I. Goals of The Project: II Objectives

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Micro Organic Forming with Green and Cattle Bio waste at the Local areas and Local Vegetable

I. Goals of the Project
1.Organic Compound and Organic Forming
2.save the ground water and rain water wastage
3.Save the Environment from burring of crops
4. Save the Earth(soil) from heavy usage of chemical Fertilizers
5.Increase the Income to the Formers
6.Creat the Income Source to the Dwakra groups - SHG(Self Help Groups)
7.Save the Peoples health with Eating of Organic Food
9.Incrase the water Levels in Local Lakes with Remove the soil and dust for using of Organic
10.Reduce the" Mission Kakatiya" lakes development cost
11.Swach village/swatch city swatch Telangana swatch Bharath
12.Develop the micro and Drip Irrigation
II Objectives the Project
1.Preparing Organic Compound with Green waste and cattle bio waste
2. Sales of Organic Compound to the Local formers to encourage the Organic forming
3.Use the Micro and Dripping water system
4.Make a water harvest @ water leakage point and rainwater point in the former fields
5. Controls the waste management
6.Save the Environment
III. Resources of Project
1. Collect the Green waste of Local Vegetable Markets and Cattle Bio waste @ Local Areas
2.Collect soil of Local Lakes
4. Collect Local Dry leaves from Local fields and Local Forest
5. Collect the Crop waste from the Local Formers
6. Make a Organic Compound dumping yard @Local village or Town
7.5000 to 10,000 Liters Big Synthetic Water Drum
8.Sprinklers and Dripping water pipes
IV.Who will do This Project?
Raitu Samithi,Kisan groups and Dwakra groups(SHG)Self Help Groups)
Funding of the Project
Bank Loans, NGO CSR Funds, Government Financial support Like Raithu Bandu
Organic forming with prepare of Organic composite with Cattle Bio waste and green waste of Local Vegetable Markets

Cattle bio waste Green Waste

Green Waste @ Patancheru Old Market Green waste @ RC. Puram Sunday market
Remove Chemical Fertilized surface of the Crop Field soil and Add Local Lakes Soil to the orgonic forming

Micro Drip Irrigation with Organic compound Micro Drip Irrigation System Water Sprinklers System
How to do
1. Select a place to composite dumping yard @ your Village or Town
2. Collect the Green waste of Local Vegetable Markets and Cattle Bio waste @ Local Areas
3. Mixed them into the Dumping yard cover with Lake soil for 3 months to 6 months
4. Give some water regularly if it not raining season
5. After six-month organic compound will ready
6. Sale it to the Local formers @Low price to Encourage them to Organic forming
7. Remove the Chemical Fertilized surface of the Crop Field soil and Add Local Lakes Soil to the orgonic forming
8. Spread orgonic compost which we made with green waste and cattle bio waste
9. Spread the seeds
10.Give the water according the crop as Micro Drip Irrigation System or Water Sprinklers System
11.Growing day to day with great progress you will get good result with orgonic forming
12.Then you can supply orgonic crop @great price

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