Last Year Final Answer

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* Intent locks is the lock the database server(lock manager) places on higher granularity object when a

lower granularity object needs to be locked.

1. Without Intent Locks SQL Server would have to check every record to see if an

incompatible lock has been granted.




5. no view is a stored query and used to view the data in the table..??

6.NO: Encryption is the act of taking a plain text message and encoding it. This process is reversible.

For eg. A password manager would use encryption to protect my password from being stolen. Only
someone knowing the encryption key(me) would be able to decode the value and use it.

Hashing is one way function. The idea is to come up with a piece of data that represents the original
text. In this case the plain text is converted to a hash value.

For eg. we don’t actually need to store the customer password in our database; we can store the hash
value. Now when the customer wants to login we can calculate the hash of it, if it matches what we
have saved we can be confident they entered the correct password.

7.No.. PERMANENT tablespaces are for all "normal" persistent objects; tables, indexes, stored


*A foreign key is a way to enforce referential integrity within your Oracle database. A foreign

key means that values in one table must also appear in another table. The referenced table is
called the parent table while the table with the foreign key is called the child table.

9.cascade update….??



12. label based security controls the access to the contents of a row by comparing the row’s label with
the user’s label and privileges.

13. Kerberos authentication is a computer network authentication protocol that works in the basis of
tickets to allow nodes to communicate over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another
in a secure manner.

14.serialization is the process of translating data structures or objects state into a format that can be
stored or transmitted and reconstructed later.

Xml based object storage is a data persistence software system that allows data to be specified and
sometimes stored in XML format.
15.resource description framework is a general method for describing data by defining relationship
between data objects.

-simple and flexible data model.

-is built around the existing web standards: XML and URL(URI).

16. the user performs some operation and if the user want to save it he/she must commit it otherwise
to cancel use rollback.

17.-time consuming to restore

-if any of the backup media happens to be missing or damaged, then you will not be able to perform
the full restoration and data recovery.

18.types of jdbc driver

1)JDBC-ODBC bridge driver: uses ODBC driver to connect to the database

2)Native API Driver: use the client side libraries of the database.

3)Network protocol Driver:-uses middleware(application server) that converts JDBC calls

directly or indirectly into vendor-specific database protocol.

4)Thin driver: converts JDBC calls directly into vendor-specific database protocol

19.component object model is a binary-interface standard for software components introduced by

Microsoft in 1993.

Used to enable inter communication object creation in a large range of programming languages

20.object oriented paradigm is based on proven software engineering principles while relational
paradigm is based on proven mathematical principles. Because the underlying paradigms are different
the two technologies do not work together seamlessly. And with object paradigm you traverse objects
via their relationships whereas with the relational paradigm you join the data rows of tables.

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