Group 5 - Class 3 - Practice 1

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Members Name: 1. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Yến 2. Phan Trịnh Trọng

3. Trần Thị Thúy Kiều 4. Phan Nguyễn Khánh Huyền

1. A  “Now I'm sure none of you has trouble getting your patients to follow all of
your instructions right
2. B  “Video games can help you motivate your patients to make the right choices to
follow your instructions and to stay healthy”
3. C  “One game I'm really excited about is for kids with diabetes "Let me give you
another example of an amazing game that works well for both kids and adults it's
called snow world"”
4. A  “It was created help patients to very bad burns" "....for kids with diabetes””
5. C  “Actually, I think that sounds like a great idea. I see a lot of kids with
diabetes. I'm all for anything that can make these poor kids lives more fun”
1. F  “Healthy and thin / overweight When we hear the word video game we often
imagine someone who spends all day inside in front of a computer or television
screen who never goes outside at any physical exercise and is overweight or obese
as a result”
2. T  “Because it is fun. And when something is fun you are motivated to do it”
3. F  “I know it's sometimes hard to get patients to do what's best for their health
but I'm not sure games of the answer”
4. T  “In the game, the kid with diabetes is a superhero with powers”
5. T  “The kid with diabetes is a superhero with powers and get stronger every time
he checked his blood sugar so he gets a reward for doing something that kids with
6. T
7. T
8. F  “Diabetes/ bad burns It was created to help patients with very bad burns”
9. T  “The patients put on special glasses and ear plugs and get lost in the game”
10. F  “More fun/ less pain. Patients can play the game while doctors and nurses
are cleaning their burn something that as you all know is very painful”

1. F  “I just love the video games and simulations. I can't believe their enthusiasm”
2. F  “Do you use the reward system”
3. F  “Making a passionate or some quizzes on the reading or they can use the
simulation lab? That works very well for me”
4. F  “Which researchers? I study from the show medical student trained on the
video game and they improve their skills and general medical knowledge”
5. M  “No, I don't, maybe I'll try. Do you really think that would help improve
their skills?”
6. M  “I like to see the research to talking about. Could you send me a link? And a
link about the quizzes too”


6. How did the girl get to school?

A. By bike
B. By bus
C. By car
 “My mom drove and dropped me often the way her work”
D. By walking

7. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. To insist that the students change clothes quickly
 “Everyone please take 5 minutes to change into gym clothes. We’re going to
do some warm-up activities”
B. To ask the students to go out to the field
C. To tell the students what they are going to do
D. To find out which sports the students want to play

8. Why does the teacher suggest that the students run for office?
A. Not enough students have signed up to run yet.
B. She thinks they will enjoy doing student government.
 “We’re going to be holding the lesson for student government two week from
today. This’ll be available position to be president, vice president and secretary
treasurer. Student government is a lot of fun and the greatest experience. I hope
all of you decided to run for office”
C. She does not want the same students being elected every year.
D. The students ought to experience winning an election.

9. What do the students imply about Ms. Reardon?

A. She is the students’ favorite instructor.
 “It definitely helps me understand the materials that Ms. Reardon teaches.
And I don’t mind doing the reading anyway.”
B. She is the social studies teacher.
C. She plans to retire soon.
D. She teaches the students before noon.

10. Why does the teacher mention the student’s parents?

A. To thank the student for introducing them
B. To request a meeting with them
C. To mention they need to sign his permission slip
D. To say they can help him with his work
 “You need to improve your work to make it again. Ask one of your parents to
help you.”

11. Why is the student discussing her homework?

A. To find out why an answer was wrong
B. To ask to turn it in at a later time
 “May i get an extension on it please?”
C. To determine when she must submit it
D. To find out her grade on it

12. What is the girl going to do in the evening?

A. Call the boy on the telephone
 “How about giving me a call this evening?”
B. Send the boy an email
C. Visit the boy at his home
D. Do a science experiment with the boy

13. What is the teacher mainly explaining?

A. When the boy’s performance will be
B. Why the boy needs to take speech lessons
C. What type of speech the boy should make
D. How the boy can raise his grade
 “What can i do to improve my performance.”

14. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. To describe where the crosswalk is
B. To provide some safety tips
C. To announce a safety inspection
D. To warn students about accidents
 “I believe most of you heard the accident yesterday.”

15. What is the teacher mainly talking about?

A. An upcoming exam
B. The students’ essays
 “Let me remind you that your essay is tomorrow.”
C. How to type properly
D. The five-paragraph style

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