C 2 / Atw Jufer11Te. - : "QFTWR - O

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High School Examination - 2016
m ~m QJ.4101QS. ~
l ~ja;4icfi
Roll No.
Distt./Centre/School Code
Regular I Private Exam. Type Certificate No.

I 1044465 28/18454/1019 REGULAR FULL EXAM 28003221

filRn IJfTffT ~ Fcli(This is to certify that)
-.: 1f:G'i.._ ~3-if. . ii@j/11', (according to the Board's record}- RAJAT
.~ ~~I "?.i lr"-:! iii .9frzv:fr (son/daughter of Mrs .)- ANITA
-~ 11.,a· .;, (and Mr.>- SHIV RAM
~ ~ ~~ fwhose date of birth is)-
~ 05TH FEBRUARY TWO THOUSAND (05-02-2000) -%,
~-=; ~i::rr:.:i 2016 W tlsl.c[i"1 efra:n fciiilcll!/~ (has passed High School Examination held in February/March 2016
~ -- C ,.. ,, ,.. ,I,.
73 -=-r;:;- 6/q",ll ..p-!P. ~ q;1 ~ (with the following details): -
,_,_., -------------------------------------,
•c, fum:r a:in.fifi\14 ~ ~ Obtained Marks 7;flTT ~ ~
Subject Max. Marks 'tt,ii1Rlq; (Theory) Sl<l, 1llfi14i <Practical) Total Grade Result

HINDI 100 038 025 063 82

ENGLISH 100 039 025 064 82
MATHEMATICS 100 034 025 059 C1 PASSED
SCIENCE 100 023 028 0~1 C1
SOCIAL SCIENCE 100 058 026 084 A2
DRAWING 100 044 026 070 82

No divisions are awarded

Ca+~ri of Moral, Sport[; and Physical Education- A

16TH MAY, 2018

~ (Place)- Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

Note : For Important fnstructions see overleaf. ( mt. au Yadav)
~ (Secretary)
~ (Sr. No.)

j: 28003022 ~ 0\ unO ~nfrr111en,<1/p ~
\~j ~ ~ll
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~ 0
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Intermediate Examination-2018
yq101Q51-'fffl'-:isi.cfiQ51 (CERTIFICATE-CUM-MARKS SHEET)
~~ m ~~ lffiij! rn ftm-cfi! ~m
DisttJCentre/School Code Re ular / Private Exam. T e Sub eel-Grau Certificate No
30336 28/02659/1019 REGULAR FULL EXAM A-HUMANITIES 28003022
J 1,n1tfolrl fcl:;clT -;;mrr t" fc,:; (This is to certify that)
J ~ ~ 3'.!foq-(1€:llifll< (according to the Board's record)- RAJAT
ri ~I~~ (son/daughter of Mrs.)- ANITA
~: ~ m(and Mr.)- SHIV RAM
: ~ ~ /lTT'tf 2018 ~ ~ ~02{41fo~2 iroe.-n fcrnrwv~ (has passed Intermediate Examination held in February/March
2018 from School/Centre)- L H RAM IC KHUDA GAN~ SHAHJAHANPUR
1~ -wift (with division)- FIRST -q· '3'muf cfi1 t 1

i:rft~-rr~ Wl M fq-q.n' t 11ffifcfi ~ f (Marks obtained by the candidate in passed subjects are as under) :-

~ arr'~~ !.IM q,i t11< 1JTlTTcli <nrr ~mll~-cm~

Subject Max. Marks Paper-wise Obtained Marks Total Grand Total & Result
HINDI 100 1/34 2/37 071
ENGLISH 100 1/35 2/37 072
HISTORY 100 1/28 2/26 054

100 1/24 2/33 057 325/ 500

• • •• 100 1/37 2/34 071
SPORT & PHY EDU 100 T/44 P/40 084

· Note . Markt of S ortt and Ph tlcal Education will have no effect on overall
'D' Indicates Oistinc;t,on In that particular subject, l!I
'HONOURS' Indicates candtdalt ~passed with honnur"
Note ; For Important Instructions see overleaf
ftrftr (Date)- 29TH APRIL, 2018
ll'A (Plece)-Allahabad, Uttar Prade•h
Q '-I I fu I ct ~ \ifTct1 -%- TTP ····-;:z~c7··································........................ .

(t9T?f/t9T?IT tjRi1q51 aj-o /o ~ /) 3il,+i\J"1 / ~l,'i \J"1 1 m·-/:r;~-z·f1T'·························

·································~ ~ m~ +r ·· ·~.//- ·····~··~ 1 a.......'ctcn mm ~ t I

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