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Fundamental of Kinematics – An Intelligent Four-bar Mechanism

Project description

Figure. Four-bar mechanism highlighted in red in an Oil Pump Jack

Four-bar mechanism is the simplest mechanism that has a degree-of-freedom one. It
has been used in many machines and mechanisms such as the oil pump jack in the
figure above. It can also be found in aircraft overhead bin, suspension of a bicycle, and
box mover etc. It has been a core topic in the Kinematics Design and Analysis course,
however students are having a hard time understanding the concept by just seeing it in
simulation and on paper. This project is aiming to build an intelligent four-bar
mechanisms that can be used as a demonstration kit in the Kinematics Design and
Analysis course. To set the mechanism in motion, appropriate actuators will be used,
and ideally the command can be sent wirelessly. Appropriate sensors will also be
needed to measure the position, speed and acceleration of the mechanism. Once built,
it can be used in classroom to demonstrate many important concept such as Grashof
condition, position/velocity/acceleration analysis, coupler curve etc.
Expected outcomes
Student will be equipped with the following
1) how to design and analyze a four-bar mechanism
2) hands on experiences on actuator and sensors
3) design and simulation using CAD/SimMechanics
4) rapid prototyping using Arduino microcontroller
Point of contact
Dr. Chang Duan
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Office: 936-261-9954

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