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Husband-Hey dear!
Wife-Hey, how was work?
Husband- Mmm, not so great.
Wife- Why, What happened?
Husband-I lost my job today.
Husband-I´m sorry.
Wife-I thought you had tenure.
Husband-Yes, but I am not sure what happened.
Wife-Oh yes? Then you should go find out what happened.
Husband-No, I want to rest.
Wife-No, wait I need to talk to you.
Husband-No, it´s ok, I want to rest.
Wife- Wait! This is important.

2. Dialogue plus prompts and scenery

It is 4:00 O´clock and after a long and crappy day the husband gets home, a little picturesque
house located in the suburbs of New York.
He opens the door and almost dragging his feet enters the house. His wife is sitting on the red
couch located strategically in front of the door. He comes in and in attempt to ease a potential
conflict he exclaims-Hey dear!
The wife, wearing a baby-doll like the ones she uses before going to bed, answers back with an
unpleasant expression on her face,-Hey. And then, she goes right to what she cares for in an
attempt to distract his husband and give his hidden lover some time to scape,- How was work?
The husband, already sensing that something is weird with the atmosphere surrounding the room,
answers hesitantly-Mmm, Not so great. Yeah? The wife answers as if she did not know what else
to say. The husband answers back with not as much enthusiasm-Yeah.
When it seems that the conversation has ended, the husband moves towards the bedroom,
suddenly, the wife attempting to stop his husband´s actions shouts- Why? What happened? The
husband turns around and she looks straight into his eyes as if she were challenging and warning
him not to open the bedroom´s door.
The husband cannot resist this challenge and surrenders momentarily to her wife. He knows he
cannot keep on hiding the truth and answers, almost as if he were to cry,-I lost my
Job today!
With an expression of surprise on her face, the wife exclaims-What? She is about to continue with
her litany of insults and he smartly stops this from happening by answering with a poppy face-I´m
sorry. The wife breaths profoundly and asks-I thought you had tenure. Then, he excuses himself-
Yes, but I am not sure what happened. –Oh yes? Then you should go find out what happened, his
wife expresses with a mixture of worry and hurry on her face. But, he is so tired and does not want
to keep on talking, plus, he is still suspicious about the way his dear wife is dressed up and would
love to find out. So, he answers to his wife-No, I want to rest. He touches the doorbell and
instantly his wife stretches up from the cushion as if she were trying to reach him and stop him
from opening the door and shouts-No, wait, I need to talk to you! But now he knows he has his
wife at his feet. This tells him that she is definitely hiding something or someone behind that
bedroom´s door. So he exclaims-No, it´s ok. I want to rest. She shuts even louder-Wait! This is
important. He ignores this and says very confidently-No! Then she jumps out of the cushion, she
flies in the air while shouting out loud-No! as her husband opens the door.

3. 10 lines of dialogue
It´s 4:00 p.m. and after a long and crappy day a married professor gets home, a little and
picturesque house in the suburbs of New York. He opens the door with lethargy and comes in
almost dragging his feet. Right in front of him, his wife awaits him, sitting on a red cushion and
wearing a black and sexy baby-doll. She perceives he is going towards the bedroom and quickly
asks- Hey! How was work? He stops and answers back unenthusiastically-Mmm, not so great. She
does not want to let him go because he might find out her little secret. She has a lover hiding
inside the bedroom. So, in an attempt to distract him, she asks with less interest than worry-Why,
What happened? He does not have other option but to tell her dear wife the truth, with a broken
voice he exclaims-I lost my job today. With some confusion in her face, the wife answers- I thought
you had tenure. He momentarily has the suspicious that something wrong is going on in the house
and then answers somewhat confused too-Yes, but I don´t know what happened. The husband
starts to move focused on his target, the bedroom. His wife wants to keep him away from that
precious door so she asks more, with a fake interest-Oh yes? Then you should go find out what
happened. But he is decided to enter that suspicious room and says-No. It´s ok, I want to rest. He
is about to roll the doorbell to open the door when suddenly his wife jumps out of the cushion
trying to stop him, almost as if she were a bullet flying towards him. As she makes this move she
shouts out loud-No!, Wait! This is important.

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