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Assignment 417 Inclusive Practice

Table of Contents

Task A: Research Report...........................................................................................................3

Task B: Personal Account..........................................................................................................6

Task C: Reflective account........................................................................................................9


Reference List..........................................................................................................................11


The following report reviews the impact of social, personal and cultural factors on learning

and the various cognitive, physical and sensory abilities. It will also identify the policy and

regulatory frameworks related to inclusive practice in teaching. Secondly, it will provide a

personal account on own role and responsibilities as a teacher in the customer services area

along with identifying the points of referral. Lastly, the report will have a reflective account

reviewing the effectiveness of own inclusive practice and the areas of strengths and for


Task A: Research Report

a) A report that reviews the impact of:

Personal, social and cultural factors on learning

Various factors impact the learning of an individual such as personal, social and cultural

factors. The personal factors include age, development of language, gender and others.

Young people have a better learning memory as they have a grasping ability for knowledge

but their concentration level can be low. While comparing with older people, younger

learners have a sharp memory but older people have a higher concentration power when it

comes to learning. In the case of gender, it is observed that men have a lesser attention span

than women and this can impact their learning. It is also generalised that the male gender is

better at technical fields while the female gender is better at humanities and languages,

although this might not be the case always (Lewis, 2016). Confidence also plays a role in

learning as with high levels of confidence, individuals can learn easily when compared to low

confidence levels. Financial background also has a role in learning as a good financial

situation can offer better learning opportunities but a poor financial situation can lead to

hindrance in the same.

Social factors such as peer pressure, the company the learner is in influence their attitude

towards learning. If the learner indulges in substance abuse, skips classes, it will gradually

affect their learning negatively and on the contrary, if they concentrate on their learning

process and abilities, they will benefit from it. The cultural factors can either act as an

impediment or support for a learner (Casinillo et al., 2020). Many cultures do not support

learning of certain genders or ages and this can negatively impact learning. Secondly,

language also plays a role in learning. For example, multilingual learners can easily learn as

they can adapt to new language settings. They can also translate the learning materials and

help others as well (Ma, 2017).

Different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning

Cognitive abilities play an important role in the learning ability of an individual. A learner

with proper reading ability finds it easier to learn than an individual with poor reading ability.

Having good analytical skills will lead to better learning in fields that require logic, reasoning

and complex concepts. Another cognitive ability is visual awareness of the learners as it helps

them to learn by seeing images and graphics (Erickson and Geist, 2016). Learners with this

ability can learn easily when compared to individuals who do not have the proper visual

ability. Physical abilities help an individual to learn easily as they can complete the tasks

within time such as writing and reading. However, if the individual has physical disabilities,

they might find these difficult and hence their learning process will be negatively impacted.

Physical fitness is essential for learning as it will help the individual to attend classes,

participate in-class activities and fulfil the assignments (Harvey, 2019).

Sensory abilities lead to the development of the brain which is an essential factor in

promoting effective learning abilities. Proper sensory abilities help an individual to learn any

behaviour or skills and supports the cognitive development of the individual. Visual-motor

skills are important for learning and this is developed through space sensory skills. Similarly,

the laterality sensory skill necessary for eye movements is essential for reading and writing.

A lack of these can lead to hindrance in the learning process of an individual (Hoque, 2016).

b) Produce a written report that summarises:

The influence of the policy and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice on

organisational policies

There are various policies and regulatory frameworks that ensure inclusivity in learning and

teaching. The Equality Act 2010 was developed to ensure that there is no discrimination in

society and the different institutions or workplaces. It advocates for anti-discrimination based

on gender, age and others factors of an individual. The act states that every individual needs

to be treated equally regardless of their background, age or gender (, 2021).

The Disability Act 2010 states that any individual with a disability should not be

discriminated against and should be treated equally with equal rights in society. It also states

that the sexual orientation of a person should not be a factor for denying education and

learning to that person (, 2021).

Another policy framework aimed at inclusion is the 14-19 curriculum and credentials

reform. To achieve diversity, the curriculum is developed to fulfil the educational needs of a

variety of students. Those at the entrance level, foundation, intermediate, and advanced

programme levels all have an opportunity to participate in the curriculum. The policies and

regulatory frameworks are also required for developing organisational policies at learning

institutions. It is critical for the planning of the curriculum (, 2021).

The organisational policies must ensure that teachers adapt their teaching methods to

accommodate students with disabilities. For partially sighted students, teachers can supply

printed materials with larger fonts. A teacher must discriminate to stretch stronger learners as

well as support weaker students. Recognizing and satisfying the learning needs of all students

is what inclusive teaching entails. Inclusivity should entail the entire class working and

learning together without facing any discrimination. A teacher must recognise each learner’s

unique needs without drawing attention to them. For example, provide different coloured

handouts to all students, instead of only providing them to dyslexic students. Teachers must

continue to enhance their inclusive teaching approaches through Continuous Personal

Development (CPD) and are current with current events to respond to the changing demands

of their students.

The influence of the policy and regulatory frameworks relating to inclusive practice on

own practice

The policies and regulations also serve as a guideline for the teachers in their own practice. It

helps them to practice inclusivity in their teaching and while taking important decisions. For

example, while teaching customer services to the students, I always ensure that I do not

discriminate between the learners and also make them understand not to discriminate between

the customers in their workplace. Whenever I am teaching, I ensure that I provide equal

chances for participation to everyone in the classroom regardless of their age or gender or any

disability. I avoid being partial to some of my students. I also address any case of

discrimination if it arises in the classroom between the learners.

Task B: Personal Account

Produce a written account on the experience of teaching, which:

a) Summarises own role and responsibilities related to inclusive practice and explains how

it relates to the roles and responsibilities of other professionals

As a teacher of customer services, my first and foremost role is to ensure zero discrimination

in the classroom and practise inclusivity as this will ensure that my students will also practice

the same in their workplace. I am responsible for ensuring that all the learners are aware of

the inclusivity policies and regulations to be followed and I do this by building healthy

relationships with my learners. Inclusivity is a never-ending process as it ensures that

everyone is aware of the diversity prevailing and learning to accept and respect every

individual. The Tomlinson report of 1996 says that inclusion is a necessary factor for

effective learning, especially for students having disabilities or learning difficulties. It says

that the focus should be on the capability of the institution of meeting the needs of learners’

individual needs rather than focusing on their disabilities (, 2021).

Hence, as a teacher for customer services, it is necessary to create a safe learning

environment and acknowledge the differences of the individuals in the classroom.

Identification of the learners’ skills will also ensure that the initial assessment helps recognise

their progress. As a teacher for customer services, I always ensure that I am accessible to all

my learners and ensure that everyone gets equal attention. Furthermore, I also ensure to

understand the needs of the individual learners and provide them with additional learning

support if required. I also support them if I feel that they are being discriminated against and

ensure that this behaviour is not repeated. I also assign tests to understand the stereotypes

every learner might be having regarding others and this helps in increasing the inclusivity in

the classroom as I provide the necessary information for anti-discrimination and harassment.

b) Identifies points of referral you might use to meet the needs of the learner

As mentioned above, a customer services teacher needs to be accessible for everyone and

teach even learners having disabilities with special care and attention. However, sometimes

the teacher might not be able to provide all the support and the learner might require

additional support. This is where the point of referral comes in. The learners can be referred

for additional support from experts due to many reasons. One of the points of referral that I

use to meet the needs of the learners is the inclusivity curricula as it helps them to understand

the basics for inclusive practice and how it can be achieved. While taking the learners

through the curricula, I ensure that I prepare them for the future and ensure that they practise

inclusivity in their workplace as well.

I also feel that organisations which fight for inclusivity and equal rights are a good point of

referral for my learners as it will help them gain the basic knowledge and skills on ensuring

inclusivity in all aspects of their life. Another referral for my learners is mentors and people

who have experience and knowledge related to inclusive practices. This ensures that my

learners get proper information about practising inclusiveness everywhere. Other points of

referral include counsellors, financial services, charities services as these will help the

learners to understand inclusivity and provide them with a better career decision. Counsellors

help students to gain more knowledge on inclusive practices. For example, if a learner is

discriminated against or harassed, I refer them to psychologists or counsellors as per the need.

The counsellors will help them in overcoming the issue and make them understand how to

handle such situations in the future.

c) Reviews key features and benefits of inclusive learning environments and strategies for

effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice

Some of the benefits of inclusive learning environments include increased respect for equality

and diversity. It helps in understanding the need of individual learners and accordingly try to

fulfil those needs. An inclusive learning environment is beneficial for both the learner and the

teacher as it ensures that both of them treat each other with respect and equality. It also

ensures that all the learners feel comfortable in the classroom and develop positive attitudes

towards everyone. Inclusive learning also empowers the students and ensures their growth in

the long run.

Task C: Reflective account

Provide a reflective account in which you:

a) Review the effectiveness of your own inclusive practice

I practice inclusivity always in my classroom and ensure to comply with all the policies of the

institution related to inclusive practice. I always engage my students and ensure that they

practise inclusivity in the classroom and their life as well. I feel it is my strength as a teacher

of customer service. However, I feel that my weakness is I take too much time on this topic

that might hamper the other topics that I need to teach the learners. Nevertheless, there are

many opportunities for me as a teacher as I can use this platform to spread my knowledge

about inclusivity to my learners. One threat that I feel in this area is the lack of proper and

strict guidelines and adherence to it. There are many organisations where instances of

discrimination are not taken seriously and this can harm the individual physically and


Hence, I ensure that all my students strictly adhere to the inclusive practices in and out of the

classroom and for this, I encourage teamwork, group work and assignments. My colleagues

have also appreciated me regarding my practice of inclusivity in the classroom.

b) Identify your strengths and areas for improvement

One of my strengths with regards to inclusivity is my communication skills and my listening

ability to my learners. I always attempt to get to know my learners better by understanding

their background, their likes and dislikes. This helps me to understand how they will be

serving the customers in the future in their workplace. I also encourage them to understand

and assess their own behaviour as well as that of others. This will help them to assess the

needs of the customers and provide them with unique services in the future. I am also open to

gaining experiences and knowledge from my learners and this way I empower them in

inclusive practice. However, I realised that I need to improve my knowledge of languages

and the multilingual aspect of inclusive practice. I also need to understand how I can provide

better learning resources as per the individual needs of the learners.

c) Analyse ways to promote inclusion equality and value diversity

One way of promoting inclusion in the workplace is to work with others in the same field and

learn more about inclusive practices. To comprehend how diverse cultures adhere to inclusive

practice in various ways, I need to have a multicultural understanding of the inclusive

practice. I also need to learn a few of the languages to teach my students better. Visiting other

organisations can help me learn about various aspects of inclusive practice. Working with

specialists and specialist organisations will ensure that I learn more about what they do in

inclusive practice. Secondly, I need to ensure that I create an all-inclusive learning

environment in the classroom along with using multiculturalism.


The above report reviewed the impact of social, personal and cultural factors on learning and

the various cognitive, physical and sensory abilities. It identified the policy and regulatory

frameworks related to inclusive practice in teaching. Secondly, it provided a personal account

of my own role and responsibilities as a teacher in the customer services area along with

identifying the points of referral. Lastly, the report portrayed a reflective account reviewing

the effectiveness of own inclusive practice and the areas of strengths and for improvement.

Reference List

Casinillo, L., Camulte, M.C., Raagas, D. and Riña, T.S., 2020. Cultural factors in learning

mathematics: the case on achievement level among Badjao students. International Journal of

Indonesian Education and Teaching (IJIET), 4(1), pp.71-81. 2021. [online] Available at: <


%20report_Redacted.pdf> [Accessed 14 July 2021]. 2021. Tomlinson Report (1996) - background notes. [online]

Available at: <>

[Accessed 14 July 2021].

Erickson, K.A. and Geist, L.A., 2016. The profiles of students with significant cognitive

disabilities and complex communication needs. Augmentative and Alternative

Communication, 32(3), pp.187-197. 2021. Definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 14 July


Harvey, P.D., 2019. Domains of cognition and their assessment. Dialogues in clinical

neuroscience, 21(3), p.227.

Hoque, M.E., 2016. Three domains of learning: Cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The

Journal of EFL Education and Research, 2(2), pp.45-52. 2021. Equality Act 2010. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 14 July 2021].

Lewis, W., 2016. Study abroad influencing factors: An investigation of socio-economic

status, social, cultural, and personal factors. Ursidae: The Undergraduate Research Journal

at the University of Northern Colorado, 5(3), p.6.

Ma, Q., 2017. A multi-case study of university students’ language-learning experience

mediated by mobile technologies: A socio-cultural perspective. computer assisted language

learning, 30(3-4), pp.183-203.


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