Tdeyle Sublime Text 3.Bw

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Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts

by tdeyle (tdeyle) via

General Find & Replacing

Command Pallete CTRL + SHIFT + P Find CTRL + F

Show​/Hide Console CTRL + ` Find Next F3

Show​/Hide Sidebar CTRL + K, B Find Previous SHIFT + F3

Redo Last Keyboard Shortcut CTRL + Y Replace Every Select​ion After selecting, ALT + F3

Select Autoco​mplete Sugges​tion CTRL + SPACE Repl​ace CTRL + H

Incr​emental Search CTRL + I

Window Manipu​lation
Find in Files CTRL + SHIFT + F
Full​scr​een F11
Find then Multi-​Edit CTRL + F, ALT + Enter
Dist​raction Free Mode Shift + F11
Use Selection for Find Field CTRL + E
New Window CTRL + SHIFT + N
Use Selection for Replace Field CTRL + SHIFT + E
New Tab CTRL + N

Select A Tab ALT + TAB NUMBER Selecting Text

Close Tab CTRL + W Line CTRL + L

Move Tab to Pane CTRL + SHIFT + PANE NUMBER Word CTRL + D

Switch to Pane CTRL + PANE NUMBER Quick Select Next Iterat​ion CTRL + D

UnSelect Next Iterat​ion CTRL + U

Skip, and Select the Next Iterat​ion CTRL + K, D
2, 3, 4 Column ALT + SHIFT + 1/4
Pare​nthesis Content CTRL + SHIFT + M
2 or 3 Row ALT + SHIFT + 8/9
Inde​ntation Content CTRL + SHIFT + J
4 Grid ALT + SHIFT + 5
Column Selection Up CTRL + ALT + UP
Split Pane in Half CTRL + K, CTRL + SHIFT + UP
Column Selection Down CTRL + ALT + DOWN

Mult​i-S​elect Editing CTRL + CLICK

Pane Manipu​lation

Move to Panel CTRL + PANEL NUMBER Editing

Move File to Panel CTRL + SHIFT + Panel Number
Delete Line CTRL + SHIFT + K

Delete From Cursor to EOL CTRL + K, K

Delete From Cursor to BOL CTRL + K, BKSP
Quick Open File CTRL + P
Delete Word Forwards CTRL + DEL
Open File, Search Symbol CTRL + P, @
Delete Word Backwa​rds CTRL + BKSP
Go to Symbol CTRL + R
Move Line Up CTRL + SHIFT UP
Go to Line CTRL + G
Move Line Down CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN
Go to Next Tab CTRL + PGDOWN
Insert Line Before CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER
Go to Previous Tab CTRL + PGUP
Insert Line After CTRL + ENTER
Jump to Closing Parent​hesis CTRL + M
Indent Current Line CTRL + ]

UnIndent Current Line CTRL + [

Dupl​icate Line CTRL + SHIFT + D

Join Line Below Current Line CTRL + J

By tdeyle (tdeyle) Published 2nd October, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 13th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts
by tdeyle (tdeyle) via

Editing (cont)

Paste With Proper Indent​ation CTRL + SHIFT + V



To Upperc​ase CTRL + K, U

To Lowerc​ase CTRL + K, L

Increase Font Size CTRL + PLUS

Decrease Font Size CTRL + MINUS


New Bookmark CTRL + F2

Next Bookmark F2

Previous Bookmark SHIFT + F2

Clear Bookma​rks CTRL + SHIFT + F2

Code Folding

Fold Select​ion CTRL + SHIFT + [

UnFold Select​ion CTRL + SHIFT + ]

Fold All CTRL + K, 1

UnFold All CTRL + K, J

Fold Level CTRL + 2/9


Comment Line CTRL + /

Block Comment CTRL + SHIFT + /

By tdeyle (tdeyle) Published 2nd October, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 13th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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