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Additive Technology: Update on Current Materials

and Applications in Dentistry

Abdullah Barazanchi, BDS, Kai Chun Li, BDentTech(Hons), PhD, Basil Al-Amleh, BDS, DClinDent,
Karl Lyons, BDS, MDS, PhD, & J. Neil Waddell, HDE, PGDipCDTech, MDipTech(DentTech), PhD
Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Sir John Walsh Research Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

The article is associated with the American College of Prosthodontists’ journal-based continuing education program. It is accompanied
by an online continuing education activity worth 1 credit. Please visit www.wileyhealthlearning.com/jopr to complete the activity and
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Keywords Abstract
Additive; 3D printing; direct metal laser
sintering; cobalt chromium; CoCr; milling;
Additive manufacturing or 3D printing is becoming an alternative to subtractive
subtractive; prosthodontics; dentistry; digital
manufacturing or milling in the area of computer-aided manufacturing. Research on
workflow. material for use in additive manufacturing is ongoing, and a wide variety of materials
are being used or developed for use in dentistry. Some materials, however, such as
Correspondence cobalt chromium, still lack sufficient research to allow definite conclusions about
Abdullah Barazanchi, School of Dentistry, the suitability of their use in clinical dental practice. Despite this, due to the wide
University of Otago, PO Box 647, Dunedin, variety of machines that use additive manufacturing, there is much more flexibility in
9054, New Zealand. E-mail: the build material and geometry when building structures compared with subtractive
A.Barazanchi@gmail.com manufacturing. Overall additive manufacturing produces little material waste and is
energy efficient when compared to subtractive manufacturing, due to passivity and the
The authors deny any conflicts of interest. additive layering nature of the build process. Such features make the technique suitable
to be used with fabricating structures out of hard to handle materials such as cobalt
Accepted May 8, 2016 chromium. The main limitations of this technology include the appearance of steps
due to layering of material and difficulty in fabricating certain material generally used
doi: 10.1111/jopr.12510 in dentistry for use in 3D printing such as ceramics. The current pace of technological
development, however, promises exciting possibilities.

In the past few decades the world has undergone a digital rev- ufacturing, is known as three-dimensional (3D) printing. This
olution. This has not only impacted how we go about our daily technology, also termed “additive manufacturing” and “rapid
lives, but also in our general problem-solving approach to cur- prototyping,” has been replacing certain manufacturing previ-
rent social issues.1 A similar trend is occurring in the medical ously performed by subtractive manufacturing.
and dental fields, where more accurate scanning and manufac- One material increasingly used for the manufacture of dental
turing techniques allow for better planning, wider networking, prostheses is cobalt chromium (CoCr). The popularity of this
and more automated production techniques. The incorporation alloy is attributed to its relatively inexpensive cost and good
of digital technology into dentistry has become so important physical properties, making it an ideal material for certain den-
that it is one of the main themes at international conferences in tal restorations such as crown substructures. This is because
prosthodontics.2 traditional manufacturing methods, such as casting, are usually
The increasing use of technology in dentistry has given the difficult due to the high melting point of CoCr, its hardness, and
operator the opportunity to eliminate manual handling of speci- lack of ductility.6 This article will review current applications,
mens throughout the various processing steps; some have given materials, advantages, and limitations of additive manufactur-
this approach in dentistry the term “digital workflow.”3,4 The ing. Because of its emerging use within manufacturing tech-
basic premise of digital workflow is based around three ele- nique, particular focus will be given to current research and the
ments. First is data acquisition, such as various scanning tech- manufacturing method of CoCr alloy.
nologies. This is followed by manipulation and processing of
data, created using a computer-aided design (CAD) software, Additive manufacturing
and finally the processed data are used for manufacturing of
structures in the desired material through computer-aided man- The alternative to subtractive manufacturing in the CAM step
ufacturing (CAM).5 In the manufacturing step, a fast growing of the dental workflow is the additive manufacturing tech-
alternative to milling methods, also known as subtractive man- nique (3D printing). Additive manufacturing is defined by the

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Barazanchi et al Additive Technology

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as “the

process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model
data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive man-
ufacturing methodologies.”5 Additive manufacturing has also
been used as an efficient method for rapid prototyping when
highly customized models are required,7 thus making it suitable
for the highly individualized prostheses required in dentistry.
The increased acceptance of this technique into general man-
ufacturing is evidenced by a fourfold predicted increase in the
market size by 2020 to around $5 billion dollars.8
Charles Hull introduced the principle of additive manufactur-
ing in 1986. While additive manufacturing technology has been
available since then, as were early subtractive manufacturing
based machines, there have been barriers to overcome. In addi-
tion to issues with image acquisition, the amount of experience
required to get repeatable results was challenging; however, that Figure 1 Example of an experimental jig made from PLA.
is becoming less of an issue since the original patents have ex-
pired, allowing for more companies to develop and simplify the
wax-ups of complex prosthodontic cases.5 Another group of
technology for new users. The speed of development is particu-
polymers commonly used in additive manufacturing are photo-
larly evident in laser sintering technology. While early samples
initiated resins. Stereolithography (SLA) machines usually use
were porous and rough,9 more current machines produce al-
this type of polymer as a build material, curing one layer at a
loys at a high rate with good physical properties compared to
time using UV light or laser. These polymers offer much more
traditional casting methods.10 Because of the basic principle
flexibility in color, rigidity, and modification of components.
of forming a structure through layering, a few differences with
They too can be mixed with biocompatible and bioactive com-
subtractive manufacturing are highlighted here.
ponents such bioactive glass. Studies have also shown that they
allow for even distribution of added compounds and display
Material in additive manufacturing
bioactive properties in vitro.12 Light-cured resins may also be
Unlike subtractive manufacturing techniques, the sheer variety used as a substitute for the manual wax-up step in the lost-
of additive procedures allow for a large range of raw materials wax casting process,13 which can create equally precise final
to be used for fabrication of structures, due to a diversity of structures once invested into a mold for casting.14
methods used to manufacture structures using additive and lay-
ering principles. The majority of the raw materials for additive Ceramics
manufacturing used for dental and medical purposes may be
Various additive techniques have been used for production of
grouped into binder/powder material combinations including
ceramic structures for use as tissue scaffolds or dental ceramic
polymers (including resins and thermoplastics), ceramics, and
prostheses. This includes selective laser sintering (SLS) of ce-
ramic or extrusion of the green form of ceramic, then sintering
the product to achieve full strength. FDM and the use of a jetted
binder to bind specially coated ceramic powders together to pro-
They include a wide variety of substances. Additive manufac- duce the green form of the ceramic is then sintered to achieve
turing machines use polymers as the raw material for building full strength.15 Use of SLS technology to produce ceramics
programmed structures. Thermoplastics are one example of involves either ceramic powder or a pre-sintered ceramic. To
such polymers. They are generally used by fused deposition date, however, direct SLS of ceramic powder has only yielded
model (FDM) machines, where filaments of the thermoplas- porous structures difficult to post-process to high density, so it
tic material are heated then extruded through the nozzle to has been mainly used to produce modified glass-ceramics for
build precise structures. Examples include acrylonitrile buta- fabrication of bioactive tissue scaffolds.16 However, SLS tech-
diene styrene (ABS) (Fig 1) and the more environmentally niques on porcelain slurry have achieved a dense final ceramic
friendly polylactic acid (PLA) polymer. The latter is much more structure.17 Another additive technique, involving powder-bed
suitable for use in the oral cavity, albeit as a provisional mate- inkjet 3D printing and vacuum infiltration, has been found to
rial, due to its strong impact resistance, and non-toxic surface produce dense alumina-reinforced-ceramic structure with high
finish compared to ABS.8 Some studies have added biologi- density and satisfactory strength.18 Crude zirconia prosthe-
cal compounds into the build filaments extruded by FDM ma- ses have also been produced using a similar method.15 Dense
chines. Thermoplastics-infused biodegradable polyester with alumina-reinforced ceramic structures were also successfully
bioactive tri-calcium phosphate has been shown to be a promis- and fabricated with alumina loaded with photo-initiated resins
ing prospect for use in building tissue scaffold structures in in SLA machines. This technique is a promising prospect, be-
dentistry.11 Wax is another polymer commonly used in ad- cause SLA machines are regarded as one of the most accurate
ditive techniques. Although it is usually dispensed by vari- additive technologies currently available.19 However, ceram-
ous additive techniques as a support material for the build, it ics produced using additive techniques still have issues with
has also been used in its own right as a build material for anisotropic shrinkage when sintering the fabricated green state

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ceramic and display a stair-step surface effect due to the nature

of the fabrication process, and as yet have only been shown to
be useful as a tissue scaffold.20

Binder/powder combination
With inkjet 3D printing technology, the powder bed is sprayed
with a specific binder at high accuracy. These binder/powder
combinations can vary greatly, ranging from gypsum to various
metals and ceramics; the latter two are discussed in detail under
their own respective headings.

Metals Figure 2 Highly polished DMLS-manufactured CoCr alloy.

Research in this area has mainly focused on use of the SLS
additive technique for production of metallic structures made of precious alloys and economic pressure on patients.30 Re-
from titanium, CoCr, and nickel alloys. The early structures search on the properties of CoCr has revealed it to not only
were generally porous with a poor surface finish due to various have an advantage over precious alloys in terms of cost, but it
factors. Where polymer was used to help bind metal powder also has good bonding characteristics with porcelain, a higher
together during sintering, a porous structure was produced, as Young’s modulus, higher hardness, lower density, and good
the binder was removed during laser sintering, and further steps corrosion resistance compared to other metals used in pros-
involving infiltration were required to reach sufficient density. thetic substructures.31 These properties make it more tolerant
Also, early SLS machines did not use a vacuum in the building to load in longer-span prostheses and more stable in an oral
process, and laser diameter and strength were improperly con- environment long term.
figured to produce a dense final product. This all made early
SLS machines inefficient and cumbersome to use for produc- Current manufacturing of CoCr structures
tion of metallic structures for use in load-bearing capacity.9,21,22
However, these issues have been largely overcome in the past Base metals are more difficult to cast than precious alloys and
few years. While nickel-containing alloys are no longer used require considerable experience to fabricate consistently. This
in dental prostheses due to the risk of nickel allergy, research is due to the shrinkage that can occur during the solidification
on titanium structures fabricated using additive techniques has phase, which can result in the distortion of the framework dur-
been shown to have a favorable yield strength, ultimate tensile ing cooling. The inherent high hardness of the alloy also makes
strength, and ductility, albeit with some surface roughness.23 adjustments performed by technicians or dentists more difficult
Clinical trials have also demonstrated that the produced struc- post-casting.30 In comparison, digital workflow methods are
tures are biocompatible for use in maxillofacial prostheses24,25 improving and becoming on par with the sometimes less pre-
and that the intrinsic surface roughness aids osseointegration dictable traditional techniques; however, as noted earlier, the
of implants.26,27 current subtractive manufacturing technique has issues with
While there have been many well designed studies on the material wastage, stress on cutting tips, and shrinkage during
properties of titanium alloy (particularly Ti6Al4V) fabricated processing. This can make milling machines less than ideal for
using SLS, little has been produced on other materials that the fabrication of CoCr structures.6
may be produced using the same technology.23 Potential raw
materials include the base metal CoCr and precious metals, Additive manufacturing of CoCr structures
and the potential for using additive manufacturing techniques, Additive manufacturing is a promising method of CoCr produc-
such as direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), to overcome the tion. In the past, SLS-based machines produced rather weak and
difficulties encountered during traditional casting and milling porous structures that required extensive post-processing.32 A
techniques of hard material such as CoCr is a great prospect to variation of the technique, however, called direct metal laser
examine. These difficulties, such as shrinkage during casting sintering (DMLS), has promise, producing dense end products
and high hardness of CoCr during milling, are surpassed when (Fig 2). Studies comparing the accuracy of porcelain fused to
using DMLS technology, because there is no active force appli- metal (PFM) crowns produced using DMLS technology have
cation during the fabrication of structures.28 The low amount found it to have a satisfactory marginal misfit for use in dental
of unrecyclable waste produced when using DMLS fabrication prostheses.33
techniques makes the use of precious metals in digital man-
ufacturing a real possibility, albeit still a relatively expensive
Properties of DMLS-manufactured CoCr

Cobalt chromium In terms of the properties of the CoCr produced for use as a
substructure in PFM crowns, only a few studies have been pub-
When compared with precious alloys, the use of the base lished on the subject,23 and many do not satisfactorily test
metal CoCr for use in the substructure of dental prostheses the properties sought. With the exception of one study, all
has increased in popularity, partially due to the increased cost were done within the last 2 years. Most compared structures

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produced by three commercially available machines: PM biomodels for diagnosis, surgical training, and planning appears
100/PXM (Phenix Systems, Riom, France), Eosint M270/M280 to be the most common uses of additive technology, followed
(EOS GmbH, Munich, Germany), and Bego (Bego Medical, by application for direct manufacture of implantable devices.44
Bremen, Germany), with the Eosint machines being the most In maxillofacial surgery and implantology, the advancement of
popular of the three. When testing DMLS-fabricated CoCr for transmission-based scanning methods (CT and MRI) has meant
use in PFM prostheses when compared to current fabrication an increase in the ability to scan structures to high accuracy be-
techniques, certain properties have to be examined. This in- fore any invasive procedure is done.45 This aids in pre-planning
cludes physical testing of the CoCr to ensure good support for of procedures and the accurate manufacturing of structures that
the veneering ceramic in PFM restorations, which include in- may be required. The use of additive manufacturing in max-
vestigation of the elastic properties and hardness of the metal. illofacial prosthodontics, the fabrication of facial prostheses,
Another point of investigation should be the microstructural and cranial reconstruction has increased use of additive man-
components and organization of the metal to substantiate the ufacturing. When fabricating a facial prosthesis, a degree of
physical properties noted in its natural state and after firing discomfort is associated with the use of impression material
cycles. Micro-structural analysis should be conducted on the on patients to create a model of the defect site; however, facial
porcelain-to-metal bonding surface to explain the properties scanning can forgo that step and directly create a 3D model of
seen with the mentioned testing. Testing of adhesion strength the site.46 Also when symmetry is deemed to be critical, such
between the porcelain and the metal should focus on the ability as with microtia (small ear), then technicians with high skill
to accurately detect the failure point using loading tests. One sets are paramount during the wax-up step; however, with the
experimental set-up to investigate PFM adhesion energy is the ability to simply copy the contralateral ear, adjust it with CAD
method adapted by Suansuwan and Swain. Their method tests software, and either print the ear directly or print out a negative
bi-layered dental materials by introducing a pre-crack then, us- mold for the opposing ear for pouring, the reliance on the tech-
ing a 4-point bend test, measuring the strain energy release nician is greatly reduced, as is the overall prosthesis production
rate of a stable crack extension along the bi-layer interface.34 cost.47 While silicone prostheses start showing changes within
Fracture sites also require careful examination to deduce the 18 months,48 human ears stay much the same; hence having
mode of failure, as different types of failures indicate different a digital copy that may be used over and over again greatly
types of issues with the porcelain-to-metal bonding, including simplifies the process of remaking the prosthesis for operator
adhesive/cohesive or mixed. When reviewing available studies, and patient.49
it appears that they have investigated all these properties well In maxillofacial surgery, printing out a model based on scans
enough. For tensile testing of DMLS-fabricated CoCr, most did of the area of interest allows for more thorough pre-planning of
not use specimens with dimensions or methodology according complex cases and the ability to test fit the fabricated parts prior
to standardized testing criteria.35-38 Others did not analyze the to the procedure. This has been to shown to lead to an increase in
adhesion strength between porcelain and metal, although it is fit accuracy of fabricated prostheses and a reduction in operative
one of the most common modifications to CoCr metals in dental time by 30 to 90 minutes.50 Furthermore, customized cranial
prostheses and is also the most likely site of failure.6,10,35,39,40 reconstruction implant prostheses are required when treating
Even when adhesion testing was done, the number of speci- large cranial defects. The use of custom titanium implants,
mens used was either too small for proper statistical analysis,41 fabricated using DMLS additive technology, for such defects
did not use a known standard testing method,42 or appears to has been demonstrated to be much quicker to fabricate and place
have been done incorrectly.43 In the case of Serra-Prat et al,43 during surgery than conventional methods. This is due to high
the shrinkage of porcelain during the firing phase of the speci- accuracy and ease in which various modifications are made to
men was not accurately compensated for, and approximate di- suit each case at the design stage.24,25 In implantology the use
mensions were used, which may have affected the final results of surgical guides has been strongly recommended to facilitate
and makes reproducibility of study results difficult. Further- better planning and reduce the risk of operative complications.51
more, there was a lack of microscopic examination of fracture The accuracy of surgical guides produced using SLA has been
sites post-testing to deduce failure type.10 One reason this is shown to be fairly accurate, with an angular deviation of 2° and
required is to ensure that procedural errors (particularly dur- linear deviation of 1.1 mm at the hex and 2 mm at the apex52
ing the veneering process) were not a factor in the result. The (Fig 3). The fabrication of custom implant screws has also been
overall impression of the DMLS-produced metals for use in researched. The SLS additive process can create implants with
dental prostheses when contrasted with current manufacturing complex geometry and a porous surface. This has been shown to
methods, subtractive manufacturing and lost-wax casting, is fa- increase osseointegration53,54 and has been successfully tested
vorable; however, in the case of CoCr use in dental prostheses, in patients.26,27
most current studies do not stand up to rigorous critiquing of Another area of interest is the potential application of ad-
their methodology to allow definitive conclusions to be made. ditive manufacturing for use in tissue scaffolding. Other than
being able to easily add and evenly distribute biocompatible and
Applications of additive manufacturing bioactive particles, such as calcium and phosphate, within the
scaffold,12 the additive process also allows for a much higher
The wide range of materials and fabrication techniques in ad- level of precision during manufacturing of tissue scaffolds. In
ditive manufacturing are leading to extensive research on its conventional methods, it is difficult to precisely control geom-
applications to medical and dental sciences. According to data etry, size, and spacing of pores in the scaffold.55 Scaffolds are
from Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, the fabrication of recommended to have pore sizes greater than 300 μm to allow

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ness of 12 μm, while FDM has been shown to have accuracy of

around 127 μm.32 All of these manufacturing techniques have
variations that are being investigated and are showing promise
in the production of structures to the nano-scale.64 Practically
there are a number of examples of accurate applications of ad-
ditive manufacturing. Implant abutments have been reported
to have an 11 μm vertical gap when produced using additive
manufacturing.70 However, the margins are not yet deemed to
be uniform enough, which makes subtractive manufacturing
still the most reliable method for fabricating implant compo-
nents. Implant guides produced using additive technology show
a dimensional error of 0.4 mm, and an angular deviation of less
than 5°.52 For facial prosthesis patterns, accuracy is found to be
satisfactory with an error range of 0.1 to 0.4 mm.28 However,
Figure 3 3D-printed fully guided implant surgical stent. in the case of PFM frameworks, due to the relatively recent
maturation of DMLS technology, relatively few papers report
for vascularization and osteogenesis. Additive manufacturing internal and marginal fit of fixed dental prostheses fabricated us-
machines are able to produce pores with adjustable dimen- ing additive techniques. Similar studies investigating marginal
sions due to high printing accuracy.56 These techniques may and fitting accuracy of milling machines, the method of mea-
be used for bone graft applications with customizable scaffold surement, the number of points being recorded, and the type
material allowing for controlling overall hardness and rate of of commercial machine used have varied, making comparisons
dissolution.57 difficult. Most studies used CoCr as a base metal, likely due
For intraoral prosthodontic applications, the use of additive to its cost and recent rise in popularity.30 Methods used when
manufacturing techniques has had several applications includ- examining the fit of a prosthesis include the use of a silicone
ing printing stone models from intraoral scans, and direct fabri- replica of the fitting surface of the created prosthesis and then
cation of dental prostheses5 and custom build-ups, usually done manual measurements using microscopy. In other studies the
via labor-intensive dental wax-ups, for planning or investment silicone replica was digitally scanned and, using a CAD pro-
of definitive prostheses.58 Fabrication of metallic prostheses gram, superimposed on a 3D model of the prepared abutment
using SLS technology is being investigated for production of to map out the areas of discrepancy. Others sectioned both the
titanium frameworks and CoCr structures. The use of additive fabricated prosthesis and abutment replica, then measured pre-
manufacturing to directly produce CoCr removable partial den- determined points on the fitting surfaces using a microscope
tures was investigated by Bibb and Eggbeer and found to be or digital photography.66 While the mean marginal gap dis-
satisfactory for use in patients.59 An in vivo study investigated crepancy varied from 70 to 102 μm, most authors agreed that
the use of CoCr-based PFM crowns fabricated using the DMLS these results were within the acceptable clinical range for dental
manufacturing technique.60 In this study, marginal adaptation use.14,33,60,65-68 Only one study found that the fit of prostheses
was measured and shown to be within clinically acceptable fabricated using DMLS was not satisfactory, with discrepancies
accuracy for use. While zirconia crowns have been success- varying up to 162 μm.65 However, this study lacked a control
fully produced using additive technology and show promise method group, such as a cast group or a milled group of spec-
for the future, they still require prolonged post-processing due imens, and therefore any issues with their methodology might
to porosity produced during fabrication, so further research is have gone undetected. The same authors also noted in a follow-
necessary if they are to be used in clinical dental settings.20 ing paper that using DMLS technology for fabrication of CoCr
Due to the wide range of production methods and materi- PFM crowns has an average misfit of around 55 μm.14 In the
als available, many other applications are being investigated latter study they deemed the technology to produce prostheses
using this technology, including fabrication of full maxillary with adequate accuracy for use in a clinical dental setting.
and mandibular acrylic dentures,61 SLA technology to assist
with auto-transplantation procedures,62 and production of re- Advantages in using additive
alistic dental and medical anatomical educational models.63 manufacturing
These applications, along with an expected drop in prices of
additive manufacturing machines and rapidly improving tech- Compared to other digital manufacturing techniques, additive
nology, are expected to further improve the technology in the technology has a number of advantages, including the flexibility
coming years.5 of using a wide variety of machines and the materials available
for use. This makes additive technology an attractive field for
Accuracy of current additive research and creates a whole new field of possible applications
manufacturing machines for use in dentistry.5 Presently there are a small number of ma-
jor manufacturers of the technology; however, due to recently
The accuracy of structures produced varies according to ge- expired patents many start-up companies are producing accu-
ometries being replicated, the method of manufacture, and the rate machines at a lower cost. This may be seen by the fact that
materials being used. SLA can fabricate structures with a layer older papers stated that SLA manufacturing was not popular
thickness of 25 μm. Inkjet printing can achieve a layer thick- at the time due to the high cost of material and machines.32

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has been made, but the porous structures produced by

the additive technique require extensive post-processing,
which causes shrinkage. For this reason, it does not have
the uniformity that subtractive manufacturing produces
and does not bypass the problem of shrinkage when ma-
chining pre-sintered blocks of material.20
r Reproducibility: While speed and accuracy of build are
improving, many additive machines still do not print
to the accuracy or reproducibility required for certain
Figure 4 3D-printed model of teeth. Note the striation creating a stair- dental applications.28 In cases where increased accuracy
case like surface. is sought, speed of production usually suffers.23
r Need for support structures: In case of FDM and SLS,
Now there are SLA machines that cost around $5000, which extra steps need to be added in placing support structures
are able to prepare a structure with layer thickness of 25 μm.13 that may be required for use during fabrication phases,
The advantages of using of additive manufacturing include: either manually or through pre-programming, and then
r Flexibility due to the range of available machines: Some
removed after the structure is built. This supports any
overhanging structures that appear during the building
machines are able to print multiple materials at the same
time without having to replace the structure halfway r Specificity for dental use: As the technology is still matur-
through the build. While this has been mainly limited to
ing in the dental industry, most machines currently avail-
fabrication of organic or multi-color materials, advance-
able are not tailored for dental applications, as is the case
ment of the technology may one day allow the fabrication
for subtractive manufacturing; however, some large com-
of multi-component dental prostheses and their substruc-
panies are producing additive technology specifically for
ture, for complex prosthodontic cases in one machine, in
dentistry (3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC; Stratasys, Eden
one stretch, which would fully realize digital workflow.69
r Passivity: The passive nature of this manufacturing tech-
Prairie, MN). Subtractive manufacturing also took some
time to mature in the industry, and is still not considered
nique also overcomes a number of the disadvantages of
as ubiquitous as it was hoped to be.72
subtractive. This is especially so with hard to machine
metals such as CoCr, that result in wear of the milling All these issues are being thoroughly investigated, and with
heads of subtractive units, noise, and heat production dur- the current pace of progress, should become less formidable as
ing milling as well as surface damage of the structure.28 the technology improves.5,32,73
r Low percentage of wasted raw material: Subtractive
manufacturing can remove as much as 96% of the initial
material, and this wastage is virtually unrecyclable. In Summary
comparison, additive machines tend to mostly use what
The manufacturing and fabrication steps of the digital workflow
is required for the build and have 40% less wastage. In
have been dominated by subtractive manufacturing techniques,
addition, around 95% to 98% of the waste may be recy-
mainly milling; however, milling creates unfavorable forces
cled in future production cycles.29,70 This not only brings
on build structures, and has high waste and limited variations
down the overall cost of the raw material, but is also im-
in type of material that can be used. Additive manufacturing
portant in situations where overall weight and size of
is an alternative manufacturing method, but the technology has
the raw material is an issue. Without having to rely on
been slower to mature for use in dental settings due to its high
the dimensions of a preformed block of material, as is the
cost. Recently, however, expired patents have allowed for a large
case in subtractive manufacturing, the overall size of the
decrease in pricing. The wide range of additive techniques and
final product is only limited by the size of the building
available material allow the potential for many more applica-
chamber of the machine; this is usually bigger than the
tions in dentistry. The passive nature of additive techniques
size offered by the preformed disks for milling machines.
allows for fabrication of more sophisticated build structures
without excessive force and much less non-recyclable waste
Limitations of additive manufacturing when compared to subtractive manufacturing techniques. Fab-
Some limitations are associated with current additive technol- rication of CoCr substructures for dental prostheses is one area
ogy. These limitations include: of interest. CoCr has become more popular due to its cost and
favorable properties; however, it is much harder to fabricate
r Staircase effect: The layer-by-layer nature of additive using lost-wax casting and subtractive techniques due to high
manufacturing still leaves a staircase effect on the fin- hardness and low ductility. DMLS additive technique promises
ished product, unless layering thickness is tuned down to to bypass these difficulties when fabricating CoCr structures;
the smallest possible resolution. This will, however, sig- however, the properties of the produced structures do not ap-
nificantly increase the building time of the structures71 pear to have been investigated sufficiently to draw definite con-
(Fig 4). clusions about its properties at this time. Further research is
r Manufacture of ceramic structures: For the fabrication of needed to examine the suitability of DMLS-fabricated CoCr for
ceramic structures (zirconia and alumina) some progress use as substructure in PFM dental prostheses. While additive

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