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Week No __________________________________ Date __________

Teacher’s name Institution Subject: General Science Class: vii
Ms Sofia Tariq
Unit: 4 Lesson: 1 Topic: electrical devices Duration: 40
Unit/Lesson Aim:
To learn about the electrical devices.

desired Learning Outcomes (LOTS to HOTS):

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Define electrical devices.

2. Describe few examples of electrical devices used in daily life.
3. Emphasize importance of safety while handling electrical devices.

Instructional Material Required: Value Education/Pg Activity:

Book, Slides and videos on
multimedia. Always follow instructions of your parents
and teachers.

Teacher will ask some brainstorming questions before introducing the topic i.e.

Q1) why do we use fan in summer?

Q2) why do we use torch lights?
Q3) if there is no electric current can we operate computer?
Q4) what do you do if your wrist watch stopped working?

Lesson Development: Time Material toActivity/Han Terminologies/Key

be used: d On Activity Words
DLO 1: define 8 Multimedia Students will Vocabulary/keywords
electrical devices. min slides , a answer the Energy changers,
Procedure/Treatment: video clip questions electrical energy
Teacher will elaborate asked by the
term electrical device. teacher.
DLO 2: describe few 8 Multimedia Students will Vocabulary/keywords
examples of electrical min slides , observe and
devices used in daily video enlist all Batteries, main
life. electrical Power supply
present in
Procedure/Treatment: classroom.
Teacher will explain
more about electrical
devices how they
work for us and how
they convert electrical
energy into useful Kinetic energy,
form of energy by 8 Multimedia Electrical energy,
quoting few examples min slides Sound energy,
from daily life. Light energy

DLO 3: emphasize
importance of safety Electrical shock,
while handling Main supply
electrical devices. 8
Procedure/Treatment: min
Teacher will explain
how dangerous it may
to use electrical
devices without
proper safety and


Go over main points

Student’s queries will be entertained first.

Teacher will ask important questions to assess student’s learnt concept i.e.
Q1) why do we call electrical devices as energy changers?
Q2) list any two devices that use battery instead of electric current.
Q3) why it is so Important to handle electrical appliances with great care?

observe main electrical devices used in your home and enlist these in a table and
mention how these work either connected to main supply or battery and what
type of energy they generate?
In this lesson we have studied about electrical devices as energy changers in
next class we will learn about conductors and insulators.

Board Summary

Energy changer
Examples of electrical devices
Safety first while handling electrical devices

Objectives Achieved 1 2 3

Teacher’s Reflection

Teacher’s Signature _____________ Headmistress Signature _____________

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