29 Spell

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#29 Lost and Found Spell

To find whatever is lost, chant the following:

Guiding Angles, I ask your charity, Lend me
your focus and your clarity, Bring me to the
(name of what is lost) at this time, Restoring me
that and my peace of mind. With harm to none,
This spell be done. Let it be not reversed, Or
placed unto me as any curse. May all
astrological correspondences Be correct for this
working. As I will it, So mote it be. You should
find what you are looking for in a few minutes
to a week.

#4 For Beauty

Beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder, it's a

reflection of our feelings about ourselves. When
we dwell on our "defects" (no human body is
perfect), we lessen our inward and outward
beauty. This ritual is designed to increase our
good feelings for ourselves, which is reflected in
the image we present to others. Thus, it
increases beauty. This is a simple rite. Hold five
pennies in your projective hand. Visualize
yourself as a beautiful person. Don't see yourself
as your favorite movie stars, who have make-up
artists, lighting directors and cinematographers
to assisted them. Visualize yourself as a loving,
open person radiating beauty. Pour this image
into the pennies. Toss one into the well while
saying: I allow myself to be beautiful. I accept
beauty. Repeat this with the remaining four
coins. It is done

#5 Attraction Spell

You take a red or pink candle scented oil(or

perfume but oil is recommended) which is your
favorite, and you taker a piece of red
construction paper, or plain white paper and
color it red, and cut out a heart. You turn out
all lights and make sure your away from
anything that will cause disturbance. You light
the candle (turn off the lights) put it in the
center of the paper heart, drip a couple of drops
of the oil on the heart and say: "May the corn
stone of my affections be grace and goodness,
and let my love know no boundary, for the
greater my love for others, so in kind will that
love come back to me." and that should attract
love, if you want love from a certain someone,
you should say "I Love _(Name of person)_" ten
times after repeating the last verse. God bless
thee all.


Demons and evil spirits could be forced to leave

a person alone if the following spell was written
on parchment or paper which was to be kept
close at hand at all times. SDPNQCN






Take five white candles and arrange them in a
pentagram. Place a black candle, which
symbolizes the curse, in its center. The ones
afflicted by the curse must speak the words
revealed here: Evil curse that blights out lives Be
lifted now and flee These candles' lights
overcome the dark From its grasps, set us free

Steep in a bath a bowlful of leaves from three or

four or five of these: Marigold, Celery, Mint and
Grass, Nasturtium, Parsley, Fennel and Cress.
(Calendula, Telina, Menta si Iarba, ) When the
Brew is green, and the steam is sweet, lie in the
water and thrice repeat: I shall bathe and I shall
be as green and strong, good Herbs, as thee.
Draw me favor, draw me fame, Draw bright
honor to my name Rise from the water thrice
empowered; Wear those virtues you have


(Said while making 9 knots in green, 13-inch silk
cord or ribbon) By knot of one, my spell's begun
By knot of two, plenty fruitful work to do By
knot of three, money comes to me By knot of
four, opportunity knocks at my door By knot of
five, my business thrives By knot of six, this
spell is fixed By knot of seven, success is given
By knot of eight, increase is great By knot of
nine, these things are mine Prosperity Oil This
classic prosperity oil has been used for at least
100 years. It is best made on a Thursday and is
believed to be most effective if allowed to sit for
three weeks after mixing. A small green piece of
fabric may be anointed with the oil and carried
in the purse. The oil may be worn as a perfume.
Omit the base oil if you wish to use with
aromatherapy oil warmer. Sunflower, or light
mineral) Mix all ingredients carefully and put
into a dark glass bottle. Allow it to sit for at
least three weeks then strain through
cheesecloth or muslin to remove the basil
powder residue. Keep a small coin in the bottle
and keep away from direct sunlig

You need:

some money or pictures of cash, checks and

jewels to be placed on the altar

drums for raising energy

Put the money on the altar, not as an object to

worship but as a symbol to your

deep mind of what you want to obtain. You may

wish to place a goddess statue

or another religious symbol behind the symbolic

wealth, as a reminder that

money is not after the ultimate value. Then,

stand up, and drum and chant to

raise power. Your chant can be something like :

Wealth , wealth , come to me ,

I deserve prosperity.

As the power moves toward its peak , imagine a

huge transparent funnel over
you, and huge amounts of cash , checks and
other forms of wealth cascading

down though it to pile up around you (or , at

least , enough for your needs +

some to donate to worthy causes).

Give thanks for the wealth which you know will

be headed your way. Open the

circle. Afterwards, go seek a job if you don’t

have one or ask for a raise, and

always give money to charities. Soon prosperity

will come to you.


This spell is for dealing with someone who is

more of an annoyance than a threat, someone
who really gets on your nerves or stresses you
out by intruding in your life or violating your
space. It is for someone you have already asked
to stop but who persists in bothering you. It is
not a spell to use on someone whose actions you
object to within their own life or space. You
need: a.. a box b.. two heads of garlic (or more, if
you are using a big box or dealing with a group
of people) c.. herbs of protection d.. a photograph
of the person, or their name written on a piece
of paper Put everything in the box. Cover the
box and give it a good hard shake, mentally
yelling at the person to modify the behavior that
annoys you. Put the box away, in a drawer or
up on a shelf. Take it out and give it a hard
shake, yelling at them, every time they annoy
you. After the first week or so you should seldom
need to shake the box. Throw the box away in a
few months, when the garlic begins to spoil.


The best-known way of getting a man to fall in

love with you is to bewitch him through a doll
that represents him. Ideally, you should make
the doll yourself. Carve it from some natural
material such as wax, wood or clay; bake a
doughboy (be sure to use lots of spices), or sew a
rag doll. A store bought figure can be used, but
it won't be nearly as powerful as the homemade.
Some very personal belongings of the man you
want to enchant, a lock of his hair, a fingernail
clipping, something he's worn should be
incorporated into, or attached to, the doll. Add
also one of your nail clippings, a strand of your
hair, etc. Use as many of these personal things
as possible the more links you create between
you, your beloved and the doll, the stronger
your spell. Start the ritual on the first day of the
new moon. Name the doll, aloud, after the man
and scratch or write his name on the figure. For
writing, your blood is best, but if you use ink
(red, of course) add a drop of your blood to it.
Next, using a thorn or pin, gently prick the
figure's heart (don't overdo it or you kill him)
saying: "As this thorn (pin) pierces your heart,
so let it be pierced with love for me." Or wrap
the doll in three ribbons of different colors;
black, white and red are often used, but you
may choose any shades. As you wrap say:
"Threads bind; body entwine; Heart find linked
to mine." If you've baked your doll, eat a piece of
it every night, saying, "As you become part of
me, so let me become part of you." Do any one of
these rituals, but always the same one, for
fifteen minutes each evening until the moon is
full; at the next new moon, start again. If be
doesn't respond soon enough, light a red candle
and lightly singe the doll's feet, saying: "For you
I yearn. For me you burn." Before long, his feet
should carry him straight to you (unless you've
burned them too badly). When you're not
working with your doll, wrap it in a clean cloth
of silk, linen or cotton never a synthetic fabric
and put it away where no one but yourself can
find it.

#29 Lost and Found Spell To find whatever is

lost, chant the following: Guiding Angles, I ask
your charity, Lend me your focus and your
clarity, Bring me to the (name of what is lost) at
this time, Restoring me that and my peace of
mind. With harm to none, This spell be done. Let
it be not reversed, Or placed unto me as any
curse. May all astrological correspondences Be
correct for this working. As I will it, So mote it
be. You should find what you are looking for in
a few minutes to a week.
#30 Balabala's Love Spell This love spell is
intended to attract the perfect mate and
partner. In the circle, ground and center.
Meditate on all the preconceived ideas you have
about the perfect partner. Maybe you have a
particular candidate in mind for romance.
Release the thought of that person (it would be
most unethical to work magick to make a
certain person love you; this would violate their
free will, and put you in jeopardy by The Law of
Return). Release all notions of what your perfect
lover will look like. These are externals, and if
you cling to them then you run the risk of
overlooking your ideal mate simply because
your conscious mind was focused on
superficialities. Equipment Needed: Two candles
One white One in your favorite color Two
holders A rose colored altar cloth A piece of red
chalk This love spell can be performed at any
time. I usually find that the evening is the best.
When your mind is clear and open, hold the
candle of your favourite colour: this represents
you. Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities
and energies you are willing to bring to an
intimate relationship. Replace that candle on
the altar, and pick up the white one. This
represents your ideal partner. Speak aloud the
essential qualities you desire in a mate, and ask
Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.
Now place the two candles in their holders at
opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart on the
center with the red chalk, large enough for both
candle holders. Each day thereafter, meditate on
the perfect loving relationship for a few
minutes, and move the two candles an inch close
together. If you started on the new moon, then
by full moon the candles should be touching in
the center of the heart. When they meet, draw
two more hearts around the first one, raise
energy by singing your favorite love song, and
charge the candles.

#49 Spell to remember a past life:

Items needed: 1 white candle, 1 mirror; Sit in
front of the mirror, turn off the lights and light
the candle. Set the candle next to the mirror so
the light from it can hit your face, but so you
will not see the candle in the mirror. After this
is done, look into your eyes and say: “Oracle of
lunar light, Send me the second sight.” Stare into
your eyes and do not blink. Your reflection will
dissolve and another will appear. Try to look at
the face, body, clothing and surroundings. After
you do this you will have emotions you can not
explain. Don’t worry… they go away in a few

Spell To Protect Your Love From Another

Note: DO NOT use this spell to "steal" another's
boyfriend or girlfriend! Its
purpose is to keep your mate from wandering,
not to make someone else's wander.
Items: 1 candle to represent yourself (in
appropriate color), 1 candle to represent
your love (in appropriate color), 1 candle to
represent the third person (in
appropriate color black), sewing needles, 1 red
candle, dragons blood or other
protection incense. Ritual: Cast a proper circle
before doing any magickal work. Inscribe the
that represents you with your name. Inscribe
the candle that represents your
lover with his or her name. If the third persons
name is known, inscribe the third
candle with his or her name. If the name is
unknown, you can inscribe "All Others".
Annoint your candle and your lovers candle
with any type of "Love" oil. Annoint the
other person's candle with any type of
"repelling" oil. On the candle representing
the Other One, stick sewing needles throughout
the candle where the letters are
closed (ex: if there is a letter "o", place a needle
through the "o"). Light this
candle while concentrating all of the bad
feelings this person has caused you.
Place this candle in the upper right hand corner
of your altar.
Rid yourself of the negative feelings you
charged the third person's candle with,
and light the Protection Incense. Visualize what
you want to accomplish with this
spell. Call upon the Goddess for protection over
the lovers. Light the candle that
represents you and say
“This candle is (name). Her/His love for (name)
burns eternal as does this flame.”
Light your lovers candle from your candle and
say :
"This candle is (name). Her/His love for (name)
burns eternal as does this flame."
Light the Red candle from the Lover candle and
say :
"This candle represents (your name and her/his
name)'s love for each other.
No one shall make the other's eye wander.
This candle binds together (name and name)
eternally in love.
Their love for each other burns as does this
Let all candles burn down while concentrating
on how much your lover loves you,
and vice versa. Throw into the garbage the
leftover wax and needles from the
other person's candle. (after cooling) Put your
leftover wax and your lover’s
leftover wax into a glass jar, seal it, and bury it
within the Earth.
Since this spell borders on the "mind rape"
theory of taking away one's free will,
it is best to get your lover's permission before
performing this spell.

To Get Money, Money, Money

Items: Green candle and white candle.
Time: Same time each day or night.
Ritual: The Green candle represents the money,
and the white candle represents
you. Make sure you anoint the candles with oil
first, thinking of your desire for
money to come to you. Set the candles on your
alter or table 9 inches apart. After
doing this say:
"Money, money come to me
In abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways
Harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be
Bring me money three times three!"
Repeat this for nine days. Each day move the
white candle one inch closer to the
green candle. When the candles touch, your spell
is finished. Make sure you
visualize the money pouring in from the

Coltsfoot Wealth Spell

Items: The husk from an ear of corn, a dollar, a
note on parchment, coltsfoot
leaves and green string or ribbon.
Ritual: For wealth and prosperity for a year,
take the husk from an ear of corn
and put a dollar bill along with a note written
on parchment,
"Oh, dear god of luck,
money is like muck,
not good except it be spread.
Spread some here at___(write in your address).
Thanks be to thee. Amen."
Sign your name. Sprinkle the dollar bill and note
with coltsfoot leaves. Roll the
husk up and tie together with green string or
ribbon. Hang the token up above the
entryway with green cord. That husk should
bring riches into your home or
business by the bushel.

To Obtain Money
Items: Cauldron, silver coin and water
Time: Full Moon
Ritual: Fill your cauldron half full of water and
drop a silver coin into it. Position
the cauldron so that the light from the moon
shines into the water. Gently sweep
your hands just above the surface, symbolically
gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say...
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your
wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver
and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the
water upon the earth

Candle Money Spell

Items: 2 black or orange candles and annointing
Time: Sunday, Thursday or Friday
Ritual: Etch your name and the words money,
wealth, riches and any other words
of power along the sides of the candles. Oil the
candles and light them. Grasp
them firmly in your hands until you feel your
pulse throbbing beneath your fingers.
Project what you want, repeating:
"These candles bring me wealth and richess"
When done, extinguish with a snuffer. Relight
the candles every night until they
are completely burned down.

Seven Candle Money

Items: 7 green candles, 7 coins and gold jewels.
Time: New Moon
Ritual: Place the 7 candles in a circle, and while
you place a coin under each candle,
"Hear my verse Spirit of Fortune
Bring the power, and command to drive the
money to me!"
Close your eyes while candles are burning and
concentrate on your wish. Let them
extinguish completely.

fanarric Money Spell

Items: Handful of dirt, dried beans, sugar, silver
coin, bowl (preferable green)
Ritual: Place the dirt in the bowl with the coin
in the center of it. Put 9 dried
beans in a semi-circle around the coin. Sit back
and imagine a sphere of light. Ask
your guardian angel for help. State the goal of
the spell. Next, imagine you’re your
needs fulfilled, meditate a little and say 3 times:
"Womb of Earth
Fertile cradle
Bless me"
Put the bowl in a safe place after closing the
spell. Once money has come in, take
the bowl and scatter it with its content and
thank the Earth for her generosity.

Luck In Business Spell (Voodoo)

Items: 3 grains of salt - handkerchief
Ritual: Before going to an interview, place the
salt in the handkerchief in your
pocket. As soon as you can, throw the salt into
the North corner of the room.
Within 3 days, you will have the job

Attract Customers (Voodoo)

Items: Sugar - Sulphure - Controlling or
compelling Incense
Ritual: Get up early and burn a mixture of
sugar and sulphure and appropriate
incense. As the sun rises, look to the East and
pray for customers to be drawn to

To Stop Slander Or Gossip

Items: Cauldron - A piece of paper
Time: By night time
Ritual: Light a small fire in a cauldron or what
ever you have available to contain
the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3
inches x 3 inches, the word Rumours
and the rumours that are being spread about
you. Do not write the names of those
who are slandering you! You do not want to
harm them and suffer the
consequences with karma! Be thinking of these
lies going away never to return as
you draw an X with a dark marker across the
paper. Toss the paper into the fire
and repeat the following words 3 times:
"Rumours, slander standing stout,
with this X, I cross you out
I toss their words into the fire,
all these lies no longer hire
All bad things done and said,
leave my life, be gone be dead!
All the evil that they say,
make it all go away!
Rumours carry me no more,
be gone be dead, be no more!"
Sit and concentrate on all the bad gossip going
away for a few minutes, then
extinguish the fire.

To Make Bad Luck Go Away

Items: Cauldron, a piece of paper
Time: At night
Ritual: light a small fire in a cauldron or what
ever you have available to contain
the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3
inches x 3 inches, the words BAD
LUCK. Then write down any bad things you do
not like in your life right now. Then
draw a big X across the paper with a black
marker. While doing this you should be
thinking of how all these things are going to
disappear from your life, never to
return! Place the paper in the fire and repeat
the following words 3 times:
"Fire, fire burning bright
turn my darkness into light!
Take away my bad luck ill,
bring me nothing but goodwill.
Bad luck came and stayed to long,
be gone forever, be gone, be gone!
With this fire burning bright,
bring me good luck, bring me light!"
After repeating these words 3 times, sit for a few
minutes and concentrate on
the bad luck being gone and the good luck
coming your way! When you are done
extinguish the fire.

Speed Up Time
Draw a Pentacle on your left hand using a
blessed red pen. Visualize a sand clock
as you draw. Now put your left hand on your
forehead, or third eye, and say:
Sands of time show me thy way
Turn the nights into days
Rose petals so light and grace
Speed up time now, in this place.
The spell will last for 24 hours or until the
pentacle is erased, naturally or washed,
so don't try to get sweaty hands.
Slow Down Time
Do the same you did in the other one but with a
blue pen and in right hand, also do
the visualization but with the sands falling
slower, say:
Core go round
Power be bound
Interrupt the nature’s course,
Time slow down
Cast the spell said these words. The same rules
apply to this one
Spell To Bring Spirits
Sit in a circle and say the following:
west chant: obey these words of power
east chant: watchers of the threshold, watchers
at the gate
north chant: unbar the guarded door
south chant: obey this command of this servant
of power
Chant this three times. The spell will bring the
spirits of the world to you to serve
as a guide to you and your coven.
3 orange candles (change and attraction)
or red candles (energy and attraction)
Hand mirror or free-standing mirror
On a Friday during the Waxing Moon, Gather
the ingredients above and go to a place where
can be undisturbed for at least 15 minutes.
Light the three candles and place them in a
triangle shape upon your altar. Allow yourself
become calm and centered. When you feel ready,
place your hands over your hair and close your
eyes. Visualize the color of your hair fading and
fading, becoming white as the color drains from
it. Hold the color within your hands. Slowly
lower your hands above the candles and focus it
their flames. Allow the color to transform
within the flames, becoming your desired hair
color. Hold
your hands over the flames and soak up the
energy. Place your hands over your head again
allow the color to return to your hair, turning it
the color you desire. Say the following charm:
Fire warm and Fire red,
Charm the hair upon my head.
Fire dance and Fire shine,
From _____ to _____, this wish is mine.
As I will, it now shall be,
By Fire, Water, Wind, and Tree.
With this, open your eyes and look at your
reflection. If your hair has changed, it will last
only a
couple of minutes, or more, depending on how
much energy you put into the spell. If the spell

Blinding Spells:
Binding is a practical example of how a
normally harmful and strictly "hands off" form
of magic
can be an effective and perfectly harmless
magical procedure. If a friend wants to borrow
something, and you feel hesitant in letting the
object out of your hands, but you must, take the
object (if it's something small enough to move
around and hold) and a cord. Bind the object to
your body -- literally, physically tie the object to
yourself. Stand or sit a few minutes, visualizing
yourself receiving the object back from the
person you are loaning it to. Afterward, cut the
(do not untie the knot!) and loan the object out,
assured you'll once more have it in your
possession. If the object is too large, such as a
car, take a piece of cord, tie your hand or arm
to a
piece of it (such as the steering wheel, antenna,
and so on) and proceed as above. Put the cord
in a safe place until the object returns.
1. Gather the three of you together.
2. Call the quarter, or elements (whichever you
3. Give honor to the Goddess, Queen of Heaven
and Earth.
Now say the following:
We give honor and thanks to the Great Mother
Goddess, creatures of all life, sustainer of the
universe, protector of the innocent, originator of
all love.
Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth
Goddess of laughter and of mirth
Hear your daughters' voices three
and bind us with love and unity.
So Mote It Be.

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