Sr. No Activity March April

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No Activity March April

1. Planning
1.1 Decide Desertation topic
1.2 Decide Aims and Objective
1.3 Begin Drapft project Proposal
1.4 Find appropiate Literature review
1.5 Decide major construction project case in UK
1.5 Decide appropiate methodologies
1.6 Anticipate results
1.7 Determine survey question
1.8 Prepare survey for distribution
1.9 Submit finalised Project proposal
2. Literature review
2.1 Find relevent literature to document
2.2 Analysis of literature
2.3 Comparison and analysis of literature review
2.4 Conclusion of literature review
2.5 Add reference of literature review
3. Research
3.1 Distribute survey
3.2 Cases studies for relevent projects
3.3 Close survey
3.4 Gather results
4.1 Analysis for the case study of project
4.2 Anlaysis of the responses from the survey
4.3 Descriptive analysis of survey
4.4 Making charts and table for survey results
4.5 Final analysis on finding
5. Conclusion
5.1 Discuss the thoughts from Literature review
5.2 Discuss the thoughts from Research
5.3 Final review
5.4 Final conclusion
5.5 Offer recommendation
6.Report Finalization
6.1 Check reference
6.2 Insert survey results into appendix
6.3 Insert cover page
6.4 Insert Content
6.5 Proof read
7. Submission to the concern authority
May Jun Jul Aug
Task duration

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