Journey With Wisdom - Sirocnotes

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Journey with wisdom

The book journey with wisdom was written for the sole purpose of an-
swering questions we face on a daily bases as we journey through life.
Many of us take on the journey of life with unanswered question’s about
who we are and where we are headed. I wrote this book in hope that
someone out there will finally receive the answers they have been
awaiting. My prayer is that after reading this short book you will be able
to walk through life with purpose and fullness of enjoy. Stay blessed and
journey with wisdom.
Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:

Chapter Seven:

Chapter Eight:

Chapter Nine:

Chapter Ten:
26 FEBRUARY 2020
Chapter One

Have you ever found yourself in this loud silence of confusion, doubt, hopelessness to a point
where you find yourself saying “what happens happens” or even worse NOT KNOWING WHO

The scary reality is that most people go through life without the knowledge of who they truly
are. And therefore so many fall a victim to drug abuse, alcohol abuse, peer pressure etc. All
this is done in hope to find something to fill a void, others try to imitate what they see on TV, in
magazines, around their communities, work places or even at school. Most of us follow these
illusions in order to please those we love. Like getting a job you have no passion for, studying
something that doesn’t meet your satisfaction.

Not knowing who you are is exactly like A LION BEING CHASED DOWN BY A HYENA AND

Now the question remains how do we find our identity?

We find our identity in GOD. And we get to know who we are through the word of GOD
(BIBLE). We are like computer screens and the word of God is our software. You are made in
the image of God therefore when you look into the word of God what you will actually be doing
is reflecting to yourself. And the next time you go through Pain you will know

(1 Peter 2:9 UNIV) ‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, that you may
declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.’

The next time you find yourself without a job or worried about what you will eat

(John 4:38NIV) ‘I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the
hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.’

When you have no idea what the future has in-store for you

(Jeremiah 29:11NIV) ‘For i know the plans i have for you,” declares the Lord,”plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It is important to know who we are in this world and not to allow the world to define us and
make us conform to its ideals.

(Being unique is hard when everyone around you is doing the same thing and it
seems to be working for them. But being the same robs you from who you
should be and destined to be. #sirocnotes )
Chapter Two:

There was a young man by the name of Joseph; this young man had dreams and a purpose to
fulfill those dreams.

Most people stop at their dreams and fail to fulfill the purpose and some simply stop dreaming
and therefore go through life purposeless.

If you dream it means you have power to control and shape your dream because you are the
owner of that dream. But if you don’t dream you will eventually fall into a deep sleep of some-
one else’s dream and end up chasing illusions of what someone else created.

Walking with purpose towards your dream is not going to be easy; you will encounter challeng-
es along the way. Challenges are like steroids they are mainly there to build you up and make
you stronger but for those steroids to work proper you have to go to gym and put in the work,
do the heavy lifting. Challenges build character, they prepare and shape you for your dream,
and they give us reason, reason to why you need to keep at it. Therefore challenges can be
motivation so allowing challenges to knock you down is like allowing motivation to demotivate

How do you know if you are walking in purpose? Purpose must serve people; if it’s not serving
people it’s not purpose.
Purpose provides you leadership.
Purpose will lead to great man and women. It will not come easy

Purpose is never about you or for you but for others.

Chapter Three:

It is important to notice our surrounding because it is the very surrounding that either builds us
or breaks us.
In the year 2013 I was preparing to go out for my matric dance, I put on my tailor made suit
then went outside to take pictures. After we took the pictures I took a look at them and realized
no matter how clean and well dressed I was, the background or rather the surrounding I took
the pictures on caused my pictures to look bad.
So for our next photos we decided to go outside of the yard and this time i stood in front of a
white wall. The picture we took there was more clean and more beautiful than we imagined it
would. This is when I came to realize the importance of surrounding.

What we surround our selves with plays a huge role on who we become. People that grew up
in a community where everyone is a victim of substance abuse, poverty and poor service
delivery think different from those that grew up in a more privileged place where most people
are well of. Yes it is true that no one can blame us for where we were born and brought up, but
you do have a responsibility for where you are going (you are responsible for your future).

Look at the company you keep. You cannot be someone of big dreams yet you hang around
those with small limited dreams that don’t measure up to yours. You cannot be a believer of
the impossible and have friends that only believe in what they can see with their naked eyes. If
you remain in such surroundings you will eventually blend in and therefore your ideas and
dreams will be diminished at the end and before you know it you’ll be thinking the same and
behaving the same as those with limits and small dreams.

Surround yourself with people that challenge you to do better, people that encourage your
growth and pick you up when you fall along the way. Such a people are seen not by what they
preach but by what they constantly do for you and at times just the way they live their lives
should be a motivation and something to aspire to.

Don’t make friends out of a Goliath instead cut them off and become the greatest you can be.
Don’t allow stones to block your path when you have the power to put them in a sling and
shoot them as far away from you as possible.

(What you believe decides the course of your life. #sirocnotes )

Chapter Four:

So many people want to keep at it and often lie to themselves with words like “JUST ONE
MORE TIME”. You keep wanting to do or repeat that thing that you love so much when it
doesn’t love you back at all. When will you stop misusing the word endurance?

Some cycles and habits need to be broken. Imagine waking everyday to the same boring life
that provides you with the same boring results, or waking up to stand at the same corner with
the same friends from the year before last, some mornings you wake up late for work but even
more crazy is how an unemployed smoker wakes up at 4am preparing to go stand at a corner
or near the shop just to ask you for a R2.00.

It is time to give up on all those habits that cause setbacks in our lives, say I give up on addic-
tion, I give up on a life of poverty. Don’t you think its time you let go and let God? Giving up is
not a problem just know what to give up on. For way too long we’ve been doing things in our
own strength.

(ISAIAH 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.")

God gave up his only begotten son so that you and I can be free. What are you willing to give
up for your future? Yes it’s really hard to let go of some things and therefore CHANGE IS NOT
A DAY’S WORK BUT A DAILY PROCESS. As you read the Word Of God you will come to
realize that things you found hard to do are now much more easier.

It’s time to surrender and Give your life to God.

(You need to circumcise somethings or people out of your life. It will be

painful but when healing comes you will realize it was worth it -sirocnotes )
Chapter Five:

There’s a peach tree I'd normally look at every single day. I remember how bushy it used to be
with peaches that only grew small but non the less my family and I still ate from it’s fruits when
they sprouted, I remember how yellow they looked yet tasted so bad you could almost see my
face fold. Years went by and the tree grew bigger, as the tree increased in size so did the mess
in the yard caused by its falling leaves till finally they decided to trim the tree.

Seasons changed and with the change came horrible winds, heavy rainfalls, cold winters. With
every season that came I would look out side to check on the tree, well it was still standing but
looked quite sad as it stood there stripped naked of its leaves, branches so dry like a mechan-
ic’s hands after a long days work, leaves left laying on the ground like braids ripped off by a
jealous boyfriend. The tree became hard like a heartbroken person who has given up on trying
and no matter how loud the wind blow saying dance with me the tree stood still, you could
almost hear it say “I’m not ready for another heartbreak.

I was expecting the tree to have broken down by now yet to my surprise it stood firm without a
movement. We couldn’t understand why it still stood firm after enduring so many difficult sea-

On one Sunday morning I woke up to the sound of singing birds drawing me to

the old tree, it shined with so much beauty, with pink followers covering it allover
and green leaves covering every spot that was left empty, it was like the tree was
reborn and has now come face to face with purpose. A few days went by; fruits
grew from the tree. All big, yellow and juicy and with each bite I took from it’s
fruits water would gash out leaving my lips soaked.

Many of our lives are exactly like that old peach tree.

As you journey in your life you will come to realize there’s somethings and
people you need to trim out of your life and many a times we are afraid to trim
these things and people off because we don’t want to feel alone or small.

Change is sometimes if not always a scary thing to take on because with change
comes seasons of heavy rains, winds and cold.
You have to understand that there’s things you will face alone in life, things you have to endure alone
and all your friends and loved ones can do is go to the window every once in a while to check on how
you are doing but non of them can shift you or join you in those cold, windy and rainy seasons. A time
will come where you will feel lonely, heartbroken and deserted. You will feel like giving up in those
tough seasons of change

But regardless of all that you face and will come across, you have to keep going. Be firm in what you
believe in no matter what is thrown your way.

When the day of breakthrough arrives many will gaze at your greatness and what you have achieved
through endurance. Though you stood alone in those tough and trying times everyone else will stand
to eat from you and benefit from your sacrifice.

Seasons are there to prepare you and to shape you and to make you ready for your upgrade.
(Remember, when you are going THROUGH something painful/difficult/rough
just know it is exactly that. You are going Through it. #Sirocnotes )
Chapter Six:

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with
respect to events and circumstances in ones life or the world at large.

One day as I was standing alone at the backyard looking at the dark sky and bright stars, I
began to reflect on all the negative things that we go through in life. Things such as human
trafficking, unemployment, suicide, sickness, poverty and the list goes on. I found myself
wondering why we even bother trying when the odds are stacked against us. I mean think
about it why would you still dream of being on stage after seeing someone you look up to fail
at doing just that? That’s when it hit me, Hope.

Hope is the engine that drives every human being to KEEP ON GOING.
You hope to get a better job, you hope to get a house, you hope to receive healing, and you
hope your situation will change. Hope keeps us going no matter what we face in life. When you
think about it hope is like that old car that your next-door neighbor had owned since you were
about nine years old and no matter how many times it broke down over the years by some
miracle even now in your late years that old car is still running up that mountain hill.

Because we are human, we often lose our Hope and lose our drive for life. But in case your
petrol runs dry along the way just know there is a petrol station for you, which is THE WORLD

(Psalms 119:114 " You are my place of safety and my shield. Your word is my only

GOD IS OUR HOPE and in HIM we find hope. Without HIM we have no petrol station.

(Romans 15:13) ‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’

(For as long as you are still breathing it means your mission on this earth is
not over and you can't stop fighting. Only you can determine your future.
#sirocnotes )
Chapter Seven:

One of the things we are struggling with is patience and to be honest I myself am guilty of the
same crime of impatience. Things never seem to come or happen as quick as we wish for
them to happen. This can leave you frustrated confused, doubtful and filled with questions of
why. For most of us it is always the same result of blaming God or neglecting GOD. Imagine
waiting on a prophecy to come to pass for more than twenty years or having to seek employ-
ment for countless of years. You end up hating yourself and the world at large. The lack of
patience leads those amongst us to their early graves.

There’s so many times in my life where I feel like it is taking too long, how many more steps,
will I ever make it, am I destined for greatness? It seems the more we ask these questions the
answers to them become more and more scarce.

We have to understand that time and patience are relatives; it’s things we can’t out run yet
alone live without.

As humans patience should come natural to us. Remember how you had to crawl before you
could walk, how you had to walk leaning against the table up until you could finally run? This
was us displaying how natural and beautiful patience is, for with patience comes growth. No
seed gets planted today and becomes a tree by tomorrow. It will take patience and process for
it to grow into a strong thick tree that will one day shield you from the heat of the sun.

It is always easier for us to expect to receive patience from others but we often find it hard to
respond with patience towards others when they need it most from us. It is true that most
would rather have money than patience when patience is more valuable than money.

Plant your ideas, talents and skills. Let them grow with patience and water them with process
and before you know it you will receive from growth.

Walk your path with focus, determination and endurance. Don’t worry about who’s living large
while you journey with patience because remember patience is a relative of time.

(Habakkuk 2:3 "At the time I have decided, my words will come true. You can trust what i
say about the future. It may take a long time, but keep on waiting it will happen!)
Chapter Eight:

For almost half of my existence I’ve been walking the streets on the hustle for a better life that
will lead to happiness. So everyday I’d walk to town with my friend applying at different stores
in hope of a phone call from someone who speaks like a computer that’s programmed to say
the perfect sequenced words like “good day, is this MR Success seroka? We have received
your CV and would like you to come for an interview”.

Truth is most of us are in search of some sort of happiness or rather something that will sprout
a sense of joy in us. In my many years of walking the streets I’ve come across thousands of
different faces and mostly faces I knew. It was ironic to see employed people in town earning a
salary yet their tired and stressed faces could cause you to stress all day just from seeing their
faces in your mind. And often when you ask a person why are you doing it if it doesn’t bring
you joy the response would be “you have to do what you have to do” but to my understanding
if we were doing what we have to do, we would be happy.

The pursued of happiness itself robes you of happiness.

Is happiness not a feeling, an emotion that causes us to feel good and smile with immense
joy? We need not to wait on a miracle in order to receive happiness we don’t need money to
buy happiness for happiness is free and anyone can eat from it.

Happiness can be triggered at will, you can decide to be happy, you can decide to block out
those that steal from your happiness. Let us not be fooled by those that take boosters like
drugs or alcohol to feel happiness for happiness is best experienced when all of your senses
are present at the meeting of happiness. Don’t let your goals rob you of your moment to be
happy while you pursue or hustle. Be happy even in your struggle because waiting for happi-
ness to come is like standing at the corner and waiting on your married ex to come back to

(Nehemiah 8:10 "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.")

Grab each moment with faith and let joy be your strength. Don’t die unhappy on the pursued of
Chapter Nine:

The greatest example of love is Jesus Christ. The world we live in defines love as a feeling,
attraction, emotions or sexual connection. All that is a lie perhaps the greatest lie ever conjured
by the human mind. Love is not about how we feel but about what we do

Many people feel like love has let them down and blame love for most of the things that went
wrong in their lives. For example “getting divorced, losing a loved one, someone cheating,
crime, rape, child abuse etc.

When all these things happen, people tend to hold back on loving and keep to themselves in
attempt to hide from love as if love was a person they could hide from. Love is not the cause of
all evil deeds we experience in our lives in fact the absence of love is the reason why people
do these evil things.

Love can never leave nor can it die. Love has always been and will always be. Love can never
be too much nor can it ever be not enough, for love has always been the same and will forever
remain the same.

It is when we block out love after a bad experience that we feel it’s absence in our lives and
tend to blame love when we are the ones that possess the key to open and close the doors to
love. Everyone has access to love. Love is enough for everyone no matter your color or where
you come from. Love judges not and serves every master that allows it in.

For it is of love that we were created, from love every single one of us were made and we too
are love and the day we die our love returns back to it’s Creator.

As our Father in heaven we ought to love everyone (love they neighbor as you love yourself).
But loving someone doesn’t necessarily mean being with someone or befriending that person.
It also doesn’t mean you should tolerate bad deeds and leave them unpunished. For those we
love we punish because we love them. You hit your naughty child not because you hate
him/her but out of correction and love.

Be happy for everyone that prospers ahead of you and let love bring you peace. Be happy and
love even when the world tries to make us think hate and evil are stronger than love.

(Let’s learn to love one another. We need to understand that we are all
humans therefore we all make mistakes but let's not let those mistakes
measure how we love.) #sirocnotes
Chapter Ten:
26 FEBRUARY 2020

On this day I woke up with a plan for the day and energy to run a marathon. I set out on the
streets of Toekomsrus with a goal in mind and so I got to work, did what needed to be done
and spoke to whomever I needed to speak to, it was a focused day. As all my days’ duties
came to an end I decided to head back home to reflect on the day. When I finally arrived home
from my long walk down, my body froze for a few seconds while I starred at an open door that
I had locked when I went out for my days hustle. The first thought that came to mind was that
maybe my mother decided to come for a visit and had left the door open while she sits in the
toilet but the intelligent brain stepped in and said “no man, mother never visits on Wednesdays
due to her having to be at work and she would have sent me a message of notice on her
arrival like she usually does” the only way to be sure on if I was losing it or not was to step in
the old shack and search for anything that might be missing, so I looked around and found that
nothing was moved or stolen accept for the things I needed to proceed with my music. Whoev-
er the thief was he/she knew exactly what to steal in order to stop me from creating music. I
was so angry and broken at the same time, I couldn’t even think straight, the worst part of it all
was the fact that I knew exactly who the thief was but I couldn’t do anything about it because it
was someone that owns the land we stay on.
I cried all night praying and hoping God hears me out. I felt like nothing is going right in my life,
I keep trying my best but end up in tears and disappointment all the time.
At that very moment I had to make a decision on whether or not I should continue on my
journey of music or give into anger and let the dream go.

I thought about Job a man who lost everything including his business. What Job went through
was enough to lead any person to give up on life. But regardless of what Job faced he still kept
the faith and endured.

These are the things that we go through as a people. Maybe you’ve lost more than anyone can
imagine and feel like no one understands your pain. But the truth is someone does understand
and that someone is you, you feel your pain and you know how bad it is so only you can take
you out of it. Pain and anger can become masters and us salves to them when we allow them
to rule our minds and decision making (they become like a god over us and we worship them
with our deeds). Don’t allow anyone to robe you of your life and happiness, always keep in
mind people will never attack you but they will always go after your capabilities and what you
might become in the future. Enemies fear growth especially growth that exposes their weak-
ness, so in order to protect themselves they’d rather pull you down in the same misery they
are in.

Decide today to reach even harder for your dreams. Prove everyone wrong by becoming
everything they hoped you wouldn’t. Become the best you and use the anger and pain to fuel
your drive to a bigger and better version of yourself. This is your time! This is your moment!
Times will come when you will fall and feel like letting go but don’t listen to that voice, speak up
against it and keep climbing till you reach the top.

(You don’t need motivation, your vision should be powerful enough to do

that for you #sirocnotes )
I (Success seroka) started writing this book on the 15th of January

About the author

Success Seroka is a talented individual with the ability of singing
dancing writing and teaching. His been writing poem’s and short
motivational’s for more then ten years and has now written his first
short book named Journey with wisdom.

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