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Matthew Sernett
Matthew Sernett Cairn of the ';Vinter Kin8TM is a D UNG EONS & DRAGONs®
adventure for four to six characters of 4th leveL To run
Miranda Horner this adventure as the Dungeon Master, you need the
DUll8eon Master's Book and the tokens from the Dun8eon
Managing Editing
Kim Mohan
Master's Kit"". (The Rules Compendium '-~ oHers a more exten-
sive treatment of the rules and ca n be used in pJace of the
R&D Director DunBeon Master's Book.) Players need Heroes of/he Fal/ell
Bill Siavicsek
Lands"" or another book for players that enables them to
D&D Creative Manager crea te characters.
Christopher Perkins

D&D Design Manager Adventure Background

James Wyatt
A half-elf fugitive from justice has come to Fallcrest bea r-
D&D Development Manager ing a powerful item stolen from the Winter King. The
Andy Collins half-elf traveled to Fallcrest through the Frostjaw Peaks
Art Director
far to the south_ As he traveled through a mountain range
Kate Irwin during a storm, he took shelter in a frozen cave beneath
a pillar of ice fllled with skulls-the Cairn of the Winter
0&0 Senior Art DirecLOr
Jon Schindehette
King. Exploring deep into the cave, he found the ice scepter
in the grip of a figure frozen to a throne and encased in
Graphic Designers ice_ He took the scepter and left the cave when the storm
Leon Cortez, Keven Smith, Emi Tanji
cleared. No\\' a seemingly endless ,,,inter has befallen the
Additional Graphic Design Jand in the middle of summer, and the people ofFallcrest
Yasuyo Dunnett and the surrounding lands are desperate_
Cover Illustration and Cartography
Jason A. Engle

Pub lishing Prod uction Specialists

Angelika lokatz, Erin Dorries The characters arrive in Fallcrest just as another snow-
storm begins to fall [rom the black clouds. Unprepared for
Prepress Manager
Jefferson Dunlap the sudden freeze, the people ofFalicrest have gathered
together to discuss what to do, and the characters capture
Imaging Technician
their interest as travelers who might have news of a place
Carmen Cheung
not consumed by ,",'inter. While the characters are talking
Produc t ion Manager about the strange weather. a rhythmic and deep chant-
Cynda Callaway ing resonates between peals of thunder, and it appears
to come from the sky. vVhen the characters investigate,
Dun8con Master's Kit, Heroes of the Fallen Lands, Monster Vault, Rules they witness a ship filled with undead warriors descend-
Compendium, Cairn of the Winter Kin,g, all other Wi~ard s of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wi~ards of
ing from the clouds. The ship bears a message from the
t he Coast LLC in the U.s.A, and other countries. All Wi~ards characters and Winter King: Return the ice sce pter!
the distinctive likenesses thereof are property ofWi~ards of the Coast LLC
The characters must use the ship to fly to the Cairn of
T his material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthori~ed use of t he material or artwork the Winter King and either return hi s scepter or kill the
contained herein is prohibited without the express written perm ission of Winter King. Only then will winter loosen its grip. They
Wi~ards of the Coast LLC This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity
to actual people, organ i ~ations, places, or events included herein is purely can choose to bring the fugitive and the ice scepter with
coi nc idental. Printed in China. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC them, or make the journey without one or both.
300-24465000-001 EN The characters mllst succeed on a skill challenge as
987654321 they rovv the sky ship back through the storm or face the
First Printing: November 101 0
ISBN; 978 ·0-78 69 ·56 31-9 first battle at the Cairn in an injured state. They must navi-
Visi t auf website at www.Dunge
gate the dangers of the \Vinter King's realm and find their
way to his throne room to confront or appease him. If they
succeed, they win much treasure and save thousands from
a cold and hungry death. If they fail, winter might claim
the Nentir Vale forever.

their goods. The work promjses to be relaxed and net them 0:::
STARTING THE 50 gp each. All they have to do is show lip in Fallerest :J
ADVENTURE and greet the halnings's leader, Ba rroTurnfin , with their
fr iend's special hand shake. From there on, it should be a OJ

When the ad venture starts, the characters a re assumed to month of smooth sailing down the river to new Sights and >
be arriving in the city ofFallcrest in the Nentir Vale. For sounds to the south. (Of co urse, it doesn't work out that ..:
informatio n about FalJcrest and the Nentir Vale, sec the way.) OJ
DUI18eon Ma ster's Book. J:
Optionally. you can place the start of thi s ad venture
in \,,·hateve r settlement you like or put Fallcrest whereve r 4th-Level Minor Quest (17S XP) \J
you w ish in your ca mpaign . "Opening Scene" on page 4 The cha racters complete this qu est if they meet up with
uses flames a nd places in FallcIest for convenience, but the halflings at their camp in Fallcrest. The ir leader, Barro ~
feel free to change any stich elements in th e ways that suit Turnfin, has no work for the characters now that w inter has ~
you. [0 a ny event , the adventure doesn't linge r long in the frozen much of t he river and sta ll ed trade, but he offe rs to ill

town be fore se nding the characters off to the Cairn of the pay eac h character 1 50 gp for th e job they ca me out to do
Winter King. if the strange winte r we ath e r e nd s within th e month.
To start this advent ure, YOli can do the foll owing:
+ Use one orthe following hooks for the character s' travel Hook: Marriage Proposal
to Fa llc rest , or lise one of your own devising. The charac ters bear happy news for Amara Azaer, a tief-
• Describe a nd roleplay throug h the events of the open- li ng merchant in Fallcrcst. Bellis lronoak, a merchant of
ing sce ne (page 4). Hammerfast whom she h as long pursued, has accepted
• Run Encounter 1: Sky Raiders, page 6. her proposal fo r marriage and the joining of their com-
• Continu e the adve nture with "Aftermath of the Battle," panies. Amara runs House Azaer, a trading company in
page 8, or, if the characters leave on the sky shi p right Fa IIcrcst.
after encounter] , w ith the skill challenge on page 10.
W h en you read th e second passage of read-aloud text in
"Opcning Scene" on page 4, the wa rehouse the characters
Hook: Investigate pass on the way to the ha lning ca mp belongs to Amara.
the Iron Circle's Ties She is there arguing ,... ith the guard s and the people \'"ho
are cutting up her cli ents' goods.
If the charac tcrs just completed the Reavers of Hark emvoId
adventu re from the Dungeon Master's Kit, they could be QUEST: AZAER BELLIS'S ANSWER
traveling to Fallc rest prepared to pretend to be Iron Circle 4th-Level Minor Quest (175 XP)
mercen a ries. They lea rned from a lettcr on anlron Circle The cha racte rs com plete this quest if th ey let Amara Azaer
mem ber that the individual and a number of othcr Iron know Be ll iss answer. It should provi de a nice roleplaying
Cirde merce nari es are supposed to go to Fallc res t and moment as Amara worries about her abi lity to see Bell is
meet' up with a ma n namcd Armos Kam roth to ",'ork fo r Ironoak again. It shocks her out of he r a nge r at the guards
hiln. and gives her the oppo rtu nity to describe the situa tio n in
the town from he r pe rspective as so meone w hose goods
have bee n com mandeered.
4th-Level Minor Quest (175 XP)
The characters complete this quest if they talk with Armos
Kamrath and discover what he knows about the Iron Hook: Discover the Cause
Ci rcle: nothing! Armos wanted to hire extra muscle from News of the unnatural winter ha s traveled quickly, but the
out of tow n to break so me legs and steal the possessions of weather itself h as not ye t s pread as far as the ironically
debto rs, but t he current sit uation has him more interested named Winterhaven, a forti fied town abollt 50 miles to
in hiring the characte rs as guards for his estate. The Iron the northwest.1ts leader, lord Padraig, sent th e characters
Circle intende d to turn Armos to its side with blac km a il into the storm to see ifthey co uld bri ng back news ofits
and bribe ry once some agents gained his tru st. The cause. H e paid them in advance, hoping they would honor
characte rs have ruined th ose plans. their promise once they h ad in formation.


Hook: Boat Guards 4th-Level Minor Quest (175 XP)
A friend of the cha racters and her partners h ave ta ken a The characte rs com plete th is quest if they learn of
morc lucrative stint of caravan gua rd duty and can't make the W inte r Ki ng and successfully com mun ica te t hat
it to thejr usual summerjobs in Fallcrest as boat g uard s info rmation to Lord Padraig.
fo r th e Turnfin clan of halflings. The friend has as ked the
char ac ters to take over guardianship of the halnings a nd
When the characters go to the tents by the river,
While the characters were traveling to Fallcrest, snow As you approach the camp, you pass a warehouse with crates
began to faJi in the middle of summer. This turned out and barrels 9fina in tumbled heaps outside it. Six humans and a
to be no freak weather occurrence but a long-term trend. dwarf are dumpin8 their contents into the snow and hackin8 the
Dark clouds covered the sky, and the snow hasn't stopped containers up. Food appears to be the only exception. They take
falling. The hardship this is causing people becomes obvi- the food back inside throu8h doors j1anked by members of the
ous as the characters near Fallcrest. Outlying farms are Pallcrest Guard. One of the 8uards sees you lookin8 and nods his
abandoned, their crops buried in snow and blighted by head toward the camp. His messa8e is clear: Move alona.
When the characters continue on, read:
When the characters arrive in Fallcrest, read: The walk down to the camp by the river is a lonely one, even as
Your hopes for hot food and a warm fire seem dashed as you other latecomers to the crowd file onto the street to crunch their
approach FalIcrest. The Bate in its hi8h stone walls stands way throuah the snow and the chill air. The people you see don't
unBuarded, and a drift ofsnow holds open the huge wooden say anythin8. but they look worried and defeated.
doors. Inside are few sians of life. Businesses and homes stand By the time you arrive at the camp, the area around the
tiahtly shuttered, and you spy only a couple thin trails ofsmoke halflin8s' tents is packed with people. They stand shoulder to
from nearby chimneys. Even the lord's castle, barely visible shoulder, and bonfires roar nearby, but stilI they stomp their feet
throuah the aloom and blowina snow, looks dark and lonely on a and rub themselves aaaimt the cold. You can see people's breath
distant hilltop. as they shout at a baldin8 man in fine furs standin8 on a chair in
You spot afew dots of ruddy light by the river where a crowd the center of the crowd.
is aathered amid some tents. Plumes of white smoke rise from
bO"!fires to streak across the darkening sky, looking like the claw Unprepared for the sudden winter, the citizens are run·
marks of some behemoth. ning out of coal and wood for fires , and tempers are high.
Lord 'Varden Faren Markelhay has brought the people
Allow the characters to explore the tOvvn as they wish. together to explain his plan to take all food and keep
Most of the buildings in the town are currently locked up it under guard for rationing while teams of people cut
and abandoned or occupied by suspicious people carefully up furniture and other objects for firewood. The Lord
guarding what little food and fuel for fire they possess. Warden is earnest in his desires to help his people, but
Iviost of those who stayed have sent a representative to the many consider his efforts draconian.
camp of the Turnfin halflings in response to a ca1l from The Turnfin halflings are a clan of river ·traveling ship-
the Fallcrest Guard. Everyone else has gone to the camp. pers who come up the Nentir River to Fallcrest at this time
Lord Warden Faren Markelhay decided to hold a town of year to collect goods before traveling south again. They
meeting at the halflings' camp so everyone could hear have brought news that the lands to the south are no better
what he and the halflings had to say. If you used one of the off. Their journey through the Witchlight Fens-which
hooks that came with this adventure, the characters can often has its perils- was made eerily easy by the stillness
learn that the person they are looking for is likely at the brought by the cold. They had to contend with the freez·
Turnfin camp with the other folk from the town. ing water, though, and had to break ice to make their way
to the light ofFallcrest's civilization. Barro Turnfin, leader
of the Turnfin clan, says as much when several of the Lord
U S ING T HIS A D VEN TURE vVarden's people raise him on their shoulders.
Roleplay the characters' interactions with the citizens
As with any published adventure, Cairn of the Winter Kina and the Lord \Varden. The characters' words are of great
might not be perfectly suited to your group and the world interest to the people because they are travelers and might
in which you set it. Make any changes you need to make know a land not blighted by the unnatural cold. As such,
your game more fun. those gathered push the characters to the center to stand by
Some of the encounters use the poster map provided the lord \t\'arden so that everyone can hear what they say.
in this product. For the others you can use 0&0 Dun8eon The characters' report likely confirms what most people
Tiles, or draw their maps out on a blank battle grid. fear; The winter is widespread and has been for weeks. -
Although normally the people follow their Lord War-
den's orders without much complaint, the dire nature of
the town's predicament is causing unrest. Things could
get ugly. Use the following statements from some of the
citizens of Fallcrest as inspiration for roleplaying '''ith the

\ players.
Faren M a r kelhay, Human Lord Warden ofFallcrest: Have the characte rs make an InSight check (a character Z
"You've heard from Barro Turrifin! The lands downriver are ca n aid another ch aracter ifhe or she w ishes) and let them U.J
in winter too! Rationina is th e only way. We will outlast this. know the following abollt the groups based upon how high ~
Srranae weather has come andaone in the past. This too shall th ei r check result was. \,J
pass!" General Cr owd (DC 10): Most of the citizens are Z
confl icted. They want to obey their lord , but they're all z
Armos Kamro th , Human Landow ner and Secret worrying about wh at they' ll have to give up.
Cleric ofTialnat: "Let each person take care of him self! Until Guards (DC 10): T he g uards are getting nervous. A o
this is over we should be with our families. not stand ina about few of them are dov.mright tWitchy, putting hands to sword
the freezina cold and sta rvina ourselves. First we chop up trade h ilts whenever anyone in the crowd shouts.
aoods. Will we cut up our houses for firewood next?" Turnfin Haillings (DC 10): The Turnflns sense
da nger in the crowd and are retreating to their tents. Some
Barstomun Strongbeard, Dwarf Leader of the Porters' are keeping h ands close to weapons.
Guild: "You've aot more than you need, Armas! .ifyou don't want Farmer s (DC 14): The farmers look pretty desperate.
to share, maybe we should help ourselves!" They're inclined to support the Lord \ Vard en and are look·
ing fo r a way to do th at.
Amara Azaer, Tiefljng Merchant and Operator of Merchan ts (DC 14): The merchants are worried, a nd
House A za e r: "Armas is riaht! You'll pay every copper for my Armos is telling them w hat they want to hear. They're get·
property. Lord Ward en, or ... or .. ." ting worked up to defend their posseSSions but are worried
about opposing the Lord ' Varden.
Bors H ungren , H u man Farmer: "Or you'll what, tiej1ina? Porters and Others (DC 21): T he strong-looking
What will you do to the Lord Warden? What will you do to the porters have m ade a sile nt a ll ia nce with some sh jfty·
man who is tryina to feed my family? You foraer that the people looking h alflings a nd humans. They're fanning ou t
who put food on your table-thefarmers - are the ones worst hit through the crowd and occaS iona lly whispering into
by this storm." cars while the dwar f who shouted at Armos tal ks to th e
farm er who shouted at the tie n ing. It looks li ke they're
Rag Vanna r, H u man Farmer: "You merchants worry over trying to sta r t a riot.
a few crates? A few contracts broken? I've lost everythilla! My While th is is un fold ing, om inous thunder begins to
whole crop is dead! Now I'm just tryina to keep l11y family alive, roll in th e darkeni ng sky, and the snow begi ns to fa Jl more
and the Lord Warden has a plan to do it." heavily. Allow th e ch aracters to do what they li ke w ith
the in for mation their Insight check gains. They m ig ht try
Lannar ThistIeton, Ha lfljng Owner of the Fallcrest to counter the ill wi ll in the crowd towa rd the merchants
Stables: "When will it be over? It's been snowinafor over a or try to calm everyone down. Perhaps th ey pOint out the
week, and it's aettina worse. We should pack up what we can and ne'er·do·\vells to t he gua rds or warn the Lord Warde n.
head north!" Read "War Chant from the Sky," below. During
whatever dra ma unfold s, introduce th is element at a dra -
A r mos Kam rot h, H u man Landowner and Secr et matically appropriate moment.
Cleric ofTiamat: "Pool of a halflina! When has the winter
ever been made better by headina north? Perhaps we should all
head into the Winterbole Forest and camp on Lake Wintermist.
War Chant from the Sky
When th ings start to become te nse or a fight brea ks out.
I'm sure the Tiaerdaw barbarians will welcome us with open
have the characters least involved in the hullabaloo make
Perception checks.
Perception Check (D C 14): A character who fa ils th is
G r ulldelma r, Dwarf Priest of Pel or: "Pelor is theaod of
check ca n barely discer n frightened shouting from a few
summer and sunlight! We should all pray to Pelor! "
members on the edge of the crowd.
If a character succeeds on this chec k, he or sh e hears
D irina Mornbrow, Human Priest of Erath is: "Non·
th e shouting but also somet h ing more ominous. Betwee n
sense! Erathis is our city's patron aod! We have taken the safety
pea ls of thu nder, a deep a nd rhyth mic chanti ng rever·
of our lands for aranted. We must make sacrifices to Erathis!"
be rates through t he area. The sound is si m.i1 ar to tJ1at a
crew m ight make when rowing a sh ip- an d it seems to be
At some p Oint, small groups start forming in the crowd.
coming not from the river but from above!
Some of th e farm ers start mur muri ng together,joined a
Th is revelation shou ld ca use the characters to look
moment later by porters and other less well·off citizen s.
aro un d. Turn to Encou nte r 1: Sky Raiders, on th e next
Me rch a nts cluster around Ann os Kam roth , worr iedly di s·
page, to continue t he adventu re.
cussing their future. The Tu rnfin h alflings sta rt winding
their way through the crowds toward their tents , and the
guards look about nervously with h ands on their weapons.

- 6 Decrepit Skeletons (0)
Medium natural am mate (undead)
Levell Minion Skirmisher
XP 25 each
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5
SKY RAIDERS AC 16. Fortitude 13, Reflex 14. Will 13 Perception +2
Speed 6 Darkvision
Encounter Level 5 (1,200 XP) Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant

Setup CD longsword (weapon) + At-Will

Effect: The skeleton can shift 1 square before the attack.
6 decrepit skeletons (D) Attack: Melee 1 (o ne crea wre); +6 vs. AC
2 flesh-crazed zombies (F) Hit: 4 damage.
3 skeletons (S) ® Shortbow (weapon) + At-Will
5 zombie shamblers (Z) Effect: The skeleton can shift 1 square before the attack.
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 3 damage.
When the characters investigate, read:
S.r 15 (+2) De. 17 (+3) w;s 14(+2)
The wind changes, and yo u can hear the chantin8 more dearly. Cha 3 (-4)
Con 13 (+1) Int 3 (-4)
It's a war chant of some kind, and it's comin8jrom the sky. You Alignment unaligned languages -
see afew fo lk pointina to the clouds and 5houti"8, but you per- Equipment longsword, shortbow. 20 arrows
ceive nothing. Then thunder explodes above you and, in theflash
ofliahtnina that comes a moment later, you see it: a lontJship 1 Flesh-Crazed Zombies (F) Level 4 Skirmisher
with a tattered black sail beil18 rowed throu8h th e air! Suddel11y Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175 each
it takes a curving dive and drops into thefri8id river, only to HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +6
AC 18, Fortitude 17. Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +3
skid up onto the icy shore near the halfl-ina camp. The chantin8
Speed 6 (8 when cha rging) Darkvision
stops asfur-dad warriors leap from the boat, each lettin8 loose Immune disease, poison
an unearthly roar. After a moment ofshock, the terrified crowd TRAI TS
surges away. Flesh-Crazed Charge
Wh il e the zombie is charging. its movement does not provoke
The fur·clad warriors a re und ead servants of the Winter opportunity attacks.
King come to delive r a deadly message. Zombie Weakness
A criti cal hit automatica lly redu ces the zombie to 0 hit pOints.


<D Club. A.-Wm
The undead spread out wide from the shi p like living Attack: Me lee 1 (o ne creature); +9 vs. AC
raiders crazed for plunder and blood. They attack the Hit: 1d8 + 6 dam age. or ld8 + 6 if the zombie charged the
townsfolk and th e cha racters in equal meas ure. All attack target.
until destroyed. The charac ters shou ld have a hard time +Bite. At-Wm
protec ting the cit.i ze ns from the undead. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage. and the target is dazed unti l t he end of the
The characters might not know how to permane ntly
zombie's next turn.
kill the zombies at first. Ifno player talks about kicking
the m while they're down or making sure they a re dead. a
Deathless Hunger + Encounter
charac ter skilled in Religion can surmise how th ey must
Trinner: The zombie is redu ced to 0 hit points. but no t by a criti-
be destroyed. In any eve nt , it should not re main a mystery cal hit.
for more than a couple of rounds. Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher. the zombie is
instead reduced to 1 hit point.
The Sky Ship Str 18 (+6)
Con 15 (+4)
De. 15 (+4)
In.1 (-3)
w ;s 13 (+3)
Cha 3 (-2)
The longsh ip is a semisentient vehicle with a talking Alignment unaligned languages -
dragon figure head. EqU ipment club

When a living creature comes within 5 squares of When a living creature com es within 3 squares of
the sky ship, read: the sky ship, read:
The dra80n fiaurehead at the prow of the ship shakes free of the Thefi8 urehead turns to yo u and asks, "Do you carry the ice
ice around its face and turns to look at you. In a deep voice that scepter of the Winter Kin8?"
booms out above the rumble of thunder, it intones, "Return the
ice scepter to the 8rasp of the Winter Kin8, or this shall be a for- If the character ans\'vers yes, th e figurehead incl ines its
ever winter, and the cold and dead shall feast upon the warm head slightly and says, "Then you may board." lt makes
and livin8." no attempt to discern the truth or worry about how many
people say they have the ice scepter.

3 Skeletons (S) Level 3 Soldier 5 Zombie Shamblers (Z) Level 5 Minion Brute
Medium natural ammate (undead) XP 150 each Medium natural animate (undead) XP 50 each
HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1
AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Wi!l15 Perception +3 AC 17, Fortitude 18, Reflex 15, Will 15 Perception +1
Speed 6 Darkvision Speed 4 Oarkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant Immune disease, poison
CD Slam + A,-Wm
The skeleton gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and deals 1d6 extra Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
damage on opportunity attacks. Hit: 8 damage. cr:
CD longsword (weapon) • At·WiII Deathless Hunger + Encounter Z
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC TriY8er: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a criti- ::J
Hit; 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is marked until the end of cal hit. o
the skeleton's next turn. Effect (No Action); Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is U
instead reduced to 1 hit point.
S'r 15 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) w;s 14 (+3) UJ
Con 13 (+2) In' 3 (-3) Cha 3 (-3) S'r 18 (+6) Dex 8 (+1) W;s8(+1)
Alignment unaligned languages - Con 15 (+4) In'1 (-3) Cha 3 (-2)
Equipment longsword Alignment unaligned languages -

If the character answers no or gives no answer, a bolt Ice: The ice at the edge of the river is difficult terrain. A
oflightning explodes from the sky, striking the mast and creature that attempts to run or charge over a square of ice
passing through the ship to leap from the figurehead's must succeed on a DC 14 Acrobatics check or fall prone
mouth at the offending character. The ship also attacks in on the first ice square it enters. Dealing 10 damage to a
response to any attack. square of ice can turn it into a square of river instead.
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex Guards and Citizens: Treat the guards and citizens
Hit: 3d8 + 4 lightning damage. as minions with defenses of10 and a +5 attack that deals
5 damage if it hits. Many run, some try to help against the
Features of the Area undead, but most become victims, particularly in the tight
confines of the tents. Use as many as you see fit.
River: Any creature that enters the frigid river or starts
Fires: A creature that moves into a fire square or starts
its turn in it takes 5 cold damage.
its turn in one takes 5 fire damage.
Difficult Terrain: The logs and boats are
difficult terrain and provide cover.
Tents: The tents provide cover, but an attack
directed at a tent's side that deals 5 damage
opens a rent through which creatures and
attacks can freely pass.
Totem Poles: The half1ings erect these
animal totems when they camp. They feature
birds, fish, and amphibians - the animals the
half1ings see in their travels. A DC 10 Athletics
check allows a creature to climb one, some-
thing a citizen might do if pursued by undead.

Continue the adventure with "Aftermath of the
Battle" on the next page or, ifthe characters
leave on the sky ship right after encounter 1,
\-vith the skill challenge on page 10.
+- However, the vVinter King did not CDunt upDn the
AFTERMATH enmity bel ween the Prince ofFrQst and the Raven

OF THE BATTLE Queen. For his hubris and his alliance with her fQe,
the Raven Queen cursed the Winter King so that all he
In the immediate aftermath of the battle, the sky ship still touched wDuld turn to' ice.
sits along the shore of the river, occasionally intoning its +- Amid the fin est food and drink, the Winter King
demand for the ice scepter. As the people in the to\vn return starved. He demanded that the Prince ofFrost remDve
to take care of th e dead and injured, the area is quickly the curse, but that fickle lord instead froze the king
consumed in a tumult of mourning, cries of the \vOll11ded, solid and entQmbed hi s fortress in ice. The frozen pile
cheers for the bravery and skill ofthe characters, ·,vonder of skulls became the cairn that marked the Winter
and fear at the sky ship, and questions and theories about King's grave.
what happened and most of all why. +- No one the characters speak to' is certain vvhat the ice
Roleplay some of these interactions, llsing the informa- scepter is, but clearly it belDnged to the Winter King.
tion below as inspiration.
Eventually, LDrd Warden Faren Markelhay cQnvinces
Thurmina, Human Sergeant of the Guards: "The everyone to be quiet and stands again Dn the chair to'
\Alinter Kina? That's just an old story!" address them. If your pJayers are likely to take the hint,
you might have the Lord Warden be rattled by the attack
Barro Turnfio , Ralfling Leader of the Tu rnfin Clan: and roleplay through characters' attempts to' cDnvince him
"No, it's not! My cousin said he's seen his cairn in the Frosljaw that his peDple need him to act like a leader.
Peaks. A Breatpillar of ice with skulls inside!"
Read or paraphrase the following words from Faren
Nimozara n t he G reen , Human W izard Occ upyin g Markelhay:
the Septa rch's Towe r: "The halflinE is correct. Th ere was a "People ofFalicrest! My people! The terrible thin8s we witnessed
Winter KinE once. In the chaos before the rise of the Empire of on this day were not an accident. Som eone in Pal/crest has the
N erath, the Winter KinE ruled lands fa the south of here." Winter KinE's scepter. But these heroes who saved us from the
m onsters aboard that ship are not to blame. T hey came late-just
Orest Naer umar, Tiefling Own er of Nae ruma r's in time to help. No, someone else has brou9ht this doom upon us_
I m ports, Fallcrest's Finest Shop: ''I'm famili ar with ma ny You know who you are_ Comeforward now to en ter my protec-
types ofmaBie items, bu t I've never heard of an ice scepter." tion, or f ace the aaUows!"

Nim e n a Sandercot , Human Own er of Sandercot At t h is pDint, have the ch aract ers make a DC 14 Per-
P rovisions : """ ell, whatever it is, it must be here. W hy else ception Check: On a success, a character nDtices a male
would a ship come down from the sky? Som eone brinE m e more half-elf trying to' sneak away while most everYDne else is
bandaEes- and an ale!" silent and still. If all the characters fail. SDmeone in the
crDwd nDtices the half-elf and ShDutS abQut it. They attack
ArulOs K amrath, Huma n Landowner a nd Secr et with the intention of severely beating him.
Cleric ofTiam at: "That's riEht! And that means someone The half-elf is Marko Lancet, a criminal and fugitive
brought it here, recently! You there! You're strangers in townr from a prisDn in the distant sDuthern city-state ofHadrakar.
You brouEht this winter upon us. didn't y ou?" He has the ice scepter.

Alluw the characters to' take the lead in talking to' the Ice Scepter level 6 Rare
townsfQlk. Tfthey want mQre informatiQn abQut the ]'his reBa! scepter seems made aJice and is set with sapphires. 1'hou8h
\Vinter King and the ice scepter, seve ral peQple can con- the scepter is cold to the touch, its Wielder nevertheless feels warm and
tribute pieces Qfthe legend, and Nimozaran the Green conifortable in the coldest wind_
can confirm the details: Implement (Rod, Wand, Staff) 1.800 gp
+- The Winter King was a human warlord whO' united sev- Enhancement: +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls
eral barbaric lribes over a hundred miles to the SQuth. Critical: + 1 d8 cold damage per plus
Property: You gain a + 2 item bonus to the damage rolls of cold
+- He is called the Winter King because in the course of a attacks made with this implement_
single long \\linter. he conquered several human cities Power (Encounter): Standard Action. You use JreezinlJ burst (wizard
and laid claim to' a dwarven kingdom, erecting a tower- 1). You can use Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma for the attack
ing pile of skulls of thQse he defeated to' IOQm over his rolls and the damage roll.
fortress's entrance. Power (Daily): Free Action_ TriBBer: You hit an enemy with a cold
+- The winter lasted SO' long and was so advantageous to power using this implement. Effect: Every target hit by the power
hi s soldiers that it was said he made a pact with a fey is immobilized (save ends).
lord of great power known as the Prince DfFrost.
Marko Lancet What happens to Marko is up to the characters, Depend-
ing on ho\'\' the characters handle things , the discovery of
Nlarko Lancet grew up on the mean streets ofHadrakar.
Marko lancet could have many diHerent results.
He lived a life of fraud, gambling, and petty theft until he
The heroes don't intervene: The people ofFalJcrest
was caught. It was his sentence to slave away in the mines
lynch Marko and hurl the ice scepter onto the ship. The sky
of the Frostjmv Peaks, but he escaped, killing a guard in
ship does not leave. Instead it demands rowers to take it
the process. 'Vhile on the run from patrols, he was forced
and the scepter back to the Cairn oftbe Winter King. And
to head higher into the mountains. A storm in the cold
the snO\v continues to falL
peaks forced the patrols to give up, and Marko saved him-
The heroes agree to take Marko with them: Marko
selfh)' taking shelter in an ice cave beneath a pillar of ice
is hardly pleased to go, but he feels that it's better than the
filled with skulls-the Cairn of the Winter King.
noose. If you like, you can photocopy the statistics on this
Exploring deep into the \\finding cave, Marko Lancet
page and allow the players to usc Marko as a companion
found the ice scepter in the grip of a figure frozen to a
throne and obscured by a thick coating of ice. He took the
The heroes board t he ship w ithout the scepter:
valuable-looking object and felt warmer. \!\fhen the storm
The ship believes them when th ey say they have it and it
cleared, he left, now unafraid of the cold. The strange
takes off. lacking the ice scepter can impact later parts of
winter has bothered Marko, but he didn't know the cli-
the adventure, but for now you can continue with "Skill
mate of these northern lands, and the ice scepter has kept
Challenge: Sailing Stormy Skies" on the next page.
him ,varm. He intended to sell it in Fallcrest, but given the
mood of the crowd just now, he thought it best to leave.
Marko doesn'tvvant to admit any of his past and calls A Lord's Request
himself a traveler until hard-pressed. At first he isn't will - The ship strikes out with lightning against individuals
ing to admit where he got the ice scepter, but he quickly who attack it, and snuw squalls quell fire or other ongOing
realizes his hopeless situation and tells how he entered the effects that might damage it. Someone must board it and
ice cave and claimed it. return to the Winter King, with or without the ice scepter.
Marko does not want to go back to the Cairn of the Marko Lancet cannot row the ship on his own, and most
"Vinter King and is willing to give up the ice scepter to people in town would rather face prison than board the
settle the matter. However, the people ofFallcrest aren't unearthly vessel. Lord \Varden Faren lVlarkelhay again
feeling forgiving, and ifit looks like he faces certain death turns to the characters.
or punishment by remaining in the town, Marko changes
his mind and offers to guide the characters through the ice Read or paraphrase the following:
cave if they'll take him with them. "My new friends , you've seen how poorly we dealt with the
Winter Kins's minions. None of us are up to this task. Ifyou will
Marko Lancet Level 4 Companion ao to the Winter take the hopes ofF'allcrest and all the
MedIum natural humanoid, half-elf XP -
surroundin8lands with you, Will you board the ship, ao to the
HP 42; Bloodied 21; Healing Surges 8 Initiative +6
Winter Kina. and stop this endless winter?"
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception +1
Speed 6 low-light vision
4th-Level Major Quest (875 XP)
CD Short Sword ~eapon) • At-Will
Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
The characters complete th is q uest if they kill the Winter
Hit: 1d6 + 2 damage, or 3d6 + 2 if Marko has combat advantage King, return his ice scepter and convince him t o end the
against the target. winter, or t rick hi m into becoming frozen once again.
?r Silvertongue Deceptio!!Jcharm) '+: Encou~ter
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Will If the characters talk about rewards, townsfolk begin
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of Marko's next turn.
promising free boarding, free food and drink whenever
they are in town, free repairs to armor and weapons, and
Deadly Dodge. At-Will
anything else they can think of. Buoyed by his people's
Tri88er: An enemy hits Marko with a melee attack.
reaction to the characters' request, the Lord Warden offers
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Marko slides the triggering enemy
1 square, and one ally within reach of the triggering enemy them the Tower of Waiting and the island it sits on in the
becomes th~ target of the triggering enemy's attack. river. It's little more than an empty shell right now, but
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, InSight +6, Stealth +11, Street- Faren Markelhay assures the characters that work can
wise +10, Thievery +11 begin to turn it into a strong and comfortable home.
St, 14 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 9 (+1) Assuming the characters accept, continue the adven-
Con 15 (+4) Int 11 0:.2) Cha 16 (15) ture with "Skill Challenge: Sailing Stormy Skies" on the
Alignment unaligned languages Common, Elven, Dwarven
next page_
of the events multiple times. Rem e mbe r that only two
SKILL CHALLENGE: characters can stop rowing at a time.
Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3 failures).
The figurehead of th e sky ship is concerned only wit h two Event A: Frozen ropes snap. and the sail Oaps wildly.
things: bringing the ice scepter back to the W inte r Ki ng The ship heaves and sways violently, a nd the figu rehead
a nd hav ing enough peo ple to row the shjp. Being a con- ca lls out, "Set that sail! Secure the lines!" A character
struct of no g rea t intellec t or discernment, it ca res only needs to make a DC 14 Alh letics check to climb the mast
th at it receives a nswers in the affirmative to its q uest ions. and gather the flapping material while a not her chara cter
Beyond that , it knows the way to the Cairn of the W inter makes a DC 14 Thievery check to throw and sec ure the
King, and it knows ",.rh e n e nough people arc work ing the lines. Both characters must make checks until both suc-
oars to se nd it airborne. ceed. Each time that one or both fai l, th e characters lose a
Fo r t. he purpose of this adventure, the number of c rew healing surge apiece from the jostling of the ship.
need ed to row the ship is equal to the number of charac- Event B: The ch aracters spot wh irling funnel clouds
ters, but if YO li wan t, you ca ll have the ship require more ah ead as a fierce snow squ all obsc ures the path fOr\'vard.
people. Perhaps so me brave townsfolk mllst also come A successful DC 21 Perception check or DC '14 Nature
a long. There might be tearful good-byes with loved ones check can determine the safest direction. If the ch arac-
certain that those on the ship are going to their deat hs. ters fail. they lose hvo hea ling surges apiece as they pass
People might ma ke brave speeches. or th e characters through a tornado. If they succeed . a DC 21 Diplom acy
might need to convi nce the townsfolk that some of them check convi nces the figu reh ead to pick th e safest route, or
must come along. a DC 14 Athletics check can trim t he sa il to ca use the ship
to travel the better course. Fail ing either of these ch ec ks
Boarding the Sky Ship causes the characters to lose two hea ling su rges apiece in
the whirling tempest.
W hen the characters board the ship and enough crew are
Event C: The cold becom es intense. Eac h character
aboa rd to row, the figure head intones, "Set to the oars, a nd
must succeed on a DC 14 Endu rance chec k or lose a heal-
I sha ll pilot our co urse through the storm." It says nothing
ing surge. Characters who have cold resistance ga in a
else until its co mmands are followed.
bonus to the check equal to th e amount of resistance.
Even t D: Huge ha iJ batters th e ship. Characters who
When the characters start to row, read:
can't take shelter somehow while row ing (s uch as by cover-
As you pull upo n the oars, the areat ship alides into the air like an
ing up with a shield) must succeed on a DC 14 End urance
arrow shotfrom a bow. Each stroke you make feels likeYOlt are
check or lose a healing surge. Also, th e figurehead gets
puI/ina heavily at water, and yet it sends you hurtlina skyward.
damaged and disoriented . A cha racter must succeed on a
DC 21 Arcan a check to revive it, or the ch arac ters lose a
If more tha n two of the characters sto p rO\ving. the ship
healing surge apiece before the ship revives itself.
plu mmets and wa rns them, "Row or die. The Wi nter Ki ng
Event E: The ship tumbl es in a strong ''''ind oEach char-
ca n se nd a noth er ship."
acter must sllcceed 011 a DC 14 Ac robatics check or lose a
healing surge. O ne character who fails also fa lls overboard
Assumi ng t h e characters continue to row, read:
and ends up gripping the frosty edge of the ship. The char-
Your view of th e around below quickly becomes obscured by
acter or a helping character must succeed on a DC 14
douds. Throuah the jreezina mist a nd wind, you see flashes of
Athletics ch eck to pull the charac ter back on board. The
1i8htn ina.lce beains to crust the ship, and your fin8ers and face
character hanging over th e shi p loses a hea ling surge each
become numb with cold. Yo u lose any sense of how fa r you've
time he or she fail s this check.
aone or wh ere you're headina.
Ending the Skill Challenge: Ac hieving 8 sllccesses
indicates that the characters receive the XP. not th at the
Running the Skill Challenge skill challenge h as ended. Fai li ng chec ks ca n still cause
The ch arac ters need to continue rowing the shi p a nd avoid the loss of h ealing surges as desc ribed below. The skill
or end ure th e dange rs of the storm. or else they lose hea l- challenge shoul d not end until each ch aracter has made at
ing surges. This skill challenge has a different format from least two skill ch ecks-and you've had enough fu n .
ot hers. Instead of using primary and secondary skills, Resolution: W hen the skill challenge is over, continue
it relies on a number of events to provoke skill cllecks. with "Arriving at th e Cairn" on the next page.
Desc ribe these events as you wish.
Try to engage the players in the narrative a nd react to
their act.ions. Rather than run ning events seq uenti ally,
you can have events happen concurrently or interrupt
the characters' actions with new events. You ca n run any
to represent them. Their ultimate fates are up t.o you and Z
ARRIVING AT the players.
Read the following when the characters have com- I
The Cairn is a 40-foot-ta11 spike of bIlle-white ice that I--
pleted the skill challenge and you are ready to
resembles a great overturned icicle. Within it are hundreds ~
continue the adventure:
of skulls: human, elf, dwarf, halOing, tiefling, dragonborn,
The sky ship descends rapidly throuah the clouds to reveal
children, adults-even some giants. A steep pile starts at the ~
snow-capped mountains all around. The air is cold here but pre-
bottom within the pillar of ice, but farther up the piJJar the
ternaturally still as the sky ship slows to a alide. Fat snowflakes >
skulls are frozen aloft in the ice, eerily floating.
wetly slap aaainst you and the ship.
If someone attacks the Cairn, it unleashes an attack in
The ship slides to a stop in a snowyvailey in the shadow of a
a close burst 20 that deals 4dlO + 10 cold damage [0 all
huae spike of ice filled with skulls. Beneath the 40joot·tall ice
creatu res in the burst. The Cairn has AC 2, Fortitude 20,
pillar is a tunnel into the mountain. Once the ship stops, all you
Reflex 2, 200 hp, and immunity to cold, necrotic, pOison,
hear is the whisper of snowflakes strikina snow.
psychic, forced movement, all conditions, and ongOing
Into the silence the fiaurehead suddenly intones, "Behold the
Cairn of the Winter Kina_ Brina the ice scepter before his throne,
or the snow will never stop fallina."
Entering the King's Realm The characters
Marko Lancet have some time to take stock and examine their situation.
They might \vant to rest, but unless they have a magical
If Marko is with the heroes, he is astonished to be back at means to camp, the interior of the cave offers the only
the Cairn. In fact, he has a hard time believing it. natural shelter. The characters might also consider resting
in the boat, but the weather conspires against this.
Read or paraphrase the following words from Marko The tunnel into the mountain extends a mere 20 feet
Lancet: before being blocked by two huge doors- doors that Marko
''I'm back. It's not possible. I thou8ht it would take weeks to 8et Lancet did not encounter. The doors are not locked, but
here. I thouaht we'd die. But there it is, that horrible pillar of ice encrusts them, and it takes a DC 14 Strength check to
skulls, and here I am. Maybe I never left. Maybe l'm delirious. crack them open. A DC 21 Perception check detects no
Maybe . .. .i\Jaybe I'm dead, and my head is in that cairn. Could sound through the door, but the barest hint of smoke does
I BO there now and see myself? If I climb up and look into the ice, scent the air.
wiII my eyes be 100kin8 back at m e?"
When t he characters open the door, read:
Marko has experienced some strange stuff recently, and A wave of warm air bursts throu8h the doors, carrying with it the
the harrowing trip through the storm after the attack of the scents of rich food and wood smoke. The smells of roast 8oose,
undead warriors has unhinged him a little. Unless the char- sucklin8 pi8, lemon tarts, and other foods you haven't eaten since
acters stop him and snap him out of it, he climbs the hillside childhood lin8er around your head.
surrounding the tunnel entrance and starts peering in at the Down the tunnel you see the source of these delightful memo
skulls inside, examining everyone for some resemblance ories. A room Blitters with candleli8ht around a table laden
to himself Nothing happens unless he attacks the Cairn, with plates offood and BoblelS of drink. Beyond it, a bearded
which might occur ifhe sees his reflection in its surface. man dressed in furs sits with a demure youn8 woman at a table
Unstable as he is, Marko is willing to continue with the by a fire. Three huntin8 hounds lie at their feet lazily 100kin8 in
characters once they calm him. (",",Vhat else should I do? your direction.
Stand out here and freeze?") Marko wants to help with his The man lifts his stronaface up at the cold air cominafrom
knowledge of the ice cave. If the characters ask, Marko can the doorway, sees you, and smiles. "Come in,jriends," he says.
guess which path heads toward the throne room. You can 'i\nd close the doors behind you a8ainst that cold. Sit, eat, and
decide ifhe is right, or you can roll a d6 and allow Marko rest after your lon8journey."
to be right on a roll of 3 or higher.
The man is a servant of the Winter King, and his hounds
Other Characters If the characters brought are dire vvolves disguised by an illusion. He hopes to lull
others along, the latter folk are too frightened to enter. the characters into a false sense of security. The food
However, any non player character tag-alongs might help and drink is an illusion that holds a curse for those \vho
out later. Perhaps they fearfully stay near the sky ship consume it. Read more about this area and continue the
but rally their courage to miraculously show up in the adventure on the next page "vith "Encounter 2: A vVarm
dungeon when the characters are in the direst need. You Welcome."
might use some of the human statistics in Monster Vaul t'''
- 2 Dire Wolves (D)
large natural beast (mount)
Level 5 Skirmisher
XP 200 each
HP 67; Bloodied 33 Initiative +7
A WARM WELCOME AC 19, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
Speed 8
Perception +9
low-light vision
Encounter Level 5 (1,050 XP) TRAITS
Pack Harrier
Setup The wolf has combat advantage against any enemy that is adja·
cent to two or more of the wolf's allies.
Bortek, human barbarian (B) Pack Hunter (mount)
2 dire wolves (D) The wolf's rider has combat advantage against any enemy that is
Zanna, gnome illusionist (2) adjacent to one of the rider's allies other than the wolf.
The contents of the table, the two hunting hounds, and CD Bite. At-Will
the demure young woman are cloaked with illusions. The Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
table holds a disgusting array of bones, rotting flesh, and Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, or 3d8 + 4 against a prone target. The
gore from travelers through the mountains who passed too target falls prone if the wolf has combat advantage against it.
5t'19(+6) Oex16(+5) W;s14(+4)
close to the Cairn of the Winter King. The hunting hounds
Con 19 (+6) Int 5 (-1) Cha 11 (+2)
are in fact dire wolves. The human woman who appears
Alignment unaligned languages -
to he a servant is Zanna, a gnome illusionist loyal to the
V\Tinter King.
Bortck is the only creature who is as he appears-a Bortek's ploy is to claim that he is the \i\,Tinter King. He
povverfully built human warrior. Yet Bortek has a secret wants the characters to partake of the food and drink and
agenda. He hopes to win honor with the V\Tinter King by to give him the ice scepter. If things go as he plans, they'll
bringing back the ice scepter himself. rest in the room while barred from entering the rest of the
Bortek does all the talking. His "servant" Zanna doesn't dungeon, and Bartek will return to finish them off once he
talk because she's concentrating on keeping up the illusions has brought the scepter to the Winter King.
on herself and the wolves. She smiles and nods when she
must, but she tries to escape notice by playing the part of a Assuming the characters give him the chance, Bartek
servant (passing out drinks, taking away dishes, and so on). starts the conversation. Read:
"Welcome. I am the Winter Kina. I assume you have somethina
Bortek, Human Barbarian (B) Level 5 Elite Brute for me. You can aive it to my servant Zanna. Once we have that
Medium natural humanoid XP 400 business out of the way, I hope you'll dine with me and teU me
HP 152; Bloodied 76 Initiative +4 how the world has chanaed durina my lona sleep,"
AC 17, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +2
Speed 7
Bortek doesn't lie well (Bluff +3),50 he tries to stick to the
Throws +2; Action Points 1
facts. Characters who succeed on Insight checks against
his Bluff can tell he is anxious and suppressing some
anger. Zanna plays her part impeccably (Bluff +1 3), but
Hit: 2d12 + 3 damage, and Bartek can push the target 1 square. someone who exceeds her Bluff with Insight understands
@)Handaxe(weapon).At-WiII,--::-:-_",,:,:_ __ magic is somehow at play in disguising her appearance.
Attack: Ranged 5 (o ne creature); +10 vs. AC Bortek and Zanna have been frozen alive for hun-
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. dreds of years. They know nothing of the outside world
<-Axe Sweep (weapon) • At-Will as it is, and they're unwilling to tell the characters about
Attack: Close burst 1 (e nemies in the burst); +10 vs. AC
the rest of the dungeon. They don't know by what means
Hit: 2d12 + 3 damage.
the \-\finter King fetched the characters. Sooner or later,

( <. . Battle Fury -+- Encounter

Tri88er: Bartek is first blood ied.
Attack (Free Action): Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst); +10
combat should break out.

vs. AC
vVhen combat breaks out, the illusions on the dire woJves
Hit: 2d12 + 6 damage, Bortek can push the target 1 square, and
the target is knocked prone.
and Zanna fade (but not the table; that's the Winter King's
Miss: Half damage. doing). Bortek mounts one of the dire wolves and rides
Skills Athletics +11 it over the table to attack the characters. The other two
5t, 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis11 (+2) surround them from the sides, hoping to gain combat
Con 16 (+5) Int10(+2) Cha 12 (+3) advantage. Zanna uses her powers against the characters,
Alignment evil languages Common but tries to flee \ivhen she is bloodied-if possible, invisibly
Equipment greataxe, 4 handaxes
due to see me not.
Features of the Area ~
Table ofIllusory Delights: The table orgo,. o
is disguised by an il1usion offine victua ls. A char· ..J
acter trained in Arcana can detect its magiC with
1 minute of study and a successful DC 21 Arca na 3
check. The character must then succeed on a ::E
second DC 21 Arcana check to know it is an illu-
sion and that it bears a curse. 3
A creature that eats or drinks from the table
ca nnot regain encounter powers and ca nnot
regain hit pOints except by using its seco nd wind.
These effects last until the creature takes a n
exte nded rest. r-
At som e point after the characters have fall en ::l
for the il1usion or discovered it, it van ishes, reveal- 0
ing the messy remains of the travelers a nd the U
blood·filled cups. ,.vords in frost appear am id th e UJ
go re: " 00 you think you are guests in my house?"
Cursed Beds and Resting: The beds in the
chamber a re large, comfortable, and cove red in
Gnome Illusionist (Z) level 6 Artillery multiple thick blankets. The beds a re not illusions
Small fey humanoid XP 250 but true invitations to rest well. The chests aTe empty a nd
HP 57; Bloodie d 28 Initiative +S sa fe for the characters to use.
AC 20, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 18 Perception +4 However, a nyone who rests in this chamber or takes the
Speed 5 Low·l;ght vision
blankets or beds from it suffers nightmares of a freeZing
death. The next time such a character is in combat afte r an
CD Gnarled Staff (weapon) + At·WiII ex te nded rest, he or she takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: ld8 + 6 damage .
and damage rolls due to flashbacks or the dimly remem ·
~~ Bedazzle {illusion, impleme nt, radiant) • At-Will bered nightmares. A character can eliminate the penalties
Attack Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +11 vs. Will by taking a n extended rest elsewhere.
Hit: 2d6 + 5 radiant damage, and the target g rants combat A cha racter tra ined in Arcana can detect magic asso-
advantage (save e nd s). ciated with the beds and the chamber after 1 minute of
<. .
See Me Not (illusion, implement, psychic) . Recharge !2J@ study a nd a successful DC 21 Arcana check. The character
Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +9 vs. Will
mllst then succeed on a second DC 21 Arca na check to
Hit: 2d6 + 10 psychic damage, and th e target cannot see the
understand the nature of the magic.
Fires: A creature that starts its turn in the sam e square
Not There (illUSion, te le portation) • Encounter
as a bra zier or moves into one takes 5 fire damage.
Effect: The gnome tele ports up to 5 squares and creates two Dog Pen: The adjacent chambers are da nk and da rk
duplicates of itself Within 5 squares of its destination space. room s th at smell heavily of dog. Dirty rags, wh ich a re th e
The duplicates last until th e g no me attacks or until they are torn remains of the clothes of un fo rtunate trave lers, litter
destroyed. Each duplicate has 1 hit point and the same abil" the Ooor. Despite the unwelcoming nature of each one,
ity scores and defe nses as the gnome. The gnome can use its eac h chamber is a safe resting spot for a character.
actions to have a dupli ca te act in any way it could. except that
the duplicates ca nnot use powers and cannot flank.
Veil (illusion) • At-Will IrZanna escapes the room, she heads to area 20 (page 17)
Effect: The gnome can disguise Itself and up to three allies within to warn th e vVinter King, and then she head s to a rea 10
5 squares of it to appear as any Small or Medium creatures. A (page 16) to join her sister, Azrinda. If she ma kes it there,
creature ca n see through th e disguise with a successful Insight
Za nna and Azrinda can be a challenge as a tea m.
check opposed by the gnome's Bluff check.
Skills Bluff +13, Stealth +12
Once the ch a racters defeat the foes in thjs area, no one
St. 10 (+3) Dex 14(+5) WI, 13 (+4) comes to attack them. The Winter King set up the tab le of
Con 15 (+5) Int 18 (+7) Ch. 20 (+8) illusory delights and the cursed beds to test the astuten ess
Alignment unaligned l a nguages Common, Elven or humili ty of the bearers of his ice sce pter. lfthe ch arac-
Equipment robes, g narled staff (quarterstaff) ters presume they are guests and fall prey to his curses, so
mu ch the better. Yet if the characters do not eat or drink
from the table and decide to rest in the dog pen , the ir
safety and a good rest are assured.

THE WINTER Floating Encounter
Encounter 10: Guard Patrol (page 30) ca n be placed
KING'S REALM wherever you like in the dungeon. Use it to increase the
difficu lty of an otherwise easy encounter, or have the cha r-
These ch a mbers once se rved as some of the holdings of a
acters hea r the approaching gua rds as they wander the
clan of dwa rves. ' fhe construction is clea rly dwa rven. Ceil -
dungeon. No map is provided for t his e ncounte r. Instead,
in gs in corridors a re 10 feet high , and ceilings in chambers
have it occ ur in the characters' current location. Also, con-
arc 20 feet high. The dungeon is freezing cold except in
sider using the if th e players are bogged down
rooms with fires (areas 1 and 8). Frost coats most every-
in di sc ussing what to do.
thing. Icic les ha ng from the ceiling and \vall s where water
Don't \'vait so long for the opport une moment that it
from the mountain has leaked into the area. Although yo u
neve r comes. Instead, use thi s encounter ea rly on, and
should feel free to describe slippery footing, t he ice is not
then use it again when it feels right. Anot her patrol can
diffi cult te rrain unless otherwise noted. Non player charac-
eaSily be wandering the dungeon in a noth er a rea.
ters carry torc hes w ith them except in room s that conta in
fires. Tn combat, they set the torches down before engag-
ing. Otherwise, the dungeon is dark. Area Descriptions
The numbered locations on the map on page 32 are
Running Events detailed below.

in this Dungeon 1. A Warm Welcome

T he \"'inter King sent the sky sh ip to retrieve the ice scep- This area is described in encounte r 2 (page 12).
ter, but he's in no hurry. He ca n free ze the lands for miles
around until he gets what he wants. Of course, he m ight
continu e to rreeze th em. Plus, th e characters a re lost high
2. Guardroom
The door into this ch amber from the ha ll is locked, and
in the icy mounta ins; they have nowhere to go.
carved into the ancient wood are the wo rds "Do not open
The Winter Ki ng's minions, on the other h and , co n-
on pain of death by order or th e \rVinter King." The door
stantly vie for his attention and esteem. Many of th em
can be opened with a DC 14 Thieve ry chec k or a DC 21
hope to win power by being the one who brings him
Strength ch eck.
either the ice scepter or the indi vidual that carries it. Th us.
In the time of the d""arves, thi s chamber constantly
inhab ita nts in this dungeon aren't inclined to attack the
had guard s who protected th e co mplex from unwa nted
ch aracters irthey seem will ing to go quietly (to an ambush
entry through the te leportation circle in the adjacent
in the vVinter King's throne room). Nor are the inhabitants
ch amber. W hen the Winter King occupi ed the dungeon,
part icularly likely to h elp one another ifwaiti ng to att ack
the guard s' spirits haunted the place a nd kept him from
the weakened characters later makes for a better stra tegy.
lIsing it as well. They still gua rd the te.Ie portation circle
At its core, this is a du ngeon where the characters ca n
a nd attack as soon as a creature passes th rough the east-
wande r a nd tlle nonpl ayer characters might move about.
ern doors in this area. Run Encounter 4: Spirit Guardi ans,
The nonplayer characters have good rea son to be whe re
page 19. when this hap pen s.
they are, a nd clements oftheir movement arou nd the dun -
geon are built in to the adventure, but you should fee l free
to improvise. If t he characters are being incautious, they 3. Teleportation Chamber
should be attacked by the dungeon's deni zens. If t hey're When the characters enter t h is area, read:
trying ha rd to be stealthy and barely sc raping by, t.h e non - The floor of this chamber is en8raved with a circle of Tunes.
player charac ters in the dungeon might not n otke th em , or
mi ght grow overconfident. The dwarves of old used a teleportation ci rcl e to quickly
Simila rly, the ch aracters might pick a route throu gh return to their home when traveling abroad. At yo ur
the dungeo n that avoids battles or prevents them from option, a character wh o sllcceeds on a DC 21 Arcan a
seeing certa in rooms. They might be lucky and head check can determin e that th e circle is still functional, but
straight for the W inter King's throne room. That's okay. it works only as a destination and not also as a starting
They still might visit ot her locations later. If you feel the pOint.
need to show them a particular area or encounter, adjust The presence of th e teleportation ci rde gives you and
things so th at the charac ters are likely to h ead that ,·vay. the players the opportunity to retu rn to the Cairn of tlle
Maybe a myste riOUS noi se is all your players need. Perhaps Wi nte r King at some later date-after the characters have
a nonplayer character might beg fo r its life in excha nge for learned hovv to use the device. Gai ning that knowledge
in forma ti on th at makes th e players go the way you wish. cou ld be the subject of a quest or a n entire adventure:
Alternatively, a guard patrol might draw or drive the char- How do the characters learn th e information they need?
acters into a room or corridor. What dangers lurk in these dungeo ns lIpon the characters'
return? It's up to you!
4. Frozen Temple 5. Great Hall ..J
vVh en t he Winter King claimed this complex from the When the charac ters ente r th e ch a mber, r e ad: <:
d wa rves who built it , he froze their templ e to M.oracl iJl This larae chamber holds two massive tables. Scenes of dwarves
while its high priest was kneeling at the altar. The cha m- eatina and drinkina aTe carved into the walls and pillars. "
be r is now fil led w ith solid ice from ODo r to cclUng, a nd U
its doo rs a rc frozen shut with an enchanted ice lock that P e rception DC 14: You can see liaht dimly f/ ickerina and Z
req uires t \"/O keys. The Wi nter King feared that h is sac- hear clatterina cominafrom the area to the north. It sounds like ~

rilege might have angered MOfadi n, and he planned to so meone is movin8 dishes.
reopen the templ e once h e found a way to placa te the god . "f-

Yet the vengea nce ofMoracl in never came to pass, a nd 6. Collapsed Passage Z
th e two keys beca me symbols of rank among the W inter Thi.s r ubble-filled ha ll once led to li ving qua rters for dwarf $:
K i ng's followers. se rva nts, crafters, and m incrs, as well as t.o the mi nes. UJ
The ghost of the high priest now haunts this temple, :r:
and it ca nnot leave th e chamber. Th e s pirit has no powe r r-
to speak , but if the characters come close to the froze n
7. Kitchens
Thi s area served the dwar ves a nd the Winter King as
doors, the ghost's ha nds a nd face poke through the doors'
kitchens for th e complex. One of t he W inter King's
surface like a prisoner through bars. The ghost tries to get
recently th awed ser vants, a hum an tra nsmuter na med
the cha racters to examine the magic lock, and he mouths
Ravide the Black, is in here tr ying to wa rm lip and fi nd
th e wo rds fo r "ice" and "key" in D warven, plead ing for
something to eat before he reports fo r d uty. He's intent on
getting dry and looki ng presenta ble be fore his a ud ience
The characters can open the frozen lock on the doo r
wit h the Win ter King, so he is n't inte res ted in e ngagi ng
with a D C 2 1 T hievery check. A DC 26 Strength ch eck
i n any battle he might hear nearby, instead ho ping that
can a lso pull ope n the doors. Each failed Thi every check
the problem takes care of itself. An otyugh is in a pit that
or Strength chec k causes the lock to u n leash a blast of cold
the \i\lin ter King's kitch ens used as a garbage and body
th at dea Is 2e1 10 + 5 cold da mage to alJ creatures adjacent
di sposa l, and some d warves who thawed out at about the
to the door. O nce the doors are opened, however, the roo m
time th at Ravide did are awaiti ng hi s o rders. For more
is fill ed so lid wi th ice and the ghost still begs for release,
about this ch amber, sec Encounter 8: What's for Di nner?,
this time pointing to the keyhol e in the ice surrou nded by
page 26.
r unes a nd mouthing the word s for "fire key." A Thiever y
chec k has no effec t on thi s magic lock.
The oute r door can be opened safely WitJl the ice key 8. Library
fo un d around the wh ite dragon'S neck in area 11 (page When the char acters enter the ch a mb er, read:
16). The ice inside m ight be m elted with days of efTor t by Stone shelves line the walls of this room, bookshelves sta nd amid
the char acters, but using the fire key causes it a U to eva po· it, and the fl ooT tiles are shaped like opened scrolls. The books
rate in an insta nt. T he fire key is with the tiefl ing na med and scrolls in this room ha ve all turned to s08ay mush.
Anger in a rea 14 (page 17).
P e rception DC 2 1: Characters sea rch ing th is cham -
QUEST: THAW M ORADIN'S TEMPLE ber can fi nd a vial made from t he horn of a m inotaur. The
4th-Level Minor Quest (1 75 XP) airtig ht container opens with an aud ible pop, a nd inside is
The c haracters comp lete this qu est if t hey open the outer a n elixir of draBon breath (fire).
d oo rs a nd me lt al l the ice ins ide the te m p le . The ghost of
th e high p ri est then sta nd s up ou t of th e kn eeling dwarf Elixir of Dragon Breath (Fire) level 7 Uncommon
co rpse be fo re t he alta r a nd turns to face th e characters, Elixir 100 gp
bowing grate full y once before vanishing. At t hat mome nt, Power (Co nsumable+- Fire): Minor Action. Use this powe r after
t he c ha racters regain any hea li ng su rges th ey have lost or you drink the e lixir. Until t he e nd of the e ncounte r, you ga in a n
spe nt. at-will attack power that requires a sta nda rd action to use: Close
blast 3 (each creature in the blast); +1 0 vs. Refl ex. Hit: 2d6 +
Constitution modifi er fi re da mage.
9. Alchemist's Chamber the W in ter King's followers (those who rod e the sky sh ip to
This room se rved a gnom e alchemist as a lab. The a lche - Fallcrest and those nov.' occupying t he dungeon). P ud dl es
mist sta nd s frozen in area 11, but her work rema ins. of vvater near the fro nt of the roo m indicate where they
Treasure: Characters can fi nd three potions of healin8 stood .
in th is room . All three potions are sti ll frozen inside their Many more of the Winter King's army awa it release
contai ners. T he characters can use them after thaw ing in these ran ks ofice-coated creatures. Most are hu ma n
th em over a fire. Or, they can brea k the containers a nd wa rriors, but a few gnomes, dwa rves, tie nings, ogres, a nd
consume t he potions as though they we re solid . other monsters a re here. Put whatever froze n foes you like
in th is room . Tn addition to these creatures, at the back of
10. Prison the cham ber stand ra nks of those frozen by th e Winter
The stOll t, iro n-reinfo rced door to this area is locked. King's touch. Th ese statues ofpcoplc a nd crea tures a re
W he n the chara cters investigate t he door or come nea r it, en ti rely made o[ice except for t he ir skull s- a n eerie warn-
they hea r a woma n's voice calling weakly from with in the ing of wh at the Winter Ki ng m ight do to the cha rac ters.
area. Allmv the ch aracte rs to in ves tigate as they li ke. The ser-
va nts of the Wi nter King are t.hawin g, but only slov,riy. The
Read: chara cters can attack them , or take t he ir mundane equ ip·
"H elp! Wh oever you are, ifyou aTe not one of the W inter Kina's ment by ch ip ping away the icc. 1f the ch a rac ters attack
servants, you must help me. l can helpyou ifyou release me! the white dragon or take its ice key, the ice surrounding it
Please, it's so cold," crac ks. See Encoun ter 3: Let Sleeping Dragons Die, page
] 8, for what happen s nex t.
The charac te rs ca n talk to the sp eaker through the door, Treasure: The equ ipment ca rried by th e frozen people
but h er voice gradually grmvs hoarse and weak, a nd she is la rgely unremarkable exce pt for one magiC item jutting
begs the m for something to drink and eat with her last from th e ice around one hum an . Pick a common level 7
wh ispered pleas be fore becoming sHent. magiC item th at woul d be usefu l to one of the characters.
The door ca n be opened with a DC 21 Thkvery chec k
or a D C 2 1 Strength check. It has AC 5, For ti tude 10, 12. Trapped Room
Rdlex 5, a nd 30 hi t points. R ead t h e following when t h e ch ara cte rs open t he
Th e woma n behind the door is Azrinda, a gnome ill u- door to this r oom:
sionist and sister to Zann a, whom th e cha racters met This chamber bristles with traps and da naerous defensive mea-
in e ncou nter 2 on page 12. She clai m s to be the W inter sures. A lever projects f rom thefl oor on thefa r end, and you see
Q ueen, sco rned by her hateful husband and imprisoned sawina blades and portcullis spikes pokinafro m the ceilina. An
before the Prince of Frost froze them aiL For more infor· open pit and holes in the walls promise death. Yet everythina
mation about Azrinda a nd how to roleplay he r, turn to is coated in a thick layer of ice,free zina traps in the middle of
Encounter 7: An Aud ience with the Queen, page 24. lf lhe activation.
characters ignore he r pleas a nd continue on, after a few
rou nds she gat hers her forces and fol1ows the charac ters to None of the lraps in this room a re c urrently a danger to
attack the m whereve r they go next. th e characters. The ice coating the m preve nts their activa-
ti on, a fac t th at a DC 10 Thievery check ca n deduce with
11. An Army on Ice a gla nce. If the cha racte rs decide to mess a round with
T h e doors to th is chamber are slightly aj ar. Whe n the the traps - perhaps resetting them wh ile they res t in the
characters open it, read: va ult- a DC 14 Thievery chec k, the application offl re,
Warriors and monsters stand in frozen ranks. coated in thick or a n attack aga inst the ice ca n a ll ow a trap to be act.ive.
ice. A white draaon the size of aarizzly bear hanasfrom the ceil· For more information about th e traps a nd the leve rs, see
ina. its enorm ous span of winas clasped by icicles and its body Encoun ter 5: Trapped Ambu sh , page 20 .
encased in ice. Yo u see a larae key made of ice hanaina from a
rope around th e draao n's neck.

vVhe n Ole W imer King's curse caused him to sta rt turn ing
thi ngs he touched to ice, many of his victi ms were his own
soldie rs a nd se rvants. These frozen vic tim s we re brought
to the dwarves' old guard barracks. Late r, when the Prince
of Frost punished th e W inler King, h e froze all those he
fo und in and a round the Winter Ki ng's Realm and had
se rva nt s place th em here. Wh en Marko Lancet stole the
ice scepfer, it disrupted the Prince of Frost's magiC and
th awed much of t he d ungeon a long with freei ng some of
13. Vault 16. Well
The dwarves kept their riches in this chambe r, but the This well served the dwarves a nd the Winter King as an
Winter King spent mu ch of the d warves' wealth upon hi s internal water supply. The well is 30 feet deep, and the
armies. Some of the treasure still remains, inc1uding a pile wate r in it has a thin coating of ice. If the cha racters inves·
of coins sepa rated from the rest that was to be the hoa rd tigate the well, you might use it as a source for a nother
or the white dragon Thrym zen (see area 11 , above, a nd ad venture. Perhaps a cave entra nce is at the wate r level . or
encounter 3, page 18). a sec ret door is somewhere in th e chute.
The heavy iron door to the vault is locked by a kiJld of
combinati on lock. Letters in Davek script. the alphabet 17. Conference Room
of the Dwa r vcn a nd Giant languages, are on four wheels The dwarf king and later the Winter King lIsed thi s room
internal to the door such that only one letter is visible at a for private meetings.
tim e. Ea ch wh ee l ha s all the letters in the alphabet on it. Perception DC 21: A characte r can notice a spy hole UJ
lnsc ribed in th e door are the foll owing words in Dwarven: that allowed eavesdropping from the roya l quarters. Peek- :c
"None but a d wa rvc n hand can open me, and only aner ing through it reveals the dark interior of the icy bedroom.
bringing me a gia nt 's head." The solution to thi s riddl e is to
use the wheels to speJl the word "head " in Giant and then
"hand" in Dwa rven. When this is done, the lock cl icks
18. Royal Quarters
The dwarf kings of old and the Winter King used these
chambers as a private residence. Thanks to the Winter
If the cha racters don't speak Dv.'arven and Giant, they
King, everything in these rooms is made ofice: tables,
can't solve this riddle. lrthe characters know those la n-
ch a irs, beds. the mirror, and other persona l effec ts and
guages but the players can 't solve the riddle , allow the m to
furniture .
m a ke DC 21 Intelligence checks and give them a hint or
P e rception DC 21: A cha rac ter sea rching in the bath-
the a nswe r if they succeed. A DC 26 Thievery ch eck can
room can find a secret door behind th e frozen garderobe.
detec t the faint clicks of the wheels and allow a cha rac ter
Opening it reveals area 19.
to unlock the door.
Trea su re: Inside the vault are crates, barrels, a nd
ches ts of treasure: 4 50 cpo255 sp. 300 gp, and gems a nd 19. Secret Passage
j ewelry worth a total of350 gpo The vault can be locked, T hi s secret passage serves a s a mea ns of entering or exiting
unlocked, a nd opened from th e inside, so it makes a g reat a rea 20 unseen. At the top of the spiral stairs is a collapsed
room in whi ch to res t. passage that served as an escape tunne l.
After th e ch a racters have rested and opened the door,
whil e they are looting the chamber, or while they are 20. Throne Room
trying to fig ure out the riddl e, run Encounter 5: Trapped Whe n the characters enter this area, read:
Ambush, page 20. This huae and Jreezina cold chamber has hiah ceilinas drippina
with icicles like stalactites in a cave. Four massive and a litterina
14. Cold Forges ice cha ndeliers illuminate the room with hea tless bluefla mes
This chambe r ser ved as the forge room for th e d warves. on hundreds of unmeltina ice candles. On a high da is at one
Now its chimn eys are clogged with ice. and the forges end stands a hiah-backed throne on which Stts afiaure as still
burn w ith cold nam e. The Winter King changed the fires as death. Skeletal and silent, the Winter Kina is entombed in
of the forges with his cursed touch. solid ice at least a f oot thick. One hole pierces the cold coatin8: a
The tiening na med Anger is in this room with a couple slot over his riaht hand in which the ice scepter would easily f it.
of und ead a llies and an ogre. For more information about To add to the eeriness of the scene, you hea r voices whis perina,
thi s chambe r or to run an encounter with the se charac· "Beware the wrath of the Winter Kina."
te rs, tllrn to En counter 6: Cold Anger, page 22.
The Winter King does not spea k or move a nd see ms
frozen in place until someone atta cks him, gives him
ISA and ISS. Guardrooms th e ice scepter, or addresses him. Turn to En counter 9:
Although different in shape and scope, both these loca·
Uncrown the Winter King, page 28, wh en one of these
ti ons se rved as ,.vaiUng rooms and guardrooms. Area 15A
has a gong that would have been rung to announ ce g uests
P erception DC 21: A character searching behind the
or as an a la rm. It is now made of brittle ice.
tapestry can find a secret door. Open ing it reveals area 19.
- Young White Dragon (D)
large natural magical beast (dragon)
Level 3 Solo Brute
XP 750
HP 200; Bloodied 100 Initiative +1
LET SLEEPING AC 17, Fortitude 17, Reflex 13, Will 15
Speed 6 (ice walk), fly 6
Perception +8
DRAGONS LIE Resist 10 cold
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Encounter Level 3 (750 XP) TRAITS
Action Recovery

Setup Whenever the dragon ends its turn, any dazing, stunning, or
dominating effect on it ends.
1 young white dragon CD) Instinctive Rampage
On an initiative of 1 0 + the dragon's initiative check, the dragon
If the characters take the ice key from around the white can move up to its speed as a free action. The dragon can move
dragon's neck or attack it, the ice around it explodes away, through enemies' spaces and gains resist 5 to all damage during
the move. Each time the dragon enters an enemy's space for the
and the dragon attacks.
first time during the move, it can use daw against that enemy. If
The dragon is named Thrymzen. It allied with the the attack hits, the target also falls prone. If the dragon cannot
vVinter King to experience the slaughter of conquest and use a free action to take this move due to a dominating or stun·
gain treasure. Thrymzen served as the Winter King's ning effect, then that effect ends instead of the dragon making
mount on several occasions. Thrymzen would rather not this move.
to speak to anyone but the Winter King, preferring to Savage Blood
use brute force to make its intent known, but a character While bloodied, the dragon can score a critical hit on a roll of
who uses Draconic to speak to the dragon might shock
Thrymzen into a brief cOIlversation. Fif.iJi·f.';i·6,,'i,p;
Thrymzen has no idea how long he has been frozen, (j)S;te(cold).A~
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
and if told, he demands information about the world
Hit: 3d1 0 + 4 cold damage.
beyond. Thrymzen might leave the Cairn of the Winter Miss: 1d10 cold damage.
King if the characters can convince him that the Winter + Claw. At-Will
King's kingdom is long dead and that a new world lies Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
ready for exploration and plunder. On the other hand, it Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage.
has been a long time since Thrymzen has eaten. + Dragon's Fury:+: At-Will
Effect: The dragon uses daw twice .
•~ Breath Wea~on (cold) • Recharge!3J [!J
Tactics Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +6 vs. Reflex
The dragon attacks the bearer of the key as best as it can. Hit: 3d8 + 6 cold damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
However. it's not terribly bright, and it might be fooled by Miss: Half damage.
misinformation or bluffing.
+Tail 51a~ • At-Will
Triaaer: An enemy hits the dragon while flanking it.
Treasure Attack (Free Action): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +6 vs. Fortitude
The enchanted ice key is freezing to the touch and deals 5 Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, and the dragon pushes the target up to 5
cold damage to any creature that ends its turn carrying it.
-E- Bloodied Breath:+: Encounter
It has no intrinsic value beyond opening the outer doors
Tria8er: The dragon is first bloodied.
to area 4. Once it has been used to open the doors, it melts Effect (Free Action): Breath weapon recharges, and the dragon
away. uses it.
Skills Athletics +10

r Development 5t, 18 (+5) De. 11 (+1) Wis 15 (+3)

Con 18 (+ 5) Int 8 (+0) Cha8 (+0)
This battle might occur in area 11. If so, use the map on Alignment evil languages Common, Draconic
page 32 and remember that the ranks of frozen creatures
stand in the room. On the other hand, the characters
ofinvadcTs, but none of its allies are above suspicion as
might take some precautions against the dragon waking,
thieves aside from the V\Tinter King. The dragon intimi ·
such as using a rope or magic to remove the key from
dates any allies it finds into forming search parties to
afar and quickly closing the door behind them. If so, the
locate the characters, assuming they understand its intent
dragon looks about itself in confusion for a few moments
(Thrymzen speaks only Draconic).
and then goes on the hunt for the key throughout the
This event can make for a lot offun tension as the
characters try to stay away from the dragon or pick their
battlefield to fight it. For its part, the dragon looks for signs
3 Mad Wraiths (W) Level 6 Controller
ENCOUNTER 4: Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 150 each
HP 73; Bloodied 36 Initiative +8
SPIRIT GUARDIANS AC 20. Fortitude 16, Reflex 19, Will 18 Perception -1 Cl

Encounter Level 3 (750 XP)

Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
Darkvision '"
Setup o Mad Whispers (psychic) .. Aura 3 I-
Any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 5 psychic
3 mad wraiths (W) damage, and the wraith slides it up to 2 squares. '"-"
Insubstantial Vl
vVhen a creature enters t he guard chamber, the mad Th e wraith ta kes half damage from all attacks, except those that
wraith s attack. deal force damage. Whenever the wraith takes radia nt da mage, it
loses this trait until th e start of its next turn.
Spawn Wraith
When the charac ters enter the area, read:
When the wraith kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes a Z
Frost spreads like spilled water over the wall and door in the ::l
wra ith figment at the sta rt of th is wraith's next turn. The new wraith
far wall of this small chamber, and then thinas made of shift- appears in the space where the humanoid died or in the nearest 0
ina shadows appears to ooze from the waH. A moment later you U
unoccupied square, and it rolls a new initiative check. The new
hear a aroup of hauntina and deep voices babbHna in broken wraith acts under the Dungeon Master's control. UJ
Common, making no sense at all. STANDARD ACTIONS

CD Touch of Madness (gsychis). At-Will

If a character tries to make sense of the mad wraiths' whis - Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Wi ll
pered babble, the character is affected by the creatures' Hit: 2d6 + 7 psychic damage, and th e target takes a -2 penalty to
mad wh ispers allfa regardless of distance. The wraith s all defenses (save en ds).
move to surround and attack the characters.
,+Touch of Chaos (charm, psychic) • Recharge j;:;J iUI
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature able to take free actions); +9 vs.
W ill
Tactics Hit: 2d6 + 7 psychic damage, and the wraith slides t he target up
to 5 sq uares. The target must then make a basic attack against
The wraiths phase through the 'walls and out into th e
its nearest ally.
halls to surround the characters jfthey can . They attack Miss: Half damage, and the wraith slides the target up to 2
until they are d estroyed or until no creature is within 10 squares.
squares of area 4. Skills Stealth +13
5t,6(+1) Dex 20 (+8) Wis3(-1)
Con 17 (+6) Int 11 (+3) Ch. 19 (+7)
Alignment chaotic evil languages Common


- Ettin Thug (E)
large natural humanoid (giant)
Level 8 Brute
XP 350
HP 11 0; Bloodied 55 Initiative +5
TRAPPED AMBUSH AC 20, Fortitude 21 , Reflex 17, Will 19
Speed 6
Perception +11

Encounter Level 5 (1,050 XP) TRAITS

or Double Actions
The ettin makes two initiative c hecks and takes a full turn on each
j" Encounter Level 8 (1,925 XP initiati ve result. The ettin can take two immediate actions per
with traps) round but only one betwee n one turn and the next.

Setup CD Smash +- At-Will

Attack: Melee 2 (o ne creature); +13 vs. AC
1 ettin thug (E)
Hit: l d1 2 + 3 damage.
4 human barbarians (H)
3 falHng iron portcullises
2 false-floor pits
+Kick +- At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Fortitude
1 poisoned dart wall Hit: The ettin pushes the target up to 2 squares. The ettin then
2 wbirling blades moves up to ha lf its speed.
St, 20 (+9) Dex 12 (+5) Wis 15 (+6)
'fhe \Vinter King's lieutenant, a tiefling named Anger, Con 10 (+9) Int 8 (+3) Cha 9 (+3)
Alignment chaotic evil languages Giant
grew tired of waiting for the characters and sent some of
those under his command to look for them. They have
4 Human Barbarians (H) Level 4 Brute
orders to find the characters and bring them to the '~linter Medium natural humanoid XP 175
King or to kill them. They catch up with the ch aracters as HP 66; Bloodied 33 In itiative +3
th ey are around area 12 (page 16). AC 15, Fo rtitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 14 Perception +2
Speed 7
When appropriate, read: STANDARD ACTtONS

You hear multiple booted feet and the heavy tread of somethinB CD Greataxe (weapon) +- At-WiII _ _. _ -
hUBe from the hall and see torchliBht shininBfrom around the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
corn er. Then you hear a deep human voice say, "Thad, no kill! Hit: 2d12 + 2 damage.
That goes for you too, Thunk. No kill, understand? Not until one ® Handaxe (weapon) At-Will+-
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
of us says so. Got it?" Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage .
Almost simultaneously, two much deeper voices beain TRIGGERED ACTIONS
into nina, "Kill . . ." .~ Battle Fury +- Encounter
"No, you idiots! No kill! Don't kill! We're supposed to talk to Triaaer: The human barbarian is first bloodied.
them!" Attack (Free Action): Close burst 1 (e nemies in the burst); +9 vs. AC
"Kill . .. " say the deeper voices aaain. Hit: 2d12 + 5 damage.
"Fine. We'll do it your way." Miss; Half damage.
Skills Athl etics +10
St, 17 (+5) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 11 (+2)
The characters have 1 round to ready themse lves before
Con 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) _ _ _ Cha 12 (+3)
the ettill and its human allies round the corner. When Alignment unaligned l anguages Common
they do, the characters see an enormous two -headed ettin Equipment greataxe, 4 handaxes
lumbering forward in front of iour tough-looking humans
in hide armor. The humans bear torches, but the ettin car-
D C 14 Thievery check, the applica tion of fire (such as a
ries only a club.
barbarian's torch), or an attack against the ice can allow a
The humans have orders to kill the characters if they
trap to be active. If the characters don't try to use the traps
refuse to come before the V\Tinter King with the ettin and
to their advantage, the human barbarian s do, and the
human s as guards. The dim-witted ettin understa nds only
ettin likely accidentally frees traps from the ice with wild
Giant, and the humans can't make it understand any word
SWings. Active traps that become ha za rds to the characters
of Common other than "kill." When the ettin sees the
should grant XP.
characters, it attacks, and the humans follow suit.
Lever: As a standard action, a character can pull this
lever in one of two directions. Pulled one way, it activates
Traps all portcullises that have not fallen and then resets them
lfthe traps are inact ive, they are not part of th e encounter in the ceiling. Pulled the other way, it causes both of the
and do not grant XP. However, the characters might have whiTling blades to travel along their tracks and vanish into
freed them from ice and reset them. Also, the lever can the ceiling, resetting them.
be used to manually trigger the traps if they are active. A
2 False-Floor Pits Level 1 Minion Trap 2 <,.

Object XP 25 each V1
Detect Perception DC 19 Init iative - III
Immune attacks
+Attack + Encounter 0
Triaaer: A creature enters one of the trap's four squares. UJ
Attack (Immediate Reaction); Melee 1 (triggering creature); +4 vs. Q.
Refl ex <C
Hit: Th e target falls 10 feet to the bottom of the pit, taking 1d1 0 :x:
damage and falling prone. i-
Miss: The ta rget returns to the last square it occupied and its V1
movement e nds imm ediate ly. :x:
Effect: The false floor opens and the pit is no longer hidde n. UJ

• Disable: Thievery DC 19. Success: The false floor is jammed ;:)
closed a nd the trap cannot attack . 0
Poisoned Dart Wall Level 6 Trap LU
Object XP 250
Detect Perception DC 23 Initiative +7
Immune attacks

~Attack (poison). At-Will

Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).

+ Disable: Thievery DC 23. Success: The creature disables the

tripwire before the trap is triggered.
3 Falling Iron Portcullises Level 7 Minion Trap
Object XP 75 each
Detect Perception DC 11 Initiative - 2 Whirling Blades Level 4 Trap
HP45 Object XP 175 each
AC 8, Fortitude 8, Reflex 8, WiII - Detect Perception DC 22 Initiative +7
Imm une necrotic, poison, psychic, forced movement, all condi- HP 55
t ions, ongo ing da mage AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, WiJI-
STAN DARD ACTIONS Resist 5 all; Immu ne necrotic, pOison, psychic, forced movement,
all conditions, ongoi ng damage
Attack + Encounter
Triaser: A creature steps on the pressu re plate.
Attack (Immed iate Reaction): Melee 1 (ta rgets unde r the portcul-
lis); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + 5 damage, a nd the target is restrained (esca pe DC 16) Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); +10 vs. AC
and fa lls prone. Hit: 1d8 + S damage.
Miss: Ha lf damage, and the target slides 1 sq uare (roll a d20:
1-10 slides forward, 11-20 slid es back).
Features of the Area
+ Disable: Thievery DC 16. Failure (11 or less): The portcullis Falling Iron Portcullis: These three traps are indi-
fall s and attacks . cated by dotted lines running through the squ ares they
• lift: A character not restrained by the portcullis ca n force it occupy.
open w ith a successfu l DC 19 Strength check. Poisoned Dart Wall: T hi s trap extends along the
south ern wall of area 12.
Tactics Whirling Blades: The tracks that hold these two traps
are indicated by dashed lines running through the squares
r he ettin and the human s attack fiercely despite the traps.
they occupy.
[he humans attempt to make lise of the traps, working
False-Floor Pits: These two traps are located where ~.
heir way to the lever if they can. [f the ettin dies before
the pits appear on the map. Those pits, however, are not
III the humans are dispatched, any bloodied humans who
visible until the traps are triggered.
'emain try to fight a retreat and return to Anger in area
L4. They do not surrender.
. -
- Tiefling Fury (Tl
Medium natural humanoid
Level S Soldier
XP 200
HP 63; Bloodi ed 31 Initiative +4
COLD ANGER AC 21. Fortitude 18. Reflex 17. Perception +2
Speed 6 low--light vision
Encounter Level 4 (900 XP) Resist 10 fi re

Setup Longsword (weapon~ • At·
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature): -10n. AC
A nger, tiefliug fur y (T) Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage.
2 blazi ng skeletons (B) Effect: The tiefling marks the target e:;rl eX the ta rget's
1 ogre hu n ter (0) ne xt turn.
When the characters e nter the area, read: +Tail Trip. At-Will
This larBe room is Ii' with }lickerinB blue liBhtfrom two forB es Tri88er: An e nemy marked by the tiefImg
that B'ow with azure flam es. Thefires must be cold, because the Attock (Immediate InterruptF Melee 1 uiggu-'S 151e111)'); -1 0 vs.
Refl e x
room is positively freezin8. A tiefling male in chainrnail armor is
Hit: The target falls prone, and me tilES m,I!!'5. 3 .. d aga inst
gingerly holdin8 something in one of the forB es with tong5, while it.
a bored ogre sits in one corner pickin8 its teeth and two skeletons Defiant Curse. At-Will
stand idle nearby. Tri88e r: An enemy hits the tiefling_
Effect (Free Action): Close burst 10 Uigguilllselil5iJ) in the burst).
The Winte r King's lie ute nant. a tiefling named Anger, has Th e tiefling marks the target until tt.e enl of me caget"s next
been orde red to this room to try to alter the fo rges to make turn.
Skills Bluff +10, Stealth +7
them hot so weapons and ar mor can aga in be made fo r the
5.,1 6 (+5) Dex 11 -2 W'" 10 -1)
\r\linter King's army. His first attempt to use the blaZing
Con 15 (+4) Int 14 --4 Cha 16 -5)
skeletons fa iled, and now he's using his fire key to see what Alignment unaligned l anguages Comrmxt
it can do. H e's not having much success and is grumbling Equipment leathe r armor. longsy.un:I
about how the Winter King should "va it until Ravidc the
Black, one of the wizard s, th aws out. 2 Blazing Skeletons (B) level S Artillery
Me dium natural animate (und ead) XP 200 each
W hen the characters show themselves , read: HP 53; Bloodied 26 Initiative +6
AC 19, Fo rtitude 15, Refl ex 18. Will 16 Perception +4
The ti<if/inn stra inhtens up from bendinB over the forne, pull-
Spee d 6 Darkvisio n
ina out a}laminB key on a aolden chain, which he quickly puts Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire. 10 IleCJ"OlK;
around his Heck. "How did you 8et here?" he says in shock. "J se nt Vulne rable 5 radi ant
my ettin after you! " He draws aja88ed blade, and the skeletons
suddenly burst into oranae fl ames as the oare scrambles to its
feet. Any crea ture that ends its turn in the aur.iI takes .5 fi re damage.
Anger wa nts to take the ice scepter to the Winter King. and CD Blazing Claw (fire) + At-W ill
if the cha racters go quietly \\' ith him and hi s minions to Attack: Melee 1 (on e creature); +10 vs.. AC
m eet the king, he is delighted to bring them. He knows Hit; ld 6 + 3 damage. and ongoing.5 fire damage (save e nds).
they are no match for both his group a nd the W inter ® Fla me Orb (fire] + At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (o ne creature); - 10 vs.. Reflex
King. If the ch aracters don't go quietly, he orders h is alli es
Hi t: 2d4 + 4 damage , and ongoing.5 fire damage (save e nds).
to attack, telling the og re to dip its weapo ns in the cold Str 13 (+3) Dex 18 1- 6, Wis 15 (+ 4)
flames as he does so. Con 17 (+5) In. 4 (-1 Cha 6 (+0)
Alignme nt unaligned l a nguages ~
The ogre hunter moves to a forge to dip a javelin in it a nd
then hurl s it at a character. One blaZing skeleton take s
cover away from the characters and u ses flame orb wh ile
the other moves into melee a longside Anger, hoping to
flank with him and burn foes WitJl its fiery aura. Anger
takes no da mage from the aura, and thu s can move about
freely. If necessary and usefu l, one or m ore of them uses
the other exit to the cha mber and r un s arou nd to attack
the characters from anoth er side.
Features of the Area ~
Cold Forges: The two forges in the f oom Z
burn with blue fl am es of cold. When the «
Winter King was first cursed by the I\aven o
Queen, he came to th e forges to try to burn
the curse away. In stead th e flames tran s-
form ed and became eternal chillfires.
A chillflre deals IdS cold damage to
a creature that enters it or ends its turn L.lJ
w ithin it. I-
A character who puts a weapon or imple- ~
ment into the chillHre of a forge causes it to 0
flicker with wisps of blue fire. As long as the U
weapon or implement is not extinguished
or lIsed to attack, it shines like a torch with
flickering blue light. The next attack the
character makes with the en flamed weapon
or impl em ent deals Id8 extra cold damage
on a hit.
Crates: The crates and barre ls contain
supplies for the forge , such as iron and coal.
They are difIicult terrain and provide cover.
Water Barrels: Th ese ornate barrels
contain water for cooling items taken from
the forge. At thi s point, the water in each of
them is frozen solid. The barrels are diffi-
cult terrain and provide cover.

Anger wears three gold earrings set with
tiny rubies worth 20 gp each. In addition,
he wears the fire key around hi s n ec k on a
Ogre Hunter (0) Level 7 Skirmisher
large natural humanoid (giant) XP 300 thick gold chain worth 20 gpo
HP 84; Bloodied 42 Initiative +8 The enchanted fir e key is burning hot to the touch
AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 17 Perception +5 and d eals 5 fire damage to any creature that ends its turn
Speed 8 carrying it. It has no intrinsic value beyond m elting the
STANDARD ACTIONS ice that fills area 13 (page 17). Once it has b een used to
<D Club (weaRon) • AtW;)J cause the ice to evaporate, it vanishes in a flash.
Attock: Melee 2 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
:rJavelin (weapo n) • At-Will
Attock: Ranged 20 (one creature); +12 vs. AC If it looks to Anger as though he ,;vill outlast the ogre and
Hit: ld8 + 9 damage. his blazing skeletons, he attempts to escape, shouting for
f Hu,Ung Cha'ge • Rechacge [;J01B._~ __ ~_ he lp as he does so. His first choice is to go toward the bar-
Effect: The ogre uses javelin. If its attack hits, the ogre charges as
racks in hopes offinding allies. (The Winter King might
a free acti on.
punish him for his failure, so he avoids the throne room.)
I f th e characters have not yet explored area 7, perhaps
<- Clear the Ground. At-Will Anger flees there. Othen-vise, his escape sh ould provoke
Attock: Close burst 2 (creatu res in the burst); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit The ogre pushes the target up to 2 sq uares. an encounter with him and a guard patrol (encounter 10,
Effect: If the attack hits any of the targets, the ogre moves up to page 30).
its speed.
S" 21 (+8) Dex 16 (+6) W;s 15 (+5)
Con 20 (+8) Int 4 (+0) Cha7 (T1)
Alignment chaotic evil languages Giant
Eq uipment club, 6 javelins
Gnome Illusionist (G) Level 6 Artillery
• ENCOUNTER 7: Small fey humanoid XP 250
HP 57; Bloodied 28 Initiative +5
AUDIENCE WITH AC 20, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 18 Perception +4
Speed 5 low-light vision
CD Gnarled Staff (wea pon) • At·Wili
Encounter Level 5 (1 ,000 XP) Attack: Melee 1 (one creature): +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
Setup i~ B~t;lazzle (illusion! implement, radiant) • At-Will
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +11 vs. Will
Azrinda, gnome illusionist (G) Hit: 2d6 + 5 radiant damage, and the target grants combat
4 grasping zombies (Z) advantage (save ends).
Hootie, young owlbear (0) ~ See Me Not (illUSion, im~lement, psychic) • Recha rge ~lTIl
Attack: Close blast 3 (e nemies in the blast); +9 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the target cannot see the
Read or paraphrase th e following when the charac-
gnome (save ends).
ters enter this room:
A dank prison cmifronts your senses when you open the door.
There, Not There (illusion, teleportation) • Encounter
CaBes line the walls. Most are occupied by unmoving corpses,
Effect: The gnome teleports up to 5 squares and creates two
and the smell of rotfiIls you r nostrils. Somethin8 hU8e covered duplicates of itse lf within 5 squares of its destination space.
with fur slumbers fitfully in the farthest caae, but a whisper The duplicates last until the gnome attacks or until they are
draws your attention to the nearest. In the shadows of that caBe destroyed. Each duplicate has 1 hit point and the same abil-
you hear the weak voice of the woman you spoke to through the ity scores and defenses as the gnome. The gnome can use its
door, "Thank Sehanine you came!" actions to have a duplicate act in any way it could, except that
She'siying on her side, her arm outstretched and her hand the duplicates cannot use powers and cannot flank.
between the bars of her cell. She seems near death.
Veil (illusion) • At-Will
Effect: The gnome can disguise itself and up to t hree alli es within
Azrinda has cloaked herselfin the illusion of what she
5 squares of it to appear as any Small or Medium creatures. A
thinks the characters expect of the Winter Queen: a middle- creatu re can see through the disguise with a successful Insight
aged but still beautiful human woman, gaunt and pale with check opposed by the gnome's Bluff check.
blonde hair and wearing a tattered blue dress with its jewels Skills Bluff+13, Stealth +12
and finery torn from it. She is barefoot and wears no jewelry. 5t, 10(+3) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 13 (+4)
A DC 21 History check allows a character to realize that no Con 15 (+5) Int 18 (+,"7",)_ _ Cha 10 (+8)
Winter Queen was ever affiliated with the Winter King. Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment robes, gnarled staff (q uarte rstaff)
Ifher sister Zanna has made it here from encounter 1
(page 6), she plays the roll of a ,.veeping lady in \vaiting,
sharing the cell with her "queen." She is dressed in rags Young Owlbear (0) Level 8 Brute
and is blubbering hopelessly, fretful for her queen but also large fey beast XP 350
frightened of the characters. HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +6
Azrinda wants the characters to believe that she can AC 20, Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 20 Perception +12
Speed 7 Darkvision
help them defeat "my husband, the cruel Winter King" if
they give her the ice scepter and place her upon the throne.
CD Claw. At-W,-;"I"I,,_ _ _':"""~
Then she can end the eternal winter. Azrinda is a glib con-
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +13 vs. AC
versarionalist (Bluff +13), but the characters might catc h Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage.
her in a lie by asking her how she knows of an eternal +Double Attack. At-Will
winter. Azrinda has a quick wit, and she does her best to Effect: The owlbear uses claw twice. If both attacks hit the same

1 blend truth into all she says. Roleplaying Azrinda (in the
role of Alanna, the \Vinter Queen) is a good way to relate
the legend of the Winter King to the players. She might
say, "I can help you because I know why the Winter King's
creature, the owl bear grabs it (escape DC 16) if the owl bear has
fewer than two creatures grabbed.
+)leak 5nap t,bt-wm
Effect: Melee 1 (o ne creature grabbed by the owl bear). The target
takes 2d8 + 11 damage.
touch turns everything to ice. I know why the Prince of , ... Dazing Hoot + Recharge when first bloodied
Frost froze u s all in punishment." Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +11 vs. Fortitude
A battle breaks out when the characters distrust Hit: The target is dazed (save e nds).
Azrinda or when they investigate the cages (all but Azrin- 5t, 19 (+8) - Dex 14 (+6) w;s 16 (+7)
da's cage are unlocked). The corpses are zombies waiting Con 16 (+7) Int 1 (+0) Cha 10 (+4)
Alignment unaligned languages-
for Azrinda's command, and the furred thing in the largest
cage is her pet m'vl bcar, Hootie, which Azrinda says will be
meat for the king's kitchen. Azrinda says that the corpses
haven't done so already) and tries to moye zUJ -4
behind any of her allies for protection.:1f UJ
both Azrinda and Zanna are in the combat, :J
they both use dis8uise self to appear as the
\t\linter Queen, and then both use there, :c
not there at the same time in hopes of I-
thoroughly confusing the characters. The :c
zombies and the owlbear move toward the
nearest prey and attack mindlessly. 3:
Features of the Area Z
Cages: The side of a cage blocks move- Cl
ment and provides cover against melee :J
attacks. A locked cage door can be opened <::
with a DC 21 Thievery check or a DC 21 r--.
Strength check. If a character wants to
attack the bars to escape, at least one bar
must be broken to squeeze through (AC 8, :J
Fortitude 8, 30 hp; immune pOison, psychic, 0
4 Grasping Zombies (Z) Levell Brute necrotic, and attacks that target Will). U
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 100 each
Well: This well contains icy but drinkable water.
HP 33; Bloodied 16 Initiative -1
AC 13, Fortitude 14, Reflex 11, Will 11 Perception -1
Speed 4 Darkvision Development
Immune disease, poison
If the characters ignore Azrinda's pleas through the door
and continue on their chosen path, she waits a few rounds
Zombie Weakness
before she gathers her forces and follows the characters.
A critical hit automatically reduces the zombie to 0 hit points.
like other people in the Winter King's Realm, Azrinda
wants to take the characters and the ice scepter to the
CD Slam+- At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Winter King so that she can attack them with the king's
Hit: ld12 + 3 damage, or 1 d12 + 8 against a grabbed target. help. Azrinda's ploy is a dangerous one, hovvever, because
+Zombie Grasp. At-Will no \i\Tinter Queen ever existed in conjunction with the
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex \i\Tinter King. She's hoping the characters' ignorance of the
Hit: The zombie grabs the target (escape DC 12) if it does not ancient past is as great as her ignorance of the present, but
have a creature grabbed. in case it's not, she has ordered Hootie to follow after her
TRIGGERED ACTIONS if she leaves the prison, and the zombies are ordered to
Deathless Hunger+- Encounter follow Hootie. In this way she hopes to have her allies with
Tri88er: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a criti-
her when she takes the characters to the Winter King or in
cal hit.
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is
advance of their next fight.
instead reduced to 1 hit point. If the characters fight her in the prison, Azrinda is
S'r 16 (+3) De. 8 (-1) WIs8(-1) as concerned for her skin as Zanna was. She tries to
Con 13 (+1) Int 1 (-5) Ch. 3 (-4) flee when bloodied, but only ifher sister Zanna is dead
Alignment unaligned languages - or comes with her. If she gets away, she goes to join the
Winter King in his throne room.
were travelers through the mountains who were killed by
the Winter King's servants, yet a close examination (DC
14 Perception check) reveals that they resemble some of
the vvarriors from the sky ship. See "Development" for Azrinda has a purse hidden under her clothes (DC 10 Per-
more advice about how to handle the encounter. ception \ivhen searching her) with 45 gp and a golden ring
set \'\lith a blue topaz \vorth a total of 100 gpo

\Nhen combat breaks out, Azrinda caIls for the zombies
to ari se and for Hootie to awaken. She brings her powers
to bear against the characters from inside the cage,
using it as cover unless that becomes impractical. Then
she unlocks it by using a minor action (if the characters

3 Dwarf Brawlers (D) Level 2 Brute
• ENCOUNTER 8: Medium natural humanoid XP 125
Initiative +2
WHAT'S FOR DINNER? Perception +4
low-light visio n
Encounter Level 4 (975 XP)

Setup The dwa rf can move 1 square fewer than the effect specifies
3 dwarf brawlers (D) whe n subjected to a pull. a push, or a slide.
1 otyugh (0 ) Steady-Footed
Ravide the B lack, hum an transmute r (H ) The dwarf can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone when
an a ttack would kn ock it prone.
Recently thawed, Ravid e the Black a nd his companions STANDARD ACTIONS
are here trying to warm up a nd fi nd food . They aren't CD Greataxe (weapon) + At-Will
exp ec ting trouble, and they don't know why they were Auock: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 YS.. AC
frozen or who th e characters are, a nd they ar e not aware Hit: 1d12 + 5 damage.
th at the Winter Ki ng "vants the ice scepter. When the char- @ Handaxe (weapon) + At-Will
Attock: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
acters arrive, they are suspicious but not host ile.
Hit: 2d6 + 3 dam age.
+Mad Axe . At-Will
When the cha racters entcr or look into this area, read: Requirement: The dwarf must be bloodied.
This room appears to be a kitchen. You smell some wood smoke, Effect: The dwarf usesareataxe twice. each time against a differ·
but fhe dominatin8 odor comes from a slowly thawina refuse pit e nt target. It can shift 1 square betv.-'eefl the <lttacks.
on one side of the room . St, 18 (+5) Dex 11 -1 Wi< 16 (+4)
Con 17 (+ 4) Int lO -1 Cha10(+1)
A thin male human stands next to a firep lace, squeezil18
Alignment unaligned languages Common, Dwarven
water from his black robes and shaking it from his black hair
Equipment greataxe, 4 hand<lxes
while three drippina dwarves with ice still in their beards open
drawers and cupboards lookinafor somerhina.
"Have yo ufo und any food yet?" the man aroans while pourina The dwarve s do remember who was "ith them when
water out of one of his boots. The dwarves onlyarumble in reply. they we re frozen , but it takes them a while to come to a
whispered consensus. They alen Ra,ide the Black when
If the characters are openly car rying the ice scepter, Ravide they agree, and th is event m ight stan a fight depending on
and the dwarves a re on th eir guard, ask ing why the charac- Ravide's di sposition toward the characters at that point.
tCj'S have it as they reach for weapons. Otherwise, Ravide is
more interested in ga ining information than in fighting. Tactics
Ravide the Black is va in, egotistica l, and cranky fro m W hen a fight breaks out in this cham.ber, Ravide stays
his long freeze. The first thing he says when he sees th e away from the refu se pit and uses capridous earth to sl ide
characters is. "Who are you? Were you frozen too?" Ravide characters into it or next to it. He delights in using beast
,""ants to know why he was frozen, for how long, and if the curse to turn the characters into piglets. fish. or ducks, and
Winter King still lives. He assumes so, since he himself then threatening to make a meal of them. However, Ravide
has survived. is nothing ifnot a n opporturust.lfhe can switch sides and
save his skin. he does so in a heartbeat.
The dwan'es anack in melee or hurl
ha ndaxes. Ther also do thei r best to stay
away from the refuse pit.
The otyugh. hidden in the refuse pit

( when combat begins. surges to grab at any

creat ure that ends up adjacent to the pit. It
pulls victims down to it. and a fa U into the
pit deals only Id6 damage due to th e cush-
ioning of the refuse. If a couple of rounds
pass during which the otyug h cannot attack
a creature, it attempts to climb out, anxious
for the taste of warm flesh after its long,
cold slee p.

Otyugh (0) Level 7 Soldier Human Transmuter (H) Level 7 Controller ~
large natural beast XP 300 Medium natural humanoid XP 300 UJ
HP 82; Bloodied 41 Initiative +5 HP 77; Bloodied 38 Initiative +3 Z
AC 23, Fortitude 22. Reflex 16, Will 19 Perception +11 AC 21, Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 20 Perception +11 z
Speed 5, swim 5 Darkvision Speed 6 a
o Otyugh Stench + Aura 1 CD Staff (weapon) • At·WiII o"
living enemies ta ke a -2 pena lty to attack rolls wh il e in the aura. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage. Vl

CD Tentacle + At-Will .,~ Capricious Earth (charm , impl ement) • At·Will

Attack: Area burst 2 within 5 (enemies in the burst); +10 vs. Will
Attock: Melee 3 (one cre ature); +12 vs. AC J:
Hit: 2d10 + 6 damage, and the tran smuter slides the target up to
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the otyugh pulls the target up to 2
squares and grabs it (escape DC 16). 3 squares. 3:
+Diseased Bite (disease) + At-Will Miss: The transmuter can slid e the target 1 square.
::rBeast Curse (implement. polymorph) • Recharge ~[2] lUI
Auock: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: ldl 0 + 8 damage, or 1 dl 0 + 12 against a creatu re grabbed Attack: Ranged 5 (one hexed enemy); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The trans muter alters the target's physi ca l form to appear as

by the otyugh. In addition, at the end of the e ncounter, th e

a Tiny an imal until the end of the transmute r's next tu rn. While
ta rget makes a saving throw. On a failure, the target contracts :l
lesser otyugh filth fever (stage 1). in this form, the target ca nnot use powers or make attacks. o
Skills Stealth +13 MOVE ACTIONS U
5t,22 (+9) De. 11 (+3) w;s 16 (+6) Hex Jump (Jeleportation) • Encounter Z
Con 18 (+7) Int 1 (-2) Cha 5 (+0) Effect: Close burst 5 (one hexed creature in the burst). The trans·
Alignment unaligned languages - muter and th e

Lesser Otyugh Filth Fever Level 7 Disease Hex (charm, implement) • At·WIII (1/roulld)
D IOse infected by this disease waste away as they alternate9-' 51ifJcr chills Attack: Close burst 5 (one e ne my in the burst); +10 vs. Will
and llOtjlas}lcs. Hit: The target is hexed until the end of the transmuter's next
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease. turn. While hexed, the target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty
Stage 1: While affected by stage 1, the target loses a healing surge. to attack rolls a nd damage ro lls against the transmuter.
Stage 2: Whil e affected by stage 2, the target loses a healing surge Skills Arca na +10, Nature +11
and ta kes a -2 penalty to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex. 5t, 10 (+3) De. 11 (+3) w;s 17 (+6)
Stage 3: Whil e affected by stage 3, the ta rget loses all healing surges Con 13 (+4) Int 15 (+5) Cha 14(+5)
and ca nnot rega in hit points. The target also takes a - 2 pena lty to Alignment unaligned Languages Common
AC, Fortitude, and Refl ex. EqUipment staff, robes
Check: At the end of eac h extended rest, the targe t makes an
Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2. firmly with the Winter King out of despair. seeing him as
10 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1. the on ly pa rt of their lives that is a consta nt.
11 -15: No change.
If the ch a racters haven't dealt with Anger and his
16 or Hiaher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
allies in encounter 7 (page 24), a combat here a lerts the
tiening to danger, and he sends a blaZing skeleton to look
Features of the Area for a guard patrol. When you run encounter 7, subtract
Fire: A character who starts his or her turn in a sq uare one blazing skeleton but have it a rrive with a guard patrol
of the fireplace or moves into one takes 5 fire damage. The (encounter 10, page 30) a few round s into the battle.
fireplace sheds bright light out to ]0 squares, effecti vely
illuminating this entire area except for the refuse pit. Treasure
Refuse Pit: This pit is 10 feet deep and has uneven Ravide th e Black has 50 gp and two 50 gp rub; e, hl a bag
sides that reqUire a DC 14 Athletics ch eck to climb. on his belt.

If the chara cters don't kill Rav ide the Black, he could
make an interesting person for them to interac t \;vith over
time, whether he's an aUy or enemy. Ravide might sha re
some of his knowledge about treasure troves of th e ancient
world- if the characte rs agree to his terms.
The dwarves were not part of the clan that held these
halls. rn fac t, they were from a clan that had long bee n at
war with them , and they allied with the Winter King to
crush their enemies. lfthey learn how long it has bee n
since the clan they know of was alive, they side more
- The Winter King (W)
large natural humanOId (human, undead)
Level 5 Solo Controller
XP 1,000
HP 256; Bloodied 128 Initiative +3
UNCROWNTHE AC 19, Fortitude 20. Reflex 17, WiI120
Speed 6
Perception +10
Darkviso n
WINTER KING Immune cold until first bloodied; Resist 5 damage (a ll types
except fire) until first bloodied
Encounter LevelS (1 ,1 76 XP) Saving Throws +5, Action Points 1

Setup Action Recovery

Whe never the Wi nte r King e nds his tu rn, any dazing, stunning,
1 Winter King (W ) or domi nating effect on him ends,
4 ice chandeliers (hanging over the squ a res marked Persistent Assault
with C) On an initiative of 10 + th e Winter King's initiative chec k, the
Winter King ca n shift up to his speed as a free action. The king
T hi s encounter begins when someone attacks the Winter ca n move through enemies' spaces and gains resist 5 to a ll
da mage during the move, Each time the king enters an e nemy's
King, gives him th e ice scepter, or addresses him. The
space for the first time d uring the move, he can use slam against
V\Tinter King attacks the characters or demands they kneel that ene my. If the attack hits, the target also falls prone. If the
before him, depending on their actions. Use the Words king ca nnot use a free action to take this move due to a do minat-
Aga inst the Winter King skill challenge if the characters ing or stunning effect, then that effect ends instead of the king
atte mpt to engage in diplomacy before or during th e battle. making this shift.
Crown of Winter
See the item description for th e item's powers. Do not add its
4 Ice Chandeliers (C) Level 4 Minion Hazard
e nha ncement bonu ses to the Winter King's rolls. The crown
Object XP 44 each
ca nnot be seen on the Winter King's head when combat begins
Detect Perception DC 10 Initiative - du e to the ice surrounding his ske letal body.
HP 10
AC 5, Fortitude 10, Refl ex 5, Will ~
CD Slam (cold) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one crea ture); +10 vs, AC
Hit: 2d6 + 7 co ld damage .
•~ Icy Burst (cold) .. At-Will
Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +8 vs. Fortitude
TriBBer: The ice chande lier dro ps to 0 hit points.
Hit: 1dl 0 + 8 cold damage, and the target is slowed unti l the end
Effect: The ice chande lier fa lls to the ground .
of its next turn.
Attack (Immediate Rea ction): Close burst 1 centered on the area
Special: If the ice scepter is within 10 squares of the Wi nter King,
the ice cha nd elie r lands (cre atures in the burst); +7 vs. Refl ex
the king can use thi s power as an area burst 2 centered on the
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage. The target falls prone, is restra ined (escape
scepter, This attack does not provoke opportu nity attacks.
DC 14), and takes ongoing 5 co ld damage until it is no longer
:y Grip of Winter (cold). Recharge ~ :.: ::
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex
Miss; The target is pushe d to the nearest unocc upi ed square out-
,./it: 2d8 + 8 cold damage, and the ta rget is im mobilized (save
side the burst.
e nds). The Winter King slides the ta rget up to 5 squares.
Effect: The area affected by th e burst becomes difficul t terrain.
First Fa iled Savina Throw: The target is restra ined instead of
SPECIAL immo bilized (save ends).
Grip of Winter: The Wi nte r King can use arip of winter to attack Second Failed Savina Throw: The target is stunned instead of
an ice chandelier, automatica lly re ducing it to 0 hit points and restrained (save ends).
sliding it up to 5 sq uares before it falls. Third Failed Savina Throw: The target is petrified (no save),
turned into ice exce pt for its skull.
Tactics Skills Bluff +12, Insight +10
Str 22 (+8) De. 13 (+3) W;, 16 (+5)
The Winter King uses his powers mercilessly, often Con 16 (+5) Int 15 (+4) Cha 21 (+7)
dema nding his ice scepter and promising to turn the Alignment evil l a nguages Common, Draconic,
cha racters to ice unless they surrender. He uses th e ice Dwarven, Elve n
ch andeliers against the characters wheneve r possible. Equipment crown of winter (see item description)

Skill Challenge: Words Allow each character to make one skilJ ch eck per
round as a free action, but if the character also attac ks in
Against the Winter King that round , the attempt automatically results in a fa ilu re.
Treat any attempt to influence the Winter Ki ng as a skill I f the characters lack the ice sce pter, th e W inter King
challenge. Successes in this skill challenge res uJt in the ruth lessly attacks them, shouting for a ny allies to come to
wea ring down of the W inter King's resolve. his aid. Attempts to influence him with words automati -
cally fail unless the characters are begging for mercy and a
cha nce to return with the Winter King's coveted scepter.
a pool square requires a D C 14 Atl1-
letics check a nd an extra square oj..
Spirit Ice: The bridge across the
pool is m ade of ice within which swirl
the groaning faces of ghosts. T hese $:
spirits und ermin e the characters' l.U
confidence by whispering pleas that J:
the characters not anger or fight the r-
Winter King. They tell the characters to ;
be humble and to kneel before him. ~
The bridge is difficult terrain and "
exiting a square reqUires a DC 10 U
Ac robatics check. Failure results in t he ~
characters faWng prone in a random 0'1
adjacent square (roll a d8). During ct:
combat with th e Winter King, a charac- ~
ler who ends his or her turn on one of Z
the bridge squares or enters on e takes :l
10 necrotic and cold damage. o
Tapestries: These brittle but beauti- Z
ful tapestries are made of solid ice. A
secret door hidden behind the north-
erllInost tapestry (D C 21 Perception
check to di scover it) leads to area 19.
Fallen Pillars: The area covered by
the falle n pillars is difficult terrain.

Level: 4 (XP 175).

Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 failures).
Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Hislory, Intimidate , The W inter King wears the crown of winter.
Nature, Religion.
The primary sk ill that a character uses on a check Crown of Winter Level 8 Rare
depend s on what the characte r says to the V\Tinter King This imposins crown appea rs to be made of ice and is ch illy fo the touch.
or how the character says it. The six skil1 s listed above Item Slot: Head 3,400 gp
are the ones most likely to come into play; imag inative Property: You gain resist 5 cold.
players might de vise uses for other skills that wou ld a lso Power (Encounter + Cold, Psychic): Immediate Reaction. Tri8J]er:
An e nemy damages you. Effect: The triggering enemy takes 5
be appropriate. Every skill chec k in this challenge h as a
cold and psychic damage. and it is immobilized until the end of
DC ofl4. its next turn.
Success: The Winter King's confidence crumbles as Power (Daily): Free Action. Tri8ser: You make an attack roll for a
the characters get the better of him with their words , and cold power and dislike the result. Effect You reroll the attack roll
he takes 50 damage as a result. If you like, the characters and use the new result.
can attempt this sk U! challenge multiple time s. Hthe final
damage the "Vinter King takes is dealt th rough succeeding
on this skiU challenge, the king turns to solid ice that the n
If the characters are brought to the throne room byene-
cracks apart into tiny pieces until only the crown ofwinter
mies, the enemies join the battle when it starts or start the
battle the rust time the characters succeed on the skill
Failure: The Winter King is done w ith liste ning!
challenge. Once the characters have defeated the Winter
Now nothing will appease him but freezing the charac-
King, th ey can explore parts of the dungeon they might
ters solid.
have missed or return outside. Turn to "Concluding the
Adventure," page 31, when the characters have faiJed or
Features of the Area a re ready to leave.
Icy Pool: The pool of water by the main entrance is
covered in a thin layer of ice that breaks as soon as a char-
acter enters one of the squares. A character who enters or
ends its turn in the icy pool takes 5 cold damage. Leavi ng

3 Town Guards Level 3 Soldier
ENCOUNTER 10: Medium natural humanoid. human XP 150 each
HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5
GUARD PATROL AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6
Speed 5
Encounter Level 3 (850 XP) STANDARD ACTIONS
<D Halberd (weapon) • At-Will
Setup Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +8 vs_ AC
Hit: 1d1 0 + 5 damage. and the town guard marks the target until
1 gnome spy the end of th e town guard's next tum_
3 town guards ® Crossbow (weapon) • At-Will
4 ticfling hoodlums Attack: Ranged 20 (one creatu re); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage.
The statistics blocks on this page describe unfrozen troops 4- Powerful Strike (wea pon) + Recharge :.: !!
from area lIon patroL They might be searching for the Attack: Melee 2 (o ne creature); +8 vs_ AC
Hit: 2d1 0 + 5 damage, and the target falls prone.
characters, walking about on guard, searching for other ser-
vants of the Winter King who might have been unfrozen, or
4- Interced ing Strike (weapon) • At-Will
on an errand for another person. Perhaps they have a survi-
Tri8Ber: An enemy marked by the tovm guard makes an attack
vor of the traveiers whom th ey took custody of after he "vas that doesn't include it as a target.
questioned about the present day by someone such as Anger Attack (Immediate Interrupt): Melee 2 (triggering enemy); +8 vs_ AC
(area 14, page 17, and encounter 6, page 22). Hit: ld10 + 5 damage.
Before they were frozen, these warriors were considered Skills Streetwise +7
the elite among the Winter King's soldiers. They had the 5.,16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis11 (+1)
pick of the loot from raids and had the best accommoda- Con 15 (+3) In. 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common
tions. They are loyal to the \Vinter King because they believe
Equipment chainmail, halberd. crossbow. 20 bolts
his power will rise again; the winter that grips the land for
hundreds of miles is proof of that. 4 Tiefling Hoodlums Level 5 Minion Brute
Medium natural humanoid XP 5 0 each
Gnome Spy Level 5 Lurker H P 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. In itiative +2
Small fey humanoid XP 200 AC 17, Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 18 Pe rce ption +2
HP 51; Bloodied 15 Initiative +10 Speed 6 l ow-light vision
AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 17 Perception +8 Resist 5 fire
Speed 5 l ow-light vision STANDARD ACTIONS
CD Da_gger (weapon) + At-Will
Reactive Stealth Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +1 0 vs. AC
If the gnome has cover or concealment when it rolls initiative, it Hit: 6 damage.
can make a Stealth check to become hidden. ~ Thrown Dagger (weapon) + At-Will
STANDARD ACTIONS Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
CD Short Sword {weapon) • At-Will Hit: 6 damage .
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC TRIGGERED ACTIONS
Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, or 4d6 + 4 if the g no me was invisible to From Hell's Heart. At-Will
the target when it attacked. TriBB er: An enemy hits the Hefling hood lum .
® Dagger (wea pon) + At-Will Effect (Immediate Jnterrupt): The tiefling hoodlum uses daB8er or
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +10 vs. AC thrown da88er against the triggering enemy.
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, or 4d4 + 5 if the gnome was invisible to 5.,16(+5) Oex10 (+2) Wis 11 (+2)
the target when it attacked. Con 16 (+4) In. 15 (+4) Cha 1Z (+5 )
Vanish from Sight Qllusion) • At-Will Alignment unalig ned lang uages Common
Effect: The gnome becomes invisible until it hits o r misses with Equipment 6 daggers

( an attack or until the end of its next turn.

Fade Away (illusion) • Encounter
Tri88er: The gnome takes damage. The guards are hosti le to the characters (they know they
Effect (I mmediate Reaction): The gnome becomes invisible until it were not among the fro zen warriors), but if the guards
hits or misses with an attack or until the end of its next turn. have a speciflc mission , they might make a fighting retreat
Skills Bluff +10, Stealth +11
and attempt to go around th e characters.
5., 10 (+2) Oex 18 (+6) W;s 13 (+3)
Con 15 (+4) In. 11 (+2) Cha 17 (+5)
Alignment unaligned languages Commo n, Elven
Equipment leather armor, short sword, dagge r
CONCLUDING The Cairn of the Winter King ~
The Wi nter King's realm grad ually thaws. becoming yet f-
THE ADVENTURE a nother dungeon inh abited by whatever creatures find it Z
useful (perhaps by enemi es or a llies of the cha racters). The
If the characters fail, the Winter King does not stop the >
Ca irn , v\lith its skull s frozen in place, remain s as a constant Cl
winter until h e recla ims his ice scepter. Hi s army thaws, <:
remind er of the past.
a nd he sets about ca rving a new kingdom from the lands UJ
south of the Nentir Va le. J:
lrthe characters preva il, they can claim the treasures of Other Characters f-
the W inter King. His unnatural winter ceases, beco ming If Ma rko Lancet is still a live, he is grateful to the cha r- \.J
an unnatu ral spring, which in turn beco mes a war m and ac ters but not inclined to stay with them and face more
welcome slimme r. A seco nd season of growth and renewal dange rs. Nor is he looking forward to returning to Fa ll·
begins, and the dead crops of the land s affected by winter c rest; he's not certain he would receive the happy welcome ...J
regrow w ith stunn ing abundance. People all ove r the likely to be given to the ch a racters. Marko hiked out of ~
a rea praise Pe lor, but the people ofFalIcrest save speciaJ these mo untains once befo re, a nd he's willi ng to do it 0
thoughts of thanks for the characters. again. He says his good byes, gathers what s upplies he can , U
and sets out.
Iced Adventurers If the characters broug ht a llies w ith them from Fall·
crest, those indi vid uals a re eager to return home . If the
A ny creature turned to ice by the Winter King's touch can
cha rac ters decide to head a different direction, they might
be turned back to norma l by placing the crow n of winter
prefe r to go with the cha racters rat her than ri sk the long
upon th e character (A DC 21 Arcana check deduces thi s).
journey home alone, but eventually they grow t ired of
da nger.
The Sky Ship If the charac ters be friended anyone from the dungeon,
When the characters exit the dungeon. read: the result of that alliance is up to YOll and the ac tions of
The freez ina valley in which you landed has been transformed. the characters. Anyone from the \Vinter King's forces has
The snow is aone, and the sky above the mountains is a beauti- a lot to Jearn about the prese nt and the interven ing years.
fu l blue. Afew sprinaflowers poke up amonB the rocks, waving
ill8usts of warm wind. Atop an escarpment of stone, the sky skip
shines in the ligh t like diamo nd. It has been transformed into
The next time the characters enter Fallcrest, a great cry
solid ice!
goes up abou t their return, and they receive a heroes'
welcome. T he new spring a nd summer brought unprec-
If the characters investigate the sky ship further. its
ede nted har vests, and the town is beautiful with n owe rs
dragon figurehead appears to awake n , a nd it speaks
and greenery. An impromptu celebration brea ks out in the
to them:
streets with the characters carried upon the shou lders of
"My maBie is meltin8, like a snowflake in sum mer's sun. He who
the tov\lllsfolk and handed food and drink all th e way up to
wears the winter crown can take me upon a finaljourney. But
Moo nstone Keep, the Lord Warden's resid ence, ,·" here the
hurry. Time is short."
fes tivities continue well into the night.
The tow nsfolk are true to th eir word about free lodging,
The figurehead then subsides and says no more. The char-
goods from shops, mounts, and so on. Construction h as
acters can freely boa rd and row the ship away into the sky,
already begun on th e Towe r of Waiting in the river, and
whereupon it takes the m on a much less peril ous journey
in about a month th e charac te rs will have a fine hom e in
back to Fallcrest or to wh erever they decide to go. Alterna-
Fa Ucrest. In addition, the results of the characters' actions
tively, the ship mig ht me lt after the flig ht, stra nding them
ha ve so exceeded the Lord Warden's expectations that
in the location of a new ad venture.
he gives them a common level 4 magic item (pick one or
a llow the players to pick one) a nd 500 gp as a n addi tional
The Army on Ice reward .
Unless they are somehow dealt with by the cha racters , the
frozen force s of the Winter King gradua lly thaw. Some
see the characters as saviors. Others believe they owe the
Further Adventures
The characters might have more adventures in Fa ll crest ,
characters nothing, but th ey see the death oCthe Winter
the Frostjaw Peaks, or with the Turnfin h alfli ngs as they
King and their awaken ing to a new world as a chance to
travel downriver. You might decide to give the ch aracters
sta rt over. The rest are craven. selfish , amb itious, or evi l
the ability to use th e teleportation circle to return to the
individuals who hope to start where they left off, gain-
cairn, whereupon they mig ht find it repopulated w ith a
ing power and wealth for themselves. One or two might
new mix of creatures.
become determined foes of the charac te rs. rt's up to you.

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