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Hospital Assignment: Date Submitted:

Name: Class number:
Journal Article Title: Escherichia coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections of Lebanese Patients between
2000 and 2009: Epidemiology and Profiles of Resistance

Elements influencing the believability of the

YES NO Comments and Evidences

The writing style used in the report was straightforward,

concise, and organized. Despite having some jargon,
the paper was relatively easy to understand because
the authors didn’t overcomplicate the wording. The flow
of paper was also simple and organized, which made it
easier to follow through on. As for grammatical issues,
nothing that would affect the outcome of the results was
Writing Style
● Is the report well written – concise, ✅ V2
grammatically correct, avoid the
use of jargon? It is well laid out The report journal was able to provide the readers with
and organized? well-written, concise and grammatically correct
information. It was presented in a logical manner
wherein the sentences were coherent to one another
which significantly helps the readers to follow the flow of
the topic. Although the authors used medical jargon, the
usage of these words were put to a context where the
general population can comprehend the data. This
cannot be an issue because the topic requires the use
of these words given its nature. Overall, the paper was
well laid out and organized.

Author V1 (paraphrase pls)

● Do the researcher(s’) qualifications The researchers are both from the Faculty of
or positions indicate a degree of Medicine in the University of Balamand in
knowledge in this particular field? Lebanon. This makes them qualified enough
to have knowledge on the topic. Additionally,
the first page includes their profile in which it
can be seen that they have multiple published
articles and thousands of citations making
them more credible bearers of knowledge in
the topic.

The title properly represents the research,

specifically its objectives and the methods.
The title shows that the research design is a
retrospective study whose sample involved
UTI-infected Lebanese patients from a 10-year
period (2000 to 2009). Their goal was to
isolate E. coli from these patients and study its
epidemiology and antibiotic resistance. [pa-
paraphrase nalang eto kasi sagot ko :>]

Report Title V2
● Is the title clear, accurate, and The title “Escherichia coli Isolated from Urinary
unambiguous? Tract Infections of Lebanese Patients between
2000 and 2009: Epidemiology and Profiles of
Resistance” is clear and concise. It serves as
a bird’s eye view on the main theme of the
paper. It directly implies to the readers that the
paper is about antimicrobial resistance of
Escherichia coli. The words used were
accurate and appropriate which makes the title
easy to understand for all types of readers.
The title is not wordy, and it has an optimal

Abstract ✓ The abstract offers a clear overview of

the study. The study's purpose was to
● Does the abstract offer a clear
investigate the bacterial etiology of
overview of the study including the
urinary tract infections in one of the
research problem, sample,
methodology, finding, and busiest hospitals in Lebanon and to
recommendations? examine epidemiologic and
microbiologic properties of Escherichia
coli isolated from urinary tract infections of
Lebanese patients over ten years. The
methods discussed how data was analyzed
and generated between 2000 and 2009. How
bacterial identification was based on
standard culture and biochemical
characteristics of isolates, antimicrobial
susceptibility testing through disk diffusion
method, and the detection ESBL production.
Furthermore, the results were presented
wherein E. coli was the most frequent
isolate throughout the ten years, E. coli
which occurred more frequently in women
than in men was followed by other organisms
Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus sp.,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus
sp., and Streptococcus agalactiae. The
results also stated that piperacillin and
ampicillin were the least susceptible to E.
coli. Additionally, the conclusion stated that
the etiology of urinary tract infections and
their susceptibility profiles are essential to
countries like Lebanon, where there is
frequent misuse of antibiotics. However, the
abstract did not state recommendations.

Elements influencing the robustness of the

YES NO Comments and Evidences
“The purpose of this study was to investigate
the bacterial etiology of urinary tract infections
in one of the busiest hospitals of Lebanon and
Purpose/Research Problem to examine the epidemiologic and
microbiologic properties of Escherichia coli
● Is the purpose of the study or isolated from urinary tract infections of
research problem clearly stated? Lebanese patients over a 10-year period.”
(Verbatim po sa research)

The study followed the proper arrangement of

the research process, which included the
abstract, introduction, materials and methods,
Logical Consistency results, and discussion, in a sequential
● Does the research report follow ✓ manner. It was logically written in which the
the steps of the research process purpose and aims of the study corresponded
in a logical manner? with the findings and conclusions that came
out. The researchers also provided valuable
related information from some published
articles that would aid in the discussion of the
The literature review is logically organized
Literature Review
since it provided evidence for the current
study. The authors were also able to use
various resources to provide background
information about UTI, the prevalence rates,
its causative agents particularly bacteria,
treatment, and on how antibiotic resistance
increased over the years, which vary
depending on the environment. Furthermore,
the literature provided a balanced critical
● Is the review logically organized analysis since the information from other
and offers a balanced critical journals were used to support the ideas
analysis of the literature? mentioned in the study, and further expounded
in the discussion to come up with an answer to
the research questions. The literature review
was also used in the discussion of results,
since they compared their data to previous
studies since they included both hospital and
acquired UTI, providing better analysis and
explanation of the findings.
There was no theoretical framework identified
in the paper.
Theoretical Framework The authors did not specify a distinct
● Is there an identified conceptual or conceptual or theoretical framework. Most
✓ studies use a conceptual or theoretical
theoretical framework?
● If yes, was it adequately described framework to represent and proclaim possible
and is the framework appropriate? existing relationships between variables that
are being researched, compared, or linked to a
specific occurrence. Hence, defining and
establishing such frameworks to complement,
verify, and corroborate a study's findings is
It was stated clearly in the introduction section
of the paper that the study aims to analyze the
Aims/Objectives/Research infectious epidemiology of UTIs and
Question/Hypotheses susceptibility profiles of E. coli in a general
● Have aims and objectives, a university hospital located in Beirut for 10
research question or hypothesis ✓ years, between the years 2000 and 2009.
been clearly identified?
● If yes, are they clearly stated and
reflect the information presented in V2
the literature review?
Yes, the aims and objective of the study was
evidently stated in the research article.
Located on page 1 of the study, under the
introduction section of the journal. The aims of
the study do reflect the information presented
in the literature review. It states that the
authors aim to determine the susceptibility
profiles of E. coli and provide the infectious
epidemiologic profiles of patients with UTI in
the Medical Laboratories of the Saint George
Hospital-University Medical Center in Beirut,
Lebanon during the year 2000 to 2009.

The target population has been clearly

identified. It was discussed in the materials
and methods part of the paper that the
population included all in- and outpatients with
UTIs. A total of 6,708 samples were taken
from female patients and 3,305 samples were
taken from male patients. It was revealed that
10,013 additional Gram(+) and Gram(-)
bacteria, in addition to C. albicans, were part
of the inclusion criteria. It was also stated that
Sample/Population only a single positive culture per patient within
three months was included.
● Has the target population been
clearly identified? ✓ It was all stated in the study design under the
● How were the sample selected? material and methods section. There it was
● Is it of adequate size? indicated that all the samples were taken from
● Are the inclusion/exclusion criteria the microbiology section of Saint George
clearly identified? Hospital-University in Beirut. It spanned a total
of 10 years and included all inpatients and
outpatients with urinary tract infection. There
were 6,708 samples from female patients and
3,305 samples from male patients. It was also
stated that only one positive culture for one
patient in a span of three months was
included. Since this was a retrospective study,
the sample size was adequate because they
included everyone who contracted UTI within
the 10-year span (2000-2009).

Ethical Considerations ✔️ There was no mention of ethical

considerations in the study despite the
● Were the participants fully
samples being from human samples.
informed about the nature of the
● Was the confidentiality of the
participants guaranteed?
● Was ethical permission granted for
the study?
The study design was clearly identified to be a
retrospective study conducted at the
Study Design
Microbiology section of the Medical
● Is the research design clearly Laboratories of the Saint George Hospital-
identified? University Medical Center, Beirut over the
course of ten years from 2000 to 2009.
● Has the data gathering instrument
been described and is it
Data Analysis and Results ✔️ The discussion and conclusion reflects the
calculated statistics within the study. In the
● Do the conclusions and discussion
statistical analysis, variables were expressed
reflect the calculated statistics
(example: mean, p values, or as percentages. It was stated that E. coli was
confidence intervals)? the predominant pathogen isolated from
● Were the results presented clearly patients with UTIs which is true based from the
and sufficiently to enable to draw results of the study wherein E. coli accounted
conclusions? for approximately 61% of all clinically
significant urinary isolates and 76.8% of all
Enterobacteriaceae. It was also stated that
adult women have a higher prevalence of UTI
than men, which is supported by the results of
the study wherein the majority of pathogens
were isolated from women (69.8%). It was
then discussed that E. coli isolates from
urinary infections show more enhanced
susceptibility percentages and is coupled with
increasing ESBL production wherein all
cephalosporins activities are affected. These
are reflected by the results of the antibiotic
susceptibility profile of E. coli in urinary
isolates in comparison to hospital isolates.
Overall, the results were presented clearly
together with their respective subheadings and
tables, in order to better comprehend and to
draw out conclusions.

The discussion and conclusion reflects the
calculated statistics obtained from the results.
The results were presented in tabular form and
were supported in the discussion. It was found
out that the majority of pathogens were
isolated from women, around 69.8%.
Furthermore, E. coli accounted for
approximately 61% of all clinically significant
urinary isolates which is supported by previous
study that E. coli was the predominant
pathogen from patients with UTI. It was also
found out that Imipenem was the only
remaining antibiotic with 100% susceptibility
and Aminopenicillins no longer give
therapeutic treatment.

Conclusions ✔️ V1
● Have the authors expressed the The conclusion was drawn from the results
effects of an intervention or and discussion which reflected sufficient data
exposure in terms of the likely analysis through statistics and correlation with
benefit or harm which an individual previous existing literature. It was found out
patient can expect? that E. coli is the predominant pathogen
● Do the authors’ conclusions match isolated from patients with UTI and it depicted
the data, analysis, and statistical
a similar pattern of susceptibility to those
isolated from other body site infections. E. coli
isolates showed simultaneous resistance to
third generation cephalosporins,
aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones.
Moreover, due to increasing ESBL production,
cephalosporins are challenged by inactivated
enzymes and aminopenicillin is not a
therapeutic alternative, making imipenem the
only antibiotic with 100% susceptibility against

The authors have expressed the importance of
evaluating the bacterial etiology of UTI and
their susceptibility profiles. Antibiotic
resistance still poses a health burden
especially with the increasing rates due to the
continuous, inappropriate use of antibiotics.
The conclusion is consistent with the findings
of the study where it reveals that E. coli was
the predominant pathogen isolated from UTI
patients. Moreover, E. coli isolates
demonstrated simultaneous resistance to
third-generation cephalosporins,
aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones
whereas it showed 100% susceptibility to
A few remarks could be taken as
recommendations from the authors and could
be used as a starting point for future
investigations. The authors mentioned that
their retrospective study conducted at the
Microbiology section of the Medical
Laboratories of the Saint George Hospital-
University Medical Center in Beirut does not
provide clinical data due to the fact that this
Recommendations hospital receives patients from different areas
✔️ of Lebanon, and this may serve as a limitation
● Was a recommendation for further
research made? for the study. Also, according to the authors,
important information about symptomatic vs.
asymptomatic UTIs, complicated vs.
uncomplicated UTIs, and health-care-
associated vs. catheter-related UTIs could not
be addressed or discussed. This suggests that
future researchers interested in this topic
should look into and investigate material that
the authors were unable to include, as well as
information that may have been limited in the

As a student of medical technology, , I believe

that this study is important since bacteria that
are resistant to antibiotics are already rampant
Clinical Impact Statement nowadays. Antibiotic resistant bacteria has a
● What is your perception of the huge impact because antibiotics are widely
potential impact of the study on used everywhere. As future healthcare
your health care profession, professionals, we must be aware of the
especially on your practice? occurence of these types of bacteria to be able
to aid in the development of new antibiotics
against them.

Coughlan, M., Cronin, P., & Ryan, F. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative
research. British Journal of Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing) , 16(11), 658–663.

Sullivan. (2008). Critical Appraisal for Research Papers Appraisal Checklist & Guide Questions .

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