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CERTIFICATE № ____________

of 406 MHz EPIRB annual testing

It is hereby certified that representative of the company

(Company Name)

(Position, Name)
performed annual testing of the 406 MHz EPIRB and defined the following:
Good NG
1. EPIRB model, manufacturer name MT403-FF, GME
2. Availability of the MCC registration +  
Protocol: User 
3. Protocol type User type: EPIRB - Maritime  
User Protocol 
4. Country code (667) Sierra Leone
4.MMSI: 005041 (0) 
5. Beacon 15 Hex ID (message contents from 26
to 85 bits)
6. Message contents from 1 to 112 bits FFFED069B469A09A53A68A71B3D0
7. Availability of 406 MHz transmitter
8. Availability of transmitted 121.5 MHz signal +  
9. Strobe light condition +  
10. Availability and expiry date of automatic
release mechanism
11. Availability and quality of markings +  
12. Battery replacement date 07-31-2024
13. Date of next testing 09-02-2020

It is hereby certified that all mechanical, electrical and information parameters, as well
as the documentation on the 406 MHz EPIRB comply with specification and the
requirements of the Maritime Administration and Maritime Register of Shipping.

   MT403-FF, 1707364716   
(EPIRB model, serial number)

allowed to be used as emergency equipment on

(ship’s name)

The identification number of the tested EPIRB complies with the EPIRB registration
number in Mission Control Center (MCC).

Testing company representative Shipowner representative

Name, signature Name, signature
"____" __________ ______ "____" __________ ______

The volume of examinations required by form meets IMO Circular MSC/Circ.1040.

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