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Mechanic Use when… (Examples) Outcomes

Simple Test There’s no big deal. The fight itself is not the final goal, but it’s an On a success, the character obtains his Intent (generally overwhelming or eliminating the opponent).
obstacle in the character’s way to reaching it.
On a fail complication arises.
Character wants to cut down/incapacitate non-dangerous NPC No way the character gets injuried in the test on a fail; just he gets slowed down or hindered.
standing in his way.

Open Test Slightly bigger deal. The fight is still not the goal, but there’s a chance On a success, the character deal damage to the opponent as per the Weapons Mechanics: additional
it can slow down the character or it’s not automatic to overcome the successes may be used to improve the quality of the success on the IMS scale basing on the Weapon’s
opponent with a single blow. Add.

The character is facing tougher opponent(s): armored opponents, On a fail complication may arise as above.
tough animals or NPCs and the like. The weapon the character is using could become useless, or temporary unavailable.
Reinforcements should arrive and engage the character, escalating to a Bloody Versus, and so on.
Still the character can’t be directly harmed or subdued as a consequence of the conflict.

Versus Test Minor deal. A scuffle or bar-brawl, or even a brief melee between On a success, the character gets his Intent (kill, maim, subdue, tackle).
the character and a tougher opponent which might end up with the
character being bested by his opponent. On a fail, the opponent gets his Intent.

The character is involved in a fist-fight against a renown local NOTE: resolving fights against more powerful opponents with a Versus Test may be very “dangerous”
brawler. for the PCs since they can be killed on rincapacitated as the result of a single test. You may want to
The character is confronting a skilled and/or determined opponent. consider a more nuanced conflict resolution system, like the Bloody Versus or even Fight!

Bloody Versus You want to have a more detailed, dramatic and possibly realistic Neither Side Hits: the combatant with the more Defense Successes dictates what happens next, and
resolution for a more important conflict. You want more nuanced the skill to be used for the next test.
outcomes, such as both sides being injuried or even incapacitated or
killed. You do not want the fight to necessarily end up in a single One Side Hits: damage is dealt as per the Weapons Mechanics. Steel tests are made. Generally, the
test. loser is at the opponent’s mercy and the BV is over.

The character battles a well trained and very driven opponent, and Both Sides Hit: damage is dealt as per the Weapons Mechanics. Steel tests are made. Now if both sides
the fight is not only a boring waste of time on its path, but a are still standing, the combatant which scored more attack successes decides what happens next (skill
potentially deadly one! used for the next BV test).

Fight! The fight really matters. See BWG for details.

You want a very deadly and risky system with detailed blow-by-blow

Beliefs are in play and being challenged.

A final showdown between the PC(s) and a major foe.

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