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Name: Marvin C.

Carcido Section: BSCE 2B

Activity 1
GOOD LIFE COLLAGE. Collect pictures online or cut out pictures in magazines or newspapers that
demonstrate how technology has made the man's desire for a happy life more realizable. Explain how
these technological advancements have made the campaign for the attainment of good life easier or
otherwise. Present it in class.
My idea of a good life is being capable of meeting my desires and needs. People's lives have been made a
lot better thanks to technological advances. For us people, it made communication even faster and better.
We used to have to wait days, if not weeks, for the message. Technology has had a major influence on the
travel industry. Google Maps, Google Earth, and other similar applications are available for users to use at
their leisure. Any information can now be found on the internet. If you want to learn more about someone
or something, all you have to do is go to the search engines to look for the data you need. Data retrieval
used to be a very difficult task to deal with because people had to scour through several files and then hand-
pick the file by narrowing it down. But it is no longer the case. All you have to do these days is save it to
your screen, tablet, or even smartphone. Technology has opened many doors for new and better types of
jobs for those who are talented, smart, creative, ambitious and career-driven. It also boosted someone’s
productivity which means a job can be done efficiently. The effect on the fitness industry is my favorite
part. Active people can now use wearables to monitor their progress and wellbeing. Lastly, technological
progress has been one of the main forces driving globalization. Globalization facilitates countries' access
to foreign knowledge. Even through a time of low global productivity growth, technology transfer has
helped in the growth of innovation and productivity in emerging markets.

Activity 2
Guide Questions:
Based on the video(s), answer the following:
1. What is Nicomachean ethics?
Nicomachean Ethics is a philosophical analysis into the nature of a human being's good
nature. Aristotle elaborates a crucial component of the highest good. It has to be something
that promotes the full development of our human faculties.
2. How do we develop and/or attain intellectual virtues and character virtues?
Character virtues are established through a process of habituation, while intellectual virtues
are developed through teaching and instruction. The moral novice must practice being
virtuous in order to cultivate true moral virtue through repetition and experience.
3. Why is the myth Sisyphus used in this video to relate the concept of good life?
For me, a good life means of doing something you like for the rest of your life. If we picture
Sisyphus rolling that boulder up that mountain over and over again, we can see that he is
doing something he loves again and again. All things have no meaning, just like our lives,
and we are just rolling boulders up hills, however we can choose to give meaning to what
we do.
4. Do you agree with the view of existentialists that we are the ones who determine the value of our
own life?
Yes, because all things around us doesn’t have meaning, we just choose to give a value to
Activity 3
WATCH AND LEARN! Watch this video clip by accessing the video by clicking the provided link. Create
a Venn diagram to differentiate Plato from Aristotle in terms of philosophy beliefs and scientific views as
described in the video.

Plato Aristotle
- Idealist - Empiricist
- Academy Future truths are - Peripatetic
- Perfect geometric founded on - Things are naturally
- Planets is in uniform beliefs. jumbled up
circular motion - Souls

Activity 4
Using the given philosophies, provide examples that would relate these to good life with the help of STS.

Philosophies Examples that relate good life through STS

1. Materialism Valuing gadgets, jewelries, car, house over relationships
2. Hedonism Drinking alcohol, indulgent eating, excessive sexual indulgence
3. Stoicism CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is a widely praised and well-known
treatment for depression, anxiety, anger disorders, drug misuse, and other
mental illnesses. It is focused on stoicism.
4. Theism Religions are attempting to build connections between devotees and fuel
interaction by using technologies to communicate with communities.
5. Humanism A number of different types of psychotherapy have emerged that are rooted in
the principles of humanism

Activity 5
MOVIE REFLECTION. Before watching the movie, “What happened to Monday? (2017)”, read the
following questions/instructions.
1. Watch the film, “What happened to Monday?” (2017) and create a summary in no less than 25
Human population growth and climate change have threatened to create a near inhospitable
planet with too many humans and little water in the not-too-distant future. To combat this,
scientists modify crops genetically to boost production. However, this transition has
resulted in a significant rise in multiple births. They pass the Child Allocation Act, a
strict one-child policy, to counteract the increasing birthrate. All additional children are
removed from their parents and put in cryosleep for an unknown period of time. Karen
Settman dies while giving birth to identical septuplet sisters. Terrence, their grandfather,
gives them names based on the days of the week and teaches them to act like a single person
named after their mum, only leaving the house on the day of their name. Then one night,
Monday does not return home. The other six girls must find out what happened to Monday.
It takes them to the Child Allocation Board's clutches, as well as the reality about Nicollete
Cayman's hope for the future.

2. Answer the following questions critically.

2.1. Why is it entitled as “What happened to Monday?”
What happened to Monday is a literal question, what happened to her to cause her to act
the way she did? When the film progresses, it shifts from a search for Monday to the reality
that all of the sisters must survive her as she tries to take over Karen's life.

2.2. What are the societal conflicts and policies raised in the movies?
The movie not only does it theorize the consequences of overpopulation and alternative
ways to control it, but it also shows what happens when individuality is suppressed in the
pursuit of survival. For years, the Settman sisters' need for independent identity has been
overshadowed by their natural need to survive. What happened to Monday? explores
humanity's desperation to find a unique identity and express individuality, as well as how
dystopian societies damage citizens' mental health in order to maintain power.

2.3. What were your reactions when you found out the real government’s acts in “preserving” the
children for the future? What would you feel if one of our children were “preserved” that way?
The events of the film terrified and intrigued me at the same time. In this film, the ethical
issues were just murdering humans, which is wrong on several ways. But I think that the
concept of how policies that are inhuman are produced and maintained contributes to the
discussion about effect versus purpose. If my children will be treated the same way, I would
probably start a revolution.

2.4. Why do you think Monday betrayed her sisters?

Monday, I guess, sold her sisters out because she was pregnant and in love. It may not be
the only explanation, but I believe it is the most significant. I don't have children and I'm
not a mother. I am, however, a son with a mother. One characteristic that all mothers have
in common is their love for their children. Monday, I think, always loved her sisters, but
her love for her child and Adrian drove her to make a drastic decision. She prioritized her
baby and her love for her child over her family.

2.5. What is the connection of this movie to good life?

Some people, in my opinion, want to be like others, while others want to be different.
Individuality requires a lot of compromises along the way, including those made by your
loved ones.

1. What is the relationship between the good life and science?
Science is connected to a good life. It is science that offers a good life for all, and it is the
quest for good life that drives science.

2. Does technology always lead us to the good life? How and why?
Technology is responsible for development in all fields of the economy, so it leads to a
good life. That is because it enables one to accomplish something more quickly and easily.
However, if we abuse technology, it may have a damaging effect on us. To accomplish
something, technology must be combined with human labor, and it must not be able to
overpower humans.

3. How can you relate the concept of good life to Sustainable Development?
People are provided with satisfactory living conditions so that they can identify favorably
with their own environment, which is what sustainability entails.

4. Do you agree with this statement of Socrates, “An unexamined life is not worth living”? Why?
Although it is important to pursue wisdom and knowledge in our lives, why should those
who do not want to do so be less worth living than others? It is not. Individual preference
should determine whether one examines life a little or a lot, and life should be worth living
for both.

5. How does solutions-oriented mindset will help us to have a good life?

People that are solution-oriented know better. When they are confronted with a problem,
they are able to detach their ego from the situation and recognize that someone in the
same situation will be dealing with the same issue. It will be easier for us to pursue
something we love because you will be less likely to question what you’re doing and

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