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are fitted on tankers to collect tank drainings , tank

1 washings & other cargo oil mixture

Product tankers move large quantities of unrefined crude oil from its
2 point of extraction to refineries
3 Cargo tanks do not exceed __of ship's length.

4 Forepeak tank is fitted with a to reduce free surface effect.

Tank washings after cleaning cargo tanks & dirty ballast residues are
5 transferred into bilge tank
A is a void or empty compartment used to separate two
6 adjacent compartments
7 Ballast tank encircling slop tank are cofferdam

8 Deep tanks have wash plate fitted at centre line to reduce

9 Cofferdam helps prevent cargo contamination

10 and are considered as cofferdams

Deep tanks have specially constructed hatchway to prevent leakage
11 of ballast water and lig cargoes
12 Cargo tanks are coated with

13 Pyrophors are former when

14 The reaction of hydrogen sulphide gas with Air release heat is called
15 In segrated ballast tanks which coating is used
16 Reliquefaction system is provide for
Which system is used for vapours of gas that Cannot be compressed
17 because of chemical reason
Which cycle can be either be a two or a single Stage cycle where the
18 cargo consider in seawater cooled
In cascade direct cycle the cargo condenser Is refrigerated using a
19 suitable refrigerant such as freon 22
Pyrophoric deposit can lead to incandescence When they come in
20 contact with air
In an oxygen free atmosphere if hydrogen Sulphide is present it will
21 react with rust and Convert it to iron sulphide
22 Number of cargo piping system
Oil tankers does not carry morethan__ grades of oil in indirect
23 pipeline system
Slop tank Bilge tank Cofferdam Pumproom
0.3 0.4 0.5 0,2 D
Longitudinal Transverse A
Wash bulkhead bulkhead bulkhead None of these


Cargo tank Slop tank Cofferdam Deep tank .


: D
GM KG List Fsc
Pump rooms and Slop tank and Pump room and Slop tanks and A
Ballast tanks deep tank Deep tanks Ballast tanks

Epoxy paint Enamel paint Aluminium paint None of these A

Hydrogen sulphide | Sulphate dioxide | Sulphate dioxide |Hydrogen sulphide

gas reacts with gas reacts with gas reacts with gas reacts with 6
rusted surface in | rusted surfaces in | rusted surfaces in | rusted surface in
the presense of the absence of the presense of the absense of
oxygen oxygen oxygen oxygen
Pyrophoric Pyrophoric B
reduction oxidation All of these None of these
Epoxy coal tar Epoxy paint None of these All of these A
Gas carrier Containers Bulk carrier All of these A

Direct system Indirect system None of these All of these 7

Direct cycle Indirect cycle None of these All of these


1 3 4 2 D

1 2 3 4 £
24 Advantages of direct pipe line system
25 Trim of a vessel is eassy to attain in ring main system
26 Ring main system is less versatile system

27 Types of cargo piping system are

28 Advantage of direct line system

29 Which layout is more versatile

30 Circular systems are not present in

31 Which is a inflexilble system

32 Which are the pumps used on Tankers.

A reciprocating pump uses a piston in a cylinder to create a suction
33 and discharge effect to discharge oil.

34 The circular motion of the rotates the fluid.

35 A rotary pump is a positive displacement pump.
36 What squeezes oil out of the rotary pumps.

37 Select the correct statements.

38 Deep-well pumps are normally driven by

39 Submerged pumps are not used on LNG carriers

40 Submerged pumps are installed at the of the cargo tank

41 Eductors are used in.

42 Pump used to Discharge thick fluids
43 Eductors works on principle of bernoullis theoram

44 Pump which has no moving parts

Energy is imparted to fluids in centrifugal pumps due to its vanes and
45 volute casing

46 Submerged pumps on gas tankers are driven by

47 Which of the following is not a type of tanker vessel
48 Chemical tanker carry crude oil products
less time to setup D
easy to operate valve systme easy to isolate all of the above

Direct line system | Ring main system Both Non of them E

Cheaper Washing is easy Both Non of them A

Direct line system | Ring main system Both Non of them
Ring main Direct line Both Non of them B

Direct line system | Ring main system Both Non of them
Reciprocating D
pump Centrifugal pump Screw pump All of these

- = Cc
piston crankshaft impeller none of the above
rotor vanes impeller none of these B
screw pump is a
positive ac
screw pumps are | screw pumps are displacement :
self priming not self priming pump all of the above

pneumatic motor | hydraulic motor electric motor none of the above mat

top centre bottom none of the above
tank cleaning
balalst system cargo system system all of the above
Reciprocating Screw Centrifugal Eductors B

Screw pumps Deep well pumps Eductors None of the above E

Electo hydraulic C
motors Pneumatic motors} _Electic motors All of the above
Oil tanker Chemical tanker Gas tanker Hydrogen tanker D
49 Gas carriers are designed to carry
50 The types of oil tankers are
51 Tanker do not exceed of the ship’s length

52 which of the following is not a type of gasseous cargo carried on gas carriers
what is another term for polymerization which is phenomenon gases self-
53 reacting and releasing heat

some liquified gases react with water forming hydrates which cause pumps
to seize and equipment to malfunction. What action should be taken to
54 prevent it
which of the following is most likely to result in formation of electric charges
55 for potential ignition

56 which of the following hazard is not associated with carraige of oil cargo
57 an inert gas which is non-flammable, non-toxic and colourless
58 which of the following is a colourless and odourless tixic gas
an equipment with an extension hose provided to measure the
concentration of vapour present at various places in a compartment that
59 may not be accevible is:

60 the multi-gas detector was battery as its power source

what is necessary in order for authorities to be able to monitor is a vessel's
61 crew has properly disposed of thier oil discharges at sea
an measures hydrocarbon content as a percent of the lower
62 flammable limit
63 which of these is not present in a tanker
64 tanks do not exceed 0.5 of the ship's length

65 pumps on gas tankers are driven by

66 thick fluids are discharged using

67 Eductors work on the principles of:

68 the critical level of oxygen content for the ignition hydrocarbons vapour is

69 Fore Peak tank is fitted with to reduce free surface effect

70 A' in ship shore safety checklist stands for
71 ESDS stands for emergency shut down system

72 Tools which have to be used in spaces carrying oil cargoes

73 petroleum vapour are
Refined petroleum Liquified B
products petroleum gas Organic liquid Inorganic liquid
Crude tanker Product tanker None of these Both of these D
0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1 A

: D
butadiene popylene ammonia petroleum

liquification solidification sublimation none of these
formation of
water should be vapours should be _—|leakage to cargo P
excluded fromthe |prevented using tank should be
cargo system refrigeration prevented none of these

kerosene crude oil jet fuel A&C

: D
flammable static electricity toxicity corrosive
helium nitrogen oxygen chlorine B
nitrogen helium carbon dioxide carbon monoxide Do

the drager the multigas C

tank scope oxygen analyser instrument detector

aluminium ion lithium lead acid magnesium ion

certificate of slops {PPM sensor Oil Record Book none of these

compressor eductor Explosimeter none of these ‘

pump room slop tank cell guides deep tanks B
electro-hydraulic c
motors hydraulic motors electric motors none of these

screw pump centrifugal pump lobe pump reciprocating pump a

bernoulli’s theorem |pascal's theorem newtons law none of these

21% 15% 30% 11%

vent lines wash bulkhead stairways collision bulkhead
assistance arrangement Agreement none of these Cc
intrinsically safe D
iron tools magnesium tools alluminium tools tools
invisible colorless heavier than air all of above D
74 what will be developed because of friction with tank walls in oil cargoes

75 oxygen deficency causes

76 corrosive nature of chemical cargo

77 chemicals can enter our body by
78 which is the hazard only related with gasous cargo
79 ISGOTT Ship/Shore safety Check-list comprises of 9 parts.
A-agreed P-proper R-record this correct in relation with ISGOTT ship shore
80 safety checklist

81 use of ship shore safety checklist

82 Fore Peak tank is fitted withwash bulkhead to

the total capacity of slop tank should be not less than 3% of oil capacity of
83 vessel

alominium and magnisium tools not use with the carriage of oil chemical
84 and liquefiable gases
85 air is heavier than petroleum vapour

86 which is not hazard associated with chemical cargo from the following: -
87 volatile cargo have a flash point of
88 letter 'R' in ship shore safety checklist indicate the following

89 ESDS system will be achivar in the event of following

90 explosimeter is a device that is used for

91 MSDS includes information such as
92 When activated, the ESDS will stop the Cargo Pumps.
93 ESDS 2 is activated by the terminal.

94 Explosimeter works on the principle of

95 Tank Scope detects

Crude Oil Washing System (COW) are Take to be fitted on every crude
96 oil tanker of dwt and above.

When carrying Crude Oil Washing during cargo discharge the Master should
97 inform the terminal competent authority hours before commencement.
An inert gas system is required to be fitted on crude oil tankers of above
98 tonnes deadweight.
static electricity EMF torque kinetic energy
aspluxation amnesia nausea pakinsons desease
destroy human D
tissue destroy tank destroy pipeline all of these
inhalation skin contact swallowing all of these D
asphexiation frostbite bering toxicity B

safety of cargo proper engine accomodation P
operations safety of navigation [running facilities

release overpressure [allow for inspection |reduce FSE all of these


because they because they cause |because they are B

observe oil incencliary sparks costly none of these
corrosive , brittle fracture and c
flammable toxic ice formation reactive
less than 60°C less than 60°F greater than 80°C _|greater than 60°C A
remark re-check reuse recycle B
cargo tank high level jlow tank pressure D
load of ship power [alarm alarm all of these

Determine the
determine level of content of O
oxygen in pump to indicate the fire hydrocarbon in
room place in pump room |bothA & B pump room or tank
toxicity physical data reactivity all of these D

Bernoulli's Principle_|Wheatstone’s Bridge |Doppler Law Pascal's Law

Oxygen content Hydrocarbon content|Nitrogen content Moisture

400 10,000 20,000 75,000

6 12 24 36
500 10,000 20,000 100000
99 How many parts are there in ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety check list?

100 ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety check list ‘PART A’ contain?

In Inert Gas System, the Demister unit is used to remove water droplets
101 from the cooled & cleaned gas.
State whether the statement is correct or incorrect: When the ESDS system
102 is activated, it remotely opens the actuated valves
Part A of ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check-list deals with additional
103 considerations for bulk liquid chemicals
104 ‘A’ in the check list indicate
The inert gas system delivers inert gas to the vessel's cargo tank for reducing
105 the fire and explosion risk in the cargo tank

106 The function of scrubber is to

Tanks are fitted with .............. for the purpose of releasing overpressure in
107 the tanks and preventing vacuum

108 QCDC stands for

Substance used to prevent or retard cargo deterioration or a potentially
109 hazardous self reaction

110 LFL stands for

Product tankers moves large quantities of unrefined crude oil from its point
111 of extraction to refineries
112 ISGOTT Ship Shore safety Check-list comprises of parts.
113 in Ship-Shore safety checklist Code "R" indicates

114 Boxes shaded BLUE in Ship-Shore safety checklist are

Which of the following transportation poses greater hazard of property
115 damage
116 Frostbite is the hazard associated with cargo.

117 ISGOTT stands for

Ship-Shore safety checklist is signed by representative
118 from Ship.

119 Verbal verification comes under which part of Ship-Shore safety checklist.
120 Liquified Gaseous are carried
121 Polymerization is hazard associated with cargo.
2 3 4 5 c
considerations for |Transfer of bulk Additional c
Transfer of bulk Bulk Liquid liquids, physical considerations for
liquids Chemicals checks Bulk Liquefied Gases

Correct Incorrect

Agreement Arrangement Approval Arrival A

Clean and cooldown Deliver the gas to To release excess a
the gas Heat the gas cargo tanks pressure

Pressure relief valve |Vent lines Wash bulkhead All of these R

Quick Connection Quick connection
Disconnection Quick connection Quick contro! disconnection A
Coupling Discharge coupling _|discharge connection |controller

exhibitor None of these Inhibitor Vasoinhibitor
Lower flammable Lower flammable Liquid flammable s
level limit Liquid flow limit level

1 2 3 4 D
Re-check Restore Request Re-Do A

Mandatory to fill | Not Mandatory to fill} | Not Applicable Re-check c

Gasoline oil Fuel Propane
Oil Chemical Gaseous Container C
International Safety | International Safe | Safety Guide for Oil | International Safety A
Guide for Oil Tanker | Guide for Oil Tanker Tanker and Guide for Oil Tanker
and Terminals and Terminals Terminals and Tugs

Master Chief-Officer oow Chief-Engineer

Part A Part B Part C Part D
Semi Pressurized Fully Pressurized Fully Refrigerated All of these D
Oil Chemical Gaseous All of these c

the type of chemical cargo which can become flamable when in contact with
122 other materials and can destroy human tissue that could permanently
self reactive chemical cargoes procedure a rise in pressure because of
123 expansion
124 when liquefied gasses react with water they form

125 hydrocargon gas is

an explosimeter measures hydro carbon content as a percentage of the

127 flammable liquid cargoes that have a flash point of less than 60°C is

128 crude oil washing system (COW) are required to be fitted

some liquid gasses self react, this could cause polymerisation (solidification)
129 and the release of heat
liquified Gaseous are carriedat low temperature there are hazards
130 associated with carriage at low temperature these include

131 ship-shore safety check list includes action to be taken in an emergency

if a repair term is to enter a cinfined what minimum level of oxygen should be
132 __|present?
What is the
difference between surface of liquid and the tank top ina cargo
133 tank called?
each pressure gage used in oil transfer operation must beaccurate to within
134 what percentage
which of the following is the chief source of spontaneous combustion aboard
135 tankers?
on a tanker vessel,what is the combined capacity of inert gasc compared
136 __|tototal capacity
137 the condition of asphyxia arises from an adequate supply of oxygen

138 notify the engine roomof the procedure is not a precaution when topping off

139 The term inert means

140 The inert gas system delivers inert gas to
141 Inert gas systems helps ___

142 inert gas on tankers is produced by processing

143 Inert gas system is required to be fittledon
144 Inerted condition is safe for man-entry
145 the emergency shut down on an oil tanker is a simple
an emergency shut down on a gas tanker is not capable of being operated
146 from several positions, when its sailing.

147 an emergency shut down system can be also used from fire control stations.
148 system will be actived if there is loss of ship’s power
149 when activated, ESDS will remotely close the valves

reactive flammable toxic asphxiation corrosive

frostbite hydrates polymer flammable gas B
heavier than airand |lighterthan airand jlighterthan airand |heavier than air and A
invisible invisible visible visible
volume of airinthe |volume of oxygen in |upper flammable lower flammable D
tank the tank limit limit
toxic and poisonous B
Corrosive cargo volitile cargo reactive cargo cargo
onevery oiltanker joneveryoiltanker joneverycrudeoil jon every crude oil
of greater than of greater than tanker of greater tanker of greater Cc
5000t DWT 15000t DWT than 20000t DWT {than 15000t DWT

causes damage to release flammable |brittle fracture and 7
human tissues gases ice formation no hazard


0.18 0.19 0.2 0.21 D

ullage tankage thievage innage 0

0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1 0

kerosene JP4 cargo gasoline oil soaked rags 0

0.5 0.75 1 1.25



flammable toxic not chemically active corrosive c

bridge engine room ballast tanks cargo tanks D
inhibit corrosion reduce fire hazard maintain stability all of the above A,B
gas from shore
flue gas ballast water facility coolant gas A
container ships general cargo ships crude oil tankers all of the above c
1 0 B
motor pipe switch pump Cc

ESDS alarm system fire system none of the above
gate globe actuated none of the above Cc

150 when activated, ESDS will stop cargo.
151 when ESDS is activated it the compressor
152 ESDS___ activated either by ship or shore when in port
153 ESDS___is activated by the terminal
154 Explosive meter is a not gas measuring instrument
155 Rise of temp increase the of filament in Explosivemeter
False reading on Explosivemeter are likely when Oxygen content of the
156 sample is
The Current registers on the meter which Is Scalled In percentage of __or
157 ____in case of Explosivemeter
158 A____ mixture will burn in the combustion chamber in Explosivemeter
Tn working of explosive meter the change of filament resistance the
159 bridge
160 in explosimeter samples are taken from
161 which instrument is designed for detecting vapour range
162 areading of __ % indicates that the space is explosive
163 in explosimeter with __%of gas false zero reading may also obtained
in explosimeter a reading between _ and _% indicates that the atmosphere is
164 approaching the lowe explosive
movement of ions generates a/an ich can be meas
165 determine oxygen content.
Which ions move from higher concentration to that lower concentration with
166 reference gas on one side and sample gas on the other.
The change In resistance gives the of hydrocarbon vapour present in
167 the compartment.
‘ank Scope measures content by the detection of an alteration in
168 the temperature of the heated filament.
Tank scope uses the same principle as that of an explosimeter except that
169 the gas does not burn inside the sample chamber.
170 Drager Instrument is instrument used for
171 Drager Instrumentis Usedto Detect
172 Organic Arsenic Compund can be detected by dragger instruments.?

173 is provided to measure concentration of vapour at various Places .

174 Detected Tubea are filled with
Which type of pump is used to suck gas from compartment where gas Is to be
175 detected ?

176 the crowcon multi-gas detectoruses sas. POW SOUrse

177 the crowcon multi-gas detector uses technology to detect gas

178 up to how much gases can crowcon multi gas detector can detect
how does toxic and flammable gas detector instruments help during a gas
179 release

toxic and flammable gas detector help is to detect release of gases when
180 personals are working in compartments which are declared as gas free
a typical crowcon multi gas detectors are capable of measuring hydrocarbons
vapour as a */* of LFL ,hydrocarbon vapour in inert gas as a */* of LFL, oxygen
181 and hydrogen sulphide.

hatch covers pumps ventilators none of the above B
start stop B
1 2 3 4 A
3 1 4 2 D
Resistance Voltage Current Inductance A

High Low Same None of the above 8B

IR or mm IR or LFM LFM or ppm ppm or IR Cc

Homogenous Hetrogeneous Colloids Lean D

Maintain balanced Unbalances none of the above C

tank bottom deck engine room None of the above A
explosimeter educator ows None of the above A
50 90 100 70 Cc
large small medium none of these A

60,100 50,90 40,100 none of these A

EMP (electro motive
UV magnetic waves force) X-rays Y

nitrogen oxygen carbon dioxide carbon monoxide 8

percentage Number fraction sum A

helium boron hydrocarbon carbon dioxide C

Tank washing Ballast Deballst Gas Detection Fire Fighting Cc
Carbon Monoxide Chlorine Hydrogen Sulphide All of the Above D

Portable Sensor | fixed detection alarm Extension hose none of the Above Cc
Inert gas Reagent carbon dioxide acetylene B

centrifugal pump Screw pump bellow pump None Of The Above Cc

galvanic cell electro chemical cell lithium battery solar cell Cc

infrared UV radio alpha rays A

3 4 5 6
by starting by opening the doors
by sounding alaram | venyilation systems | by sending message of the room



182 When the ESDS is activated, it will
183 Before Gas Freeing, hydrocarbon content should be
184 IG or Inert Gas system is present on Crude oil tankers of
An effective electric bond must exist between the Portable Fan and the
185 ship's deck during Gas Freeing

186 Gas from Scrubbers is delivered to Cargo Tanks via

Purging refers to the introduction of into a closed system to

187 prevent the formation of an ignitable atmosphere.
188 Volatile cargoes have a flash point of
189 In Dilution method, several tanks can be inerted at one time.

190 The ESDS system will be activated in the following event(s)

The critical level of oxygen content for the ignition of hydrocarbon vapour is
191 :
192 Tanker vessels are of main types.
_____is the tanker that is built to transport a vast range of bulk liquid
193 cargoes.

194 Fore peak tankis fitted witha _—_—s to reduce free surface effect.
Cargo tanks are fitted with __ for the purpose of releasing over pressure
195 in the tanks and preventing vacuums.

196 The purpose of a pump room is as follows:

197 Manholes are provided in cargo tanks for entry and inspection.
198 is the tanker designed to carry refined petroleum products.

199 ____'s the carrier designed to carry liquefied petroleum gases in bulk.
A____is provided on most tankers between the cargo compartment and
200 the accomodation.
is a void or an empty compartment used to separate two adjacent
201 compartments
202 MSDS gives imformation regarding........ of a substance
Monitoring of vessels crew about disposal of their oil discharge at sea is
203 [assecss of ORB
A document that illustrate the quantity of oil and water in slop tanks is
204 called.......
A device that provides for the flow of small volumes of vapours, air or inert
205 gas mixture caused by small thermal variations in tank is........
oO remove any water settled in tanks used as source of crude oil, a layer of at
206 least...... meter must be discharged ashore

Remotely close the |Stop the cargo Stop the Option-D
actuated valves pumps compressors All of these
5% or less 2% or less 10% or less 4% or less Option-B
Above 10000 DWT jAbove 20000 DWT |Above 15000 DWT {Above 22000 DWT Option-B


; Option-B
Insulated Pipelines |Blowers Discharge Valves None of these

Any gas is suitable Option-A

Inert gas Oxygen Normal Air for purging
>60°F >60°C <60°F <60°C Option-D
Cargo tank high level |Low tank pressure aliens
All of these Loss of Ship's Power Jalarm alarm p

2196 15% 11% 8% PREONE

3 2 4 6 Option- A

Option- C
Oil tanker Product tanker Chemical tanker Gas carrier =

eee ; Option- B
Wash bulk head Collision bulk head [Center line bulk head]None of these

Vent lines Stairways Bulk head Coffer dam Opsan"&

machinary space Seperates ballast Option- A
from cargo Seperates two cargo |tanks from
compartment tanks accomodation None of these
Oil tanker Product tanker Chemical tanker Gas carrier Option- B

Option- A
Gas carrier Product tanker None of these Chemical tanker
Option- A
Pump room Cofferdam Wheel room None of these pee
Option- A
Cofferdam Air pipes Pump room None of these iti
Toxicity Health effects Reactivity All of these D

Part 1 Part 2 None of these a

OBQ report MSDS Certificate of slops {ORB Cc
Inhibitor P/V relief valve Drip trays None of these B

0.5 1 1.5] 2 5

if a tank washing water ......... is fitted outside engine room it must be blanked
207 off during COW
The topping off narmally done with....... loading flow rate and close monitoring
208 to prevent over flow
A liquid filled pressure vacuum breaker is fitted to prevent excessive pressure
209 or vacuum from cargo tanks
All oil or sludge transfers and discharge record within vessel is mentioned in
210 OBQ report
211 During crude oil washing it is not important to monitor continuosly

212 While Crude oil washing process the oxygen content in the tank must be

213 Crude oil washing systems are required to be fitted on every crude oil tanker of
When changing over tanks during COW ,the pressure in the COW line is to
214 be reduced to a maximum
Tanks that are to be used as a source of crude oil for COW must be partly
215 discharged to remove any water that may have settled
216 Crude oil washing is done undera__ atmosphere .

217 Tanks that are to be used as a source of crude for COW must be discharged
When carrying out crude oil washing during cargo discharge,
the master
should inform the terminal competent authorities __ hours before
218 commencement.

219 MSDS stands for

220 A wire used to connect together 2 metal parts to ensure electrical continuity.
221 A substance used to prevent or retard cargo detoriation
222 A report that provides for all the oil, water ,sludge in a cargo tank.
The electricity produced by movement between dissimilar metals through
223 physical contact and separation is called kinetic energy.

224 COW must be carried out under the strict supervision of a competent person.
225 Crude oil washing is more effective than water washing

226 Crude Oil Washing was adopted to:

227 Working Inert Gas Plant must keep the oxygen content for COW operation:
A book that records all oll and sludge transfers and discharge within the
228 vessel:

229 The operation of completing the loading of cargo tank to a required ullage:
230 Volatile Cargoes have flash points of
231 How many parts does Oil Record Book has:
____ is a design technique applied to electrical equipment and wiring for
232 hazardous locations.
madatory under nnex 7 for al ers
233 and above.
It is not mandatory to check all the crude oil carrying tanks to have positive
234 inert gas pressure.

| 235 [Crude Oil Washing is less efficient than Water washing.

Filter Cooler Heater None of these

Increased Constant Zero Decreased od


greater than 15 % greater than 8 % Less than 8% 0 me

20,000 dwt and 45,000 dwt and 60,000 dwi and 160,000 dwt and
above above above above A

inert fresh hydrogen none

fully partially half none 6

16 20 24 22
Material Safety Data | Material safe data material safety
sheet sheet datum sheet all of the above A

Metal wire Bonding wire silver wire aluminum wire B

incinerator inhibitors installers all B
OBQ OBO ocQ oco A

To ensure almost
Decrease the entire oil cargo can
Reduce Marine requirement of slop | be transferred to the D
Pollution tanks shore All of the above

below 10% at 10% below 8% at 8% =

MSDS ORB SOPEP Manual None of the above 8

Drip Trays Inhibitor Topping-off Save-Alls Cc

less than 60°C more than 60°C less than 100°C more than 100°C A
1 2 3 4 B

Electrical Isolation Bonding Wire Electrical safety Intrinsic Safety D




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