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Chapter 9.

Services for explosive and members of crew


9.1 General disposition

9.1.1 Meteorological information will be proportionated to exploiters and crew members of crew
flight for:
a) Planning before flight of exploiters
b) Replanning during the flight that make the explosives using operations control of flight
c) Use of members of crew flight before the exit; and
d) Aircrafts in flight
9.1.2 In meteorological information supply to explosives and members of crew flight will consider
the hour, altitude, and geographic extension. In consequence, the information will be correct by the
fixed hour or an appropriated period and will be extended until the airfield of the previous landing,
and the meteorological conditions between the airfield of the previous landing and the airfields of
alternative for each exploiter.
9.1.3 The meteorological information supply to explosives and the members of the crew flight will
be updated and will include the nest information according to the meteorological authority and
explosives about:
a) prognostics about:
1) wind and altitude temperature
2) dampness in altitude
3) geopotential altitude of flight levels
4) level of flight and temperature tropopause
5) direction, speed, and level of maximum wind
6) phenomenon SIGWX; y
7) cumulonimbos clouds, icing and turbulence

b) METAR o SPECI (included the tendencies prognostics expended of conformity with the regional
agree of navigation flying), to exit airfields and the preview arrive, and alternative after-leaving, on
route and destiny.
c) TAF o amendment of the same for the exit airfields and preview landing and the alternative
after-take off, on route and destiny.

d) Prognostics of take-off.

e) Information SIGMET and special notification aerodynamics related with the entire route.

f) Information of advice about volcanic ash and tropical cyclone with importance around of the

g) As determined between the regional agree of navigation flying. Prognostic of area GAMET or
prognostics of flying for flights with low high preparing in such cartographic away as complement
to expedition of information AIRMET, as information AIRMET for flights to low high with relations
around all route.

h) Aerodrome advice for the local aerodrome.

i) Meteorological pictures of satellite.

j) Meteorological radar information land.

9.1.4 The prognostics in the number 9.1.3 a) it´ll generate of the digital prognostics from WAFC
when these prognostics cover the flight trajectory with preview respect the time, high and the
geography extension or another thing in case of the agreed between the meteorological authority
and the exploiter interesting.

9.1.5 When determined that prognostics have be originated by the WAFC, their meteorological
content isn´t will modification

9.1.6 The generated maps with the digital prognostics provided by the WAFC will be available, as
the exploiters require, for fixed areas of cover, according to the appendix 8.

9.1.7 When provided in cartographic form, the prognostics of wind and temperature on high are
listening in 9.1.3.

a) Will constitute maps preview with hour fixed for the specifics levels of flying on the appendix a). When the prognostics of phenomes SIGWX it´s listed in 9.1.3. a) Will proportion in
cartographic form, will maps are be constitute of fixed hour for atmospheric cover with limited for
the specific levels on the appendix 2.

9.1.8 The prognostics of air and temperature in high and the phonemes SIGWX, over the flying
level 100, required to preview planning to flying and the re-planning in flying for the explorer, it´s
will proportionate in form this are listed and so it available, but almost three hours before to exit.
All another meteorological information required for the planning preview to flying and the re-
planning on flying for the explorer it will be provide as soon as it´s possible.

9.1.9 If it is necessary, the meteorological authority of the state that supplies the service for
exploiters and members of the crew flight, will start the measurements of coordination with
meteorological authorities of other states, to get the informs and prognostics required.
9.1.10 The meteorological information will be supply to explosives and members of the crew flight
in the place that determines the meteorological authority, before consulting the exploiter, at the
convenient hour between the meteorological office of the airfield and the interested exploiter.
The service will be limited, for planification previous the flight, to the flights that start in the
territory of the interested state. In airfields where there no exists a meteorological office of
airfield, will be stablished the agreements between the meteorological authority and the
interested exploiters to get the meteorological information.

9.2 Verbal exhibition, consult and presentation of the information.

9.2.1 The verbal exhibition or the consult will be supply, by petition of the members of the crew pf
flight or another flight operation personal. Their objective will be supply available information
about meteorological conditions in the following route, in the airfield of landing, in alternative
airfields and another pertinent airfield, to explain or to expand the contain information in flight
documentation according to the meteorological authority and the interested exploiter, in place of
flight documentation.

9.2.2 The meteorological information used in verbal exhibition, in consult and presentation, will
include all or some information in 9.1.3

9.2.3 Is the meteorological information of the airfield emits an opinion about the development in
meteorological conditions in airfield that differs of the prognostic of airfield include n the
documentation of flight, will be observed the discrepancy of the members of crew of flight. The
part of verbal exhibition about divergency will be registered in the moment of verbal exhibition,
this search will be in exploiter disposition.

9.2.4 The verbal exhibition, consult, presentation of information o documentation requested for
flights, will be supply, normally, by the meteorological office of airfield with exit airfield. On the
airfield where there isn’t disposition of these services, the repairs for satisfying the needs of the
members of crew flight will be agree between the meteorological authority and the authorized
exploiter. In exceptional circumstances, like an improper delay, the meteorological office of airfield
associated with airfield will supply or will dispose a new verbal exhibition, consult, or flight
documentation, if it is necessary.

9.2.5 Recommendation. – The member of the crew of flight or other operation personal of flight
for who has solicitated the verbal exhibition, consult or flight documentation, should be visited the
meteorological office of airplane at the convenient time between meteorological office of airfield
and the interesting exploiter. When the local conditions in an airfield don’t permit do easier the
verbal exhibition or the consult, the meteorological office of airfield should supply those services
by telephone or by another appropriated media of telecommunications.
9.3.1 The flight documentation will be available, it will include the information in 9.1.3 a) 1) and 6),
b), c), e), f) and if it was understood, g) With all the documentation for the Flying from two hours
or low, after an instantaneous intermediate stop or the return scale service, is limited to data
necessary for operations, according to an agreement between the meteorological authority and
the interested operator, but any case will be understood almost in the corresponding information
in 9.1.3 b), c), e), f) and if it was understands, g).

9.3.2 When it is evident that the meteorological information to be included in the flight
documentation will differ significantly from that provided for pre-flight planning and in-flight re-
planning, the operator will be immediately informer about it and, if possible, you will be provide
with the revised information, as agreed between the operator and the corresponding aerodrome
meteorological office.

9.3.3 Recommendation In cases that it will arising the need of emended after of preparing the
document of flying and before of that the airplane take off, the meteorological office of
aerodrome, according to the agreed, it should expender the necessary amendment or new
information to exploiters or the local dependence of the transit service flying, for their
transmission to the airplane.

9.3.4 The meteorological authority shall retain, either as computer files or in hard copy, for a
period of at least 30 days from the date of it´s the meteorological authority shall retain, either as
computer files or in hard copy form, for a period of at least 30 days from the date of issue, the
information provided to flight crew members. flight crew members. This information shall be
made available to those requesting it for surveys or investigations and, for these purposes, shall be
retained until the survey or investigation has been completed.

9.4 Systems of automatic preview the flying for exposition oral, advises, planning of flying an
document of flying.

9.4.1 When the meteorological authority uses automated pre-flight information systems to
provide and present meteorological information to operators and flight crew members for the
purpose of provide and display meteorological information to operators and flight crew members
for the purpose of self-information, flight planning and flight documentation. self briefing, flight
planning and flight documentation, the information provided and displayed shall be in accordance
with the provisions contained in 9.1 to 9.3 inclusive.

9.4.2 Recommendation. – The automatized systems of information previous the flight, preview for
the exploiters, the members of the crew flight and aeronautics personal interested have a common
point of access to meteorological information and information of services of aeronautics, should be
according to the agreement between the meteorological authority and civil aviation authority to the
agency that has been delegated to the department of services with the annex 15, 2.1.1 c).

9.4.3 When automated pre-flight information systems are used for operators, members of the
flight crew and other interested aeronautical personnel have a harmonized and common point of
access to the meteorological information and information from the aeronautical information
services, the meteorological authority in matter will continue to be responsible for quality control
and quality management of meteorological information provided through such systems in
accordance with Chapter 2.

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