, AND IT IS A WRONG THINKING if
we say about our external beauty it lies in a natural face with a wonderful smile, without any
use of cosmetics and makeup. Being beautiful with a natural look is good but our internal
beauty makes us more beautiful. Don’t let society defines what we need to do to love us
because they don’t accept what beauty we have, but learn how to appreciate your beauty
and learn how to be confident because ugly doesn’t exist. Loving yourself is what makes
you beautiful. For some, it may seem easy for someone so striking to make this sort of
claim. But everyone has their personal struggles and we don’t always know what they are.
The idea that ugly just like beauty is a state of mind, is a healthy thought.
I believe we all know the power that beauty has as a means to confidence. But on a
day-to-day basis, we tend to forget. It is so easy to fall into the trap of beauty standards with
social media, photo shopped ads, and more, but if we can continue to remind ourselves
what beauty really means to us and not how it is seen in the public eye, perhaps we can
gain that confidence and self-empowerment to consider ourselves and everyone else
beautiful. We should change our minds and the way we define beauty, because everyone
possesses own beauty its either external or internal, half or not, fat or thin, hairy or bald and
black and white but it is depend on the way we express our self to others.

URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

2. Download and print the picture of your most admired person bearing a real
physical beauty. Below that picture, describe the characteristics that manifest
such real physical beauty.

Let me introduce this lady, she is Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, She earned the
degree, Doctor of Juridical Science, in the United States. Dr. Miriam Defensor Santiago is a
globally famous personality, because of her legal brilliance and courageous example in
fighting corruption. In a nation where many public officials are charged with, or suspected, of
plunder, her honesty shines like a light in the darkness. She has brought honor to the
Philippines in several ways. She is the first Filipino and the first Asian from a developing
country, to be elected in the United Nations as judge of the International Criminal Court. The
ICC hears cases against heads of state. Thus, she put the Philippines on the global map in
the 21st century. Unfortunately, grave illness forced her to waive the privilege of being an
ICC judge. Senator Miriam defensor has a lot of achievement both in academic and political.
Did you still wonder why this lady is my example the manifest such a real physical
beauty and why not? She is known as the “iron lady of Asia” because of her confident,
intelligence, being brave and honest to serve our countrymen. She is the most beautiful
women that cannot compare even in Victoria secret model or in the miss universe because
of the contribution in our country. I remember her contribution when one of the miss
universe mention it in the question and answer portion that happens last day ago. She is old
but her beauty is still there, she used her wisdom to serve in our country.

Self-Assessment Quiz:

URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

A. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write U if all of the statements are true; R if only two
of the statements are true and underline the false statement, S if all of the statements
are false; and B if only two of the statements are false and underline the true statement.
B 1. Youth cover the age between 15 to 30 years of age
The range for identifying who the youth are was created by the
National Commission on Election
Heredity and environment were not important in growth and
B 2. Physical self are intangible aspects of the person
Our naked eyes can always see what is real on our physical

Physical self doesn’t matter as we wanted to take a better edge on the


B 3. Self-concept is an individual’s belief about themselves

Adolescence marked the physical exploratory period to determine an
individual’s sense of his world When individual base their sense of self
on how they believe others view them is a process under a looking– 10.
glass self

U 4. Development begins during prenatal period Puberty makes dramatic

physical changes during adolescence period Declining physical characteristics are
remarkable during old age period

B. List down at least ten examples of what shows Physical Self

1. color of the skin 6. clothing
2. height 7. poise
3. figure 8. And our likes
4. facial features 9. Cleanliness of nails

5.Hairstyle 10. Body Figures

URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

C. Discuss the schematic presentation of the Social Comparison Theory

 The use of social comparisons to construct the self-concept when no other self-
concept when no other objective standard is available. We have a two types of
comparison which is the upward social comparison that when individuals compare
themselves to someone who is better than they are often to improve on a particular
skill and the next one is the downward social comparison that when individuals
compare themselves to someone who is worse than they are, often to help them
feel better about themselves.
 The difference between the two are upward social comparison is someone better
and help us to improve our skills and the downward social comparison is someone
worse but at the end it feels better.
 How this theory help students?
 The upward social comparison way of thinking can motivate children to extend
themselves to improve
 The downward social comparison way of thinking can be a hindrances as these
children don’t look for ways to improve themselves

A. Rubrics for the Assessment and Activities:

5 points 3 points 1 point
Explanation of Issues/ Stated the ideas clearly and Stated ideas but description Stated the idea without
problems/ ideas described comprehensively, leaves some terms undefined, clarification or
presented on the delivering all relevant ambiguities unexplored, description
activity/ assessment information necessary for full boundaries undetermined,
understanding and/or backgrounds unknown.
Student's position about Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective) Specific position
the idea on the activity/ is imaginative, taking into acknowledges different ideas. (perspective) is stated,
assessment account the complexities of the but is simplistic and
(perspective) item being asked). obvious.
Influence of context and Thoroughly (systematically and Questions some assumptions. Shows an emerging
assumptions on the idea methodically) analyzes own Identifies several relevant awareness of present
presented on the and others' assumptions and contexts when presenting a assumptions Begins to
activity/ assessment carefully evaluates the position. May be more aware identify some contexts
relevance of contexts when of others' assumptions than when presenting a
presenting a position on the one's own (or vice versa) position on the item
item being asked being asked
Conclusions and related Conclusions and related Conclusion is logically tied to Conclusion is
outcomes on the idea outcomes are logical and information (because inconsistently tied to
presented on the reflect student’s informed information is chosen to fit the some of the information
activity/ assessment evaluation and ability to place desired conclusion); some discussed; related
(consequences and evidence and perspectives related outcomes are outcomes are
implications) discussed in priority order identified clearly oversimplified.

Leslie B. Gazzingan, Joa-ann E. Porillo et al. (2018). Understanding the Self. Muntinlupa City: Panday-Lahi
Publishing House Inc.

Siverius ega Degho, Grace Sagun Degho et al. (2018). Understanding the Self. Malabon City: Mutya
Publishing House, Inc.

URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

Online Source: 1's_original_experiment

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SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

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SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

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SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

Activity III:
3. Reflect on your own personal concept of what for you is a real Beauty.
4. Download and print the picture of your most admired person bearing a real
physical beauty. Below that picture, describe the characteristics that manifest
such real physical beauty

Self-Assessment Quiz:

D. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write U if all of the statements are true; R if only two
of the statements are true and underline the false statement, S if all of the statements
are false; and B if only two of the statements are false and underline the true statement.
1. Youth cover the age between 15 to 30 years of age
The range for identifying who the youth are was created by the
National Commission on Election
Heredity and environment were not important in growth and
2. Physical self are intangible aspects of the person
Our naked eyes can always see what is real on our physical

Physical self doesn’t matter as we wanted to take a better edge on the


3. Self-concept is an individual’s belief about themselves 4.

Adolescence marked the physical exploratory period to determine an
individual’s sense of his world When individual base their sense of self op
on how they believe others view them is a process under a looking–
glass self be
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URS-IM-AA-CI-0169 Rev 00 Effective Date: August 24, 2020
SELF Module 6: The Physical Self

s during prenatal period Puberty makes dramatic physical changes during

adolescence period Declining physical characteristics are remarkable during old age


E. List down at least ten examples of what shows Physical Self

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.

5._________________________________ 10. ____________________________

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F. Discuss the schematic presentation of the Social Comparison Theory

A. Rubrics for the Assessment and Activities:

5 points 3 points 1 point
Explanation of Issues/ Stated the ideas clearly and Stated ideas but description Stated the idea without
problems/ ideas described comprehensively, leaves some terms undefined, clarification or
presented on the delivering all relevant ambiguities unexplored, description
activity/ assessment information necessary for full boundaries undetermined,
understanding and/or backgrounds unknown.
Student's position about Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective) Specific position
the idea on the activity/ is imaginative, taking into acknowledges different ideas. (perspective) is stated,
assessment account the complexities of the but is simplistic and
(perspective) item being asked). obvious.
Influence of context and Thoroughly (systematically and Questions some assumptions. Shows an emerging
assumptions on the idea methodically) analyzes own Identifies several relevant awareness of present
presented on the and others' assumptions and contexts when presenting a assumptions Begins to
activity/ assessment carefully evaluates the position. May be more aware identify some contexts
relevance of contexts when of others' assumptions than when presenting a
presenting a position on the one's own (or vice versa) position on the item
item being asked being asked
Conclusions and related Conclusions and related Conclusion is logically tied to Conclusion is
outcomes on the idea outcomes are logical and information (because inconsistently tied to
presented on the reflect student’s informed information is chosen to fit the some of the information
activity/ assessment evaluation and ability to place desired conclusion); some discussed; related
(consequences and evidence and perspectives related outcomes are outcomes are
implications) discussed in priority order identified clearly oversimplified.

Leslie B. Gazzingan, Joa-ann E. Porillo et al. (2018). Understanding the Self. Muntinlupa City: Panday-Lahi
Publishing House Inc.

Siverius ega Degho, Grace Sagun Degho et al. (2018). Understanding the Self. Malabon City: Mutya
Publishing House, Inc.

Online Source: 1's_original_experiment

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