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Code No: RT32054 R13 SET - 1

III B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November -2019

(Common to Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
PART –A (22 Marks)
1 a) Describe the characteristics of algorithm with an example. [3M]
b) Derive the time worst case complexity of merge sort. [3M]
c) Write the differences between divide and conquer and greedy method. [4M]
d) Estimate expected cost of optimal binary search tree using internal and external nodes. [4M]
e) Define state space tree, solution state, answer state and E-node. [4M]
f) Write the control abstraction for least cost search. [4M]
PART –B (48 Marks)
2 a) Differentiate performance measurement and performance estimation of algorithms. [8M]
b) Write the recursive and iterative algorithms for finding the reverse of a given string and [8M]
analyze time and space complexities.

3 a) T(n)=aT(n/b)+f(n). Simplify this recurrence relation in terms h(n) and u(n) functions to [8M]
find out the time complexities.
b) Write the algorithm for finding pivot element in quick sort algorithm and analyze its [8M]
time complexity.

4 a) How to insert more number of jobs in feasible solution set J={} to maximize the profit [8M]
using greedy method? Explain algorithm.
b) What is the role of ‘min’ cost edge in the graph to find minimum cost spanning tree [8M]
using Krushkal algorithm? Give the implementation.

5 Apply dynamic programming to obtain optimal binary search tree for the identifier set [16M]
(a1, a2, a3, a4)=(cin, for, int, while) with (p1, p2, p3, p4)=(1, 4, 2, 1),
(q0, q1, q2, q3, q4)=(4, 2, 4, 1, 1) and also write algorithm for its construction.

6 a) Write the algorithm for general iterative backtracking method and explain various [8M]
factors that define the efficiency of backtracking.
b) Find all m-colors of a graph with undirected connections v1v2, v1v3, v1v4, [8M]
v2v3, v2v4, v2v5, v3v4, v4v5 using backtracking technique.

7 a) Explain the importance of bounding function in generating the solutions. And also [8M]
write about different types of bounding functions with an example each.
b) Give the formulation of modified knapsack problem using branch and bound and find [8M]
the optimal solution using least cost branch and bound with n=4, m=15,
(p1…p4) = (15 15 17 23), (w1…w4) = (3 5 6 9).



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