Case Study 6.1 Answers

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1- The key arguments:

Strong transnational corporations that are increasingly powerful, and influential

rather than democratically elected governments, are the main reasoning behind anti-
globalization groups.

Secondly, MNCs place their shareholders' interests above the interests of the
communities in which they operate or of the customers they serve. The developed
countries continue to benefit at the expense of developing countries, putting their
communities and people at a disadvantage because their livelihoods are severely
impacted. As a result, manual laborers are losing their jobs as multinational
corporations relocate their manufacturing and production lines overseas, where
salaries are low and working conditions are terrible. MNCs are harming the ecology
and the environment and putting the globe at risk, where global warming affects the
present world and future world. The rise of corporate power has led in the trampling
of human rights, limiting individual rights and freedom by failing to comply to the rule
of law. Small firms and enterprises are concerned that global economies may
threaten the business of MNCs as the low-priced goods and services continue to
dominate and affect them.

2- These protests will have an impact on multinational corporations' operations

because they will be subjected to increased scrutiny and evaluation in the regions
where they are based in order to ensure that they comply with and address some of
the issues raised. MNCs are likely to adapt their business and operational practices
in areas where alternative energy sources are discovered in order to protect the
environment and ecological systems. Moreover, since their labor practices and
activities have been exposed, companies are required to reform their labor practices.

3- By conducting public awareness activities that are broadcast or promoted on social

media, they could do marketing job in communication its views to a global audience.
Engage the anti-global cruises to solve the problems they mention in their meetings.
Give different voices and those who can speak at these meetings without excluding
the countries that are heavily affected by the problems.

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