Isys2109B - Business Information Systems: Assessment 3 - Business Analysis Report

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Group Member Vu Duc Huy – s3891599

Dang Le Minh Hieu – s3883626
Lim Tai Nghia – s3892033
Lam Gia Thanh – s3886857
Le Tung Lam – s3715161

Lecturer Huy Nguyen Phan Anh

Class Wednesday 11:30 a.m.
Word Count 3100 words

28, 2021
ISYS2109B– Business Information Systems

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................2

II. ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................2

1. Thoughts on satisfactory learning experience for online learning........................................2

2. Key factors that influence the satisfactory learning experience of online learners..............3

3. Alternative technological tools with features that can be adopted for online learning.........4

III. RECOMMENDATION......................................................................................................6

1. Edmodo.................................................................................................................................7

2. Kahoot!.................................................................................................................................7

3. Khan Academy.....................................................................................................................8

IV. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................11

V. REFERENCE....................................................................................................................12

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Traditional classes have always been considered as one of the most effective ways of teaching
and learning in a person’s academic life. However, with the development of technology,
eLearning (or online learning) appeared and became an alternative for education and teaching
methods. Many universities worldwide have applied this as an official teaching method (El-
Seoud et al, 2014). Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019, education remains to be one of
those fields that are affected the most. As a result, eLearning has become the fundamental way
for schools and universities to continue their teachings and is widely acknowledged by both
teachers and students. Many schools and universities, including RMIT, are utilizing
technological tools to provide online platforms for classes as well as different purposes like
communication and presentation. This report aims to define and understand the learners'
satisfaction with online learning and provide online learning ideas based on the given
technological tools.


1. Thoughts on satisfactory learning experience for online learning.

Online learning has provided schools and students with massive benefits. Firstly, eLearning
provides students with a more convenient experience because it can be accessed easily anywhere
and anytime with an internet connection (Priyanka 2020). This not only avoids time consumption
for traveling, but it can also provide a more well-organized learning experience for students to
study within their schedules. Secondly, it is not costly and one of the safest methods to keep up
with the academic progress since schools are prohibited during the pandemic (OECD 2020).
Studying online also avoids face-to-face connections and therefore provides a safer learning
environment for the school during the pandemic. Lastly, online learning will let students have a
chance to study new technical skills that are required for online learning (Miller 2019). These
technical skills, such as using Excel and PowerPoint, are essential for not only school
assignments but also future work. For these reasons, the demand for improving and applying
more online classes to the schooling system is increasing nowadays, especially in Vietnam and
the current COVID-19.
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2. Key factors that influence the satisfactory learning experience of online learners.

Due to the global pandemic, web-based instructions have been utilized more broadly than ever
before to serve educational purposes. Online learning has revolutionized the education system
and provided incredible opportunities for everyone who wishes to learn something new and soon
it will become the best solution for contemporary education (Stephanie 2016). As a result, if an
instructor wants their students to use the E-learning well, the business owner must identify key
elements that impact student satisfaction with online learning. Firstly, flexibility is the most
recognizable factor. Students may learn online at any time or from any location with access to
the internet. By allowing individuals to approach geographically and delivering the new learning
platform for students, web-based education provides individuals with greater flexibility and
various learning options (Wu 2016). Online learning only needs technological gadgets such as
tablets, computers, or even a smartphone to study instead of facilities in a traditional classroom.
If you want to complete a learning program in another country, e-learning is the ideal approach
even if your country is 1000 kilometers away. In addition, learning websites are often described
as distant education that eliminates time and space constraints (George, 2021). Students may
access online classes at any time, whether it is midnight or early in the morning. Besides, some
people can still get an education degree while having a job. Furthermore, online learning allows
professors and learners to record lectures to review anytime and keep track of their students’
contributions throughout the learning progress.

Secondly, interaction is also a crucial component that influences learners' satisfaction. Through a
learning network model, E-learning liberates interactions between learners and instructors or
learners from the constraints of time and geography (Harsasi & Sutawijaya 2018). Consequently,
it is considered as a variable in the Perception Scale for Online Courses (Demir Kaymak &
Horzum 2013). A good online lecture cannot be one-way communication, it must include at least
two individuals for interaction to fully absorb the lecture and interact with the other person.
During the learning process, interaction can also create a good atmosphere where students are
fostered to achieve greater intellectual success through effective learning (Qais 2013).
Collaboration with instructors is very critical for students to help them comprehend the course
and avoid boredom. Moreover, online interaction can occur in many forms, including
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engagement with the teacher, interaction with peers, or interaction with the course content
(Moore 1993, cited in Kumar, Saxena and Baber 2021), such as text, presentation, case study,
simulation, discussion forum or assignment. E-content is considered to be helpful when it can
shift the students’ perspective and improve their comprehension.

The third factor that influences satisfactory online learning is the course design. Basuony et al
(2020) stated that there is a statistical significance for course design on learning, satisfaction, and
outcomes. It is also mentioned in Gopal, Singh & Aggarwal (2021) that effective course design
will increase satisfaction, as well as improving the performance through learners’ knowledge and
skills. It also leads to high acceptance of e-learning systems by students, which is mandatory
during COVID-19, to keep up with their courses. On the other hand, if the online course design
is not well-organized, it may lead to the lower usage of teachers and students on e-learning
systems (Almaiah & Almulhem 2018).

The course management, assessment in Learning Management Systems (LMS), and robustness
of the online learning platforms can also have a dispensable impact on the quality and
satisfaction of online learning for students (Jiang, Islam & Gu 2021). A good course design
should have five elements of usability: learnability, memorability, efficiency of use, error
handling, and subject satisfaction. Khan Academy is a good example with the well-designed
background, courses, and explanation videos for concepts and badges to recognize the effort of
users to complete the assignments or challenges, which creates huge motivation. For classes, it
has a dashboard for teachers to be continuously updated about their students' performance (Khan
Academy n.d.)

3. Alternative technological tools with features that can be adopted for online learning.

To help students have a satisfactory online learning experience, suitable technological tools must
be adopted and used efficiently, including the Learning Management Systems, Communication
Tools and Presentation Tools.

Learning Management System (LMS) is software typically designed for and helps educational
institutions administer and distribute their courses or training programs through digital platforms.
The importance of choosing the right LMS is most pronounced since the outbreak of COVID-19

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and Canvas, out of competition from other LMSs, is trusted by thousands of universities
worldwide (Kelly & Jimmy 2021) thanks to its following advantages.

Canvas LMS covers all aspects of the online learning process with many features and intuitive
user interface design. Course instructors can utilize Modules, Discussion, and Assignment tabs to
share digital learning materials with learners, and the clutter-free UI design of these tabs can help
students stay focused. Other tabs such as Collaborations, Conferences, and Groups facilitate the
online communication between learners and instructors during lock-down. One of the most
important features that sets Canvas LMS apart is its grading tools: the integration of Rubric
Evaluation and Turn-it-in Submission. These allow instructors to thoroughly access students’
performance and give insightful feedback. Course coordinators can get the big picture of how
students perform via the Canvas Analytics tool, and continue to modify course and assignment
structure so that students can best achieve the learning outcomes. (Mpungose & Khoza 2020)

As for students, this grading system also makes it easier to grasp the key requirements of each
assessment and identify the fields they need to improve. To-do List which appears on a student's
homepage can act as a calendar tool for students to keep track of coming-up assignments or
meetings. The Announcement tab helps students stay up-to-date with important updates or
assignment notices for courses. Additionally, students can customize their profile page and look
up others’ profiles for community building. Despite being a capable online learning platform,
studies have shown that Canvas LMS poses serious data security concerns since most user data is
directly shared with Amazon Web Services servers. (Marachi & Quill 2020)

For Communication Tools, Microsoft Teams (or Teams) would be a good choice for online
learning. Teams was first launched in November 2016 as a part of Office 365, the cloud-based
service developed by Microsoft (Sherweb, 2021). It is a collaborative application supporting
your team to hold conversations in one place (Microsoft, n.d.). First of all, the main function of
Teams is Teams, consisting of channels created by topics, departments, or just for fun
(Microsoft, n.d.). Moreover, the conversation feature within the channel provides a platform for
participants to discuss their topics, share files, as well as plan for a meeting in the calendar. The
tab features on every channel act as a tool that links to the conversation where members of the
channel discussed, to files tab where all of the shared documents are stored, or to other apps in
the cloud-based service. Besides platforms, Teams also provides a place for communication
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between users through channels. This makes the users’ connection within Teams easier and more
efficient by minimizing the email threads (Microsoft 2017). Last but not least, the most essential
feature of Teams is Meetings, which is extremely beneficial for online learning. It is where an
appropriately secured class can be quickly created by lecturers and direct to students easily.
Furthermore, Meetings provide useful tools for online learning as lecturers can share content on
their devices as well as recording the meeting which is helpful for after-class revision. However,
Teams may have some possible drawbacks such as poor network conditions that might affect the
connection to the app or a negative impact on student attendance as they depend on reviewing
the record.

PowerPoint is one of the most popular Presentation Tools that can be utilized for online learning.
With PowerPoint, people can create from the easiest slides for pupils to professional slides for
higher education or business. Many features can appear in one slide: texts, images, or videos
while the background can be chosen through the Design tab or from the Internet. Furthermore,
Sound and Animation effects can be added to make the slides more attractive for the audience.
There are other options such as SmartArt if the teachers want to create a professional diagram,
and Slide Master if they need to add a logo in every slide.

According to Cornwell (2014), the students prefer lectures with PowerPoint slides to ones that do
not have and give higher ratings to the lecturers. Northern Illinois University Center for
Innovative Teaching and Learning (2020) mentions that PowerPoint offers effective ways for
teachers to enhance instruction and lesson contents when used and designed appropriately,
especially in COVID-19, when almost all classes are organized online. Hadiyanti and Widya
(2018) argued that PowerPoint can aid teachers and students in a learning-teaching process.
After all, utilizing PowerPoint for teaching and learning is not only about the slides, but also the
people who create them, which is extremely important in online classes in COVID-19, where the
slides and teacher presentation are the only things to keep them focused.


Although Canvas LMS, Microsoft Teams and PowerPoint have differentiated elements, they still
have drawbacks that affect the online learning experience of teachers and students. Therefore,
this part will provide innovative and practical recommendations to improve the three factors
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mentioned in the Analysis part: flexibility, interaction, and course design by applying good
features of Edmodo, Kahoot, and Khan Academy into Canvas with detailed clarifications.

1. Edmodo.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all classes, tests, and assignments need to be done online, and
flexibility is one of the factors mentioned for students to have a satisfactory online learning
experience. Edmodo is a free and secure learning platform that helps connect students and
teachers. It provides different sections with many utilities that support learning and teaching
purposes, but with more control and well-organized (Kelsick 2013). Moreover, the flexibility of
Edmodo’s multi-platform has made the app to become more popular since Edmodo can be
accessible in both Android and IOS, along with the PC platform (Walsh 2013). In 2020, Edmodo
was recommended by UNESCO as one of the top apps that provide a decent distance learning
experience due to its popularity with over 100 million registered users (NetDragon Websoft
Holdings Limited 2020).

As mentioned above, having an online platform that provides a great experience and can be
accessed easily is one of the most crucial things that a school needs to investigate. The platform
needs to provide enough privacy and enough functions that can support the students' learning
with the required materials for taking homework, assignments, and tests. Edmodo with a safe
learning management system can provide a secure experience for teachers to give quizzes and
tests without having to worry that the students might cheat or use inappropriate tools (Jones
2020). Moreover, Edmodo also gives teachers the ability to share resources such as websites,
embedded links, videos that can be used to support the students' learning (Trinca 2020), which
can be watched again anytime, anywhere. This has created consistency in both theory and visual
areas to illustrate the knowledge better and easier to understand. By using Edmodo, students can
also form different communities and clubs online to balance between learning and entertaining,
instead of turning to other platforms such as Microsoft Teams. Forming communities not only
helps to strengthen students’ communication skills but also generates a safe and active platform
for students to share their interests, make new friends and get to express their thoughts without
face-to-face interactions. This not only is a safe way to communicate, but it is also a new and
exciting method to experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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4. Kahoot!

It was predicted that E-learning would be immensely well-known and will dominate the
education industry with cost, time, and convenience advantages. However, so far it is not so
encouraging (Arun 2013). As discussed in part 2, interaction is important for a successful online
education program. Therefore, RMIT should provide more features to Canvas to encourage
students to use it to accomplish their homework or review the previous chapter. Kahoot!, a
game-based education tool, comes highly recommended by us.

Kahoot! is a free online game-based educational platform where fun learning games or quizzes
can be created anytime or anywhere in just a minute. It is used by millions of people all over the
world for both teachers, students, company employees, and lifelong learners (Kahoot! 2018).
According to the study of Wang and Tahir (2020), Kahoot! has 70 million monthly active unique
users and is used by 50% of US K-12 students. The flexibility is an advantage of Kahoot as the
platform can be used in any device from Android to IOS, in any subject and any language
(Kahoot! 2018). Moreover, Kahoot! was claimed to positively affect the academic performance,
classroom dynamic, students and teachers’ attitude, and student anxiety (Wang & Tahir 2020).

Similar to Canvas’ review tool, Kahoot! can be utilized to practice what students have learned in
a fun way which encourages more involvement from students than the typical method of preview
learning. To begin with, instructors need to create a free account on Kahoot!, then they can
choose many free public games, modify them as needed, or develop their own. Then students
must sign in with smartphones, laptops, computers, or tablets and they can select individual
mode or team mode. Finally, students will input the game pin presented on the educator’s screen.
The procedure is extremely simple and straightforward. According to Boller (2012), “People
learn from games, and they will learn more from a game than from other forms of learning”, it is
proved that the majority of students are more concerned with gaming than with their study. As a
result, Kahoot! Is the ideal approach to integrating the two subjects. Furthermore, using Kahoot!
as a tool in Canvas helps boost RMIT students’ interaction during classes and motivates them to
study. Aside from improving student-lecturer interaction, Kahoot! Is also flexible without regard
to time and place. In addition, Kahoot! has an individual mode that can power up student’s
independent study, contributing learners to become leaders. (Kahoot!, n.d)

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5. Khan Academy.

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization founded in 2008 by Salman Khan (Khan
Academy Help Center n.d). It provides learning resources for all ages and free tools for parents
and teachers, (Khan Academy Help Center n.d). It is ranked 10th in the education websites
category (similarweb 2021). Teachers utilize Khan Academy as an extra practice tool, an
intervention for students who are falling behind compared to their peers, and a credible tool to
monitor students’ progress (SRI Education 2014). Kelly and Rutherford (2017) mention that
more Khan Academy use has a positive relationship with achievement outcomes improving
procedural skills for students. Khan Academy is also an easy-to-use e-learning platform with an
“aesthetic-pleasing design” (Laura 2021).

Figure 1: Course Design on Khan Academy (Khan Academy n.d.)

One thing that makes Khan Academy stand out from other e-learning platforms is its colorful
badges for recognition. It has various kinds of badges like Meteorite, Moon, Earth, Sun, and
Black Hole from the easiest to the hardest for different achievements, such as “Post 100 answers
that earn 3+ votes” (Ruipérez-Valiente, Munoz-Merino & Kloos 2016). These badges will create
the motivation for students to complete the tasks in Khan Academy, which can also be used to
improve the course design of Canvas LMS. Although there are post-class activities such as
revision quizzes or Quizlet to study the concepts, they seem to be not motivative due to the lack
of recognition. Hence, these colorful badges can be added to the Canvas activities, not only to
make the course design more attractive but also to increase the interaction and satisfaction of
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students with the online platform. Another change that could be applied to Canvas LMS is the
activities panel, which is not attractive for students to join with no recognition. Therefore,
changing the word “post-class activities” into “post-class challenges” is proposed and having the
progress points, such as Mastery points like Khan Academy. The final change for course design
is more colors into the user interface of Canvas like the way Khan Academy does since color has
an important role in “motivating students to learn and profit from their educational experience”.
It also helps students increase attention, retention, and memory performance, dispensable for a
satisfactory online learning experience (Olurinola & Tayo 2015). With the proposed changes in
course design, RMIT students will have more motivation and satisfaction when they study on
Canvas LMS.

Figure 2: Course challenge on Khan Academy (Khan Academy n.d.)

Figure 3: Mastery Points on Khan Academy (Khan Academy n.d.)

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Figure 4: The use of color in interface design of Khan Academy (Khan Academy n.d.)


As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, most educational institutions have switched to
online schooling to comply with quarantine restrictions. With the availability of many
technological tools, schools are able to bring satisfactory learning experience to online learning
while maintaining the academic success of their distant learners. Given the analysis concerning
the key contributing factors towards successful online schooling and detailed examination on
some available technological tools, it is recommended that RMIT’s Canvas LMS implements the
winning features of other tools, namely Edmodo, Kahoot! and Khan Academy to further improve
Canvas in terms of flexibility , interaction, and course design, respectively. However, there are

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still rooms for further research regarding students’ difficulties on distant learning so that schools
can modify their technological tools accordingly to deliver the best possible online learning

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