Assessment Tasks and Instructions

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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Observations

Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable
Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

 communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context

 objectives and scope of the coaching
 factors which impact need for coaching:
o direction from colleagues
o own observation and workplace experience
o request for coaching from colleagues to be coached
 key principles of training:
o explanation
o demonstration
o review
o listening to trainee explanation
o observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
o providing feedback
 legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements
 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties:
o breakdown in communication
o inappropriate circumstances for coaching
o insufficient opportunity to practice
o language or cultural barriers
o shyness or lack of confidence.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper or computer, colleagues to be coached,

Coaching Session Plan Templates 1-4 (located in student assessment folder)

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

This assessment consists of 2 parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A
For the purpose of this assessment you are required to identify the coaching needs of 4 different colleagues and
prepare 4 coaching sessions of maximum 15 minute duration for each need identified. Coaching needs may vary
and can include e.g. precision cuts, specific preparation techniques for dishes, safe use of equipment; table
setting for different occasions, serviette folding; spot removal in housekeeping, making beds; preparing for
event registration/set-up etc. to name a few examples for possible coaching needs in various departments of
hospitality, tourism and events.
You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.

Part B
In this part of the assessment you are required to provide suggestions, supported by examples how

1. you will deal with and overcome performance problems during coaching sessions,
2. you will encourage further training and provide for application of the learnt skills as well as transferring
these skills to new tasks where applicable,
3. you will provide for monitoring of the learnt tasks to address performance problems or follow up on

Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will
provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

The criteria set out in the checklist provide a general guideline for the details you need to provide for this
assessment for this assessment.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

Student Signature Date:    /    /     

Assessment 1

1. You are required to identify the coaching needs for 4 different colleagues in preparation for the practical coaching
sessions in Assessment 2, where you will be observed delivering these to the identified colleagues.

2. Complete the table/profile for each coaching need below.

3. Complete the corresponding “Coaching Session” Plans with duration of no more than 15 minutes for each session, and
attach these for each task/colleague to be coached.

4. Answer all questions overleaf.

Part A – Identifying coaching needs and preparing for coaching

Coaching Candidate 1

Name: Mosie Boyd Location: Arkansas

Reason for Coaching:

Staff enlistment
Staff who are enlisted may require starting abilities instructing in specific territories (since they have no involvement with all
with a particular undertaking), or they may require healing training (in light of the fact that their current experience isn't at
the standard required by the new scene, or the hardware and techniques are extraordinary) [ CITATION CTo19 \l 1033 ].

How was the need for coaching identified?

To get the enlisted staff in good terms with the terms and policies of the company especially the privacy acts to avoid any
trouble in future.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
As a supervisor, you ought to have clear instructing objectives at the top of the priority list and ought to unmistakably
impart a cognizant, noteworthy rundown of these issues to the staff to be coached. It ought to never be up to the staff to
be coached to make sense of why the individual in question needs a mentor.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

 Description of main objectives
 Description of privacy acts
 Assignment of roles and duties
WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:
As a business, you should give work prosperity and security getting ready in order to monitor your workplace for you, your
staff and any visitors or customers. You need to set up your staff when they start working for you and give standard lift
getting ready.
Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
As a business, you should give work prosperity and security getting ready in order to monitor your workplace for you, your
staff and any visitors or customers. You need to set up your staff when they start working for you and give standard lift
getting ready.
Session Plan 1 completed with details and attached

Coaching Candidate 2

Name: Steve Burke Location: New York

Reason for Coaching:

Following a client grumbling
Given you work in an industry where there is a serious extent of collaboration with clients; it is practically inescapable
protests will happen.
As a working environment mentor you have to separate among authentic and negligible protests so instructing is possibly
offered when a genuine and certified need exists.

How was the need for coaching identified?

Great client assistance is basically acceptable critical thinking. In the event that you need to convey great client care, you
have to employ individuals who are keen on helping other people and who appreciate taking care of issues.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
 Show administration regularly by showing others how it’s done.
Breakdown routine visitor communications, and clarify how they ought to be drawn closer so as to give the most ideal
experience[ CITATION JSR18 \l 1033 ].
 Never request that a worker accomplish something you aren't happy to do yourself
In the event that you are hoping to improve deals and staff maintenance, consider driving with benevolence as opposed to
with disappointment and outrage.
Description of task(s) to be coached:
• Customer Care
As such, appropriate customer support is an inside factor of buyer reliability. For example, an internally and externally
arranged server addresses generous customers or makes a unique attempt to equip them with exceptional help.
• Predicted price
In a bistro, a not-too-bad planning program covers quality standards among different business pieces. Getting ready causes
laborers to recollect your bistros about principles, strategy and plans to ensure that they dependably fulfill their
commitments according to these rules.
WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:
 Food administration permit:
Organizations that store, plan and serve food (instead of basically selling pre-packaged food) must be examined by both
state and neighbourhood wellbeing offices to guarantee they're following sanitation guidelines [ CITATION SWa17 \l
1033 ].
 Food stockpiling:
Safe food stockpiling is basic to maintaining a strategic distance from food-borne ailments. For instance, food must be put
away independently and marked by date got.
 Representative neatness:
To ensure the wellbeing of clients, workers are relied upon to be perfect, wash their hands consistently, and keep their hair
pulled back so it doesn't get into food or beverages.
Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:

Having a solid and successful framework set up can extraordinarily improve the notoriety of a business. What's more, by
demonstrating enthusiasm for the security of its labourers, representative's and client's reliability is upgraded. Again this
can help improve business openings because of the expanded execution of buying arrangements that favour banding
together with organizations with a WHS framework set up.

Session Plan 2 completed with details and attached

Coaching Candidate 3

Name: Nathan Bloxham Location: Utah.

Reason for Coaching:

 Because of changes in working environment gear
There will consistently be instances of new gear being brought into the work environment whether things are
supplanting exhausted or supplanted hardware or they are new things acquainted with empower another item or
administration to be given[ CITATION LDe19 \l 1033 ].

How was the need for coaching identified?

Change is hard. But then for the vast majority change will sooner or later be fundamental—a basic advance toward
satisfying their latent capacity and accomplishing their objectives, both at work and at home. They will require
support with this procedure. They'll require a mentor.
A holistic mentor can help representatives in the working environment in the accompanying ways:
 To work through work environment clashes.
 To work through intense subject matters.
 To conquer profession challenges.
 To conquer inspiration droops.
 To improve execution and results.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
At the group level, change emerges from new items/administrations; expanding or diminishing client request;
turnover of associates/colleagues; new group pioneers, and methods of cooperating. For people, change likewise
results from advancement; work job/obligation; area; culture, and various hours/example of work.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

Eatery networks and food conveyance stages are reacting to the quick spread of coronavirus, or COVID-19, by making
changes to their worker advantages and activities. While about all are actualizing comparable cleaning forms, many
are revealing extra answers for attempt to illuminate the issues past cleanliness that issue to their labourers and

Fundamental organizations don't have the choice to telecommute, and most if not the entirety of its work force are
WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that if a representative is affirmed to have COVID-19,
businesses ought to educate colleagues quickly with the goal that they can look for fitting clinical screening or care.
Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:

Labourers’ pay claims are likewise feasible for respiratory illnesses to the degree the representative can set up
causation from the work environment condition and that their occupation presents a specific peril of the infection
happening in order to recognize different occupations.
Session Plan 3 completed with details and attached

Coaching Candidate 4

Name: Michael A. Ellinger Location: California

Reason for Coaching:

 Changes in legitimate necessities
Existing enactment frequently changes after some time, and new enactment can be presented.
Regular enactment requiring your progressing consideration as a working environment identifies with wellbeing and
security, alcohol permitting, gaming and food taking care of and some other consistence related issues.

How was the need for coaching identified?

Focus on constant learning
In case you're not persistently realizing, for what reason should your workers? Show your representatives that you
don't simply need them to improve so you look better, however that you're effectively keen on their vocation,
achievements, and expert achievement[ CITATION Dri18 \l 1033 ].
Enthusiastic insight (EQ) is a basic part of instructing workers such that fabricates connections, helps commitment,
and improves execution.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
The motivation behind training inside the work environment is to improve a person's presentation at work. This
includes either improving their present aptitudes or through securing new ones.
At the point when done well instructing can:
 Increment profitability
 Improve interchanges
 Increment staff responsibility and dependability
 Diminishing degrees of stress and strain.
Description of task(s) to be coached:

A decent preparing program in an eatery covers quality norms among different parts of business. Preparing helps
workers to remember your eateries about standards, techniques and approaches to guarantee that they reliably
satisfy their obligations as per these principles.

WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:

In the event that we don't have guidelines of satisfactory conduct and strategies to gauge execution, how might we
survey execution?
Notwithstanding legitimacy and dependability, we have to take a gander at two or three different qualities of our
exhibition measures. We have to dissect worthiness and practicality.
Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
 Consolidate practical situations that re-enact the issues looked by the students at the working environment.
 Consolidate down to earth practices that are like what students will be relied upon to perform at the work

Session Plan 4 completed with details and attached

Part B

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

1. How will you deal with, and accordingly overcome, the following performance problems or difficulties by
providing applied examples or scenarios:

a. Breakdown in communication
b. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
c. Insufficient opportunity to practise
d. Language or cultural barriers
e. Shyness or lack of confidence

a. Breakdown in communication

 Conveyance is loose and supports discussion. You will probably encourage exchange to arrive at a comprehension.
 Non-verbal communication is open and mindful. The correct non-verbal communication supports a superior reaction.
Be available. Keep in touch and take out all interruptions like your wireless, work environment detachments, or
messages. Be prepared to tune in just as talk. Tune in with your face (gestures, causing a stir, eye appearance, grins).
Dispose of squirming[ CITATION Lau18 \l 1033 ].
 Tone is quiet and certain. Expel outrage, fault, or froze language from your conveyance.
 Pacing is estimated. Try not to surge; leave stops to permit the representative to remark or contribute.
b. Shyness or lack of confidence

This makes them very hesitant and frightful of being judged, scorned, reprimanded, mortified, humiliated, and dismissed.
They have a negative self-distraction and regularly assess themselves and their own capacity in exceptionally restricting
Defeating bashfulness won't be a stroll in the recreation centre. This isn't a simple procedure. There are numerous feelings
of trepidation and nerves in the blend, and as such you might just need to work through every one of them separately.
c. Insufficient opportunity to practise

Insufficient opportunity to practise - practice, as is commonly said, makes great. The thought in an instructional meeting is
to show the understudy how to play out an undertaking to a necessary norm. The most ideal approach to do this is to allow
them to rehearse - if needs be again and again [ CITATION Pab17 \l 1033 ].
d. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
Improper conditions for instructing - this can be a genuine obstruction to effective preparing. Wrong conditions could
Inadequate time for the instructional meeting. In the event that time has not been endorsed with chiefs or potentially
supervisors then the understudy might be aware of the way that they need to return to their activity, feel surged and
incapable to think appropriately.
Wrong spot for the instructional course - relying upon the idea of the activity, preparing in the working environment could
be noisy and diverting.

e. Lack of experience
 Giving understudies’ chances to rehearse the new aptitudes or information will cement the learning experience and
offers the mentor the chance to watch the understudy and guarantee they can now really play out the undertaking to
the necessary principles. Practice openings can include:
 Pretends - where the understudy must showcase a job in a deliberately developed situation - trying their new
 Exhibits - open doors for the understudy to put the new aptitudes/information into quick practice in their working
environment or in the reproduced (study hall) condition.
2. How will you ensure that your colleagues will be able to apply the learnt skills to other tasks or situations
and how can you provide for this? Provide examples for each task you have delivered in your 4 coaching

 Give supplemental classes.

Understudies much of the time report being not ready to hold key learning centres after the readiness is done or audit
these thoughts when required. A supplemental class can improve audit. The course should be fundamental and give just a
new and clear abstract of the key learning thoughts.
 Mastermind post-getting ready follow-up gatherings.
Reflection is one of the most capable ways to deal with harden the data, perceive gaps in planning, and recognize the
barrier(s) to a strong trade of teach[ CITATION Fio17 \l 1033 ].
 Make open entryways for preparing.
Agents should be given ample open entryways at the workplace to practice the capacities they have picked up from the
readiness program.

3. How will you provide for ongoing coaching processes, given that you work in a very busy establishment?

 Express the "what's-in-it-for-me" data toward the start.

The sharp student needs to know, "How might this benefit me?" The onus is on the eLearning architect to give an agreeable
and believable response to this inquiry.
 Lump substance to organize and dispense with mess.
Lumping and organizing content guarantee that your course is sans messiness and important. Grown-up students are
lacking in time; they welcome a course that gets straight to the point immediately.
Note: Make sure that you survey the learning goals while piecing content.
 Draw upon the student's earlier information to make affiliations.
For example, it is anything but difficult to recollect a rundown of names of livestock than rundown containing names of
arbitrary articles that are not associated with one another.
 Utilize instructional techniques that set up pertinence.
The exchange of learning is programmed and easy if the student knows about the fittingness of the material; to his work

Delmondes, P. H. (2017). IMPORTANCE OF COACHING AND MENTORING TOOLS. Challenges in Law, Technology,
Life, and Social Sciences.

Drinka, G. O. (2018). Coaching for learning agility: The importance of leader behavior, learning goal orientation,
and psychological safety. Social-Organizational Psychology.

Graham, F. (2017). Fidelity of Occupational Performance Coaching: Importance of Accuracy in Intervention

Identification. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health.

L DeWalt. (2019). Our Journey to Improve Coaching. Educational Leadership.

Lauren Bishop. (2018). Lifestyle coaching for mental health difficulties: scoping review. Journal of Public Mental

Russell, J. (2018). Coaching and undeserved competitive success. The Ethics of Coaching Sports.


Wang, S. (2017). " Teacher Centered Coaching": An Instructional Coaching Model. Mid-Western educational
Marking Criteria Part A, Part B S NYS S NYS Feedback

Preparation for on-the-job coaching

Identifies the need for coaching according to relevant factors

Provides a clear overview of the identified training needs
Identifies specific skills to be trained
Considers specific requirements for coaching relevant to person
to be coached (special needs, adjustments etc)
Provides realistic details for time and location of coaching
considering workplace policies or constraints
Identifies resource requirements correctly according to coaching
Identifies stakeholders and communication requirements

Preparation of coaching session

Identifies underpinning knowledge required for task to be
coached including organisational requirements for workplace
specific tasks
Identifies all WHS requirements relevant for the task to be
Identifies gap training required to meet WHS aspects where
Identifies gap training required to meet the underpinning
knowledge and skills requirements where relevant
Clearly defines the practical skills to be coached
Clearly defines the objectives of the coaching session
Provides a clear and logical overview of the coaching strategies
Applies logical sequencing of coaching events
Provides opportunity provision for practising learnt skills
Provides opportunity provision for questions and answers
Suggests a clear approach for providing feedback on coaching

Follow-up coaching (Part B)

Suggests a realistic process for monitoring progression on
coaching session
Identifies opportunities for further practice relevant to the
workplace context and tasks undertaken there
Identifies relevant personnel for reporting

Identifies the requirements for reporting

Provides a detailed overview of reasons for the following
potential problems which may occur during coaching and
appropriate suggestions how to help to overcomes these pro-
a. Breakdown in communication

b. Shyness or lack of confidence

c. Insufficient opportunity to practise

d. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching

e. Lack of experience

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