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Mr. President Sir……………

I do not belong to the clan of orators, who impress their listeners by stormy verbosity. I am a
disciple of those who speak nothing but truth and are prosecuted or poisoned like Socrates and
the Holy Moses who was expelled from the city of Goshan being guilty of nothing but truth. I am
a follower of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) who was stoned to bleeding in vale of Taif, but none
could dissuade him from the right path. So I am very loud and clear to support the resolution that

“Courage is Superior to Wisdom.”

Mr. President Sir!

What is wisdom? According to this resolution? Is it a gift, which makes the man vicegerent of
God? It is a blessing of Allah which helps man to command the universe. Respected Audience! It
is in this sense, the most effective weapon of man then why have the organizers of this debate
contest chosen a topic which is pre-decided. No doubt, every one of us, knows that wisdom make
humans invincible, undefeatable and immortal.

Respected Mr. President Sir…………..

On other hand The courage is reflected in these words, “Just keep on walking, a small voice said,
don’t dare look back, look straight ahead, yes so many things, have changed, think they would
state as your arranged? Be strong and brave calm your fears, keep that chin up, dry your tears
and keep your head and heart apart. Don’t cry over, what you have had, at least you had it.
Don’t be sad . this will be tough, but time will heal perhaps a new life, will then reveal. You are
not new, to this whole game; you gave your best all of the rest.”

Mr. President Sir…………

So, the clear cut meaning of this resolution is, here wisdom stands for vacillation ,indecisiveness,
hesitation and a deep rooted psychological state………….like in Shakespeare’s drama Hamlet
where the main character hangs between to be or not to be………..between do and do not,
between jump and wait between move forward or backward. It makes a person brave like Qutab
udin Aibak who by dint of courage forced his entry into a ruler’s palace and single handed
conquered the princely state.

Mr. President Sir……………… Courage enables a person to make bold decisions. It makes a
person leader, not followers, brave not coward, Tariq burns’ his boat, Mahmood Ghaznavi razes
the temple of Somnaat in the heart of India, Sallauddin Ayubi deters the aggression of the might
crusaders from Europe.

Mr. President Sir!

Courage plays its role in the defense of a country. Courage also speaks for itself. It when
reflected in Captain Sarwar Shaheed. He becomes a national hero, it makes someone like Pilot
Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed, and courage is the name of Major Tufail, Major Aziz Bhatti and
Major Shabbir Sharif. They with exceptional courage repulsed back the mighty Indian Army.

So Mr. President Sir…………..

Courage is the action, wisdom is the reaction, Courage is faith, wisdom is the outcome of that
faith, courage paves the way, wisdom shows the way, courage says do it…. Wisdom says wait
and see, courage gives us wing, wisdom sharps our wit, courage can enables us to see through
darkness. Courage makes us winners. Wisdom makes choosers but losers never win, and winners
never lose. Mr. President Sir …………..we believe, courage wrapped in desire follows
knowledge like a star, beyond the utmost bound of human thoughts. Courage therefore, is the
precious gift of life. It takes man to the height by a lofty flight.

In the end, let us be bold, courageous and take calculated risks in life. Alexander Pope said and I
Quote, “one who wants to reach the top, first must climb the hill.” I would like to conclude my
debate with these lines:

When you tidied all the things for the night,

And while your thoughts are fading to their sleep,

You will pause a moment in the late fire light,

Too sorrow to weep

So, let us learn to take initiatives in life. Thank you……..

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