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1st Political Science Students

“Sustainable Political Management in the 21st Century”

August 06, 2021 via Zoom

University of the Cordilleras

College of Arts and Sciences
Conference Guide &
Book of Abstracts
University of the Cordilleras
College of Arts and Sciences

August 06, 2021


The Conference 4

The Convening Committee 5

The Political Science Department 6

Conference Structure 7

Awards 9

House Rules 10

Abstracts of Presentation 11

Social Welfare & People’s Rights 12

Crisis Leadership and Communication 13

Ecotourism & Natural Resources Management 17

Good Governance & Civic Participation 20

Presenters’ Bionotes 23
The Conference
The University of the Cordilleras through its Political Science Department held its first
student research conference as part of its endeavors to strengthen the research capacity
of the undergraduate students and of the university in general.

The general objective of this conference is to promote and present the findings of the
undergraduate students of political science and initiate further deliberative academic
discussions of many issues plaguing our society. This conference highlighted and
covered topics and issues on Crisis Leadership and Communication, Ecotourism and
Natural Resources Management, Good Governance and Civic Participation, and Social
Welfare and People’s Rights.

Despite the pandemic, the department and the studentry of the political science
program still believe for continuity of good governance and sustainable and effective
political management in addressing these issues.

This conference adopted the theme “Sustainable Political Management in the 21st
Century” to emphasize and highlight the need not only for best but also sustainable
management and leadership practices in all sectors of the society to address our
problems not only at this time of crisis but also looking beyond to the future of the
century. The studies presented on this activity offered different perspectives and
approaches to understand, critique, and propose contextualized understanding,
alternatives and solutions thus making political science as a proactive discipline, a true
scholarship of leadership.


Convening Committee

Gherald P. Edaño
Coordinator, PS 125 Internship in Political Science


Prof. Ferdinand D. Lawan, PhD

Prof. Sonia G. Masaoay, MAT

Prof. Brenda C. Martinez, MAT

Prof. Jennifer C. Aquino, MAT, JD

Mr. Gherald P. Edaño

Ms. Melody M. Angco


Prof. Macario T. Lumsit, MAT


Mr. Hahn Purnell Punay

Mr. Miguelle S. Fernandez

The Political Science Department
Dr. Ferdinand D. Lawan
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Prof. Sonia G. Masaoay, MAT

Associate Professor
Program Chair

Prof. Macario T. Lumsit, MAT

Associate Professor

Prof. Brenda C. Martinez, MAT

Associate Professor

Prof. Jennifer C. Aquino, MAT, JD

Assistant Professor

Mr. Gherald P. Edaño


Ms. Melody M. Angco


Mr. Miguelle S. Fernandez


Mr. Brylle Garnet S. Daniel


Mr. Hahn Purnell Punay


Mr. Josain Limmayog


Conference Structure
August 06, 2021 via Zoom



Social Welfare & Implementation of the Anti- LOZANO, ARNOLD CHRISTIAN MEDINA
People's Rights Mendicancy Law in Barangay MONTEMAYOR, ANIKA KIMMAYONG
9:00 AM -
10:00 AM
Barangay Balili during the LIDA, DANIEL HUR ITCHOK Dr. Ferdinand D. Lawan
localized ECQ: Challenges LIM, RONALD ROMERO & Prof. Jennifer Aquino
and Coping Strategies SUPLINO, HARIETH BALIWEN
Reducing Calamity Risks: ERESE, MARIZ VELASQUEZ
Implementation of RA 10121
in Barangay Poblacion, La
10:00 AM -
11:00 AM
Communicating with the DE LEON, ELAMAR OJANO
Public in Barangay Pacdal
TADIFA, ALLORY AGOO Prof. Sonia G. Masaoay
AGUSTIN, GESSIE PAY-AN & Mr. Gherald P. Edaño


11:00 AM - Leadership Styles in the CHALLOY, RHONA MARGIE CALICA
11:40 PM Implementation of RA 10121 PANGALIAN, ABDULRAFFY ACMAD
12:00 PM -
Environmental Impact of YAGO, SHERIFFA UNICE BESAS
Ecotourism in Alaoa, Tineg,
1:00 PM - HAYA, MYGZ JOBO JOSE Prof. Sonia G. Masaoay
2:00 PM CELINO, JAVEN RALD COSALAN & Mr. Gherald P. Edaño
Ecotourism & Natural Co-management of natural MONDIGUING, JOHN KYLE ANANAYO
Resources resources: A Case Study of LEPTING, JENNIFER CASALDO
Management Capintalan in Nueva Ecija PINGKIHAN, JOAN ANANEY
2:00 PM - Prof. Brenda C. Martinez
3:00 PM & Ms. Melody M. Angco
Trinidad, Benguet CANUTO, VINCE HARVEY

Strategies towards Good BAUTISTA, PAUL ADRIAN RIO
2:00 PM -
Governance in Barangay GAMBICAN, EZRA DAMUYAN
3:00 PM
Loakan Proper, Baguio City LAMAGON, JESON SACPA
Good Governance & Prof. Brenda C. Martinez
Civic Participation & Ms. Melody M. Angco
Youth's Political Awareness
Rights and Obligations in the SAPLA, ESTEFANY CABALONA
Bangcol and San Francisco
Final Messages
4:00 PM -
Awarding of Certificates
4:30 PM
Photo Opportunities


Three presented research papers will be selected and awarded in this category with
GCash load worth Php 1,000 to Php 2,000.

Selection of winners in this category will be based on the Panel Evaluation of their
panel evaluators in RESEARCH 2 in Political Science.


Only one among the paper presenters will receive this award with another Php 1,000
worth of GCash load.

Selection of winner in this category will be determined against the following criteria:

Category 0-69 70-80 81-90 91-100

Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly

Quality of Information has little or relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main
nothing to do with topic with no details or topic with at least 1-2 topic with several
Information main topic supporting details or supporting details or
examples given examples given examples given

Every major point was

supported with facts, Every major point was Every major point was
adequately supported fully supported with
Use of Data Every point was not examples, and with relevant facts, several relevant facts,
Analysis supported statistics but
relevance is examples, and examples, and
questionable statistics statistics

Some information and Most information and All information and

Information and arguments are clearly arguments are clearly arguments are clearly
arguments are not tied to an idea or tied to an idea or tied to an idea or
Organization clearly tied to an idea premise but are not premise and tightly premise and tightly
or premise well-organized or organized or in a organized or in a
logical logical fashion logical fashion

Author/s clearly show Author/s fully show an

Author/s did not show Author/s seem to an adequate adequate
Persuasive adequate show an adequate understanding of the understanding of the
Presentation understanding of the understanding of the topic and presented topic and convincingly
topic topic the information with presented the
ease information

NOTE: All awardees will be announced on August 9th, the Culminating Activity for PS
125 Internship in Political Science

House Rules


• Join 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time.

• Mute your microphone upon entering and when you are not speaking to
eliminate background noise and disruptions. Unmute yourself when you are
speaking and open your camera so that everyone can see who is speaking.
• Be aware of everything that is in view of your camera. Turn off your camera if
not speaking to avoid disrupting the session.
• Make sure you are in a quiet place conducive for meetings.
• Dress up properly.
• Ask for help to the moderators if needed.


• Do not have any distracting background when using your video.

• Do not leave your microphone on when not speaking.
• Always mute the microphone when it is not your turn.
• Do not place your fan directly facing your phone or laptop’s microphone.
• Do not crosstalk. Use the Zoom “raise hand” when asking to be recognized to
• Do not post or share the zoom meeting links and information on social media
and other uninvited or unauthorized platforms.

Abstracts of

The Begging Question: Implementation of the Anti-

Mendicancy Law in Barangay Session Road

Authors: Ma. Florida Dela Cruz, Jesse Guinanoy, Arnold Christian Lozano, Anika
Montemayor, Henrick Yson, and Crenzel Jade Tusnoy

The research aimed to examine the implementation of the Anti- Mendicancy Law in
Barangay Session Road. The study sought to understand the purpose of the Anti-
Mendicancy Law as a way to alleviate the problem of poverty. Specifically, it sought
discover the extent of knowledge of the barangay officials and the people from the
business establishments in Session Road Barangay about the provisions of the Anti-
Mendicancy Law and the way do the private sector and the barangay officials address
mendicancy in Session Road Barangay. The result of the study revealed that barangay
officials are knowledgeable more knowledgeable to the provisions of the law compared
to the business people. The businesspeople and the barangay officials address
mendicancy in the Session Road area through coordination and apprehension of
beggars, turning them over to CSWDO for intervention, the latter providing immediate
needs such as food and medical attention. The mendicants are also being offered
livelihood programs from CSWDO and other partner agencies. The researchers
recommended a study about the mendicants’ family who received interventions from
the CSWDO and the factors affecting the success or failure of the interventions to improve
the programs offered addressing the different kinds of mendicants.

Keywords: Begging, Anti-Mendicancy, Mendicants, Knowledge, Implementation, Barangay

Officials, Businesspeople


Barangay Balili during the localized ECQ: Challenges and

Coping Strategies

Authors: Shaena Mae Vey Ancheta, Daniel Hur Lida, Ronald Lim, Harieth Suplino, and
Jem Ann Wacnag

The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of compliance, the challenges
encountered in their compliance, and the coping mechanism with the LCQ guidelines of
the residents of Barangay Balili during the localized General Community Quarantine in
the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet. The survey questionnaires were administered
online and thru face-to-face distribution with 99 respondents. The researchers used a
mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The findings show that the residents have
a generally, Very High Compliance with the twenty-three localized GCQ guidelines. The
top challenges encountered by the residents in their compliance are residing in a
crowded neighborhood, misinformation about the probable means of being immune
from Covid-19, and confusion arising from conflicting reports about Covid-19. Lastly, the
top mechanisms are wearing face masks and face shields whenever outside of residence
as their preventive measure, spending time with family and friends as their social and
interpersonal mechanism, getting enough sleep as their physical and mental coping
mechanism, engaging in spirituality as their spiritual coping mechanism, and watching
television or a movie for their other diversions. For future researchers, it is recommended
that the socio-economic status of the respondents shall be considered as a variable to
know whether there is a difference between the level of compliance of the urban poor,
middle class, and the rich with the quarantine guidelines.

Keywords: COVID-19, Compliance, Challenges, Coping Strategies, General Community



Reducing Calamity Risks: Implementation of RA 10121 in

Barangay Poblacion, La Trinidad

Authors: Karl Enrico Aquino, Mariz Erese, Lisle Golocanm Melanie Lee and Antonette

Barangay Poblacion of La Trinidad is considered one of the most disaster-prone

barangays in the Philippines due to its geographical location and its susceptibility to
various types of natural hazards such as flooding and landslides. This study was therefore
undertaken to re-assess and determine the strategies, adjustments, and measurements
adopted by the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and
Community Volunteers in Barangay Poblacion as necessary to prevent, mitigate, and
recover from the impacts of natural disasters like the perennial flooding in the locality.

The implementation of RA 10121 in the barangay was guided by the objectives laid
down in their 2017-2020 BDRRM Plan. Furthermore, the community volunteers were the
added manpower to carry out the programs aligned with the four thematic areas of the
DRRM. In conclusion, the activities and projects ranged from the Information and
Education Campaign, seminars, activation of the BDRRMC, 24/7 monitoring of the
response team, rehabilitation of infrastructures, disaster relief and rescue to giving
medical assistance and psychological debriefing.

Subsequently, continuous cooperation and communication were to be strengthened

in order to create a consistent participation among all sectors and avoid
miscommunication in times of emergency. A comprehensive budget planning, seminars
and/or drills among the volunteers, and fully- equipped and ready disaster response
team were recommended to reduce the vulnerability of the community to natural
disasters at the barangay level.

Keywords: Calamity Risks, Implementation of RA 10121, Disaster Prevention and

Mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery,
Community Volunteerism, Barangay Poblacion.


Communicating with the Public in Barangay Pacdal

during a pandemic

Authors: Elamar de Leon, Desire Domingo, Jelaine Mae Jimenez, Jemillenne

Laurente, Emmanuel Nigel Dacasin, and Allory Tadifa

Effective communication is vital in both national and local government especially

during a state of crisis. Pursuing a descriptive- qualitative method, the researchers
conducted this study to determine how a barangay, being the smallest political unit of
the government, disseminated its information to the residents amidst the pandemic. It
also sought to determine the problems encountered by the residents in receiving vital
information and how the barangay officials tried to address these problems, as well as
the feedbacks of their constituents. Whereas, the findings reflect that public
communication in barangay Pacdal during the pandemic is widely observed by its
officials and the residents.

The modes of information dissemination used by both groups of participants to

communicate and deliver basic services during the quarantine periods were a mixture of
traditional and digital modes of information dissemination. On the use of a digital mode
of communication through the official Facebook page of the barangay, the feedbacks of
the residents were an interplay of positive comments, general suggestions, and negative
comments. These comments helped the officials to do better in the conduct of their
duties. In view of the results of this study, the barangay officials would be able to
formulate solutions on the information dissemination problems and demands in the
barangay that may also be applied in higher governing units especially during a health

Keywords: pandemic, information dissemination, democracy, feedbacks, quarantine

phases, health protocols, public opinion


Barangay Officials' Leadership Styles in the

Implementation of RA 10121 in Baguio

Authors: Gessie Agustin, Xylin Dew Candelario, Rhona Margie Challoy, Abdulraffy
Pangalian, Hannah Marie Pilawen, and Shella Marie Soni

Leadership is vital in governing different kinds of organizations, whether public or

private. There are various styles that employed by people to see what is best for their
constituents. The main purpose of this study was to determine the leadership styles used
by Mines View Park’s barangay officials in the implementation of the Philippine Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Act. A descriptive design was utilized in this study. The
main data gathering tools were in the forms of an interview conducted with the officials,
and questionnaires given to the residents. This research shows the end results of the
existing ways and leadership styles of the barangay officials in implementing RA 10121
in Mines View Park. The officials executed the act in specific ways. They combined the
use of digital media and personal communication for Information Dissemination,
Binnadang’s cultural practices were utilized in the implementation of risk reduction and
disaster management training for the Participation of Residents, they maintained a
standby emergency team and a committee system for Emergency Risk Reduction
Response, and had responded and integrated the comments of their residents and
mobilized Purok executives and volunteers for the Policy and Program Implementation.
The leadership styles that were found to be used by the officials were seen to be mixed.
Structured and Supportive leadership styles were employed in Information
Dissemination. A purely supportive style for the Participation of Residents, a Facilitative
and Supportive style for Emergency Risk Reduction Response, and a Participative style
for the Policy and Program Implementation.

Keywords: Disaster Management, Structured Leadership, Facilitative Leadership,

Supportive Leadership, Participative Leadership


Socio-economic and Environmental Impact of

Ecotourism in Alaoa, Tineg, Abra

Authors: Medeah Faye Abes, Edralyn Estudillo, Sheriffa Unice Yago, Mary Grace
Dangtayan, and Mygz Jobo Haya

The study tackled the opening of Barangay Alaoa, Tineg, Abra to ecotourism during
the pandemic period. It examined how the barangay’s indigenous rights were taken into
consideration in their opening to ecotourism, how ecotourism was accepted by the
residents, the initial benefits they gained, and the initial problems they encountered as
tourists arrived. Doing this, the stakeholders in the barangay can be guided as to what
to sustain and improve in their ecotourism policies. The study was guided by the selected
provisions of Abra tourism code of 2009, as well as the selected provisions of RA 8371
(The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997) and RA 9593 (The Tourism Act of 2009)
to further investigate if the local tourism policy contains socioeconomic growth, cultural
affirmation, environmental protection, and income generation.
The findings showed from the FGD that the community of Alaoa is highly involved in
the implementation of ecotourism policies and management of ecotourism activities. The
opening of ecotourism in Alaoa, Tineg, Abra resulted to increase in funds for road
improvements. Some residents, as watchers, keepers, and tour guides. The other
residents are considering business opportunities that may be brought in by an increased
number of tourist arrivals in the barangay. The rest of the community claimed that
ecotourism boosted their self-confidence. The opening of ecotourism in Alaoa, Tineg,
Abra made the residents mindful of the cleanliness of their environment. The
participation of the community in the conservation and management of their ecotourist
destinations preserved the attractiveness of their barangay’s ecotourism destinations.

Keywords: Ecotourism, Indigenous rights, Tourism policies, Residents’ participation


Co-management of Natural Resources: A Case Study of

Capintalan in Nueva Ecija

Authors: Javen Rald Celino, John Kyle Mondiguing, Jennifer Lepting, Joan Pingkihan,
and Annie Vera Sinong

This study was conducted to document the different indigenous knowledge and
practices incorporated by the indigenous community of Brgy. Capintalan, Nueva Ecija in
their natural resource management system. This study also looked into the impact of
national policies on natural resource management and the ways through which the
different practices and policies are harmonized to better manage the community’s
natural resources.

This study explored the indigenous practices and government policies for sustainable
resource management in Barangay Capintalan, Carranglan, Nueva Ecija

Keywords: Indigenous belief, government policies, harmonized management


Management of Ecotourism in Barangay Tawang, La

Trinidad, Benguet

Authors: Raye Joshua Agustin, Hultgren Dole Calixto, Harlace Greene Dongpin, Vince
Jarvey Canuto, and Angelica Navarro

The management of ecotourism is meaningful in a way that it develops the people’s

participation and responsibility that uplift awareness on the sustainability of the
environment. Barangay Tawang is known to have four ecotourism destinations most of
which are found in private lots, hence, privately managed. This study was undertaken to
examine if there is any significant role of the barangay in sustaining these ecotourism
destinations even if they are not managed by the government. This study aimed to
explore the management of ecotourism in Barangay Tawang, Three out of the four
ecotourist destinations in Barangay Tawang are privately managed and only one, the
Tayawan View Deck, is under the barangay’s management. The primary strategy of the
barangay officials in sustaining these ecotourism destinations is the implementation of
their solid waste management program. For the information of the residents regarding
barangay policies and activities as well as for tourists who plan to visit these areas, the
officials use the barangay’s Facebook page for their information and education
campaign. The major challenge to the sustainability of ecotourism in Barangay Tawang
is environmental degradation. Deforestation and excavations are done in private lots for
the housing projects of residents or new settlers who purchased lands in the barangay.
There is also the attitude of irresponsible tourists who vandalize whatever they are
interested in and dispose their garbage anywhere at their convenience. There is only one
observable coping mechanism with these challenges that the barangay adopted. This is
through barangay or individual-initiated clean-up drive.

Keywords: Management, Ecotourism, Role, Sustainability, Challenges, Participation


Strategies towards Good Governance in Barangay Loakan

Proper, Baguio City

Authors: Erljane Claire Bantasan, Paul Bautista, Ezra Gambican, Jeson Lamagon, and
Leah Mae Sucgang

The study investigated good governance in the local government unit, particularly at
the barangay level. Loakan Proper is a multi-awarded barangay in Baguio City which
made it interesting to understand the strategies adopted by the barangay officials as well
as how these awards were sustained. With this purpose, the research team designed a
list of questions that were posed in the interview with the participants that included the
former and the incumbent barangay officials and eight (8) residents who were chosen
through Purposive Sampling. The chosen residents represented each of the eight (8)
sitios/puroks of the said barangay. The gathered data were then analyzed using the
Thematic Analysis technique. It is a tool defined by Boyatzis (1998) as the means of
transcribing something written, spoken, or played by writing it down. After transcribing,
the research team examined the transcript along with the documents obtained from the
barangay officials to determine the similarities between the responses of the participants
and the documents as validating tools in providing conclusions that significantly
answered the research problems. Several studies mentioned awards as an indicator of
good governance. However, there is a gap in understanding the process in the
achievement of these awards in the barangay as the basic political unit.

After analyzing the data, the research team found out that the primary technique used
by barangay officials that earned significant awards is the prioritization of basic services,
particularly welfare assistance programs such as the Alternative Learning System for
education; feeding programs and full immunization of children for health; skills training
for livelihood; strict implementation of curfew hours and regular patrol for peace and
order; and massive clean-up drives for environmental management. In addition, most of
the strategies applied in the previous administrations that gained recognitions from
different award-giving bodies are being sustained by the incumbent barangay officials.
However, it shows that despite the continuous implementation of the same strategies,
there seems to be changes on the demand for solutions since a lot of problems persist.
It suggests that good governance can be evaluated on how relevant these strategies
remain over the years and how they are improved under the succeeding administrations
to further benefit the constituents.

Keywords: good governance, barangay concerns, strategies, awards, sustainable

development, effectiveness


Barangay Middle Quezon Hill Youth's Political

Awareness and Civic Engagement

Authors: Joel Agustin, Dexter Bambalan, Naoimi Jose Merl Leaño, Fraanklin
Macarayo, Alexis Joyce Magno, and Yda Neome Martinez

Among the effects of political awareness are greater ideological consistency and
support for the nation’s mainstream values — providing aid to civic engagement, a
process which indicates collective action to improve societal conditions in the civil
sphere. This study employed quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the level
of political awareness and civic engagement of the youth in barangay Middle Quezon
Hill, alongside an analysis of their social media activities vis-a-vis the selected issues on
how it was used as a platform for nurturing the aforementioned concepts.

The findings showed from the survey and the focus group discussions (FGD) that the
youth are moderately aware and moderately engaged in barangay issues while they are
merely aware and engaged in national issues. This implies that local concerns are framed
more effectively when urging the youth to be more politically aware and civically engaged
than national matters. Furthermore, close relations of young constituents to local
institutions aid in such values, whereas the commonplace distrust is apparent towards
the national government. The youth’s social media political awareness and civic
engagement are manifested through creating/sharing political memes, joining online
rallies, volunteerism and signing petitions, among others. The participants indicated that
social media encourages youth awareness and engagement towards socio-political
issues, however most are selective of the topics they participate in due to local or national
issues failing to meet a level of relevancy or gravity in their lives. Further integration of a
wider scope of analysis is required to alleviate existing discrepancies in the study.

Keywords: Youth, Political Awareness, Civic Engagement, Social Media


Rights and Obligations in Bangcol and San Francisco

Farmers’ Associations

Authors: Angelica Mayola, Estefany Sapla, Razz Herrick Cabatic, and Glaiza Micah

Farmers are the leading producers of food in the world. Thus, the government
agencies are responsible in making sure that each farmer receives every help that they
need. The government made use of farmers’ associations to reach the small-scale
farmers. These farmers’ associations are responsible in educating the farmers of their
rights and obligations in their associations. This study was therefore done to examine
how the farmer-members of two farmers’ associations are educated about their rights
and obligations in their own association. Understanding the “how” of their education can
determine the needed interventions to the farmers’ associations to be effective partners
of the government in communicating to the farmers the knowledge and technology they
need to improve their productivity. This research aimed to examine how the farmers’
associations educate their members about their rights and obligations.

Key words: Democratic knowledge, Gender Equality, Farmers’ Association, Rights,

Obligation, Strength, Participation of members, Government Agencies

She was born in Iba, Zambales and raised in Palauig Zambales. She is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abes. She finished her elementary education in San Vicente
Elementary School, finished her secondary education in Micro Asia College of Sciences
and Technology. She is now a graduating student in her tertiary education with the
degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the University of the Cordilleras


Gessie P. Agustin is a third year student who is currently taking Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science at University of the Cordilleras. She is very well interested in political
discipline of Philippines and its social paradigm. She entered the said field because of
her aspiration to be a political strategist.


Joel was born and raised in Tabuk City, Kalinga. He grew with full of love and support
from his family. Joel finished his elementary in Cabaruan Elementary School as a
salutatorian with medals for being third in the District Science Quiz Bee and being 2nd in
the Sayawit Competition in the division level. He finished his junior high and senior high
school in Tabuk City National High School. Joel graduated as an Information
Communications Technology Student with the National Certificate II (NCII) for Computer
Systems Servicing (CSS) from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA). He is currently taking Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the University of
the Cordilleras and he is a candidate for graduate.


Originally from La Trinidad, Benguet but traces his roots in Bontoc, Mountain Province
and Upi, Maguindanao. He is now a graduating student with the course Bachelor of Arts
in Political Science. He is inspired to continue studying after his graduation and take
Masters in Public Administration and even planned to pursue Law at the same time
managing his own business in the near future. Having experienced different activities in
the in different fields, he aims to spread the kind of energy that inspires people to do
great work.


Shaena comes from Olongapo, Zambales and is currently a student taking Bachelor of
Arts in Political Science at the University of the Cordilleras. After finishing the degree,
Shaena is determined to push through law school to become a lawyer someday in the
future. She is tenacious when it comes to reaching her goals, a trait she plans to have
when she’ll defend her clients in court. Her desire is to reach toward a higher standard
when it comes to the justice system in the Philippines.


Karl Enrico D. Aquino was born in Baguio City on September 30, 1999, but raised in
Santo Tomas, La Union. He spent his primary and secondary education at Don Mariano
Marcos Memorial State University South La Union Campus, Agoo, La Union, where he
graduated as an honor student and won the Best Research Award entitled Albularyos: A

Phenomenology of Ilocano Shamanism. He is currently taking up a Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science at the University of Cordilleras, Baguio City, and plans to enter the
College of Law of the same institution to become a practicing lawyer and follow the
footsteps of his late grandfather.


Dexter was born in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, and the first child of Mr. And Mrs. Dondon
A. Bambalan. He finished his elementary education at Barangobong Elementary School
and continue his secondary education at Saint Anthony Abbot Academy and graduated
with honors at Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation Senior High School under General
Academic Strand. He is currently a graduating student at University of the Cordilleras
taking up Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Finally, he completed an online course,
Public Policy Challenge of the 21st Century offered by the University of Virginia through


Erljane Claire belongs to the ethnic group of the Kalanguya, is currently taking up
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the University of the Cordilleras. As a student of
Political Science, she has been passionate about her advocacies for the indigenous
people and bridging the gap between policy and practice. She is a proud Kalanguya who
aspires to represent her tribe once she is capable of doing so. For the time being, she is
focusing on gaining her Political Science and pursue Bachelor of Public Administration.


Glaiza Micah V. Bautista is a graduating Political Science student currently enrolled in

University of the Cordilleras. She is a child of a father whose livelihood is farming. Being
a farmer’s child, Ms. Bautista used her experience to make a change in her father’s
occupation. She is a student who knows her duty and responsibilities and aims to do her
best in every task she is assigned to. Perseverance and organized is her strength that is
a vital qualities of a good researchers. She express her thoughts and ideals freely and
consult her groupmates when there is a something to be done and change. Being a
farmer’s child, she knows firsthand what it is like to when her father do not receive
support and is in great need of resources. Thus, using her skills and current experience,
she is able to relate herself more and be immersed with her group’s research.


Paul was born on July 20, 1999 in Baguio City, and is currently studying Political Science
at the University of the Cordilleras. Paul Adrian attended grade school at Saint Louis
university Laboratory High School and graduated Senior level with average grades and a
scholarship from Saint Louis University Laboratory High School. He has been persistent
in his studies and planning for employment in order to support his family with their
finances. He believes that having a stable job is being a model citizen of the country.


Research demands cooperation, open-mindedness, wit, reliability and other things that
make the research tasks successful. Razz Herrick Cabatic, indeed; possess such
descriptions because he was able to do his work with zero to no complain from his

colleagues. He was usually assigned with works that best fits him and his colleagues very
much trusted him to deliver which he did. He is also vocal as to what needs to be done
in order to do the research efficiently. The main things that is good about him is that he
is easy to approach because he is joyful and easygoing and that is a very important thing
to have especially in an environment where socializing is important.


She came from Buguias, Benguet. She is a graduating student of the University of the
Cordilleras with the course of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. With her experience
as a Political Science student, she is inspired to take up Law in the near future. She
believes that every hardship in life can be surpassed with determination and


Xylin Dew C. Candelario is a third year Political Science Student at University of the
Cordilleras. She was mostly involve in Student leadership as she was the former PSS Vice
President and currently the USC Vice President. Her aspiration as student leader trains
her and motivates her to do better when she achieved her dream of being a political
leader. Studying while leading makes her education put to action. She enjoys most
learning about different countries success and failures that gives her a lesson of what to
adopt and not as an aspiring leader. She plans on going to law school, to widen her
knowledge and for the reason that she is frustrated with how justice system works her in
the Philippines.


Born and raised in the City of Baguio. He is currently studying Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science. Upon graduation, he is inspired to start his own business or to work as an
entrepreneur in order for him to earn financially for his expenses in the College of Law
that he dreamed since he was a child. A person with a strong heart, he has the idealism
of never backing down but rather to push himself to the limit since the last chapter of
his life has not been written yet.


Javen Rald is the 3rd born in a family of seven and was raised in Bukod and La Trinidad
Benguet. He finished his primary school in Cordillera Career Development Collage and
finished his secondary education in Saint louis School Center High school, as for his
tertiary education, he is currently finishing his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the
University of the Cordilleras.


Rhona Margie C. Challoy is a Political Science student currently enrolled at the University
of the Cordilleras. Enrolling in the field of Political Science made her realize how
important it is to be involved into politics. Being knowledgeable of current societal, social,
economic, cultural issues and many other issues that involve the government and the
public are among things that interests her. Having basic knowledge about the
constitution and learning about how the government works, bureaucracies, crafting
policies and laws made her get interested into entering the political world someday.

Despite the lack of skills, knowledge and understanding of the real political world, she is
determined to risk it all in order to achieve her goal of becoming a future political actor.


Nigel is a graduating student currently enrolled in the University of Cordilleras – College

of Arts in Sciences under the degree, Bachelor of Political Science, had graduated ‘With
Honors’ in Senior High School (Humanities and Social Sciences). He won 1st Runner Up
in the Mr. & Ms. CAS competition being Mr. Political Science 2020. As a part of a youth
organization, Fashion Association of Baguio, they became a part of the City’s Local Youth
Development Council. He is a model, walking numerous runways in Baguio and also in
Manila, like the Philippine Fashion Gala and Metro Fashion Ball among others. As a part
of the fashion community, he was given a chance to showcase his creativity by being the
layout artist for Dr. Brenda Lee Villanueva, a lifestyle writer in SunStar Baguio (2017-
2020) and for ‘DAP-AY’ (2020-2021), the official newsletter of the Rotary Club of Baguio
Summer Capital.


Mary Grace was born in Baguio city and the only girl among her siblings. She finished
her pre-school in Baguio then later transferred in Abra. She graduated in Pacpaca
Elementary School as a valedictorian and continued her secondary education in Luba
Tubo Catholic School where she graduated with honors. She returned in Baguio for her
senior high school years at the University of the Cordilleras and graduated with honors
and now taking up Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the same university.


She is currently a graduating student at the University of the Cordilleras under Bachelor
of Arts in Political Science. She decided to take up BA in Political Science while working
as a secretary in a law firm for the past eight years after graduating with her first degree
in Hotel and Restaurant Management. She takes up her 2nd degree as a preparatory
course for law school. She is currently working as a part-time Law Firm secretary in the
same law firm where she worked before. She had passed the Professional Exam of the
Civil Service Commission on August 12, 2018 and is currently appointed as Provincial
Secretary of a Youth Civic Action group after being recognized as the most efficient and
most dedicated chapter secretary. She is known in their place for her advocacies in
helping the youth especially those who belong to underprivileged families.


Ma. Florida A. Dela cruz was born and raised in the beautiful city of Baguio. She started
her academic journey at Don Mariano Marcos Elementary School and continued to
Magsaysay National High School for junior high school. She studied at University of the
Cordilleras under the Humanities and Social Sciences Strand and graduated with High
Honors. She is currently a graduating student in the same university for Bachelor of Arts
in Political Science. She has strong interest in the discipline of International Politics and
Gender Politics. She enjoys reading books on subjects of interest and writing any type of


Desiree is often described as the walking radio in the class. Although she sees herself as
naturally shy, her classmates see her as a good speaker because of her eloquence in
speaking which she credits from her experiences — being a student broadcaster,
journalist, officer, and a consistent academic and deportment awardee in her elementary
and Highschool years. To challenge herself, she decided to enroll in the University of the
Cordilleras for college which required her to move in Baguio City which is 11-hour bus
ride away from her province, Cagayan. Adding a spice to her college life, she ran and was
elected Public Relations Officer of the PSS for S.Y 2019-2020 and has represented the
department in diplomatic conferences and seminars both in and off-campus.
Maintaining a good record and competitive grades, she is now in her last year in the
degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


Originally from Lubuagan, Kalinga and lived in Tabuk City, Kalinga. She is motivated to
continue studying in the field of law and interested in putting up her own business while
studying with the help and assistance of her family. She aims to encourage everyone that
it is better to stay grateful and humble whatever and wherever life puts you in; for there
will you see the goodness in every corner of your journey.


Mariz Velasquez Erese was born and raised in Quezon, Nueva Ecija on March 26, 1999.
She spent her Junior Year at Dominican High School of Sto. Domingo. She finished her
senior year at Talavera Senior High School wherein she graduated as honor student and
completed a research study entitled “The Effects of Reading Wattpad Stories to the
Academic Performances of Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Talavera Senior High School”. Miss
Erese is currently enrolled at University of the Cordilleras finishing her Bachelor of Arts
in Political Science degree.


Edralyn Joy was born in Langiden, Abra. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmundo Estudillo.
She finished her primary education in Langiden Central School and her secondary
education in Abra High School. She entered in college in the year 2018 and currently a
graduating student with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the
University of the Cordilleras.


Ezra is a Baguio City native, is a young entrepreneur. He ran a buy-and-sell business and
built his own internet cafe while pursuing a Political Science degree at the University of
the Cordilleras. As a Political Science student, Ezra believes that good governance will
remain elusive until Filipinos learn not to choose the same names tainted with corrupt
practices. He also hopes for a leader who will lead the country towards a better future.
For now, his goal is to be financially and mentally stable before starting a family and live
a simple life with his future wife and children.


Lisle A. Golocan was born and raised in Matapitap Gerona, Tarlac. She is the second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Golocan and she grew up receiving utmost love and support
from her family. She started her early years in education graduating with honors and
actively participating in journalism. Lisle graduated senior high school in STI College
Tarlac and finished a short film together with her colleagues. At present, she is taking up
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in University of the Cordilleras Baguio. She aspires
to become a successful woman in the future and is still eager to learn and experience
many things in life. One of her greatest inspiration in life is her sister Gia, she looks up
to her and she works hard to achieve her dreams in the future.


Jesse Dulnuan Guinanoy is a student who is currently taking Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science at University of the Cordilleras. Initially, he took this course as a prerequisite for
Law but due to the inspiring lectures from his instructors, his goal changed. He decided
to take up a Master's degree after graduating and if an opportunity comes, he would
pursue International Relations studies abroad. His interest in International Relations was
fueled by his desire to learn more about foreign policies and to understand more about
the position of the Philippines in the international stage.


Mygz is the middle child amongst three siblings. He finished high school in Christian
Legacy Academy, Baguio City and entered college in the year 2018 in the University of
the Cordilleras. He is currently finishing his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Degree.


Jelaine is currently a student at the University of the Cordilleras under the degree,
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. During her Junior High days at Saint Louis School
Solano Nueva, Vizcaya she joined numerous school activities. She was a 2nd Lieutenant
officer during their Schools Citizenship Advancement Training, class treasurer and an
honor student to name a few of her achievements. She is fond of everything that is related
to military courses because at an early age, she always dreamed of becoming a military
officer and serve in the Philippine Air force, PNP and PMA. She even passed the
Philippine Marine Merchant entrance exam in 2017 but unfortunately, failed the medical
exam and that lead to enroll and pursue Political Science and although it was not her
first choice, because of her dedication, patience and perseverance in her studies, she is
now a graduating student.


Jeson is currently taking up AB Political Science at the University of the Cordilleras. His
group had been working on a research project on good governance at Loakan Proper,
Baguio City. Jeson was also one of the first students who were able to experience and
learn legislative processes through the UC Model Senate, a simulation of the legislative
branch of the Philippine government pioneered by UC Professor Gherald Edaño and
offered as part of the 2021 UC Political Science Internship.


Jemillenne who is fondly called by her friends as “Jem”, is currently enrolled in Bachelor
of Arts in Political Science at the University of the Cordilleras. She is an Alumna of Ednas
School of Alaminos where she graduated with High Honors during her Junior and Senior
High school years. During her high school years, she was active in joining extra-curricular
activities. She is now a leader of a Local Youth Organization that promotes social change
by allowing youth to render their time and talents to improve their communities and
teaching them how to face the world. As a Red Cross Volunteer, She has managed to
organize a Mass Blood Donation Event for her Organization and she encourages every
member to be a hero and save a life by donating their blood.


Naoimi is a first born in a family of five and was raised in Mayantoc, Tarlac. She finished
Senior High School in Tarlac Agricultural University under the strand Humanities and
Social Sciences. She entered college in the year 2018 in the University of the Cordilleras
and is graduating this year with the degree in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


Melanie Lee was born in Baguio City in 1999. She received the Youth Leadership
Excellence Award (YLEA) in her primary school and continued to contribute her
leadership skills in Junior High school of Cordillera Career Development College. She was
a test passer for the Secondary Level, with honors of Alternative Learning System (ALS)
of Lucban, Baguio City, and served as the learning center President for Youth for
Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O). Her leadership experience and shared
interest in protecting and sustaining the environment also influenced her to complete
their study entitled: Reducing Calamity Risk: Implementation of RA 10121 in Barangay
Poblacion, La Trinidad Benguet.


Jennifer was born and raised in Kapangan, Benguet. She took her Secondary Education
from Dona Aurora Annex National Highschool Baguio City. She took Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science at the University of Cordilleras. Her research interest includes
indigenous knowledge systems and practices related to resource management and


Daniel grew up enjoying the cold breeze of Baguio City and is a third-year college student
taking up Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the University of the Cordilleras. His
objective is to pursue graduate school soon as he plans to work in the government sector
after graduating. He is passionate of the things he is interested about such as politics
and public administration. By being strong, persistent and someone who chooses to
propel himself to higher heights, he intends to set a positive example to other people.


This year, Ronald Lim is expecting to graduate from his degree of Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science. He came from the province of Benguet and one attribute he had from

his freshmen year he plans to use his whole life is being wise. After graduating, Ronald
plans to focus on their business and his investments. His goal includes being one of the
successful entrepreneurs and businessmen in his chosen field and soon help the
economy of his home country.


Arnold Christian Medina Lozano is a graduating Bachelor of Arts is Political Science

student of the University of the Cordilleras. He is a leader by work. He has been the
president of the University of the Cordilleras – Political Science Society. He is leads by
compromise and always hears the opinions of his fellow officers before deciding on
matters that concern the organization. He adopted that kind of leadership in his brief
stay in the University of the Philippines – Baguio. He plans to pursue a master’s degree
in International Relations abroad.


Franklin was born in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, and the son of Darlena Tarac Baitong
and Fidel Lacurom Macarayo. He finished his elementary education in Anao Catholic
School and continued his secondary education in St. Rose Catholic School and finished
Humanities and Social Sciences in senior high school where he graduated with the
Leadership Award, he is one among the 1st batch of the K-12 program and currently a
graduating student with a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


Alexis is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Magno and was raised in Batang, Infanta
Pangasinan. She finished Junior and Senior High School in St. John's Institute under the
General Academic Strand where she graduated with honors and was given an award for
being a cadet officer in participation with the CAT program and become an intern in the
Office of COMELEC in the municipality of Infanta, Pangasinan. She is elected and
currently serving as a first SK Kagawad in their Barangay since 2018. She entered college
in the year 2018 at the University of the Cordilleras and is graduating this year with the
degree in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


Yda is currently a college student at the University of the Cordilleras under the degree
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, where she currently is a scholar under the Overseas
Workers Welfare Administration–Education for Development Scholarship Program
(OWWA-EDSP) . She has always strived to excel academically, during her Junior High
days at Pines City National High School (PCNHS), she kept her grades consistently above
90%, and it is worth mentioning that she was a government scholar under the Special
Program of the Employment of Students. Continuing through Senior Highschool, she
graduated with high honors, placing first in her class, and finishing fifth overall in the
Senior High Department. Finally, she has shown affinity with music, where she won 1st
Runner Up in the Piano category in the 23rd Summer Talents Unlimited and becoming
the Piano Champion in the 26th Christmas Talents Unlimited.


Angelica Joy M. Mayola is a student at the Cordillera University in Baguio City. She
pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the University of the Cordilleras after
completing the Humanities and Social Sciences track in senior high school. She took a
huge part in conducting this study. She was one of two members that gathered data and
later became the member who pushed her group mates to begin working on the duties
assigned to them. She is now a senior, and she hopes to complete her degree this year.


John Kyle was born and reared in the city of pines. The second among his three brothers.
He finished is primary school in Saint Martin elementary school and finished his
secondary education finishing high school and senior high taking the Humanities and
Social Sciences in Saint louis High school department, as for his tertiary education, he is
currently finishing his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in the University of the


Anika K. Montemayor, is a 21-year old 3rd year college student at the University of the
Cordilleras (UC) in Baguio City. She is currently taking Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science (BAPS) in the said university with the hope of graduating this year - 2021. She
loves watching documentaries, reading books and novels and is fond of writing articles
as well with regard to the issues and concerns of people. In fact, she was a campus
journalist and was part of the student publication all throughout her grade- school and
high school years. At the moment, she works as a transcriptionist in a company online
as her part time-job while studying. She is considering to take law in the future. To know
more about Anika, you could email her in her g-mail account,


Initially from Ilagan City Isabela however uncovering my roots in Cabagan and San Juan
Isabela. Graduating student taking up the course Bachelor of Arts Major in Political
Science. She is contemplating in whether to work as early as possible after her graduation
to the City Hall she is currently living or take up Law School in Cagayan State University.
She also aspires to expand their furniture shop business with her dad as this their main
source of income and the reason of her upcoming graduation.


Antonette Navarro was born in Tagudin, Ilocos Sur. She studied in Tagudin National High
School, became the Editor-in-Chief of the English Publication and bagged numerous
awards as a campus journalist. Her study for applied physics entitled “Mechanical Glass
Crusher” gained recognition in the 2015 Science Quest. She also passed a research study
on “The Impact of Cyber-bullying on the Academic Performance of Students” in her senior
year. Antonette is also known as the pioneer of the first school publication in STI College
La Union. Recently, she has been studying Political Science in the University of Cordilleras
and plans to continue studying in the College of Law. Having a strong will and dedication
to help the underprivileged, she aspires to be a Human Rights lawyer and give service to
the poor.


Abdulraffy A. Pangalian is a student who is currently taking up Bachelor of Arts in Political

Science at the University of the Cordilleras. He enrolled this course because he wanted
to understand the local environment, social issues and political leadership. Also, he
wanted to understand his role and the impact of his actions towards the society. Being
knowledgeable about who influences power and authority in the country he is in. He is
very eager to learn all the aspects and fundamentals of this course, so that, he can apply
it in the future.


Hannah Marie S. Pilawen is currently a student taking up Political Science in the

University of the Cordilleras. She was mostly involved in writing and speaking, which
made professional journalism one of her choices; however, she found herself immersed
in topics that she never really ventured much into. Despite having different dreams in
high school and having changed courses in senior high school, she ended up becoming
more than fascinated by the subjects she took that revolved around Political Science. It
furthered her interest in studying after being inspired by former political science
professors, even more than studying digital arts and honing her skills for such. She
excelled most in the same subjects, even going so far as to being recognized by the
university as an honor student consecutively. She has plans to enter the school of law
after graduating from her major and achieve her dream of becoming a professional in
something that she is the most passionate.


Joan is a first born in a six family and was raised in Baguio City. She finished her junior
high in Baguio City National High School and also, she finishes her Senior High School
in University of the Cordilleras under the strand of Humanities and Social Science. She
entered college in the year 2018 in the University of the Cordilleras and is graduating
this year with the degree in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


Estefany C. Sapla was born in the province of Nueva Ecija. She is a college student at the
University of the Cordillera and currently taking up a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.
As a student even if she struggles a lot during college days her dedication is what sets
her apart from anybody else. She is the type of student that is easy to approach and
good in listening, she also knows how to accept the consequences of her action and be
able to compensate for her mistakes.


Annie was born and raised in La Trinidad, Benguet. She is the daughter of Silverio Sinong
and Flora Gaspar who are natives of Buguias, Benguet. She graduated elementary in La
Trinidad Central School with honors. She finished her high school at San Jose School of
La Trinidad, Incorporated with the strand Accountancy and Business Management in
senior high school with honors. She is currently taking Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science in the University of the Cordilleras and is a candidate for graduate.


Shella Marie R. Soni is currently taking Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at the
University of the Cordilleras. She was very interested in being a high school or college
teacher but when she enrolled in the University as a Political Science student, she was
inspired to be more involved in the political arena. She is now more interested in the
lessons about political science and is also willing to know more about the law in order to
fulfill her dream of becoming a political leader.


Leah Mae was born in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. She attended her primary level at
Rivadavia Elementary School, Narvacan National Central High School for junior, and
graduated senior level at the University of Baguio. Leah Mae has been striving to
complete her education and attain her ambitions with high hopes to repay her parents'
sacrifices. She is now taking her internship as part of her Political Science degree at the
University of the Cordilleras, with plans to graduate in 2021.


She is born and raised in the Province of Benguet. She is taking up Bachelor of Arts in
Political Science and is anticipated to graduate this August. She plans to continue the
management of their business after finishing her degree as she rests before continuing
her journey of getting another degree. She had the courage and determination to
succeed the goals she set, no matter how difficult the obstacles she had to overcome.


Allory is currently a Political Science student at the University of the Cordilleras. She
graduated with High Honors in Senior High School, and she was also a Top Achiever at
Occidental Mindoro National High School during her Junior High School years.
Transferring to Sablayan National Comprehensive High School in her 10th grade in Junior
High, she participated in various extracurricular activities. By utilizing her interest in
reading and writing, she participated in campus journalism - competing in District and
Division Schools Press Conferences for collaborative writing and Regional Schools Press
Conference for TV broadcasting. With her curiosity for visual arts, she was able to be part
of the team which represented her school in the Provincial Short Film Festival. She was
also selected to represent the Philippines in the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange
for Students and Youths (JENESYS) Program, a short exchange program held in Tokyo,


This year a political science student named Crenzel Jade Tusnoy from the province of
Ilocos Sur is taking up his last semester in the University of the Cordilleras wherein during
his three years in this university he was not considered as a bright student due to the
mistakes he did as a student but then he managed to rise again and continue his
responsibility as a student and son, after graduating he will continue to study again and
take a master’s degree and might as well take the civil service examination, as of now he
is concentrating in his last semester and looking for a job to support himself and in the
future with God’s grace he might pursue his dream to become a lawyer.


She hails from the valleys of La Trinidad, Benguet. She is a graduating Bachelor of Arts
in Political Science student and has an obstinate determination to pursue a career in
law. She plans to pursue Law after graduation and to lead by example in the future. A
characteristic she has and will forever have is her strong-will and humility. She is
compassionate towards circumstances which are unjust leaving powerless people at a
disadvantage which made her more resolute on being a Lawyer.


Sheriffa was born in Baguio city and raised in Bucay, Abra. She is the only female of the
three children of Mr. and Mrs. Reynante Taberdo. She finished her elementary education
in Bangued West Central School and continued her secondary education in Holy Cross
School where she graduated with honors, and she is one of among the 1st batch of the
K-12 program. She entered college in the year 2018 in the University of the Cordilleras
and now a graduating student with a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.


Henrick Yson, 23, comes from Metro Manila, Republic of the Philippines and currently a
graduating student from University of the Cordilleras as an AB Political Science student.
At University of the Cordilleras, Henrick was an active participant in many of the course’s
subject most notably if related to international relations and history. He also participated
in many webinars or seminars and alike that varies in subject matters from international
relations, history, and government update by a notable politician or political figure. After
AB Political Science, Henrick plans to pursue law and become a lawyer as well as attend
many seminars that are of interest in domestic and international subject matter. After
graduation, Henrick plans to pass the bar exam and CSC exam and enter the military for
a military career and subject himself to domestic defense and international relations
which shall help him in his pursuit for higher leadership position.


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