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1 : Actor | Performance Prof. | Disguise | Fake weapon.

2 : Alchemist | Alchemy Kit + prof | Nature prof.

3 : Animal Handler | Animal H. prof | Whip | CR 1/8 pet
4 : Architect | Investigation prof | Masonry | 8 color rock
5 : Archivist | Calligraphy prof | 2 tomes |1 1-level scroll
6 : Armorer | Chainmail | Blacksmith prof | Athletics
7 : Artist | Art supplies | Performance | Perception
8 : Astrologer | Navigation tools + prof | +1 Int | Survival
9 : Baker | 10 rations | pouch of flour | fire resistance
10: Banker| 10 GP | 1 IoU (10 GP) | Insight

31:Clerk | History | Religion | Holy Symbol

32:Clockmaker| +1 WIS | knows time | Clockwork Beetle
33:Clothworker| cloth bag | set of extra clothes
34:Cobbler| Cobbler tools + prof | 3 SP
35:Concubine| +1 CHA | pearl necklace | nice clothing
36:Cooper| Woodcarving prof | 3 Iron Barrel Rings
37:Copyist| Calligraphy prof | History | Religion | Arcane
38: CosterMonger| A cabbage food stall | 10 rations
39: Counsellor| Persuasion | Counsellor's Ring
40:Courtesan| +1 CHA | Stealth | Persuasion | Fine clothes

61: Fisherman| 1 net + 1 dagger | swim 3/4 speed.

62:Fishmonger| 1 knife | Persuasion | Permanent 'smelly'
63:Gardner | Nature x2 | 1 poison herb or healing herb (1d4)
64:Gladiator / Price-fighter| Shortsword
65:Goldsmith| 20 GP | 1 mundane non-weapon golden item
66:Hatmaker| 1 hat of your choice| Leatherwork prof.
67:Hay Merchant| Strawhat | pile of hay | stubborn donkey
68:Healer|Medicine | 1 healing herb (1d4) | Survival
69:Hearthwitch| 1 Spell : Charm lvl 1 | adv. on seduction
70:Herbalist| Nature | Survival | +1 WIS
11: Barber | Razor (dagger) | Investigation | +1 Dex
12: Barkeep| +1 Cha | Sleight of Hand | Brew kit prof
13: Barmaid| +5 ft move
14: Beekeeper| Jar of Honey | Swarm of Bees (pet)
15:Beer Seller| 1 case of Ox Might Beer (+2 CON 1/h)
16:Beggar|Sleight of Hand|Stealth|disadv. when talk
17:Blacksmith| Blacksmith prof |Athletics |Hammer
18:Boatman | Athletics | Vehicle prof boat | rope
19:Bookbinder|Arcane | Papermaking prof
20:BookSeller| Deception | +1 INT | 3 books.

41:Courtier| +1 to ANY | Arcane or Religion orHistory.

42:Cowherd| Animal Handling | Staff.
43:Cutler | Fancy cooking utensels | Knife.
44:Dairymaid| Bottle of Milk | Cheese-wedge.
45:Dancer| +1 CHA | Performance
46:Diplomat| Deception | Persuasion | Intimidation
47:Eunuch| +2 DEX | Monk Class (no dedication)
48:Explorer| Survival | Perception | Shortbow 10 arrow

71:Jailer| Jail keys | +1 CON | Club

72:Locksmith | Thieves tools + prof | adv. on locks
73:Gravedigger| +1 CON | Shovel (1d4) | 2H-prof
74:Mortician| +1 CON | Medicine |
75:Pigkeeper| Athletics | favorite boar/pig pet
76:Ratcatcher| 1 Net | Swarm of Rats
77:Professor | History | + 2 languages.
78:Slaver | Intimidation | Whip | evil aligment.
79: Street sweeper | Broom + bag of garbage.
80: Town crier | Thaumaturgy | Persuasion or Intimidation
21: Brigand| Shortsword | Stealth | Intimidation
22: Brothel| +1 CHA | +2 when talking to opposite seks
23: Builder| +1 STR | Dirty clothes.
24: Butcher| Cleaver (1d4) | Nature | +1 against beasts
25: CarvanLead| Navigationtools | Inspiring Presence Feat
26: Carpenter | Woordcarving tools + prof | +1 STR
27: Cartographer| Nav tools + prof | Map | +1 INT
28: Chandler | 1 candle | Tinderbox
29: Chef | Cooking tools prof | Frying Pan (shield) | Dagger
30 :Chirgeon| Medicine | 1x Healing Herbs (1d4)

FARMER | Pitchvork or Scythe or Sickle (1d4)

FARMER | Prof Animal Handling or Nature
FARMER | 10 rations

81-100 FARMER

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